Xma documentation

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EDITORIAL The establishment of the MediaArchitecture programme more than ten years ago breathed life into the idea of a research-oriented course of study across traditional disciplines and faculties, the results of which can now be presented in an impressive self-referential exhibit thanks to the efforts of the current cohort. Ten years seemed like a reasonable period for a critical relection and a chance to invite the public to share in that relection. Several generations of students have responded to the question of the signiicance of MediaArchitecture in a highly speciic way and in doing so have contributed to the enrichment of a basic canon of media relevance in architecture. Initial curiosity and high internal motivation culminate in a dive into a transdisciplinary thinking space, producing original student projects that demonstrate the interaction of digital tools for the design, production and perception of our built environment, a space increasingly permeated by media. Although displays today are edging their way more and more into a space between the physiological and sensory reception of spaces and situations and extending - at times even pushing aside - existing cognitive patterns of perception, the mediated experience of architectural space remains irreplaceable for its interactive use. Architecture as a medium of mastery of our world and as a framework for the action of our perception, at the same time conveys its inherent pattern of resonance, which it acknowledges as MediaArchitecture. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Des. Bernd Rudolf, Dean Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism PAGE 3

MEDIAARCHITECTURE MASTER STUDY PROGRAM M.SC. The study programme offers for the irst time ever a well-grounded master qualiication for contemporary media- and architecture-related vocations. Furthermore, it provides a place for experimentation, a laboratory for areas of joint research and new ields of work with forms of expression that transcend disciplinary boundaries. The core element is the studio, which provides an opportunity to develop exemplary responses to current unresolved issues through intensive ongoing supervision and experimental exploration. Studying MediaArchitecture lets you determine the degree of theoretical and practical workload in the course of your studies according to your individual requirements and needs. Coursework is conducted jointly in interdisciplinary project groups, giving you the chance to learn outside of disciplinary limits and train your ability to work within an interdisciplinary context. The course of study is open to new professions arising in the broad spectrum spanning architecture and new media. X. MEDIAARCHITECTURE. 10TH ANNIVERSAY BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITĂ„T WEIMAR

INTERNATIONAL MEDIAARCHITECTURE MASTER STUDIES (IMAMS) The integrated double degree master IMAMS programme was established in the fall of 2012/13 in cooperation with the State University of New York at Buffalo and offers a unique, international approach towards studies in the ield of MediaArchitecture. Throughout the course of studies, held jointly in Weimar and Buffalo, students are engaged in an interfaculty, research- and/or design-based learning experience.

INTERACTIONS AND INTERFACES FOR DIGITAL ENVIRONMENTS (IDE) Fall 2014/15 the integrated double degree IDE master programme started as a cooperation between the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and Tongji University, Shanghai (College of Design and Innovation). Focusing on new approaches within the framework of digital environments, the programme of study deals with contemporary ideas and challenges with interaction and interface design in environments. FROM LEFT TO RIGHT. STUDENT WORKS. DOPPELGÄNGER. LIGHTWALK. PERFORMING PROPRIOCEPTION. FERROFLOW.


10 YEARS INTERDISCIPLINARY, INTERNATIONAL AND INNOVATIVE Working through the lens of research and theory, the MediaArchitecture programme of study seeks to investigate the impacts of the increasingly overlapping ields of architecture and media. Conferences, research, and student projects are vital to the development of the master study programme: 2003 International Bauhaus Colloquium Weimar: “MediumArchitektur – Zur Krise der Vermittlung” hosted by Prof. Dr. Gerd Zimmermann 2005 Sabine Zierold, PhD , “Der mediale Raum der Architektur” Fall 2005 1st MediaArchitecture student cohort with seven students from three different countries starts at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. 2009 “Impuls Bauhaus ” master thesis by Jens Weber and Andreas Wolter presented at the summaery 2009 exhibition featuring the 90th anniversary of X. MEDIAARCHITECTURE. 10TH ANNIVERSAY BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITÄT WEIMAR

Bauhaus in an interactive installation. Spring 2012 1st IMAMS students go abroad to the State University of New York, University at Buffalo. Fall 2013 1st incoming IMAMS student to the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Spring 2014 “Doppelgänger” master thesis by Vincent Krause, Jan Poness and Nima Vakili presented during summaery2014 as an interdisciplinary project of IMAMS students of Weimar and Buffalo. 2015 10th anniversary: Currently 34 students from 25 different countries and 4 continents with backgrounds in media art & design, engineering, photography and interior architecture are enrolled. Fall 2015 two student works by David Heaton, Sandra Huezo and Abraham Ornelas Aispuro presented at CITY VISIONS JENA festival. TOP. INTERACTIVE TABLE “IMPULS BAUHAUS” IN WEIMAR. BOTTOM. LIGHT INSTALLATION “SONNENGARTEN” IN JENA.


