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Literacy is ingrained in our beloved fraternity from SCHOLARSHIP being the second Cardinal Principle to Assault on Illiteracy being an internationally mandated program. On Wednesday, November 16, 2022, Alpha Kappa Kappa Chapter promoted literacy to Gary school children through the Real Men Read Initiative. Led by 24th Tenth District Representative, Dr. Vernon G. Smith, eight members thoroughly immersed in true Omega Spirit read children’s books at 21st Century Elementary School. “This was a great entre to service for our new initiates,” said 28th Tenth District Representative and Basileus, Rev. Dwight E. Pointer.

“Men are always enthused to become members of the greatest fraternity in the universe, but they don’t actually become Omega Men until they completely embrace our WATCHWORD.” Bro. Basileus was on hand to ensure our neophytes learned that lesson by dishing OWT a healthy dose of community service by reading a selection of children’s books to eight classes of first through fifth graders. Of course, it was Bro. Smith who suggested Alpha Kappa Kappa support Real Men Read, a nationwide program that brings positive male role models into schools to promote literacy and mentorship. “I’ve been a proponent of Real Men Read for many years and have personally witnessed the positive impact on young children, particularly Black boys who often lack positive male role models at home,” said Dr. Smith. “I can’t think of a better way to marry our Cardinal Principle with the Fraternity’s Assault on Illiteracy than to have professional Black men, especially Omega Men, going into classrooms and reading to our children.” Well said, Bro. Smith and well done Alpha Kappa Kappa! FIETTS!