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What if we could benefit from the properties of funghi through the skin?

Ziortza Aurrekoetxea
Content Introduction 4 1. 2. Characteristics of the research 7 3. Medicinal funghi 10 4. Self - cultivation 16 5. New Materials 25 6. Testing on the skin 35 7. Conclusion 41 8. Bibliographic references 45 3

Introduction 1

This book is a condensed sample of the first explorations carried out in the creation of new materials combining mycology, health and design.

Throughout the book you can see different lines of research in order to achieve the final purpose.

Get a perspective in which concepts such as innovation, biodegradable materials, zero waste, the circular economy, regeneration, recycling, consumer habits, modular fashion... are the basis of my decisions and actions.

Onddoak + means funghi in basque and the (plus) hints at the fact that funghi is much more than a material, they offer balance and health to the ecosystem and well-being.

The creation of this type of materials with a positive impact is essential and increasingly needed.

It is a speculative study in constant evolution in which I have been able to develop different biomaterials with their characteristics and properties through the extracts of medicinal mushrooms.

The plan is to create a topical transdermal tishu that transmits the medicinal properties of funghi.

The innovative approach of this project integrates natural resources, new materials, health and design.


This project has an important personal component because it reflects a family tradition. When I was a girl, my family would take me hunting for funghi and it became a nice tradition of being out in nature together. I feel very connected to nature, it is a great inspiration for me and this project.



Characteristics of the research

Duration: 3 months (January-March)

Resources: BDC infrastructure, academic background, polymers, mycelium, funghi

Tools: Laser cutter, drying oven, Petri dishes, incubator, autoclave


Alginate (β-D-mannuronic (M) and α-L-guluronic (G) acids)

CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose) or carmellose

Agar (polymer of galactose subunits, heterogeneous mixture of agaropectin and agarose.

Glycerin (polyalcohol of a carbon chain of three carbon atoms and three hydroxyl groups)

Funghi: Pleurotus Ostreatus, Lentinula Edodes, Lactarius Deliciosus, Coprinus Comatus

Goal: Create a transdermal biomaterial that contains the properties of funghi and we can benefit from their medicinal effects through contact with the skin.

Applications: textile design, transdermal patches, accessories...

Transdermal Biomaterial

Medicinal funghi Design

Non-substitutive complementary therapy

Scientific Support Self-cultivation

Medicinal Funghi 3


kind of funghi

Main compounds

Aim areas


Growing Season




Lungs / Chest / Stomach / Liver



Promotes T4 cell growth


Inmune regulator

It is cultivated all year round, on wood and, in modern times, on synthetic blocks.

The wood of the Shii tree saprophytes. It is originally from the East.


Pleurotus Ostreatus

Kind of funghi

Main compounds

Aim areas


Growing Season




Liver / Heart

Anti-inflammatory Cholesterol reducers (Lovastatin)

Antihypertensives (beta-glucans)


Spring to Autumn. Floods old or cut log stumps, helping the wood to break down in the soil (ecological paper).

Saprophytic wood in deciduous forests (poplar, willow, beech), groves and coppices.


Lactarius Deliciosus

Kind of funghi

Main compounds

Aim areas




Kidney Effects

Antibiotic properties (Lactarioviolin) Indicator of renal activity (Carotenoid)


Growing Season


Summer and autumn

Associated with tree roots in coniferous or mixed forests, especially Insignis pine forests


Coprinus Comatus

Kind of funghi Basidiomycete

Main compounds

Aim areas


Growing Season



Liver / Lung

Regulates sd. metabolic (Vanadium)


Treatment of fungal and bacterial infections

Adjuvant cystic fibrosis and Enf. pulmonary degenerative

Summer and autumn

Open areas, meadows, ditches or roadsides, riverside trees. It is also cultivated. It usually comes out in large colonies.


Self-Cultivation 4

There are different phases in self-cultivation processes. In this case, the phases to take into account would be the following:

1º Step: Spore extraction

2º Step: Inoculation

3º Step: Primordia formation

4º Step: Fruitbody development

5º Step: Cropping cycle

During the development of the project, the first two phases have mainly been developed.

