21inc 2016 AGM: Notice

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THE 21 LEADERS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that the annual and special meeting (the "Meeting") of the members of The 21 Leaders for the 21 st Century (the "Company") will be held at ______________________________ Halifax, Nova Scotia on Saturday, the 11th day of June, 2016 at 10 a.m. (Atlantic Time) for the following purposes: 1. to ratify the appointment of Aimee Chow, Akram Al-Otumi, Danielle LeBlanc, Christine Bourgoin and Mike Fitzpatrick as directors of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the directors dated March 16, 2016; 2. to elect the directors of the Company for the forthcoming year; 3. to waive the requirement for an auditor of the Company for the forthcoming year; and 4. to approve the transition of the Company’s operations, assets and business into the Pond Despande Centre and, upon successful completion of this transition, and at the discretion of the directors, to dissolve the Company. Members unable to be present at the Meeting may appoint a proxy by completing the enclosed Form of Proxy and returning it to the Company not later than 48 hours (excluding holidays) prior to the Meeting. Completed proxies should be delivered to the Company by: 1. mail or courier to the attention of Duncan Harvie, 1300-1969 Upper Water Street, Purdy’s Wharf Tower II, PO Box 730, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2V1; or 2. by fax or email to the attention of Duncan Harvie at (902) 425-6350 or duncan.harvie@mcinnescooper.com DATED this 3rd day of June, 2016. By Order of the Board of Directors, __________________________________ LISA HRABLUK, Chair

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