Increase Business Profits

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==== ==== Here are your business tips to help increase your profits. ==== ====

As I continue to ramp up in 2010 (yes, I am a bit of a slow starter this year), I have found yet another great tool that will save you time and won't cost you a cent!!! If you are managing a number of blogs, sites and Facebook pages like I am, one of the hardest things to keep up with, especially if you are on the road a lot, is getting posts out on a timely basis. Well, I have been testing several different applications to resolve this problem and "by George", "I think I've got it"!! On Facebook there are several RSS feeders and apps that are great for pulling from Facebook but who wants to use 12 different apps to stay in contact with all their people.....not I and hopefully not you either! I personally recommend the RSS Graffetti over all the others because it will pull from as many RSS feeds as you program it to and post them to all or none of your pages and profiles. The setup is super easy and doesn't require any particular technical knowledge. Before you start using this application, I strongly encourage that you activate "selective tweets" application for each of your fan pages if you have not already because then not only will you be posting your blog entries to your Facebook people but it will also be broadcast to your followers on twitter!!! Note: This is one of the few times that you will hear me rave about using automation to do business. As many of you know I am not much of a fan of business automation when it comes to interact with people but this is one exception because you are still doing the number one thing....PROVIDING VALUE! So let's get started. Step 1: From your main profile on Facebook, you are going to want to launch the RSS Graffetti application and be sure to authorize it through all the steps for each profile & fan page that you would like to use the app on. Don't worry, you will be able to isolate which feeds go to which page in the next step but all of them will need authorization. Step 2: You should now see RSS Graffetti in your application listings in the lower left-hand corner of your screen and when you click on it, you will be brought to the edit screen. On the left of the edit screen, you should see a list of all the profiles and associated fan pages. If the little circle next to it is not green, then the app has not been activated for that profile so you will want to click on that profile and go through the activations steps. It only takes a couple seconds

and then come back to this screen. Step 3: To setup the feeds, you will want to set them up by individual profile. So just click on the fan page, group or profile that you want to work with: 1. Click "add feed" 2. Paste the feed from the blog you want to post from (whether it is yours or someone's blog that you enjoy and value) 3. Click the "preview" link and you should see the latest post show up in the box. 4. Very important that you fill-in the "Source" box, this not only lets you keep track of where each post is pulling from but also gives you an advertising plug! 5. Click "save" and you are up and running!!!! 6. Repeat the same action for as many feeds and profiles as you think is appropriate for your readers! Now every time a new post is made on any of the feeds, it will be posted to Facebook and Twitter and you won't have to give it a second thought except for maybe making it part of your weekly site maintenance just to make sure all the feeds are working correctly!

Laura Kennedy invites you to network with her and together work thru any business roadblocks or getting past the information overload phase of your business. For more quick to implement business tips visit Laura at Laura routinely writes about new techniques and products that come out to help drive traffic and run virtual businesses, so stop by her blog routinely at

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==== ==== Here are your business tips to help increase your profits. ==== ====

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