Zoomoozophone Review - Issue 9 / April 2016

Page 75

The end is never actually the end. He is just a shortened form of her. I use the word I too often I think. Shakes uncontrollably when anxious. I use the word I too often I think. Superpower: bad at arm wrestling. Never say never say never. Once upon a time time didn’t exist. The end is never actually the end. And then we wondered what came before. Like an amnesiac historian. I use the word I too often I think. Fantasy is just as real as reality. Everything is a life saving device. Superpower: shakes uncontrollably when anxious. Anagram is an anagram of anagram. V is one of my favourite letters. I use the word I too often I think. Never say never say never say never. Genitals have nothing to do with gender. Don’t tell people what to do. Excitement is exciting. Volume does not always affect value. I use the word I too often I think. Certainty is the most terrifying thing in the world. Everything is fantastic.

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