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Urban design

Time: 2022.Sept.-2023.May.

Tutor: Matt Quayle/Gonzalo Garcia


Site area:358977 ㎡

Type: Individual work Academic design studio

Loc : Lancaster, UK

City hub

Lancaster is a historic city in the UK with many historical sites that attract visitors to the territory every year. Tourism development is both an opportunity and a challenge for the city. How to maximise the use of tourism resources while balancing the activities of local residents and visitors is the main aim of this design. The design site is located in the centre of Lancaster, on the banks of the River Lune, and seeks to create a common area for visitors and residents within the site using mixed use blocks and buildings, while reconnecting the river with the city.


Important listed buildings on the site will be retained in their original function as attractions, general listed buildings will be retained their building exterior but convert their function as required by the design, and the remaining non-listed buildings will be demolished to make way for new proposals

There are many positive original elements within the site that could be further developed to facilitate site activation, but the central part is overcrowded and the area that should be the link between the river and the city becomes a barrier that separates the river from the city and needs to be improved in the new proposal.

Background Location User group Historical Heritages Transportation Landscape and ecology Economic development Condition of exsited buildings Opportunities and constraints


Movement Framework

The basic framework of the masterplan is formed based on the urban catalyst theory, the original catalyst points are selected from the preserved buildings and traffic nodes, then new catalyst points are added according to the zoning characteristics, and then the linkages between the catalysts. Finally, add more linear catalysts

Based on the theoretical master planning framework, the original site road network and blocks were adjusted around the catalytic points and connection axis. To increase the use of public transport on the site, reduce the number of car parks, and plan bus routes with stops along the way, as well as setting up self-service bicycle rental points

The buildings are arranged in accordance with the function of the planned site and the surrounding building form, and at important nodes the buildings are enclosed to form squares or public open spaces. The design of the building is based on a mixed function model, combining commercial and residential/work functions in a vertical direction.

Based on the previous analysis, a landscaped green axis is introduced in the middle of the site. Linking the two key green spaces in the Local Policy Plan, adding secondary and tertiary green links based on the neighbourhood pattern. Also use landscape settings to create a system of SuDs to deal with flood risk.

Design Development
Green and blue infrastructure
Masterplan 1 Lancaster Castle 2 Historical Park 3 Memorial Park 4 Memorial Museum 5 Low-paced Leisure District 6 Creative Folklore Block 7 Bus Station 8 Cultural Core 9 Art Market 10 Artist Community 11 Museum/Theatre 12 St. John Church 13 Wetland 14 Sport Hall 15 Sport Park 16 Skatepark 17 Community Centre 18 Mixed Use Business District 19 Mixed Use Apartment 20 Car Park Building 1 2 4 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 8 7 9 9 10 11 11 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 12 12 04
Sections SECTION A-A'
Sustainable Model 06

Urban design

Time: 2021.Apr.-2021.Jun.

Tutor: Tianming Sun

E-mail: suntianming@cqu.edu.cn

Site area:162161 ㎡

Loc : Shapingba, Chongqing, P.R.China

Type: Group work

Academic design studio

Role: Leader of team Collaborators: Xiangyuan Wang

Yuying Du

Contribution: concept/strategy/ site research/ architecture form design/layout

Nowadays, as the city developes very quickly, the natural landscape space is compressed severely, the fast-paced urban space is separated from the slow-paced natural landscape space. Gradually, the traditional feelings of landscape of ancient Chinese have already disapeared. However, with the improvement of people's material living standard, more and more people begin to pursue the quality of spiritual life again. Therefore, it is necessary to find the lost landscape feelings back in the city. Chongqing is a perfect city to practice this idea because of its deep foundation of mountain and river. So, I choose a site near the Jialing River with abundant vegetation landscape, and try to extend these resources into city up the hill. In this way, in this area, people could experience modern city life and relaxing natural life at the same time.

Modern scenic city



Hydrogeological analysis - Brilliant landscape pattern and deep hydrogeology foundation.

