destINNation | Summer 2022

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The perfect blend of seaside and mountains


Italy Calabria and Sardinia at their very best

Frankfurt Fly Air Dolomiti to Frankfurt and onward around the world



0123ÿ567ÿ89 6

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Amsterdam Manchester Birmingham

S. 24


Bristol London


Chalkidiki/ Thessaloniki


Thassos Kos

Sardinia Calabria Preveza/Lefkas Kefalonia



Tips for Amsterdam, London, and Vienna



S. 8 TA K I N G S T O C K A N D L O O K I N G F O R WA R D

Managing Director Marco Pernetta talks about turbulent times and new approaches


Sardinia ITALY

S. 16

This Mediterranean island is full of unique ecosystems and cultural gems.



Thassos GREECE Greece’s northernmost inhabited island adds glorious colour to the Aegean.

New: Flights to Frankfurt on Air Dolomiti

Finally, we can travel the world to our heart’s desire again. In this new issue of destINNation, we will present travel destinations that are quick and easy to reach from Innsbruck, should wanderlust strike. We wish you a very pleasant summer and hope you enjoy reading our magazine. Sincerely, the team of Innsbruck Airport.

S. 34 S. 18

Behind the Scenes Jobs at Innsbruck Airport

Impressum — Medieninhaber,

Herausgeber und Verleger: Tiroler Flughafenbetriebsgesellschaft m.b.H., Fürstenweg 180, A-6020 Innsbruck Produktion: TARGET GROUP Publishing GmbH, Redaktion: Theresa Kirchmair (Ltg.), Dr. Tanja Chraust, Nicole Kehle, Theresa Kleinheinz, Lisa Schwarzenauer, Eva Schwienbacher, Grafik: Alina Klampfer, Fotos falls nicht anders angegeben: Druck: Intergraphik GmbH, Innsbruck Die Informationen zur Offenlegung gemäß § 25 MedienG können unter impressum abgerufen werden.

Dear Readers,


Calabria ITALY The toe of the boot is one of southern Italy’s most beautiful regions.


A trip back in time to 1962 at InnsbruckKranebitten Airport


Innsbruck’s airport lounges

4 destINNation



In Porto Christo on Mallorca’s east coast, the Cuevas del Drach cave system is home to one of the largest underground lakes in the world. Highlight of every tour: a strings concert 25 metres (80 ft.) below the surface. TUI takes travellers direct from Innsbruck to Palma every Wednesday and Saturday. 5

6 destINNation

Good Things from Above Interesting facts about Tyrol’s visitors and Co.


„A region as tourism-heavy and economically strong as Tyrol absolutely needs to have an airport, and this will not change in the future.“ Marco Pernetta, managing director Innsbruck Airport


TA K E A H I K E ! Both British and Dutch guests appreciate Tyrol for its walking and hiking opportunities: among both groups, these are the most popular athletic activities during summer holidays spent here. And since a good ramble will leave anyone feeling tired and hungry, it is no great surprise that our guests value the region for its cuisine and the many options for rest and relaxation it offers: good food, outings and excursions, and numerous sights and attractions to visit.

Many paths, one destination British visitors most often arrive in Tyrol via air travel: 64% in summer and 80% in winter come here by plane. Every tenth visitor travels here by car. Visitors from the Netherlands tend to come here by land and by car. Only about 1% fly

here in the summer, compared to 4% in the winter. The difference in distance is actually not that great and flight connections are good: There are about 1,000 km (620 miles) between Innsbruck and Amsterdam, while London and the Tyrolean capital are about 1,260 km (783 miles) apart.

Total number of passengers in the 2021/22 winter season (until April). Despite the ongoing Covid-pandemic, this is still 62% of the passengers processed in winter of 2019. After the total loss that was the 2020/21 winter season, these numbers are heartening, especially since the Coronavirus was still a huge element of uncertainty in the travel industry at the start of the season. The figures also bode well for the summer. The re-establishment of the daily flight to Frankfurt is another important step along the way.


40 bis 50


tonnes: total weight of paving materials meticulously applied in the 2021 runway renovation project.

years: expected lifespan of the new runway.

Euros: cost of renovating the runway.

WELL CONNECTED The importance of ski tourism for Innsbruck airport is clearly visible in the numbers: in the 2021/22 winter season, there were up to 33 flights per week from Innsbruck to London.


The Swarovski Crystal Worlds in Wattens are one of Tyrol’s most popular tourist attractions. They have recently added a new Wunderkammer (chamber of wonders) to the Giant. US-American artist James Turrell, considered by many to be a master of light, has created one of his Shallow Space Constructions in the Giant: Umbra is an accessible light and colour installation that is currently the only permanent installation of this type in the Germanspeaking world.


