Spring 2024 Magazine

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Anything Goes Magazine

Crossword Photo Gallery Recipes News... ONLY THE GOOD STUFF
Puzzle Photo Gallery A collection of photos taken by students and us at the AG Magazine Club AAPI Month: Country Profiles Recipe 1: Spring Pea and Asparagus Risotto Recipe 2: Fruit Tart 02 03 05 12 10 A classic Beyond the famous and well-known Perfect for a quick and easy meal Table of Contents Use your favorite fruits for a delicious treat. News! (Not a shameless plug) 14 Very informative. Must read. 1

SPRING EDITION crossword puzzle

baby plant emerging from the soil in spring
insect that flutters among flowers 4 showers bring May flowers 7 common flower seen in spring gardens 8 flowers are in full during spring 10 nature’s wiggly green muncher 11 the plant world’s version of confetti 13 spring begins with this celestial event 2 ”You can stand under my ” - Rihanna 5 Wear this to stay dry during spring shower 6 red-breasted bird 8 gentle wind 9 outdoor space where flowers and vegetables grow 12 polka-dotted insect 2

CELEBRATING AAPI MONTH: Asian Country Profiles

Here are some Asian countries you might not know much about!

Source: CultureGrams


Capital: Thimphu

Area: 14,824 square miles

Population: 876,181

Official language: Dzongkha

Government: Constitutional monarchy

Most common religion: Buddhism

National sport: Archery

National dish: Ema datshi - Chili and cheese

Fun fact: Bhutan is the only country in the world that bans tobacco and plastic bags


Capital: Vientiane

Area: 91,429 square miles

Population: 7,852,377

Official language: Lao

Government: Communist

Most common religion: Buddhism

National sport: Sepak takraw - Foot volleyball

National dish: Larb - Minced meat salad

Fun fact: Laotians are the second shortest people in the world on average



Capital: Ulaanbaatar

Area: 603,908 square miles

Population: 3,255,468

Official language: Mongolian

Government: Parliamentary republic

Most common religion: Tibetan Buddhism

National sport: Mongolian wrestling

National dish: Buuz - Tibetan-style dumplings

Fun fact: Mongolia has its own Olympics called the Naadam festival


Capital: Singapore

Area: 278 square miles

Population: 5,975,383

Official languages: English, Malay, Mandarin

Chinese, and Tamil

Government: Unitary parliamentary republic

Most common religion: Buddhism

National sport: Soccer

National dish: Hainanese chicken rice - poached chicken and seasoned rice

Fun fact: Chewing gum is banned in Singapore, except for those with a medical prescription.



Picture perfect: a gall

(Submit your photos to AG Mag!)


Something Green



Right - Meileen Trinh left - Calvin Yu right - Nancy Fu In Bloom Left - Calvin Yu Lower left - Naomi Wu
Lower right - Meileen Trinh
Upper right - Nancy Fu, Lower right - Sophie Li Upper and lower left - Naomi Wu Branching Out Upper - Meileen Trinh Lower left - Anonymous
Lower right - Sophie Li Take to the Skies

AGMagRecipePick#1: Spring Pea and Asparagus Risotto


Cookie and Kate


3 tablespoons olive oil, divided

1 cup chopped yellow onion (about 1 small yellow onion, chopped)

2 cloves garlic, pressed or minced

5 cups (40 ounces) vegetable broth, divided (if your broth comes in 32-ounce containers, feel free to avoid opening another container by substituting 1 cup water for 1 cup broth in step 3)

1 ½ cups brown arborio/short-grain brown rice

1 big bunch of fresh asparagus spears (about 1 pound)

1 ½ cups fresh English peas (about 8 ounces)

1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

½ cup dry white wine, optional

3 tablespoons unsalted butter, diced

1 teaspoon sea salt, more to taste

Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Pinch red pepper flakes, to taste

Zest and juice of ½ lemon, preferably organic (about ¼ teaspoon zest and 1 tablespoon juice)

Handful chopped fresh parsley, for garnish

Prep Time: 15 mins | Cook Time: 65 mins

Total Time: 1 hour 20 minutes

Yield: 4 to 6 servings

This recipe is designed for short grain brown rice, so any grain substitutions will affect baking time.


Makesureyourovenrackisinthemiddlepositionand placeanotherrackinthelowerthirdoftheoven Preheatovento375degrees.

