Child Welfare and The Church- Prayer Room Posters

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Child Welfare & the Church

Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.

Isaiah 1:17


There is no doubt that God loves family. He created us to be His! We have been granted the joy of relating to Him as our Father, and to Christ’s followers as siblings. He has invited us to go into all the world sharing the good news we have discovered. We are called to be agents of reconciliation!

When relationships break down and crises take place in our communities, how can we as His family take action to support those in hard places? How do we take up the cause of the fatherless or look after the defenseless (Is. 1:17, Jms 1:27)? How do we journey with them and not just feel sorry for their

See those around you. Do you know someone who is fostering? Make them a meal to show your support and appreciation for all they are doing. Remember your friend who is struggling with their mental health and offer to watch their kids so they can have an afternoon out. Ask your teens if any of their friends are being fostered. See how you can become part of their network to ensure they don’t fall through the cracks when they age out of care.

Daily Closing Prayer

Prayer: Father, open the eyes of my heart. Let me see the children in a hard places in my community. Show me how I can be LOVE to them, a reflection of your very self. Let your JOY be my strength as I live and serve in my community.

Caring Well for Those in Hard Places

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Ask someone close to you to share their favourite early memory with a caregiver, and a sad memory. Listen with compassion and reflective listening and without trying to ‘resolve’ the emotions for them, just let them experience the emotions they feel, in your presence.

Prayer - Father, I desire to be seen, soothed, safe and secure with you, so that I live well as part of your family, offering competent compassion, felt-safety and hope to those who carry hurt. Open the eyes of my heart to see the pain that is carried by children and families in hard places and the limitless love you have for each of us. Comfort me where I am that I may also carry your presence and healing to others.

Trauma-Informed Care

Cor 1:3,4 Scripture Daily Closing Prayer Scan QR Code for Resources

both and thus unaccepted and even hated by both cultures. The religious leaders in the story could not be bothered to help one of their own people, but the hated neighbour stepped in to care for a man from Jerusalem. Actively loving our neighbour requires meeting them in their world and their brokenness, while acknowledging but not clinging to our own.

Think of someone you know who is indigenous to Canada. Ask them to tell you about something that is culturally important to them. Listen without judgment

Daily Closing Prayer

Father, open the eyes of my heart to see who is my neighbour and how to live together in a good way. Help me to see culture and ways of living in community as you do. Help me to acknowledge the hurt and distance chosen or experienced by my people in past and present generations and to choose connection today. Activate your ministry of reconciliation in and through me even as you reconcile all things to yourself.

Culture and Reconciliation

Luke 10:25-37 Scripture
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Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9 & 10

Do you know a child-serving social worker? Give him/her a call or send them a thank-you note to say you are praying for them. Why not drop by your local Family Services office with a card and a basket of (individually packaged) goodies to say thank-you? You may be the first person to ever extend that gratitude! Ask if there is anything on their wishlist to improve their facility then get your small group or church involved to make it happen (i.e. paint a visitation room, clean and organize the toys). Volunteer to be a driver, a mentor, or to serve at their next special event.

Daily Closing Prayer

Thank you for all those serving children and families in Canada. May your wisdom, strength, patience and peace be upon them. Bring them healing and hope that they may also bring the same to the children and families they serve. Gift them the ability to work with the Church in their community and to know that they are not alone.

Social Services and Child-serving Agencies

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Poverty Scan QR Code for Resources


John 17:20-23


In His prayer to His Father before sending His Church on Mission in the power and presence of His Spirit, Jesus exposed that unity of His Church was both the method and the message of the gospel. And when the Church postures as a learner, a community member, one who truly serves, we are able to welcome others into the same belonging we are experiencing.

Ask God and others how you might act in greater expression of unity in practical ways in the coming week and month.

Daily Closing Prayer

We praise you for the diversity you have created, we thank you for every tribe, nation and tongue and the day that we will all praise you fully together. We agree with you Jesus, in asking Father for our unity so that the world would know. Guide us in seeking your Kingdom and righteousness so that you can add to us all things, including the unity which you have already created through your death and resurrection.

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Church Unity & Healthy Collaboration


Eph. 1:23


That network is meant to expand and grow as we extend God’s love to those around us. We have the joy of leading others into the discovery of their true identity in Him!

Sadly, many cannot hear or understand the good news, not because they don’t want to but because they have so many things that preoccupy their lives, whether the busyness of distractions or the troubles they deal with (Mt. 13:18-23). As we press forward in loving our neighbours, we will see more people come into God’s family. As we sit with, listen to, and serve those in hard places, they will experience the love of God in ways they could not have done otherwise. They will experience healing and wholeness as they open their hearts to Him. Our hope is in the Lord, not our efforts. However, loving those in hard places takes action on our part. Good thing we are a functioning body with arms and legs and hearts that can take us where we need to go!

Consider the foster and adoptive families, or struggling biological families, within your congregation. Is there a way your church can better support them? How can you turn that support outward into your local community? Something like Stand Sunday is a great way to envision and encourage your church into caring for children and families in hard places. If there is a ministry network in your region, see how your church can partner together to effect change in your city by caring well for those around you. Connect with CareImpact to see how your Church or community can be further equipped and connected to care well for children and families in hard places. Everyone can do a little, together we can do a lot!

Daily Closing Prayer

May we (re)discover our identity as your Body, Family and Bride, and the joy and delight of joining with you in what you are already doing across the nation in caring for children and families in hard places. We get to do this with you!

The Church

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