Every August, this music event takes place at Suvilahti centre – a former power plant – in Helsinki. August 12 to 14, 2022.

From June 24 to 26, professional dancer Claudia Karapanou will introduce participants to the secrets of Tango.

Refreshingly different Away from the beaches, Mallorca is home to gems like the country mansion and open-air museum La Granja. The rambling gardens with their numerous ponds and fountains offer an oasis of cool and calm on hot summer days.

Special Events at the Destinations



® Tirol Werbung/Peter Maier, Swarovski Kristallwelten Florian Holzherr, Aija Lehtonen/, Emily Marie Wilson/, Gerhard Berger

In the summer, there are up to four weekly flights to the British capital. During the frosty months, up to 20 flights per week took off to Amsterdam; the summer flight plan has up to two connections per week.


Every August, concerts are held in the cloisters of the Carthusian monastery in Valldemossa.


Destination: The Future Times have been turbulent for aviation. Marco Pernetta, Managing Director of Innsbruck Airport, talks about a rocky start to the season, the undeterred desire to travel, and new ideas.

The last years have been marked by limited freedom of travel. Looking back and taking stock, how do you now see the last winter season?

Marco Pernetta: Very positive towards the end, even if the start was a bit bumpy. It’s easy to forget that we were actually still in lockdown when the winter season began. In late November and early December, it was anyone’s guess whether there would even be a winter season at all. It was not until December 22, when the ordinance on entry regulations came into effect and provided a basis for travel, that we knew people from England and the Netherlands – our most important client base – would be allowed to travel to Tyrol with a 3G certificate plus PCR test. From that point on, it was clear that a winter season would be possible, albeit one with limits and limitations.

® Gerhard Berger

How well did that work in practice?

There were some difficulties at the beginning. Some passengers had to be sent back because they were unable to fulfil all the requirements within the short time frame. This was difficult at Christmas,

especially when we had to send families with children back to Britain. It was hard, both for the travellers and for the airport team involved. When did things take a turn for the better?

At first, we had a gaping hole in January. Then, in February, traffic suddenly went from close to zero to nearly normal within a week. February and March were great months. There were slightly fewer planes than before the pandemic, but the planes that did come were better filled than they had ever been. Can you tell us what passenger numbers were like compared to before Covid?

On weekends, the numbers were up to 90% of the pre-pandemic figures; during the week somewhere around 50% to 60%. This is because there were still far fewer regular flights to Vienna and Frankfurt. The connection to Frankfurt has just come back with Air Dolomiti and Lufthansa; before Covid we had four daily flights; now we have three. We used to have five flights a day to Vienna; now we

„The connection to Frankfurt has just come back – before Covid we had four daily flights.“

have one to two. But the incoming tourist flights on the weekends have been very well booked. By the end of April, we were already up to nearly 400,000 passengers. This is still nowhere near the numbers we would see at the same time of year before Covid, but it is still three times the total figure from last year. This is a positive development, and we hope to have processed at least 750,000 passengers by the end of the year. We’re on track to get back up to a million in the coming years. What importance did this one-million mark have in the past?

In our best year – 2019 – we had well over 1.1 million passengers. Then the Coronavirus sent those numbers plunging to 425,000 in 2020 and just 125,000 in

10 destINNation

„Innsbruck Airport is planning to introduce emissions-based landing fees next year.“

2021, when the winter season and thus the first quarter were a total loss. Looking ahead to the upcoming summer, what you expect?

At the moment, we are surrounded by crises, from the war in Ukraine to inflation to the price of fuel. On the other hand, after two years of Covid people are still just as hungry for travel, or perhaps more so than ever before. This means that outbound trips from Innsbruck for this summer are already very well booked. We are fairly confident that we will come close to reaching pre-pandemic levels again this summer. What role do the scheduled flights to Vienna and Frankfurt play?

Innsbruck profits greatly from touristic flight routes like the ones from England or the Netherlands. But for a regional airport like us it is extremely important to also have regular flights to international aviation hubs that allow people to get anywhere in the world and also help people from all over get here easily. Flight connections with just one transfer are also very important for business travellers from and to Tyrol. Now, they can once again reach all the European business centres and important cities on a morning flight via Frankfurt and fly home again in the evening, without having to stay overnight or plan for long wait times.

In addition to current problems like the crisis in Ukraine, there are several aspects of aviation that are in need of improvement. What are the greatest challenges that Innsbruck will also have to face?