Chongqing is a city which water resources are abundant and with a lot of hills around.

Site analysis - Surrounded by high density residential area and convenient traffic.

Most of the plots around the site are residential areas and schools.

Car and railway transportations are convenient around the site.

Urban culture landscape context - Special architecture forms and complex footpath system.

between different elements.

Chongqing has rich history and culture. Its urban and architecture forms are unique, as well as footpath system.

Jiangbeizui CBD

Locations of landscape are concentrated, and the relationship between scene and buildings is not very closed.

Jiefangbei Shopping Area

The density of buildings here is too excessive, and it lack of nice natural envionment for consumers.

Ciqikou Folk street

The architectural morphology is in obvious contrast with surrounding buildings, and the boundary is too clear, which means lack of integration.

Shapingba Site

It has a brilliant landscape and location foundation but lack of comprehensive planning. It also has a weak connection between different elevations.

Overall site control

The site is subdivided according to the contour line and roads, and then the specific functional zoning is located according to the location of the plot. Finally, a series block of landscape green belt is used to extend from the river side.

It is a common problem that in a certain area, land is divided into different parts for different functions, but they do not mix well, and lack of balance, which will reduce the quality of life experience of people.

Urban texture form - Lack of integration and balance
Satellite imagery Traffic and landscape Architecture and
The building density is large and the volumes are small around the site.

Concept - Find back lost feelings of landscape of ancient Chinese. Strategy - Combine architecture, functions, traffic and landscape together according to the topography

Feelings of landscape

Ancient Chinese people love mountains and rivers a lot, they always built their house along side the river down the mountain. There were also a large number of paintings about mountains and river in ancient China.

Scenic city

Chongqing is a city built on mountains and along the rivers. It interprets the ideal city of ancient Chinese people perfectly.

Riverbank landscape of Chongqing in the past

In the past time, the city of Chongqing was combinated well with the mountain and river around, which looks like a beautiful landscape painting in ancient China.

Riverbank landscape of Chongqing nowadays

Presently, there are too many high buildings in Chongqing, landscape space is squeezed by modern city severeky, the feeling of landscape of ancient Chinese people is vanishing.

Riverbank landscape of Chongqing in the future

In the future, city of Chongqing should combine mordern urban planning with natural landscape in order to get the lost feeling of landscape of ancient Chinese people back again.

Modern Chongqing has aleady lost traditional feelings of landscape of ancient Chinese people, and I hope to recall this feeling again through urban planning.

The transition from urban commercial office function to natural leisure function is formed in the site through the changes of architectural form, traffic and landscape by taking advantage of the relationship between topography and location.
Ground floor plan 10

Axonometrical drawing - The architecture is rooted in the natural landscape.

Architecture facade design- Integrate with nature through vertical greening or green roofs.

Office and shopping mix use

Streamlined metal curtain wall simulates water flow, vertical greening merges with nature, and stone curtain wall adds traditional texture to the podium.

Exhibition use

The facade is more solid to meet the functional needs of exhibition building, and incorporating the wood grid box as well to increase the facade richness.

Scientific research use

More regular stone and streamlined wooden curtain wall are consistent with the rigorous sense of the research institution and the style of the whole area.

Retail commercial use

Opening the ground floor space ensures the freedom of small commercial street streamline, and increasing skylight lighting of the inner street.

Folk experience use

Stacked and scattered boxes are embedded in the mountain in the form of stilted buildings, echoing the style of the old Chongqing city.


Section- Architecture height trend follows the site slope go down gradually.

Perspective I- Skyscraper combined with natural landscape. Perspective II- Pedestrian block combined with natural landscape. Perspective III- Architecture combined with mountain massif.

Activate local communiting by detached house shared with young

Time: 2021.Sept.-2021.Oct.