1º Step: Spore Extraction

Lactarious Deliciosus funghi Pleurotus Ostreatus funghi

Spore collection techniques vary, according to the shape, size, and type of the mushroom candidate. For gilled mushrooms, the cap can be severed from the stem, and laid, gills down, on top of clean typing paper, glass, or similar surface.

After 12 hours, most mushrooms will have released thousand of spores, sporeprint. They should be stored in a dark, cool location, low in humidity and free from temperature fluctuation.

Using fresh specimens, a more efficient method of spore collection is recommended. This method calls for the immersion of the mushroom in water to create a spore-mass slurry. Submerged them in a 5-gallon bucket of water.

2º Step: Inoculation

Spawn run spans the period of time when the mycelium is colonizing the substrate. The amount of spawn inoculated into the substrate can greatly affect the duration of colonization, and therefore, the time to fruiting.

In this phase, it is important to work in optimal hygiene and sterilization conditions.

Materials: Pressure cooker, nutrient agar, electric stive, petri dishes, camping gas + lighter, parafil tape, scalpel, gloves, lab coat, alcohol.


Sterilize the textiles, petri dishes and growing medium in the pressure cooker.

Sterilize working area with ethanol and the camping gas.

Tag your petri dishes and pour growing medium.

Inoculate the petri dishes with the different ingredients.

Pine leaves and pine bark previously pasteurized in hot water for one hour.


Wearing gloves and a lab coat si safer

Clean your hands after with ethanol and soap. No food or drinks around.

Pressure cooker Sterilizing petris Inoculating agar in the petri dish
Inoculating substrate in the petri

First inoculations: Lactarius Deliciosus



Agar + Lactarius Deliciosus Agar + Mycelium + Lactarius Deliciosus Pine bark + pine leaf + Lactarious Deliciosus Pine bark + Lactarius Deliciosus Pine leaf + Mycelium + Lactarius Pine leaf + Lactarius

In this table we can observe different substrates inoculated in petris taking the funghi, Lactarius Deliciosus, as the main ingredient.

Result Main Ingredient Substrate Temperature Humidity Day Lactarius Deliciosus Agar 24 ºC 50 % 1 Lactarius Deliciosus Agar + Mycelium 24 ºC 50 % 1 Lactarius Deliciosus Pine leaf + Pine bark 24 ºC 50 % 1 Lactarius Deliciosus Pine bark 24 ºC 50 % 1 Lactarius Deliciosus Pine leaf + Mycelium 24 ºC 50 % 1 Lactarius Deliciosus Pine leaf 24 ºC 50 % 1

Evolution: Day 5

Evolution: Day 15


I have not developed any more explorations beyond the inoculation phase. The images shown are the result obtained.

The optimal conditions for the inoculation to be carried out successfully would be the following:

Moisture: Substrate moisture should be between 60 and 75%. Moisture contents below 40% promote slow and wispy mycelial growth. The water content of straw at inoculation is nearly 75%, precipitously dropping after the first flush to the 60% range, and continuing to steadily decline through the remainder of the cropping cycle. Retard the loss of substrate moisture by maintining high humidity during spawn run.

Air Exchange: Mushroom mycelium is remarkable in its tolerance for carbon dioxide. Some Oyster mushrooms´growth rates peak at 20% carbon dioxide, or 200,000 ppm. The best levels vary with the strain, and whether one is working with pasteurized or sterilized substrates. To reduce carbon dioxide, fresh outside air is introduced. Consequently, several other phenomena occur: Evaporation is increased; humidity drops; temperature changes; and the number of contaminant particles entering the growing room rises as air exhanges are increased.

Temperature: Incubation temperature runs higher than the temperature for primordia formation. Internal temperatures should not exceed 95ºF (35ºC).

Lighting: Ligth is especially harmful when intensities exceed 10,000 lux. The mycelial mat only becomes photosensitive after it has coincident with full colonization, and after carbon dioxide evolution has steeply declined.