Aviation is facing the same main challenge as all other transport sectors: how to make mobility more climate friendly – or, ideally, carbon neutral. This is far from simple. It’s hard to imagine a normal-sized airplane flying across the Atlantic powered by anything other than a combustion engine. That is why we are now turning away from fossil fuels and focusing on converting atmospheric C02 into fuel. The crux of the matter is that this process, too, requires energy, and this energy has to be generated in a carbon-neutral way. However, this is also an opportunity for many oil-producing countries to produce liquid fuels using solar power. Power-to-Liquid technology, biofuel and converted used cooking oil are some of the approaches to changing transport. Are these developments driven by policy or industry?

As usual, both. Legislators have to first create the legal basis and requirements so there can even be a market. If lawmakers say you can continue to burn petroleum-based jet fuels, then it is not worth investing billions in developing alternative fuels. If they say that in ten years you can only burn 50% fossil fuels

and must produce the remaining half in a carbon-neutral way, then there is a market. We have learned that when people sense big business opportunities, they are willing to invest. The first person to have a great idea can make a whole lot of money with it, and this makes me hopeful that we will be relatively quick in finding technological solutions. How far developed are these new technologies?

The ideas are there, and some smaller production facilities already exist. What we still need are plants where we could scale up production to make large amounts of these alternative fuels. All of this is currently overshadowed by the conflict in Ukraine and the discussion 11 ABOUT THE INTERVIEWEE Marco Pernetta has been Managing Director of Innsbruck Airport since April 1, 2014. Born in Berlin, Pernetta studied aeronautical engineering. He has been working at Innsbruck Airport since 1999 and has been a member of the managing board since 2005.

surrounding energy and fuel supply. It is the wrong moment to say ‘we are now going to funnel our available energy into pulling CO2 from the atmosphere and converting it into fuel’ when households and the economy urgently need this energy.

® Gerhard Berger

How do you feel about the alternative approaches?

In my view, airports should support them. Innsbruck Airport is planning to introduce emissions-based landing fees next year, meaning an incentive for airlines to use very efficient engines and a disadvantage for those that do not. As required by Austrian law, the entire scheme has to be revenue neutral, so there can and will be no added (financial) burden.

Innsbruck Airport has repeatedly come under scrutiny and discussion. Why do you think the airport will continue to be relevant and ready for the future?

The airport is not an end in itself. We satisfy a specific demand for mobility. It needs to be said: These days, if you want to have a cosmopolitan, internationally-minded town or city, if you want to have research centres, a university or international businesses here, then you need to be connected to international transportation, specifically aviation. A very tourism-heavy and economically strong region like Tyrol absolutely needs to have an airport, and this will not change in the future. Thank you for the interview!

Emerald in 13



Thassos is the northernmost inhabited Greek island and is accessible by ferry.


the Aegean Sea V

isitors to Thassos (sometimes also spelt Thasos) can immerse themselves in a world of rich colours: the lush green of the hills harmonising with the deep blue waters of the Aegean Sea, and many of the beaches gleaming in the sun recall the white of the marble that once made the island of Thassos famous. The air is perfumed with the scent of wild herbs, and those seeking to flee the midday heat can take refuge in the dappled shade of the gnarled olive trees or in one

Out of the waves of the northern Thracian Sea, Thassos rises like a rich green gemstone. The island features diverse flora, numerous beaches and idyllic mountain villages.

of the cosy taverna. As you enjoy a sip of the house wine and the Greek delicacies on your plate, you will quickly begin to feel that, with Thassos, you have discovered one of Greece’s true hidden gems.. Born of fire Thassos is the northernmost of the inhabited Greek islands and is close to the Kavala coast. At approx. 400 km2 (150 square miles) it is Greece’s twelfth-largest island. The three mountains that define its profile herald its volcanic origins. Below the mountain peaks lies the multi-

faceted island that make Thassos such an attractive destination: numerous small and large sandy beaches, turquoise coves, and lush green vegetation sprinkled with hiking trails that wind through the trees up to quaint mountain villages with their colourful markets. Thassos is also rich in archaeological treasures, with several epochs having left their mark on the island. By air and by sea Thassos has no airport of its own, which may be one of the reasons for the particular charm of this small slice of paradise. Even so, with Idealtours the island

14 destINNation


No matter whether you would rather bury your toes in a sandy beach, explore the breath-taking natural world or discover ancient cultures, the multi-faceted island of Thassos has something for everybody.