Tutor: Zhaoxin Yu


Site area:491 ㎡

Type: Individual work

Academic design studio

Loc : kichijoji, Tokyo, Japan

As the tempo of modern society speed up, more and more young people are under big pressure, especially in tokyo, the biggest city in Japan.In this city, work overtime is very normal. So, many young people would feel very tired during weekdays, as a result, when weekends come, they are more likely to stay at home and be alone to relax. However, in long term, they would lose interest to social with friends and become lonely. On the other side, because of limited salary, many single youngsters prefer to rent an apartment rather than buy a house. In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, maybe there could be a place provide apartment for young people as well as small commercial could involve tenement into business process in order to make more chances for them to communite with each others and any other people who come here. In addition, there would be a share space to connect living space and public space. As a result, residents live in this apartment can maximize their connection to the outside world while maintaining a sense of privacy.

Co-living home



Activity and needs analysis

Current condition of residents

Young crowd/Rent an apartment when they live by their own Great pressure and stay alone Vicious circle: bigger pressure and lonliness

Activities and format

Activities are concentrated near the railway and there is a lack of activity around the park

Site analysis

Kichijoji, Japan, across from the Inokashiira park

One of the most popluar residential district

Surrounded by a large amount of residences

Park & residence within walking distance

Street scale

Narrow/High buildings

Close to the main road Kichijoji-dori Avenue

Summary of issues

Narrow, closed , and compressed Street scale


For most office workers, they can only be at home in the evening of weekdays and almost all day during weekends. So, they are more likely to have time to communite with others during these time.


free up first floor for pedestrians main facade faces the park deficiency and excess transited share space connect seperate live units and shop flexible public spaces encourage social interactions

2 3 3 4 4
Barrier between city and landscape Squeeze, enclosed Surrounding buildings
Lack of communication between people
Form generation Operation mode
floor plan
of dwelling unit site condition divided into three parts following surrounding buildings free up walking space for pedestrians extrude to form share space rise step by step to gain more sunlight one storey unit loft unit 1 3 5 4 6 2 15
Floor plan ① Transition space ② Shared living room ③ Device space ④ Overhead of lobby ⑤ Step reading space ⑥ One storey residential unit ⑦ Loft residential unit ⑧ Corridor ⑨ Terrace open to public during weekends and holidays open to residents only 2F 3F Functions 16
Explosion diagram of space structure Perspective of terrace in 3rd floor Perspective of shared space in 2nd floor Perspective of lobby in 1st floor
1:20 1:20 1:20 Prespective of section 18

Game experience center design

Time: 2021.July-2021.Aug

Tutor: Liang Zhou

E-mail: zhouliang199001@outlook. com

Site area:4000 ㎡

Type: Individual work Academic design studio

Loc : Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R.China

How will people play computer games in the future? How will e-sport industry be like in the future? In my opinion, people will more likely to play game with the help of VR technology. In this way, people don't have to sit in front of the computer for a whole day in order to play game, they could walk around during they playing, and the disadvantage some people think electronic games can let teenagers lack of exercise could be solved. There might be a possibility that playing game change into a kind of helpful sport when people have spare time, people could choose some VR experience center to play the game they like, they could have fun, meet new friends, try to work as a whole team and do sport at the same time. So, games will not only be games, they will beacome an intergral part of humanbeings' life, and people can train several skill through it. It‘s absolutely a cheerful thing!

Tower in the earth


E-sports background of Chengdu

The E-sport foundation of Chengdu is good. So, this city needs to pay attention to this kind of industry and develope it, make it to be one of the important pillar industries of Chengdu.

Introduction of overwatch

Background of overwatch

Battle mode

Types of map

Rule of assault

Site Overview

The site is located next to Dacisi and taikooli, surrounded by commercial and residential area. This area is the busiest and most fashionable place of Chengdu

Maps of assault

Watchpoint:Gibraltar Rialto Route 66 Junker town Dorado

Assault is one type of the most important game map in overwatch. It has a very clear route of assault among the building and some essential elements. So, assault map is the most continuous and progressive one among all, and can combine better with the spiral upward stair of Chinese traditional tower.


In order to offer space for players to use tactics, this case need to create elevation difference and some blindages, and there should be more than one way to get the same palce.

