Simsree Magma Feb 2013

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What do you call a consumer who wants to buy everything you have, doesn't care what it costs and is less than five feet tall? A marketer's dream? Nope. You call them kids. AdRelevance-Intelligence Report When was the last time you saw an ad for a consumer durable item without a kid. From cars to soups and Ac’s to books you find them everywhere, they are ubiquitous on the television. The most important question is why these marketing gurus target children apart from their own consumption categories. The answer is very simple and can be found out with a little introspection. The last time your parents bought an AC or a Car who decided the brand or the colour of the product: obviously you (more than 80% of the time). Marketers give special attention to children as they are more vulnerable and enjoy advertisements to the maximum. Today the world belongs to kids. They are the profit makers for Brands nowadays. Kidfluence is the mantra for the marketers to reap in more customers and revenues. The major force behind this influence is advertising. Advertising has changed the way Kids perceive ads and react to them. These days the Brands are not going behind moms to buy stuff instead they are using the pester power of the child to do business. With the entry of TV channels like Cartoon Network, Pogo, Hungama, Toonami the child targeted advertising industry has seen a big

boom. Moreover the Indian Society has undergone a phenomenal change with respect to its families: more disposable incomes, rise in number of single parents, delayed parenthood or less quality time spent with children due to work. With all these reasons in place a parent tries to give his child whatever he wants to compensate on the time or love that he is foregoing. For the marketers children are one of the most inquisitive and enthusiastic category. Brandchild is the strategy of targeting children who influence the buying behaviour of their parents. The phenomenon was highly appraised by the findings of Martin Lindstorm. He studied the buying behaviour of customers and came up with the finding that close to 80% of all brands purchased by parents are controlled by their children. These days parents do ask their kids for their opinion before buying a product, especially involving technology. Like which car to buy, their dad's mobile or even the cosmetics their mother uses. It has been observed that the older the kid gets the more likely he is to have his say. At the retail level, graphics play a huge role in adding desirability to the brand, in particular licensing agreements from the world of kids.


Marketers these days are using AIDAS: A: Attention I: Intention D: Desire A: Acquisition S: Satisfaction It is a model to target & generate more customers. Advertising first catch the attention of the children ,then create interest in the mind of children about the product seen through the advertisement, then develop a desire to have that product, then children acquire the product by buying it or forcing their parents to buy it & then get satisfied after using the product. Television Advertisements and Internet are the main source of creating awareness among children.

Children constitute three different markets: the primary, the influencer, and the future market. Certain products are simply children's products for which they are the primary users/buyers. They sometimes either purchase a product themselves or select the product before the parents purchase it. For other products, such as ones, which are used by the entire family unit, they may influence purchases made by the parents. There are some products where children wield direct influence by overtly specifying their preferences and voicing them aloud. Decision-making in households is seen to change with the mere presence of children.


A category killer is the dominant company/ brand in an industry or product/service category which holds a major portion of the sales in the category. The category killers have a high concentration ratio and may have a near –monopoly as they are the preferred choice for majority of the customers. It may have developed competitive advantage over a period of time or in a short period of time which other companies find it difficult to replicate the same. As a result, other companies in the same product category not only find it difficult to compete with the brand killers but also find it

The model developed by Frank Bass, describes the process of how new products and services move in the market or get adopted by consumers as an interaction between present customers (who have already adopted) and potential customers

more viable to exit the business altogether. Example : Apple iPad is termed as a category killer at times as other tablet makers are not able to compete at all and iPad is synonymous with the term Tablet PC.

(who will adopt). The basic assumptions behind the complete model is that the adopters of a product are influenced by two channelsa. Advertising b. Word of Mouth publicity by those who are or have already used the product. The probability of new adaptors using the products is given by the equation asP (t) =p + q/M (N (t)) where, M is the market potential, p is the coefficient of advertising affect, q is the coefficient of imitation, and N (t) is the cumulative number of existing users (adapters) of the product. It works on the theory that for any new product in the market up to certain level, advertising affects the new customers. After that, it is the buzz which plays the important role of enticing potential customers to start trying and adapting the product. 4

The Draftfcb and it’s agency Holiday card developed Virtual greeting. It tells you best holiday place is your home In this ,if you type

Hot wheels came up with “Don’t drink and Drive” key chain. Mattel trashed Hot Wheels cars to send out a very important message. The toy company teamed with Ogilvy & Mather Mumbai, as well as pub The Little Door and driver service Party Club Drivers on a stunt to remind late nighters to not drink and drive. When car owners handed their keys over to the valet before entering the pub, key chains with damaged Hot Wheels and the message "Even a Small Drink is Enough" were attached to each set, along with the phone number of the driver service. In the end, many of the partygoers got the message, calling the service or friends and

your address and hit the “shake” button it pulls up a Google image of your home with stimulated falling snow.

family for a ride home.


1. In 1993, Quaker paid $1.7 billion for the Snapple brand, outbidding Coca-Cola, among other interested parties. In 1997, Quaker sold Snapple to Triarc Beverages for $300 million, a price most observers found generous. The debacle cost both the chairman and president of Quaker their jobs and hastened the end of Quaker's independent existence (it's now a unit of PepsiCo).

2. Pond’s toothpaste launched by Colgate 3. The Connect is "Mumbai Dabbawallahs" . Motorola introduced the 6-Sigma management strategy. Mumbai dabbawallahs are 6-sigma certified. It was a case study in Havard University. A R Rahman had a theme song for them and they are known as Shivaji's descendants.

Q.1. Connect the two pictures with a brand strategy involved-

Q.2. Name the company and the marketing campaign involved in it-


Q.3. Name the type of marketing used-

Editorial Team: Dinesh Kore Tarang Nagar Vivek Wadhwa

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