Authentic Greek culture and extraordinary flora and fauna are waiting to be discovered in Thassos. is still easily accessible from Innsbruck: a two-hour fight to Kavala Alexandros airport on the Greek mainland, transport to the harbour and a half hour on the ferry will comfortably get you from Innsbruck airport to your beach holiday in just under three hours. With a wide variety of accommodations to choose from, Thassos offers something for every taste, from snug aparthotels and holiday flats to fivestar hotels. Check in and leave your cares and worries behind.

A colourful mix With its mix of authentic Greek culture and extraordinary flora and fauna, the island of Thassos is well worth exploring. The quiet coves along the east and south coasts that you will often have virtually to yourself are as easy to reach as the famous wide sandy Marble Beach and Golden Beach. The picturesque mountain villages of Megalos, Prinos, Kastro and Theologos in the island’s heartland will give you a taste of Greek lifestyle, and the island’s main town of Thassos Limenas features archaeological sites and a scenic port with a pedestrian area.

Excellent infrastructure makes discovering this island a breeze. You can explore the numerous walking paths and hiking trails on foot or take buses to many destinations. Rent a car or motor scooter to enjoy the panoramic views along the 100 km (60 miles) of coastal ring road. Gain a new perspective by venturing out on the water – a boat tour is an ideal way to head to new beaches.

One glimpse of the natural rocky pool of Giola is enough to make you understand its mythical status.

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16 destINNation

From Innsbruck to Frankfurt and Onwards Around the Globe

S (f. l. t. r.) Marco Pernetta (managing director, Innsbruck Airport), Mario Gerber (chair of Tyrol Tourism Board), Paula Stecher (chair of the airport’s supervisory board), representatives of the Schützenverein Allerheiligen, Anton Mattle (Tyrolean minister of economics), Paolo Sgaramella (chief commercial officer, Air Dolomiti)

ince May 2, 2022, the traditional flight route from and to Frankfurt can finally be found again on the arrivals and departure board at Innsbruck airport. These flights could not be offered in the winter 2021/22 flight schedule due to the pandemic, but now travellers can once again go up, up and away to a major international travel hub and connect to the world-wide Lufthansa flight network. Air Dolomiti, an established Italian airline and Lufthansa subsidiary, flies modern Embraer jets on this route. Local tourism and businesses are particularly pleased at the longawaited re-introduction. For business travellers, Frankfurt is the connection point

for destinations in Europe and beyond. Moreover, Tyrol is considered an especially attractive venue for conventions and conferences, attracting travellers from around the globe. Stopover Those travelling for pleasure will also find Frankfurt an excellent hub for intercontinental flights: It connects Innsbruck to far-off destinations in the USA, Asia or Africa. International travellers bound for Tyrol or the neighbouring regions can also profit from the highly sought-after connections via Frankfurt. Intercontinental aviation is currently still running at a low level, but thanks to the re-established Frankfurt





06:35 UHR

07:40 UHR

EN 8057 / LH 6919

10:40 UHR

11:45 UHR

EN 8051 / LH 6913

14:35 UHR

15:40 UHR

EN 8053 / LH 6915


ABOUT AIR DOLOMITI Founded in 1991, this Italian airline is headquartered in Verona and has been a fully owned subsidiary of the German Lufthansa since 2003. It primarily flies to the hubs Munich and Frankfurt for Lufthansa.

® Nicole Kehle, katjen/

connection, Innsbruck Airport is perfectly prepared for when things begin to pick up again. “First Landing” on May 2, 2022 The “maiden landing” of an Embraer 195 from Frankfurt on May 2 was cause for celebration. The first official Air Dolomiti flight was welcomed to Innsbruck Airport with a jet of water and a reception including representatives from local politics, businesses and tourism. Both Innsbruck Airport managing director Marco Pernetta and the Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) of Air Dolomiti, Paolo Sgaramella, were very pleased about this new cooperation between Air Dolomiti and Innsbruck Airport.

Thanks to the addition of the Innsbruck-Frankfurt route to its roster, Air Dolomiti is the first Italian airline to be granted permission for RNP AR (Required Navigation Performance Authorization Required) by Austro Control and Italy’s aviation authority ENAC (Ente Nazionale per l`Aviazione Civile). This highly modern approach procedure makes it possible to land in Innsbruck even in adverse weather conditions. Their fleet consists of 16 aircraft of the type Embraer 195 with 120 seats each (depending on the exact configuration). For more information on Air Dolomiti, visit




08:55 UHR

10:05 UHR

EN 8050 / LH 6912

12:40 UHR

13:50 UHR

EN 8052 / LH 6914

21:00 UHR / 21:10 UHR

22:10 UHR / 22:20 UHR

EN 8056 / LH 6918


18 destINNation

Human Resource Management: Leading at Eye Level Innsbruck Airport employs some 160 people year-round, and during the winter season, that number virtually doubles with the addition of seasonal workers. Stefanie Zangerl, the head of HRM, always has plenty to keep her busy.