MEDIAARCHITECTURE MEANS FOR ME... Prof. Dr. Bernhard Siegert, Director of The Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie (IKKM):

“... primarily the opportunity to think in terms of other media, apart from speaking and writing, which are the usual modes in my discipline. And the opportunity to process, relect on, and deconstruct the elementary cultural technique of distinguishing between the interior and the exterior materially and experimentally with students.” Prof. Dr. Jens Geelhaar, Professorship Interface Design, Faculty of Art and Design, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar:

“... What I like most about the MediaArchitecture programme is the opportunity to work together with colleagues and students from a multidisciplinary and multicultural background on current media and architecture issues — the major motivation to keep looking for new horizons in this programme. In MediaArchitecture we explore, investigate and research various topics from different perspectives and with different tools. This is what makes MediaX. MEDIAARCHITECTURE. 10TH ANNIVERSAY BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITÄT WEIMAR

Architecture one of the most interesting topics at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and at our partner institutions in Buffalo and Shanghai.” Prof. Mark Shepard, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Department of Media Study, University at Buffalo:

“... Computing has changed the way we think, feel, and operate in the modern world. This has profound implications for the way we conceive, perceive and interact within built environments. Moving beyond screen-based simulations and interactive media, media-architecture hybrids incorporate both the virtual and material dimensions of everyday life. As sites of practice for the media arts and architecture converge, new avenues for research and experimentation arise that require an expanded knowledge base. With a focus on providing a critical context for experimental practice, the program in MediaArchitecture provides the advanced skills necessary to engage contemporary conluences of the media arts and architecture.” FROM LEFT TO RIGHT. PROF. DR. JENS GEELHAAR. PROF. DR. BERNHARD SIEGERT. PROF. MARK SHEPARD. DETAIL SHOT.



THE EXHIBITION The aim is to showcase what MediaArchitecture is today, where it evolved from, and what it can become in the future. Students’ works, insights into the professional worlds of alumni, and information on the history, context, and core research areas form a diverse image of the ield of MediaArchitecture — in a physical exhibition shown during summaery 2015 and a virtual one accessible online. In the main building at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the exhibited works are organised by nine purpose-driven categories. The mediality of the space and the narrative of the guidance system tell the story of the programme and the evolution of the interdisciplinary projects. Building upon this framework, visitors can relect upon the works in the context of several parameters within which the works are clustered: local-global, temporarypermanent, and small-large. The system of tagging the exhibited works, creates a network within the nine categories and opens the way to more projects on the website: uni-weimar.de/xmediaarchitecture. FROM LEFT TO RIGHT. EXHIBITION ARCADES LEADING THE WAY. INFORMATION STELA. VISITORS HAVING A CLOSER LOOK.


PURPOSE-DRIVEN CATEGORIES TO EXPERIMENT Projects are tested and realized at different scales, from objects to urban landscapes with experiements and prototyping. What can we learn from implementation and tests? What insights are found through experimenting from prototypes, models to full-scale installations? ENHANCE EXPERIENCE We as humans are equipped with a special apparatus with which to experience our environment, our social actions and our behaviours: our body with its senses. What ideas, methods and techniques can we imagined and design to enhance this perception? ENCOURAGE INTERACTION Interaction lies in the nature of using media, as well as living and working in and with architecture. Often, we do not relect this interaction consciously or notice it at all. What if new forms of interaction with and without the use of technology could enrich our experience and our habits? X. MEDIAARCHITECTURE. 10TH ANNIVERSAY BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITÄT WEIMAR

TO SHOWCASE Exhibiting and showcasing objects, art, products and ideas is fundamental to communicating and mediating their contexts, mindsets, theories and history. Media and architecture can be the interface for this communication, its medium, its tool, and its execution — new ways of showcasing evolve. BUILT INNOVATION With the use of new technology and materials, as well as by applying new approaches, buildings can become smarter and are now capable of counteracting new challenges with social, econological and economic signiicance. VISUALIZE INFORMATION As our world becomes increasingly interconnected with each passing day, more and more data is generated as well. This data can be used to extract and depict information in multiple ways and forms: locally and globally, speciically and generally, and at various scales with various approaches and aims. EVERY ARC EXHIBITS SELECTED STUDENT WORKS ASSOCIATED WITH ONE OF THE PURPOSE-DRIVEN CATEGORIES.