Site analysis

This area needs new type of game center, convenient traffic can bring more customers here. The new case should not be very high and combine both tradition and fashion.

Conflict point

After analysis the game can see that narrow path, doorway and corner are three palces most likely for players to start the fight. So, the new case should also create these kinds of space.

Background 20

Concept generation

This case extracts several elements from traditional Chinese wood tower, and transform them into more modern type. In this way, the new case could represent the combination of traditon and fashion.
Axonometric decompsition Floor plan
9F Sunrise Dawn
1F 4F
2F 5F Dark Dark
3F 6F
Dawn 22
Dusk Dusk Dusk
Respawn point Corner Start point Narrow path Check point A Check point B Final point Vertical ladder Photo position Prespective of section Scenes 23
Elevation Scaling analysis
This case refers to the elevation scale of yingxian wood tower which use the most population square circle ratio in ancient Chinese buildings, and transforms and reuses it for several time.

High-rise building design

Time: 2021.Jan.-2021.Mar.

Tutor: Guanqi Zhu

E-mail: guancizhu66@gmail.com

Site area:39000 ㎡

Type: Individual work Academic design studio

Loc : Yuzhong, Chongqing, P.R.China

What will the high-rise building be like in the future? In my opinion, the residence should not only be a place for people to live in, it should also provide people with other functions, such as shops, school, work place and so on. In additions, it should also provide more public activity space for residents to communicate with their neighbors. In this way, life of people who live in there could be more convenient and more colorful, the relationship of neighborhood would be much closer. And as the environment of earth might be worse than nowadays, in order to solve this and make residents' life more comfortable, the residence should can auto adjust to the climate changes, which means in different time it might have different appearance. The way I can think about to realize this is to make the building rotating all the time. All above motivate me to design a high-rise building like this.

Vertical community


The site is located in Yuzhong district,one of the most prosperous areas in Chongqing, alongside the Jialing River.

Although the growth rate of population is decrease, there would still be more people in the near future.

There would be more people in urban area and less people in rural area in the near future.

There would be more extreme weather in the near future, which means people would be more uncomfortable.

The traffic would be more crowded, which means people have to spend more time on the road to work.

The area has a very high building density, which means the city space is crowdwd.

The area has several different types of transportation, and the road network is complex.

The area is just beside Jialing River, which means it has a good river view.

The temperature in this area changes a lot in a year, and especially hot in summer.

The area lacks sunlight all year around, especially in winter.

The area has low wind speed all year around, which is friendly to high-rise buildings.

The buildings would be higher in the near future because of limited land resource.

The buildings appearance would be more variety more freedom in the near future.

Concept live live social work traffic study

without roating

There would be more functions in one building in the near future as will as activities.

Cities would more likely to grow in vertical rather than horizontal direction.

both rotate both rotate Now Now Now Now Future Future Future Future

Form shopping shopping sight sight sight sight river river river river Live Party Shopping Social Vertical community

In order to let each side of this building to gain equal sunlight, this case plans to make the building rotate according to certain rules.

In order to let each side of this building to gain equal sight of river view, this case plans to make the building rotate according to certain rules.

Live Relax Social Party Sport Shopping

Live Social Shoppong Transport Vertical community Vertical community

Study Vertical campus Social Shopping Sport Playing

Work Relax Shopping Social 26

Site Overview 01 Texture of nearby buildings 01 Population growth 05 Change of building height 06 Change of architecture style 07 Change of functions 08 Change of urban morphology 02 Population ubanisation 03 Climate change 04 Vehicle growth 04 Annual average temperature 05 Annual average sunshine hours 06 Annual average wind speed 02 Traffic network 03 Sight line of view More equal sunlight Normal residence Senior residence Temporary residence School Work More equal sight of view
without roating Problem Site analysis
whole rotate whole rotate generation
parts rotate parts rotate generation

Most people live in senior residence are family or big family. As senior members of the society,they are more likely to have flexible work time, so they could be home any time.