„Some of our staff have been employed here for over 35 years“

fter ten years as part of the airport team, Stefanie Zangerl took over running the personnel department in January 2018. During this decade, she completed a multi-year program in payroll accounting and then studied personnel management, all while working at the airport. Zangerl and her two team members are always engaged in continuing education, be it in accounting or soft skills. Over the past two years, these hard-earned skills were put to the test as the Covid pandemic left the airport facing many challenges.

Allrounders Zangerl and her team members have no strict division of labour; Stefanie Zangerl, Head of Human Resources at Innsbruck Airport all three handle accounting and administration, as well as recruitment and personnel development. “This way of doing things makes it a bit more challenging but also keeps it more interesting,” she explains. “At the same time, it ensures that we have plenty of contact with everyone on staff.” Even at peak times, when some 300 employees are working at the airport, she knows most of them by name. “Well, at least our core crew and those seasonal workers that have been with us for a while,” she says. “Of course, there are always a few new faces.”

Attractive employer With her 14-year track record, in some companies Zangerl would be a member of a small group of longserving members of staff. Here at the airport, however, she is hardly the exception. “Some of our staff have been for over 35 years.” Even so, it is important for the airport to remain attractive for ‘old-timers’ as well as for newer hires and potential future employees. For instance, there are currently five job openings in ramp services, retail/sales, and passenger services. Focus on flexibility One important factor in recruiting and retaining staff is flexible working hours, so the airport offers four-day weeks for full time (40h) and two-day weeks for parttime (20h) employees. In addition to flexitime, working at the airport comes with various additional perks, such as a subsidy for a public transport pass (‘Jobticket’) and various opportunities for continuing education and training. Seasonal workers and core team alike enjoy reserved employee parking and meal allowances, including free meals on winter charter weekends. “Once a year – unless we are in the middle of a pandemic – we like to thank our employees with a company outing and a season-end celebration,” Zangerl explains. “This is usually very well received, and we tend to see the majority of our seasonal workers back again the next year.”

D E TA I L S More information: Contact: 19


Workplace Variety Three members of staff whose teams are currently looking for employees talk about their jobs and their experiences.

Teamwork in ramp services Language enthusiast in passenger services

® Axel Springer, Peter Norz

“I worked here part-time as a seasonal employee for a winter before I became a permanent member of staff in October of 2020. My main tasks include check-in for all airlines, passenger boarding, checking documents and papers, and manning the service desk. What I like most about my job is working in an international environment, doing a number of different and varied tasks, and having the opportunity for ongoing education and training. My particular interest in languages comes in handy when I’m in contact with travellers from different countries.” ANDI, PA S S E N G E R S E R V I C E S

Work-Life-Balance at the airport shop “A day at work for me includes working at the till, advising customers, and promoting our products, along with inventory and other administrative duties. I like the positive atmosphere and the strong team spirit – my co-workers here at the shop are like a second family. As a full-time employee, I have the option of scheduling my 40 hours per week on four days, which contributes to a good work-life balance.” SABRINA, AIRPORT SHOP

„“I work in aircraft handling, where my tasks include loading and unloading planes, transporting luggage, sorting luggage at the baggage belts and carousels, and operating all the vehicles, machines and equipment we use in the process. On peak days during the winter season, we process some fifty planes, and the way our team works together is just fantastic.” FLORIAN, RAMP SERVICES

INTERESTED? Starting in late November and early December, we are looking to fill positions for seasonal workers and permanent staff members. For details on job openings at Innsbruck airport, visit our website at

O n ce a w e e k T U I ta k es y o u d ire ct ly to C a la b ri a



The southernmost region of mainland Italy is a sun-drenched, multi-faceted region. 21


Gorgeous beaches, balmy nights, Italian flair: during the summer, Calabria is at its very best. TUI will take you from Innsbruck to this unique holiday region in the ‘toe’ of the Italian ‘boot’ in just two hours.