TO ENTERTAIN We like being entertained or entertaining others. How can environments be created to emphasise entertainment and the consumption of the idea of entertainment? What future scenarios can be imagined? DEVELOP NEW PRACTICES New practices evolve from the overlapping ields of architecture and media. As new theories, research ideas and technologies change and develop, and as the understanding of the ields themselves progresses, practices steadily develop. What impact do media and architecture have on us? How do they inluence our lives? QUESTIONS CONVENTIONS Conventions are everywhere - not only in professional life, but also in the smallest and most private aspects of our daily lives. How can they be questioned and relected upon with multidisciplinary systems of thinking and approaches? X. MEDIAARCHITECTURE. 10TH ANNIVERSAY BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITĂ„T WEIMAR



WORKSHOPS The summaery exhibit is an annual show at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar for presenting student and research works in an interdepartmental context, transforming the campus into a four-day-long exhibition. The X.MediaArchitecture exhibition was accompanied by workshops covering the areas of architectural education, situated technologies and mediation of architecture: Lisa Pusch: (In)visible perception: Bring your body, your senses, and an open mind. We are going to feel space, map it, and investigate the (un)conscious patterns in our perception of space. Stefanie Holzheu: ISD – Improvised noise devices The workshop is broadly framed around the reading of space through sound. It is intended to investigate sound as the generator of creative work. Ana Paula Nitzsche and Martin Girard: Can buildings talk? Filming and collage workshop based on architectural elements we ind in our surroundings communicating through light, texture and colour. X. MEDIAARCHITECTURE. 10TH ANNIVERSAY BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITÄT WEIMAR

ALUMNI PECHA KUCHA So far, more than 50 Alumni from 25 countries of the world, hailing from the four continents of Asia, America, Africa and Europe, have graduated with the degree MediaArchitecture M.Sc. in Weimar. They paint a multifaceted picture of an international university and use their acquired knowledge worldwide in their professional routines and work. Right now, students from more than 25 countries are enrolled. They represent and create a proile of an international, multicultural and interdisciplinary Bauhaus-Universität Weimar by picking Weimar as their place to study and to live. The Alumni PechaKucha created a framework for insightful and diverse presentations by several alumni. Ulf Pleines, Stephan Schßtz, Elena Okuntsova, Irina Yasinskaya and Franziska Gerlach from (classes of 2005, 2006, 2010, 2011 and 2012) shared their experience in their professional work and ields of practice, relecting on the input, ideas and methods acquired during their time studying MediaArchitecture as master students. TOP. HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS DURING SUMMAERY. BOTTOM. AUDIENCE AT ALUMNI PECHA KUCHA.



THE ALUMNI PERSPECTIVE During the exhibition at summaery2015, some alumni came back to Weimar to talk about their professional experiences. They all share the feeling of coming from their respective corners of the world to study at Weimar, staying in Weimar or elsewhere in Germany, moving back to their home countries or inding a home somewhere else. Their deinition of home has changed, as has the deinition of their “core profession.� While experiencing experimental study, they gained new insights, and had the opportunity to explore and tackle new challenges. What impact has the MediaArchitecture programme had on their paths to a professional career? What lessons have they learned? What methods and techniques have they applied in their practice? These are questions that relect the ongoing inluence of the two years spent studying in Weimar. Here are some examples to illustrate the broad range of alumni working in various ields between art, media and architecture. TOP. INTERESTED VISITORS AT ALUMNI PECHA KUCHA. BOTTOM. ALUMNI POSTCARDS PRESENTING FURTHER PROJECTS.


MEDIAARCHITECTURE.DE mediaarchitecture.de is the showcase of Dipl. Ing. Jens Weber, M.Sc. and Dipl. Des. Andreas Wolter, M.Sc. for their selected work at the interface between media and architecture — between art, design and technology, since 2006. Media stations in the educational forum of the “Munich Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism” Within the context of a joint project between the Technical University of Munich (TU Munich) and the state capital city of Munich called “iEmC - Interaktive Exponate im musealen Kontext,” Andreas Wolter and Jens Weber, scientists working at the Chair of Architectural Informatics at the TU Munich (under Prof. Dr. Frank Petzold), developed media stations in the educational forum of the Munich Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism. They developed all of the media stations (4 media tables and 24 research stations) at the educational forum of the Munich Documentation Center. Based on a self-created research X. MEDIAARCHITECTURE. 10TH ANNIVERSAY BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITÄT WEIMAR

