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The Tenth District Reclamation and Retetntion Committee, chaired by Bro. Darrell Comer, have activated the District Representative Bro. Sean Long’s vision of reaching 3,000 financial brothers in the district by using our age-old tradition, road-tripping. Through the implementation of a series of events, The Tenth District Reclamation & Retention Tour was created. This tour was created to serve many purposes. The main goal is to offer brothers who are not financial an opportuntiy to get financial. The secondary g was to offer the brotherhood to fellowship amongst friends. This connectivity aspect was in affect on two levels. Throughout the tour, multiple Tenth District committees and officers collaborated to ensure the brothers had the ability to fellowship, take a mental break, and engage in service at some level for every event.

The Tenth District Brother You’re on My Mind, chaired by Bro. Hill and Reclamation and Retetntion Committee collaborated with the Kappa Phi Chapter (Milwaukee, WI) for a Monday Night Football event. This event had over 50 brothers in attendance in which all participated in a mental health discussion.

The State of Indiana hosted the second stop on the Reclamation and Retention tour. Upsilon Kappa Kappa Chapter and the Uplift Foundation partnered to host the annual Statewide Marchdown. The three active undergraduate chapters participated in an highly competitive event. ZE took home the trophy.

The Brothers of Rho Gamma Gamma, Chicago, IL, hosted the third and last stop of the Reclamation and Retention Tour. The Super Bowl Fellowship was fully supported by the sororities of the Divine 9 and multiple local chapters. Fans of both the Eagles and Chiefs overwhelmingly supported of fraternity brother, Bro. Jalen Hurt.