Most people live in normal residence type A are couples or single. As normal members of the society, most of them have to go to work on time, so they wouldn't be home most of the day time.

Most people live in normal residence type b are couples or family. Some of them would have kids at home, so they are more likely to sleep and get up earlier than people who live in type A.

Most people live in normal residence type C are family or big family. Some of them would have the aged at home, which means they would spend more day time at home than people who live in type B.

Most people live in temporary residence are couples or single. They come to this building just for a short time. Their activity timeline is similar to people who live in type A.

Schools of most ages would open from about 7am to about 10pm, so there would be active during day time, but quiet at night. There would be a lunch break time around 12am, some students may leave.

Work time for most company is from around 7am to 12pm,so there would be active during day time, but less active at night. There would be a lunch break time around 12am, some staff may go home.

In order to adapt to the activities of residents live in senior residence and the sunlight of each day, this part of building would start shifting at 8am and reducting at 8pm.

It would take three days for this part to complete its big cycle. At the first day, most of the apartments of type A would on the periphery of this part when their activity level is high

At the second day, most of the apartments of type B would on the periphery of this part when their activity level is high.

At the third day, most of the apartments of type B would on the periphery of this part when their activity level is high.

In order to adapt to the activities of residents live in temporary residence and the sunlight of each day, this part of building would start shifting at 8am and reducting at 8pm.

In order to adapt to the activities of students and the sunlight of each day, this part of building would start shifting at 10am and reducting at 10pm.

In order to adapt to the activities of staff and the sunlight of each day, this part of building would start shifting at 1pm and reducting at 1am.

Activity analysis of residents Rotate analysis of each part Senior residence Noramal residence Noramal residence Noraml residence Temporary residence Temporary residence School School Work Work
Senior residence Normal residence type A Normal residence type B Normal residence type C family/big family couple/single couple/family family/big family couple/single students staff 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 22:00 22:00 22:00 22:00 22:00 22:00 22:00 23:00 23:00 23:00 23:00 23:00 23:00 23:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 3:00 3:00 3:00 3:00 3:00 3:00 3:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 15:00 15:00 15:00 15:00 15:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 27

Big group rotates Small group rotate Both rotate

When this building doesn't rotate, internal apartments and north bound apartments would lack of sunlight all year around.

Rotate analysis of whole

When this building rotates one third of a turn, the problem of lack of sunshine in the internal apartments and north bound apartments would be eased, especially when both of them rotate.

When this building rotates two third of a turn, the problem of lack of sunshine in the internal apartments and north bound apartments would be greatly eased, especially when both of them rotate.

When this building rotates a turn, the problem of lack of sunshine in the internal apartments and north bound apartments would be almost solved, especially when both of them rotate. All people could gain similar sunlight in a year.

The main part of this building is normal residence, and in order to adust to the temperature and sunlight of Chongqing and the twenty-four solar terms in China, this building would shift from 23 September(the autumnal equinox) to 21 March(the spring equinox) in order to gain more sunlight and heat in cold and humid winter, and reduct from 21 March(the spring equinox) to 23 September(the autumnal equinox) in order to face the extremely hot summer. In this way could improve human comfort level in this building.

Without rotating Rotate one third of a turn Rotate two third of a turn Rotate a turn
hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours
23 September 21 December 21 March 22 June 7 October 5 January 5 April 7 July 22 October 20 January 21 April 23 July 6 November 4 February 6 May 7 August 21 November 19 February 22 May 22 August 6 December 6 March 6 June 7 September Sunlight analysis of whole 28
No matter big group, small group or both rotate, it is very clear that the more they rotate, the more even sunlight each part would gain. This can solve the problem of traditional buildings lack of sunshine in the internal apartments, and ensuring the equality of residents.
plan Prespective of section Senior residence Hall of senior residence Hall of temporary residence Different type of classrooms Even floor of work space Transition floor Public floors of normal residence Senior residence Normal residence Normal residence Temporary residence Temporary residence School School Work Work Car park Car park 29
Section 30
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