Heat2tablespoonsoliveoilinamediumDutchoven overmediumheatuntilshimmering.Addonionanda pinchofsalt Cook,stirringoccasionally,untilsoftened andturningtranslucent,about5minutes Addthe mincedgarlicandcookuntilthegarlicisfragrant,1to2 minutes

Add4cupsbroth(or3cupsbrothand1cupwater), cover,andbringtoaboilovermedium-highheat Removefromheatandstirintherice.Coverthepotand bakefor55minutes

Meanwhile,preparetheasparagusbysnappingoffthe toughendsanddiscardingthem,thenslicingthespears diagonallyinto1½-inchlongpieces.Onalarge,rimmed bakingsheet,tosstheasparaguswith1tablespoonolive oilandasprinkleofsaltandpepper Setasidefornow

Oncetherisottohasbeenintheovenfor55minutes, transfertheasparagustothelowerrackoftheoven

Carefullyremovethepotfromtheovenandtakeoffthe lid Quicklydumpthepeasinside,coverthepotagain andreturnittotheovenforanother10minutes.(This willgivethepeastimetosteam).

Remove the pot from the oven, but leave the asparagus in for another 5 to 10 minutes, until tender and roasted to your liking. Remove the lid and pour in the remaining cup of broth, the Parmesan, wine, butter, salt, a generous amount of pepper, a pinch of red pepper flakes and the zest and juice of half your lemon.

Using a big spoon, stir vigorously for 2 to 3 minutes, until the rice is thick and creamy Stir in the roasted asparagus Season to taste with salt and pepper, divide into bowls and top with a generous sprinkling of chopped fresh parsley

This risotto keeps well in the refrigerator, covered, for a few days


AGMagRecipePick#2: Fruit Tart


Preppy Kitchen

Prep Time: 15 mins | Cook Time: 40 mins

Total Time: 55 minutes

Yield: 8 servings


3 1/3 cups all-purpose flour 450g

1/2 tsp salt 3g

16 tbsp butter unsalted, cut into cubes

6 egg yolks

1 2/3 cups powdered sugar 160g,

1 tsp vanilla extract 5mL

For the Pastry Cream:

2 cups whole milk 473mL

1/2 vanilla bean split lengthwise

6 egg yolks

2/3 cup sugar 135g

1/4 cup cornstarch 32g

1 tbsp cold unsalted butter 14g

For the Glaze:

1/2 cup apricot jam

1 tbsp water

1 tbsp brandy

For the Assembly:

3 cups assorted fruits


Common tart fruits: strawberries, peaches, blackberries, raspberries, kiwis, blueberries, grapes


Inamediumsaucepan,heatthemilkandvanilla beanbybringingittoaboilovermediumheat Immediatelyturnofftheheatthensetitasideto infusefor15minutes

1. Separatetheeggwhitesandyolksintoaseparate bowls.Don’tthrowoutthoseeggwhites,youcan usethemtomakemanytastythings!Puttheyolks intoalargerbowl

2 Pourin2/3cupsugarinwiththeeggyolksandwhisk themtogetheruntilit’salightandfluffymixture

3. Nowaddthecornstarchandmixvigorously.You don’twantanylumpsremaining!Youcanalsosiftit intothebowltohelppreventthoselumps


4. Whiskin1/4cupofthehotmilkmixtureuntilitis incorporatedthenmixtheremaininghotmilk mixturein Pourthemixturebackintothesaucepan andcookovermedium-highheat,whisking continuouslyuntilthickenedandslowlyboiling Now goaheadandremovefromtheheatandstirinthe butter.

Letitcoolslightlythenpouritintoabowl Cover withplasticwrap,lightlypressingtheplasticagainst thesurfacetopreventaskinfromforming.Chillitfor atleast2hoursoruntilreadytoserve 6

Addthecubedbutter,sugar,saltandvanillatoa standmixerfittedwithapaddleattachment Mixfor about2minutesoruntilit’shomogeneous. 1. Addyoureggyolksandmixuntilcombined 2 Addtheflourandmixforabout45secondsoruntil it’sashaggymixture. 3

Rolldoughoutbetweentwosheetsoflightlyfloured parchmentpaperandchillforanhourtoovernight 4 Peeloffthelayersofpaperandcutyourtart bottomsout Cutastripfortheside 5. Placethestripforthesideinyourtartring.6. Pressthesideintotheringandtrimtheexcess.7. Trimthetopsoit’sflushtothering 8 Bakeat320Fforabout12minutes.9.





Support us by watching our performance videos!

As longtime members of K-Pop and Dance Cover Club at Weston High School, we thought it would only be appropriate to highlight the club in our first issue.

K-Pop Dance Club is a relatively new club at our school, and we’ve made some changes to the club this year under the leadership of our 2023-24 club presidents, Nancy Fu and Jaiden Zhuang Besides more frequent performances at school, we’ve also created and curated our YouTube and Instagram accounts

In the past, we have performed at least twice a year at school assemblies and other town events. Next school year, we hope to secure even more performance opportunities for our club members.

If you have any song suggestions, feel free to let us know We’re not limited to K-Pop dances, although that’s our specialty

With that, we’d like to invite anyone who likes to dance or wants to learn to dance to the club! All levels are welcome!


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