New Materials 5

Extraction medicinal properties

Tinctures use alcohol as a solvent to extract acidic and basic compounds from the funghi

A proportion will be established to indicate the concentration of the liquid


23 % Water

32 % Glycerine

45 % Alcohol

65gr dehydrated

Pleurotus funghi


Grind and Prep - Grind up whole mushrooms in blender/vitamix. .2500 ml distilled water was applied to accomplish this.

Water Decoction - Transfer blended mushroom / distilled water mixture into double boiler. 4 – 6 hours. Add Glycerine - Approx 4-6 hours into decoction, Strain off water / glycerine menstruum with cheesecloth.

ETOH Hot Infusion. Shake jars vigorously to make sure mark and ETOH is mixed thoroughly. Apply heat for minimum of 2 hours

Strain off ETOH menstruum. Set aside, ideally place into freezer or refrigerator.

Combine menstruums of water/glycerine and ETOH menstruum into one large pot.


After 12 hours of cooking, we get the tincture. It is a concentrated liquid extract that uses alcohol specifically as one of the solvents to dissolve the components desired properties found in the raw material. Tinctures are made from one mushroom or several. Depending on the properties we want to extract. In this case, this tincture is the result of Pleurotus and Shiitake funghi.

Benefits of extracts:

Greater bioavailability

Faster absorption rate stable quality easy to mix

Fastest way to get the benefits with full bioavailability

Pleurotus Ostreatus Post Tincture Lentinula Edodes Post tincture



25gr Alginate

50gr Glycerin

600 ml Pleurotus Ostreatus Tincture

Weigh the ingredients in the amounts you want. Put the alginate and glycerin in a blender and add the mushroom stain.

Mix until you get a thick and homogeneous paste. Add the rest of the stain and beat again until the lumps are removed.

Leave to dry in the oven until the material takes the right consistency.

Transparency xx Flexibility xx Elasticity xx Resistency xx Smell xxx Texture xxx Polymer Composition Tincture Ingredients Alginate β-D-mannuronic acids (M) α-L-guluronic acid (G) Pleurotus Ostreatus Glycerin Alcohol


Ingredients Recipe

Weigh the ingredients in the amounts you want. Put the CMC and add the mushroom stain in a blender.

Mix until you get a thick and homogeneous paste. Add the rest of the stain and beat again until the lumps are removed.

* Leave to dry in the oven until the material takes the right consistency.

Polymer Composition Tincture Ingredients CMC carboxymethylcellulose Carmelous Pleurotus Ostreatus Glycerine Alcohol Transparency xx Flexibility xxxx Elasticity xxx Resistency xx Smell xxx Texture xx
1gr CMC 300ml Pleurotus
Ostreatus tincture



5gr Agar

15gr Glycerin

250ml Lentinula Edodes tincture

Heat up the water

Stir in Glycerol


Pour in agar slowly when the water as heated up simmer on 80c for 20-30min

when the consistency has become more dense take it of the stove

Pour on sheets while hot

Let it dry

Transparency xx Flexibility xxx Elasticity x Resistency xx Smell x Texture xxx
Polymer Composition Tincture
Ingredients Agar Galactose Agaropectin agarose Lentinula Edodes


10ml Soap

15 gr Glycerin

48gr Gelatine

240ml Lentinula Edodes


Heat up the water

Stir in Glycerol

Pour in the gelatine slowly while slowly stirring

When the powder was dissolved leave to simmer for 10-30min do not let it reach hotter than 85ºC.

Mix in the soap

Pour on the sheets

Let it dry

Polymer Composition Tincture Ingredients Bio Foam Ethylene vinyl acetate Lentinula Edodes Glycerin Alcohol Transparency x Flexibity xx Elasticity x Resistency xxx Smell x Texture xxx



Polymer Composition




β-D-mannuronic acids (M)

α-L-guluronic acid (G)



Coprinus Comatus dye

Glycerin Alcohol

Ingredients Recipe

25% Alginate

15% Glycerin

60% Pleurotus

Ostreatus Tincture

Coprinus Comatus Dye (1 Funghi)

Weigh the ingredients in the amounts you want. Put the alginate and glycerin in a blender and add the mushroom stain.