platform, they implemented innovative interactive information graphics that enable topographical, network-analytical, and other modes of access to historical information. DFG project “Moved Networks - Bauhaus Members and their Relationship Networks in the 30s and 40s” The DFG project “Moved Networks” investigates a sample of six network constellations of the Bauhaus community in the politically inlammatory period of the 1930s and 40s in order to expand the predominant reception scheme of the Bauhaus legacy as a transatlantic success story through the reconstruction of the historical experiential horizons of selected groups and put existing interpretations into perspective. Jens Weber and Andreas Wolter develop generative information graphics which focus on representing the dimensions of space (geography), time (chronology) and relationship (networking ) in order to analyse visually the connections between people, places, and works within the selected network constellations. LEFT. DETAILS OF THE DFG PROJEKT “MOVED NETWORKS” RIGHT. MEDIA STATIONS ON SITE. DETAIL OF INTERFACE.


LORENA DIAZ STEPHENS Lorena Díaz Stephens was born in Santiago de Chile. She studied social science and design in her home country and completed the MediaArchitecture master programme in 2007 with a thesis on “Scenography and Costumes for the Quartet of Heiner Müller”. Afterwards, she worked internationally in Chile, Spain and Germany for different theatre and ilm productions as designer, stage designer and costume designer. Since 2007, she has worked in close collaboration with Jan Hendrik Neidert, also a stage designer and costume designer. In her professional life, she directly applies experience in stage design in theatrical contexts from her studies and reines this knowledge in a multitude of projects. This year, Lorena Díaz Stephens was involved in the creation and design of stage sets and costumes for “Lucia di Lammermoor”, an opera by Gaetano, as well as the play “NEWCOMER or stories of leeting lives”. Jan Hendrik Neidert accompanied her at both productions at theatre Pforzheim. X. MEDIAARCHITECTURE. 10TH ANNIVERSAY BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITÄT WEIMAR

STEPHAN SCHÜTZ Stephan Schütz graduated in 2009 with his master thesis “Virtuality vs. Reality”, which focussed on a discussion of the manifestation of exhibition architecture in virtual spaces and dimensions. After working on several projects as a volunteer, he was awarded a doctorate. His doctoral project, “From ibre to house”, examines the potential of folded honeycomb sandwich boards, their applicability as an architectural construction material, and creation of the world’s irst permanent building made of corrugated cardboard. Stephan Schütz conducts research at the interface of theoretical architectural education, student projects and real objects. His research focus is large-scale architectural models, their crafting and prototyping as part of design projects, and their signiicance as tool of architectural education. With his help, several student projects have been brought to successful completion, such as “Sreenhaus Solar”, “Nietzsche’s Summer House”, “OpenSource Cardboard”, and “School Pavillon an der Hart”. TOP. STAGE DESIGN OF LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR AND NEWCOMER. RIGHT. REALIZED PROTOTYPES OF MODEL HOUSES IN WEIMAR.


YUSUKE YUKI After completing his master thesis on the issue of “Observing architectural space in the information age” in 2010, Yusuke Yuki started to work as a media artist in Berlin. In 2014, he designed an architectural installation for Frankfurt am Main entitled “part, whole, decomposition.” The “Mousonturm” has a history, not only as a building, but also as an existence. Its current appearance is constructed of a collection of individual moments. The “Mousonturm” does not arise in the “now” - that is, in a single moment. Rather, it is experienced as a whole, including its pasts. The elements of perception are now limited and fragmentary. The whole consists of the agglomeration of individual parts, such as a speciic colour, pattern or form. His abstract works in the ield of media art testify a relationship to architecture and, in particular, architectural relection. The clear references to his thesis demonstrate the holistic nature of his work. X. MEDIAARCHITECTURE. 10TH ANNIVERSAY BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITÄT WEIMAR

SIMON TRETTER In 2013, Simon Tretter completed his studies at the Bauhaus Universität with a master thesis entitled, “Guerillamesh.net, a lexible solution to off-grid operation of meshed wireless networks.” Since then, he has been working as an independent electrical engineer in his own ofice, mediaarchitectu.re. His work spans a spectrum which includes zental, designing solutions for building monitoring and the internet of things (IoT). As a hardware hacker working with the Weimar start-up plants & machines (plantsandmachines. de), he develops robots for automated aquaponic ecosystems. Using artiicial intelligence, these systems enable the cultivation of food without regard to environmental factors and seasonal climate conditions. Social changes and challenges with regard to food security are the central point of departure of the start-up, the goal of which is to make food production local, green, and accessible to everyone. LEFT. ABSTRACT WORKS BY YUSUKE YUKI. RIGHT. “PLANTS & MACHINES”: INDOOR CULTIVATION OF FOOD


