Reason To Include Classified Ads In Your Marketing Plan

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Reason To Include Classified Ads In Your Marketing Plan Are you looking for ways to increase traffic to your website or blog? Are you searching for a cost-effective approach to boost exposure and overall digital marketing campaign? You are in the right place. Here, you will understand what classified ads are and explore their importance. Discover how to incorporate them into your digital campaign for increased traction. Just as the name suggests, classified ads are short, succinct advertisements carried in nichespecific websites and blogs. These help you market and advertise your products and services without spending too much. As you are about to learn, these are not alternatives to your other online marketing strategies, but serve to boost, augment and complement them. 1. Let Audiences Know Your Business When online visitors click on your classified ads, they are directed to your products or services. Here, they not only know the existence of your business, but also its benefits. Classified ads are a great opportunity to announce your physical location as well as online presence. Ads should therefore come with buttons for website and social media redirecting. Note that people are always looking for outstanding things. Therefore, let them see photos or graphics of your products. In a straightforward voice, tell them why they should buy from you. Are your products better priced, more durable or genuine? Do whatever you can to convince them to buy from your store and not from compared to your competitors. 2. Know Your Prospective Audiences Just like in website and social media marketing, you can easily tell who is browsing your classifieds. Use intuitive online tools such as Google Analytics to know the demographics of your classifieds visitors. You can generate a database of ads visitors and market to them directly, because they have already shown interest. Collect their email addresses and contacts and then tailor messages for each person based on the demographics collected. Ads in traditional magazines do not tell you who is reading them, if at all they have any audience. This is one of the advantages that set online marketing apart from traditional marketing. 3. Classifieds Are Free, Easy to Make and Use Numerous websites allow you to post free classifieds. Some have no limitation on the number of classifieds you upload on a typical day. As you take advantage of these, know the websites with most traction among your audiences. It pays to select those that are both PC and mobile-friendly as most people these days are browsing the Internet from mobile devices.

You only need a couple of sentences, a photo and a description of services to post free classifieds. Ensure that the description uses keywords and key phrases that you expect your audiences to use. Strive for geographical SEO just as you would create content for your website. Try to be original, relevant and outstanding to beat competition. 4. Classifieds Can Reach More Audiences E-commerce websites are perhaps the biggest beneficiaries of free classified ads. If you need people to buy directly from your website, simply link the classified ads to your website. Make the procedure as easy as possible. People dislike an experience where they have to make numerous clicks or answer numerous questions. Post classifieds that are geographically relevant especially if you are targeting local audiences. Do you want to sell laptops to university students in New York for example? Ensure that you capture the name ‘New York’ and other local neighborhoods. If you are looking for international customers, classified ads on sites such as OLX and know no international boundaries. 5. Classifieds Increase Traffic to Your Sites That people can stumble upon classifieds while browsing other sites is a fact. They may just come across ads for products that they may need. They will try to gauge the authenticity of these products. If you have a link to your website generously included in classifieds, you actually redirect visitors to your website. When they land on your web pages, they may choose to ordermore products that were not actually included in the ad. To make the most use of these, encourage users to share with their friends and followers on social media. Conclusion Ensure you have backlinks not only for product classified ads but also for ads that discuss exhibitions, meetings, expos and trade fairs. Describe your products and business in specific detail so that they are easily picked up by search engines and displayed to all prospective customers online. Source:

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