alabria – the part of Italy bordered by the Tyrrhenian Sea to the west and the Ionian Sea to the south and east and separated from Sicily only by the Strait of Messina – gets some 320 days of sunshine a year, making it one of the sunniest regions in Europe. But this is far from being the only reason this area is the perfect place to spend your summer holiday: in addition to the fabulous climate, this region features numerous bays, coves and beaches with white sand and azure waters, regional delicacies, and countless cultural highlights. The countryside is shaped by long sandy beaches, luscious orchards and palm gardens, generously wooded mountains extending up to 2,000 m (6,500 ft.) above sea level, and beautiful reservoir lakes. Family paradise Calabria offers families the perfect blend of sun, fun and relaxation, and one of the


best places to find it is the TUI Magic Life Calabria, a resort just 17 km (10 miles) from Lamezia Terme airport and separated from a wide sandy beach only by a natural pine forest. The holiday complex offers the perfect combination of rest, sports, entertainment and enjoyment for all ages. While the kids are playing in the hotel’s private waterpark, adults can enjoy the peace of the Private Lodge area, which is only accessible to those 16 and older. The club has five pools, five restaurants and four bars. There is plenty of fun and entertainment in the evenings, too, including themed parties or international shows.

For those who don’t want to lie on a beach all day, Calabria has plenty to offer. Besides the gorgeous Capo Vaticano cape, towns well worth a visit include Tropea, Vibo Valentia, Diamante with its annual Peperoncino festival, and Reggio Calabria, the regional capital until the 1970s. A ferry ride will take you to Sicily or to the Aeolian Islands (also called the Lipari Islands), including Stromboli with its active volcano and black beaches. If you prefer hiking and rugged natural terrain, you will find both in Sila National Park.

22 destINNation

Rugged cliffs and gentle beaches blend together to form the impressive beauty of the Calabrian coast.

In fair weather, you can see from Capo Vaticano all the way to the Strait of Messina and all the Aeolian Islands.

CALA BRIA N CUISIN E Typical regional specialties include nduja, a spicy, spreadable pork sausage that is eaten on bread or used in pasta dishes, and cipolla rossa di Tropea, the sweet red onions that are part of nearly every dish. The hot chili peppers known as peperoncini can be found everywhere – not just in food but also hanging in stores and market stalls in dried and braided form. Dishes on the coast often include swordfish and tuna. One of the best-known specialties is the desert tartufo: a (melted) chocolate centre surrounded by gelato ice cream that has been rolled in cocoa powder.

Tranquillity for two If serenity is what you seek, then look no further than the nearby town of Tropea. At Hotel TUI BLUE Tropea, guests 16 and over can enjoy crystal-clear ocean waters, a large spa area and fantastic Italian cuisine. The panoramic views of Baia di Riaci bay, the well-tended gardens with their lounge furniture and gorgeous pool, and the tastefully furnished, newly renovated rooms are just a few of the highlights of this adults-only hotel. Experience Mediterranean flair at the hotel’s private beach and in the nearby town of Tropea. Culture between the cliffs and sea Tropea is enthroned on cliffs rising some 40 m (130 ft.) out of the sea on Calabria’s western coast. This picturesque town has

a heavenly beach, but don’t miss out on its medieval centre, which was built on a sandstone cliff. The warm and welcoming ambience of Tropea is characterized by pastel-coloured houses dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries, noble baroque palaces, and narrow streets and alleyways lined with cosy taverns and restaurants that beckon visitors to sit a spell and enjoy some of the delicious Calabrian specialties you can find on every corner. The world-famous Santa Maria dell’Isola cathedral, built on a sandstone cliff right on the coast, is well worth a visit, not just for the architecture but also for the view. Those bold enough to climb to the top will be rewarded with an incomparable vista of Tropea and the surrounding countryside they won’t soon forget.

FA C T S & F I G U R E S


km (485 miles) Coastline


approx. million Inhabitants

Catanzaro is the

Capital of Calabria

Best time to visit for a beach holiday is June to September

AUF DIE PLÄTZE. FERTIG. MEER! Last Minute in den Sommerurlaub. Ab Innsbruck mit TUI direkt auf die griechischen Inseln Kreta, Rhodos oder Kos. Zusätzlich bietet TUI ab Innsbruck Direktverbindungen nach Mallorca und Kalabrien.

24 destINNation

Three Cities Full of Possibility A LE


VIE | Classy caffein





Innsbruck Airport now offers direct routes to three of Europe’s most popular metropolises. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow us to introduce Amsterdam (AMS), London (LON), and Vienna (VIE).

AMS | Say cheese!

Being a cultural melting pot, Amsterdam offers virtually every cuisine imaginable. The Dutch themselves, however, seem to be craziest for one thing: cheese. Need proof? A visit to specialty shops like Tromp or Henri Willig Cheese or to one of the many markets should convince you. Other Dutch must-tries include Patat met Frietsaus, Bitterballen and the sweet Stroopwaffels.

