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On March 11, 2023, the Men of Omega joined together to pay homage to those Brothers who had entered Omega chapter over the past year. Zeta Phi Chapter lead the charge with Bro, Basileus Dr. Gabriel Tate orchestrated the logistics of gathering the four chapters present. Hosted at St. Mark Baptist Church, Pastor Joy Thornton, the Brothers of Zeta Phi, Phi Mu Nu, Nu Mu Nu, and Upsilon Kappa Kappa particapated in the ritualistic ceremony. We were graces by the voice of Bro. Dr. Scott and led with the Scripture by Bro. Willie Gupton. We also recieved a mighty word that led us to His grace and rededicating ourselves to our core beliefs.

Omega Day At The Capital

On March 21, 2023, the Men of Omega of Indiana took to the Capitol Building to address key issues facing the Black community. Facilitated by State Representative and 24th Tenth District Representative Br. Vernon Smith, assisted by Legal Advisor/Parliamentarian Managing Principal for Crossroads Public Affairs, LLC Attorney, Law Office of Bro. Tim J. Brown the day’s program provided strategy and information to take back to our various communities. We were visited by several representatives who addressed local, statewide, national, and international issues that our Black community faces on a daily basis. Thoughtful and directed conversations led to proposing an active agenda that focused on education of the youth and active particpation in the democratic process if we wish to alter the treatment of Black/African people in this country.