Mix until you get a thick and homogeneous paste. Add the rest of the stain and beat again until the lumps are removed.

Mix the dye of the Corpinus comatus and beat until it is homogeneous.

Leave to dry in the oven until the material takes the right consistency.


Some photos of the process of making biomaterials

Tincture Process Ingredients Alginate Drying oven CMC Biomaterial 2º day 33

Testing on the Skin 6

Once the biomaterials have been generated, I have developed different designs and see how they adapt to different parts of the body. Not all materials have behaved in the same way, so I will explain the most relevant ones below.

Rhinoceros 3D (Vector Software)

Designs made to make different molds in which to apply the biomaterial or designs in which to apply the laser cut directly

We obtain different results from each technique

Material Type Material Thickness Speed MinPower MaxPower Methacrylate 5 mm 30 mm/s 60 % 65 %
Laser cut (Molds)

Laser cut (Biomaterial)

The table shows all the parameters in which the biomaterial can be laser cut. Ranked from highest to lowest speed.

Speed MinPower MaxPower 250 mm/s 48 % 50 % 200 mm/s 52 % 54 % 150 mm/s 28 % 30 % 150 mm/s 40 % 42 % 150 mm/s 33 % 35 % 100 mm/s 33 % 35 % 60 mm/s 42 % 44 % 20 mm/s 68 % 70 %

Below is a table of parameters in which the biomaterial is cut in the most optimal way.

Material Type Material Thickness Speed MinPower MaxPower Alginate 1-3 mm 100 mm/s 33 % 35 %

Conclusion 7

It has been a first exploration in which I have been able to rule out some paths and strengthen others. A very enriching process in which exploration, continuous research, self-improvement and the desire to advance have been essential.

It is a speculative study in constant evolution in which a part of what has been explored is shown. In this sample I have been able to develop different biomaterials with their characteristics and properties through the extracts of medicinal funghi.

The idea is to include other types of funghi in the exploration and see how they would work with a process similar to the one I have been able to develop up to now. See the differences between one and the other and adapt the recipes and conditions of the biomaterial to carry out the final desire of generating a transdermal biomaterial.

These are the next steps that I consider for the near future. Testing of biomaterials:

Does the biomaterial have the properties of funghi in the right proportion?

In case of having them, what would be the permanence in which the properties are maintained in the material?

What characteristics would the biomaterial have to have in order for it to act as a transdermal tissue?

Application research


I identify myself as a person who is restless and curious about the world around. Since I was little I have felt linked to nature and the environment and everything that happened in it, being that social and environmental sensitivity my source of inspiration. When I finished my nursing studies I started with various training in the field of design. During my career I have been constantly learning and searching for new realities. After this project in which I have been able to combine the healthcare world with the world of design, I have felt the satisfaction of discovering the maker world from a vision very similar to my values.

One of my greatest interests is to collaborate and promote the development of new perspectives to improve the health of both people and the ecosystem through biodesign and biomanufacturing.

This is the beginning of a new way of being in the world.


Bibliographic references 9


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0169409X01002393? via%3Dihub

https://revistas.ucv.es/nereis/index.php/Nereis/article/download/573/724? inline=1



https://www.plantasyhongos.es/herbarium/htm/Lactarius deliciosus.htm

https://hiranyagarba.com/hongo-coprinus/ ijms-22-00634-v2.pdf

https://agritech.tnau.ac.in/farm enterprises/Farm%20enterprises %20Mushroom Mother%20spawn.html

https://nios.ac.in/media/documents/vocational/mushroom production (revised) (618)/Lesson-02.pdf

https://www.dl.begellhouse.com/journals/708ae68d64b17c52,0d0f121956dd501b, 75274ee530fa00ba.html








https://www.cclm.cl/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Manual-1 Guia-MicotextilTextiles-de-Hongos-y-Equipo-Cientifico-de-Libre-Acceso-1 compressed.pdf

Growing gourment and medicinal mushroom. Paul Stamets. 1993.


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