FUE V/s DHI: Let’s Spot the Differences

When you see dense and flowing hair in advertisements, it makes you feel insecure. But there are procedures that can help you with hair thinning and hair loss concerns.
FUE hair transplant is a popular method and it is preferred by many people. So, there is a traditional method of hair transplant called, ‘Follicular Unit Transplantation’ where you remove a strip of skin to collect the grafts. FUE, on the other hand, collects grafts directly from the scalp.
Hair transplant is an effective method of transplanting hair follicles to a specific region where you are experiencing hair thinning or hair loss. Before you try to find out the cost of hair transplant in Bangalore, it is important to know the differences between the two types of hair transplant procedures. In this article, we will highlight the differences between FUE and DHI. Which one is better for you? Let’s spot the differences and find out!
FUE Procedure: What makes it good?
Your hair is your prized possession. But there will be a time when you will experience hair thinning or hair loss.
When your hair starts thinning, you feel extremely conscious and upset. Everyone wants lush and dense hair.
Let’s just face it: thinning of hair makes you feel old and dull.

DHI Method – What makes it good? DHI surgery is newer as compared to FUE. The process is somewhat similar to the FUE method, but it is much superior too. FUE techniques do not leave a scar after the surgery and also gives a natural appearance.
It is important to choose FUE instead of FUT because the technique leaves no visible marks. You get natural results with FUE, and it is better than FUT. In the FUE hair transplant method, 1-4 hair follicles known as grafts are removed from the donor area and placed in storage. Once the extraction phase is over, the expert opens some channels on the affected region using micro blades. The channels are opened by the experts and then they implant the grafts in the recipient area. Patients who have undergone FUE surgery will notice the results in approximately two months after the procedure is done. However, you see noticeable results after six months and full results will appear in the next 12-17 months. There is a better method than this which is called DHI. Since you want to get the procedure done, it is important to know about both the methods.

FUE and DHI have got a similar methodology, but DHI is much more superior for many reasons. Firstly, the recovery time is less and also it causes less bleeding too. In some cases, you might not even experience any bleeding at all. You have to find the right clinic to get the DHI hair transplant surgery. It is indeed an effective method and you must choose your doctor wisely. Look for reviews and ratings online. And make sure you check the testimonials on the official website too.
The difference between the procedures is just this – hair follicles are removed with a special tool. It has a diameter of 1 mm or so. The next step is the following – The hair follicles get loaded in a Choi implanter pen. The procedure is done by implanting these directly to the recipient area. The DHI procedure is less painful and the creation of channels and implantation is done all at the same time. The Choi Implanter pen offers much more sensitivity to the surgeon while they implant the hair follicles. It also provides a much more comfortable control of the direction, depth, and angle of the new transplanted hair. Recovery time is 12 months or so and you will notice full results by this time. FUT causes scarring and the healing time is considerable, but DHI is way better when it comes to recovery time. Which is the best surgery method? FUE or DHI?

Besides this, it is crucial to ask questions that are relevant. Ask about the recovery time, the way they carry out the procedure, and the after-care tips. You would also want an efficient customer care team to respond to all your queries. A responsive customer care team will be able to answer everything. You might want to check the fee as well. Are there any hidden fees or is the cost transparent?
As a wise consumer, ask these relevant questions and then make a decision. After all, you want the best results!

Source Url:https://fitsdoor.com/fue-v-s-dhi-lets-spot-the-differences/