EASYJET TO LONDON Four flights a week on easyJet take travellers to London Gatwick in one hour.

LON | Teatime

In addition to long-established markets like the Naschmarkt and world-renowned gourmet restaurants like Steirereck or Tian, Austria’s capital is best known for its Kaffeehauskultur (coffee house culture). This flair typically includes marble tables, Thonet bentwood chairs, newspapers, and, of course, coffee – preferably the famous Viennese mélange.

In London, you can eat your way around the globe in restaurants and at food markets like Borough Market. British cuisine – from a Sunday roast to fish and chips – is best enjoyed at one of the many gastropubs. Cucumber sandwiches, scones, Victoria sponge cake and other delectable nibbles are all part of a proper afternoon tea. In the evening, head to one of the first-rate cocktail bars like Three Sheets, Lyaness or Connaught Bar. Or, of course, to one of the innumerable pubs.


Unforgettable snapshots

AMS | Flower power With its sky-high ceilings, ceremonial staircase and strict sense of symmetry, the opulent main hall of the Justizpalast (Palace of Justice) would make a spectacular setting for a Hollywood movie. The quirky Hundertwasserhaus, in contrast, defies all attempts at geometry. Its unique façade offers a stark but welcome contrast to the city’s Imperial splendour.

High culture

LON | A literal highlight

For over thirty years, Chris Bracey has been using neon lights like no other. His exhibition space, Gods Own Junkyard, is stuffed to the gills with old neon signs, luminous art installations, and garish movie props. The perfect spot for photos with spectacular lighting.

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® Ingus Kruklitis/,, Pol.Albarran/, God's Own Junkyard, VanderWolf Images/

VIE | Pomp and whimsy

Innsbruck isn’t the only place with rows of house-fronts in every colour. From the Damrak, you can get the perfect shot of Amsterdam’s notoriously narrow and curiously crooked townhouses and gorgeous grachten. These narrow canals also play host to a floating flower market. What better way to capture colourful floral poster pics and kitschy takes of tulips at the same time?

As far as museums go, Amsterdam can of course boast numerous famous names like the Van Gogh Museum, Rijksmuseum or the Anne Frank Huis. Less well-known museums range from the Eye Film Museum to the child-friendly NEMO Science Museum. Another cultural can’t-miss: the unique, cosy brown cafés, traditional Dutch pubs so named for their dark wood interiors.

26 destINNation


Art for the ears and eyes Friends of the theatre and musicals will not want to miss the famous West End, where the streets are lined with one theatre after another. The programmes include everything from classics to audience favourites like Harry Potter and the Cursed Child or Frozen - The Musical. Discover masterpieces from every period in the National Portrait Gallery, the V&A, the Tate Modern, or one of the many other museums and galleries. Admission is often free.

VIE | Under the city sky

From July 1st to August 14th, Vienna is host to high culture: as part of the Kultursommer Wien some 2,000 artists will perform on open-air stages all over the city. Shows include music, dance, theatre, literature and cabaret/comedy galore, and admission is free.

VIE | A particular charm

The Viennese have a distinct and sometimes peculiar sense of humour known as Wiener Schmäh. Chock-full of allusions, insinuations, and black humour, it goes hand in hand with the somewhat morbid attitude the Viennese are reputed to have. Zentralfriedhof cemetery is therefore an actual tourist attraction – one that perfectly reflects how Vienna is just a bit … different.


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Rainbow party Most nightlife can be found around Leidseplein and Rembrandtplein squares. Another place to experience Amsterdam’s worldfamous open-minded attitude is in Reguliersdwarsstraat, whose party culture has been shaped by the proud LGBTQ+ community.

LON | Behind doors

If you are flexible and want to explore London musically, why not give Sofar Sounds a try? Each show includes three concerts held in an unusual location – museums, shops or even in a London family’s living room. The exact locations are kept secret until the day before and you never know who is performing until they take the stage – which certainly keeps things interesting.

® Stew Zotti, Simlinger/, travel mixtape, Paolo Paradiso/, Jorge Rodriguez Veiga/


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28 destINNation


Take Off Worry-Free Be prepared – the famous Scout motto is also true for travel. Follow these tips to enjoy your vacation with a little extra peace of mind.

