Guo zihao week1

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STUDIO AIR 2016, SEMESTER 1, Brad Elias Zihao Guo 683552



PREVIOUS DIGITAL DESGIN EXPERIENCE I have done some digital design practise in the subject called Digital Design and Fabrication. In this subject, we were required to design a second skin for users to create personal space. This excersice gave us a chance to use data to generate the design outcome. In terms of personal space, the dimension of the space are measured and integrated to the design process. It is my first time for using such datadriven system to achieve design outcome. Even though Grasshopper has not been used during the digital design proecess, my partner and me still got a rough understanding of data-driven algorithm design process. More importantly, we start to explore the inreaction between digital design and fabrication.

My name is Zihao. I am currently in my third year of my bachelor of environment at the University of Melbourne, major in architecture. I was born and raised in Guangzhou whihc is one of the most beautiful and dynamic city in China. I am keen on traveling around the world and enjoy experiencing different urban space. i found architecture or buildings are the foundamental elements for the urban space. Such avocative and dynamic architectural design could make the city looks a way more different. That might be the reason why I decided to do architecture in the University. In my last two years of study in architecture, I done some design studios like Studio Water and Studio Earth which gave me chances to design by working with the site and some fuctional requirement. They also improve my desging skills and logical thinking. However, a subject called digital design and fabrication is the one that actually make me experience how digital method can be applied to the design processes. I feel it makes my life much different when i took this subject in my second year. It lets me know how design processes and fabricate processes can work in a circle. Digital design can evaluate the potential design outcome and decide which fabrication method we are going to use. Then, feedbacks can be generated from the fabrication process which can be re-applied to the design to otimise the original design. I am looking forward to getting more comprehensive understaniding of the algorithm designing and improving my computational designing skill in this semester with studying in Studio Air.





Content A.1. Design Future Asian Cairns by Vincent Callebaut

A.2. Design Computation A.3. Composition/Generation A.4. Conclusion A.5. Learning Outcomes


A.6. Appendix

In terms of design, most people think it is mostly about problem solving. Undoubtedly our world are facing huge challenges such as overpopulation, water shortage, and climate change. Designer are empowered to fix them(1). However, it seems to become clear that lots of challenges we face today are unfixable unless people change their values, belief, attitudes, and behaviour. It is also a fact that those challenges make our world keep changing in many


aspects including our society and natural environment. Then, there is a question, with the massive changing world, how designer and architect are going to facilitate the flows and changes to their design to make it fit in the future context. Future design is about how design can actually secure the future living(2). In the past, due to urgent need, people used to create fast developed living in such convenient and unsustainable way. The way they did ignored the relationship between creation and destruction. The design also brought destructive cost to the society and environment when it brought something into being. Therefore, the way of design need to be reshaped to secure a sustainable living by facilitating the flows and making connections between systems.




Asian Cairns by Vincent Callebaut

The Asian Cairns project is designed by Vincent Callebaut who is a Belgian ecological architect. He is keen on planning and designing ecologic projects for the future. The Asian Cairns project has develop a concept of integrating natural ecosystem into cities. The concept of ‘farmscrapers’ is made from piles of giant glass pebbles. With the expansion of urban, Vincent Callebaut is trying to reshape the current urban structure with the idea of ‘the more a city is dense, the less it consumes energy. That is such way of design that create things without bringing destruction which is very sustainable and secure human future. This is not a built project, but the architect intent to build a new type of urban habitat which is completely based on the rule of natural world. All energy sourced from the sun and wind. The project is made up of six towers. Some of them contain up to twenty glazed pebbles. The curve shape of the pebbles are created by a steel structure while solar panels and wind turbines would be installed on the outer surface.

The curve shape of the pebbles are created by a steel structure while solar panels and wind turbines would be installed on the outer surface. Some of them contain up to twenty glazed pebbles. The curve shape of the pebbles are created by a steel structure while solar panels and wind turbines would be installed on the outer surface. The factors attract me the most about the Asian Cairns project is how the project is dealing with the relation between creation and destruction. The self-sufficient community enable the sustainable and renewable living. Architect brings habitat into the urban space without destroying the quantity and quality existing vegetation and natural environment. Moreover, Vincent Callebaut is trying to find the bridge for connecting between two different systems including the urban system and the natural environment. The interaction of two systems has been applied to the design to fit in different context.

Bruham Pavilion by Zaha Hadid Architects Bruham Pavilion is a well-innovation in Milliennium Park in Chicago. Its bent-alumium structure created an unique curvilinear form. The fluid sghape that established by frabic skins on the metal frame created a secret and private space to attract people to walk inside.

I appreciate the design of this pavilion because the concept behind the fluid shape is the use of sectioning and profile. It creates beautiful geometries but never arbitrary. All the structural members under the fabric are designed through the digital process. Digital design programs are used to evaluate the aesthetic outcome but also the structural. Steel member are going two direction, crossing each other like a ‘grid’ to make sure the structure can hold itself. Therefore, waste and cost can be reduced during the fabrication process. Furthermore, the fabric is such sustainable and light weight material that requires less labour and cost.




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