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“Brown Bag on Black Friday” is a program that was inspired by One Act of Kindness. Jordan Tipton, son of Bro. John Tipton, was out shopping with his Dad during the holiday season some 5 years ago when he saw a homeless man shivering in the cold. Jordan turned to his father and asked, “Dad could we buy him a hat and give him some food?” This story inspired the Tipton family giving and inspired the Brothers of Rho Mu Nu to adopt this effort as an official program 2019.

The Brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Rho Mu Nu Chapter, have been distributing bags to the homeless in Metro Detroit going on 3 years. This year the program expanded with additional partnerships to meet the need of those without a place to call home. Partnering with Covenant House of Michigan, Manna Community Meals, a soup kitchen in the city of Detroit that was started in 1976, the Wave mobile shower project, and St. Peters Episcopal Church.

Each year the chapter packs 100-150 Brown Bags to distribute to the homeless. The items that are included in the brown bag are a hat, gloves, scarf, pair of socks, hand warmer, PPE items, draw string bag, additional cloth masks, large garbage bag, a sandwich, snack and bottled water. As Basileus Bro. John Tipton put it ‘While others are out shopping on Friday the day after Thanksgiving, We are out giving back.’

To date the Brothers of Rho Mu Nu Chapter have distributed more than 500 bags to the homeless. Feel free to contribute and see the story at www.likemindsfoundation.com

Submitted By: Bro. Marquis Sagnia