2 minute read

Having Patience

by Qwinita Bell

2020! What a year this has been! It has brought out the best in some of us and unfortunately the worst in others. We must keep in mind that there is “nothing new under the sun so this year instead of reading about it we’re living it!” This year started as others; what we assumed would be “normal”. Falling into our post-holiday routine of figuring out how to pay for the “holiday season”, returning back to jobs and schools; what we referred to as “our daily routine”. Then, COVID-19 hits! A virus that completely changed “normal life” as we knew it. Ending the year with a presidential election that has been unprecedented!

We learned that COVID-19 is a deadly virus striking down individuals of all ages, immune-compromised and unable to afford adequate health care; those who the entitled feel, are the least among us. Uncertainty and death have become a regular part of our day. Churches, workplaces and schools have closed. Store shelves have been emptied due to

panic buying. Crime is on the rise. Politicians have abandoned their role to protect and serve the people, choosing instead to turn a blind eye and deaf ear while increasing their power and bank accounts. Reminds you of the Pharisees and Sadducees doesn’t it! There IS nothing NEW under the sun!

We are blessed with the assurance that God still remains in control and these current events did not take Him by surprise. He’s done what He’s always done; take care of you. “Our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever” Hebrews 13:8. His proven work of care and concern since creation still remains. He didn’t bring us this far to leave us; EVERYTHING IS in His hands. We know that “And they that know thy name will put their trust in

thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee”. (Psalm 9:10) Our patience and faith have been put to the test in new and different ways from those of the past. However, we who believe, must remain steadfast knowing that the God we trust is the One we can continue to depend on. When we are anchored in the promises of Jesus Christ for deliverance, guidance, strength, safety, peace, and preservation, we should not be shaken by the chaotic times of the day. We know the One who controls the storms and He assured us He would never leave us alone! We must remember that in Matthew 24, Jesus told us of the uncertainty of the times we are currently experiencing.

With patience, we look forward to His return knowing He brings justice and peace. From Genesis to Revelation, His Word teaches us that although these things must come to pass “joy cometh in the morning”; and as Paul said, “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life whereunto thou art also called and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses”. (I Timothy 6:12)

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