ALYA GRISHKO AT JANGLED NERVES After graduating in 2015, Alya Grishko started her professional career at jangled nerves in Stuttgart. Since 1998, jangled nerves has been designing and producing communication solutions at the interface of media and space. This Stuttgart-based interdisciplinary team bundles the competencies of design, architecture, media, production and editing under a single roof. The departments are understood as mutually-inluencing and inspiring components, which are thought of as a whole. Among its clients, the organisation counts corporations as well as economic and cultural institutions. Its portfolio ranges from museums to exhibitions, showrooms and trade fairs. Temporary exhibition “Fastnacht der Hölle,” House of History Baden-Wurttemberg, 2014, Stuttgart; travelling exhibition “eCube - new mobility” Economic Development Stuttgart Region, 2013; Great National Exhibition for the EURO 2008 football championship “The Wonder of Bregenz,” House of History Baden-Wurttemberg, 2008. X. MEDIAARCHITECTURE. 10TH ANNIVERSAY BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITÄT WEIMAR



OUTLOOK The MediaArchitecture programme sees itself as an experimental ield that continuously redeines itself in line with the requirements of practice, research and new opportunities of communication. The key components of MediaArchitecture conveyed in instruction will empower students to pose design questions in new ways and develop innovative solutions at the interface of architecture and media. Recent research in the interdisciplinary ield of architecture and media is focused on smart and ubiquitous urban space with interactive architecture and responsive environments with a decision making process of human and computational agents within the mediated environment. Increasingly, cooperative arrangements will be established with partners in the practice aimed at the development of projects and prototypes on a 1:1 scale, which can then be subjected to evaluation. The MediaArchitecture programme was developed subsequent to continued differentiation of proiles in architectural and media professional practice. The formerly postgraduate programme will be transformed into a graduate degree course. This offers students with a Bachelor degree the opportunity for interdisciplinary qualiication. The master programme can augment a bachelor programme across a range of disciplines from the ields of media study, urban study, art and design such as product design, as well as interor architecture and architecture: An interdisciplinary working mode to tacle challenges of today and the future. Dr. Sabine Zierold, Head of MediaArchitecture Study Program X. MEDIAARCHITECTURE. 10TH ANNIVERSAY BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITĂ„T WEIMAR

TEAM LEAD: Dr. Sabine Zierold. Alya Grishko. Lisa Pusch. Prof. Bernd Rudolf. Prof. Dr. Jens Geelhaar. TEAM: Shubhra Bhatt. Sebastian Gumhold. David Heaton. Sandra Huezo. Luis Hurtarte. Minsoo Hwang. Andreas Kamolz. Roy Müller. Abraham Ornelas. Carina Weiss. EDITORIAL TEAM: Dr. Sabine Zierold. Lisa Pusch. TYPESETTING: Lisa Pusch. GRAPHIC DESIGN: Luis Hurtarte. Lisa Pusch. TRANSLATION: Hanes Kommunikation. PRINTING OFFICE: Druckerei Schöpfel Gmbh IMAGES: PAGE 1: Minsoo Hwang. PAGE 3: Tobias Adam. PAGE 4F: 1 Nima Vakili. 2 Sandra Huezo and David Heaton. 3 Matteo Pacher. 4 Lisa Pusch. PAGE 6F: 1 Andreas Wolter. 2 Johannes Marschall. PAGE 8F: 1 Tobias Adam. 2 Mark Shepard. 3 Candy Welz. 4 Minsoo Hwang. PAGE 10F: 1 Tobias Adam. 2 Minsoo Hwang. 3 Candy Welz. PAGE 12F: Tobias Adam. PAGE 14F: 1 Tobias Adam. 2 Thomas Müller. 3+5 Minsoo Hwang.4 Tobias Adam. PAGE 16F: 1 Thomas Müller. 2 Lisa Pusch. 3+4 Minsoo Hwang. PAGE 18F: 1 + 3 Minsoo Hwang. 2 Carina Weiss. Minsoo Hwang. PAGE 20F: Jens Weber. Andreas Wolter. PAGE 22F: 1-3 Lorena Díaz Stephens. 4-6 Stephan Schütz PAGE 24F: 1+2 Yusuke Yuki. 3-4 PlantsandMachines. PAGE 26F: 1 Jens Lyncker. 2 Andreas Keller . 3+4 Lukas Roth. PAGE 28: Tobias Adam. (from left to right) WWW.UNI-WEIMAR.DE/XMEDIAARCHITECTURE © 2016 BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITÄT-WEIMAR




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