TIP Travel registration or similar smart traveller enrolment programs will help your government find you more quickly in an emergency. To register with the Austrian foreign office, go to


ood planning should start about six weeks before departure. This includes making sure that all passports and IDs are valid and up to date, and checking for updated travel advisories (issued, e.g. by the Austrian Foreign Ministry (Außenministerium) or your country’s equivalent). You may also need a travel visa, an international driving license, vaccinations, or boosters. We also highly recommend buying travel insurance. Cancellation insurance can sometimes be bought after booking, but you may be subject to waiting periods. Year-round travel insurance is the simplest solution for people who travel two to three times a year and who travel with their families.

You may also need a travel visa, an international driving license, vaccinations, or boosters.

Health in your suitcase A good travel health kit should contain medications for nausea and motion sickness, digestive troubles, pain, and fever. Sunscreen and insect repellent are also essential. Important first-aid supplies include plasters, adhesive and elastic bandages, cold packs, scissors and tweezers, disinfectant and ointment for wounds, and adhesive bandages for blisters. Remedies for cough and sore throat, eye and

ear drops, cream for bruises and sprains and a thermometer can also come in handy. Try to keep everything cool, dry, and away from light on the trip, and once you’ve arrived at your destination, make sure to keep them out of direct sunlight. Home front If you plan to be away from home for longer periods, it is good to store your valuables in a safe deposit box. Leave the keys to your home with a person you trust or in a key safe, not under the doormat or in a flowerpot. Ask a friend or neighbour to empty out your letterbox or ask your local post office to hold your mail. When you leave, make sure all windows and doors to the balcony, terrace, etc. are shut. Timer switches on your lights can create the impression that there is someone home. These steps will help give you peace of mind as you lift off towards your well-deserved break.

USEFUL LINKS Vaccinations: Driving license: Travel insurance:

3 LOCATIONS. 1 COMPANY. A plethora of possibilities. Experience it for yourself. Contact:

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30 destINNation

1 fl ig h t p e r w eek to C a g li a ri

Natural Jewel in The Mediterranean As a holiday destination, Sardinia has a lot to offer: beaches both popular and remote, a unique ecosystem and a fascinating ancient culture


ardinia is located in the middle of the Tyrrhenian Sea, but its beaches may sometimes make you feel like you are in the middle of the Carribbean. The sheer number of long sandy beaches, emerald waters and idyllic coves on this sun-drenched island make it nearly impossible to pick just one personal favourite spot. The best way to explore Sardinia is in a rented car, which will give you access to even the most

remote coves. Thanks to its airports, Sardinia boasts excellent connections, and Christopherus Reisen offers direct flights from Innsbruck that will get you there in just two hours. Back(country) to nature AAway from the famous coastlines like the Costa Smeralda, the Costa Verde and the Costa Rei, Sardinia’s backcountry has yet to be discovered by most tourists and serves predominantly as pasturage for flocks of goats and sheep.Thanks to this, much of the natural landscape has remained virtually untouched, and Sardinia is home to a number of plants and animals that have become rare. These include the wild Girara horse that live here in absolute freedom. With a bit of luck, you might catch a glimpse of one among the 31



The second-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea offers highlights ranging from ancient nuraghe (megalithic buildings) to wild horses.


CAPRICCIOLI Capriccioli beach is one of the most famous along the Costa Smeralda. Considered one of the island’s most beautiful, it is very popular with families and features white sand, crystalclear blue water edged by gorgeous Gallura granite, and pines and olive trees as far as the eye can see. CALA GOLORITZÈ This small, remote beach is only accessible by boat or a ninety-minute hike. From the beach, you have a wonderful view of the natural monuments known as L’Arco di Goloritzè, a natural rock gate, and L’Aguila, a massive rock needle.

Giara horses, mouflons, wild boar and the occasional escaped domestic pig can be found roaming the island.

CALA LUNA This beach on Sardinia’s east coast, known for its particularly fine sand, can also only be reached on foot or by boat. The cove is most famous for the Grotte di Cala Luna caves, which make this beach a true hot spot.

bizarre-looking old cork oaks. Mouflon (a breed of wild sheep), wild boar and the occasional domestic pig gone feral can also be found roaming the island. Discovering this natural world can easily be combined with athletic activities: walking, hiking, riding or biking on the lonely high plateaus or climbing in the impressive gorges and ravines are a wonderful way to create lasting memories. If you like water sports, then Sardinia’s west coast is the place to be: it offers ideal conditions for sailing, surfing, kitesurfing or diving.

rino sardo, and olive oil. These delicacies pair wonderfully with the excellent wines that are made right here from grapes grown on this second-largest island of the Mediterranean.

At the table Sardinian cuisine blends the influences of various cultures and regions into one incomporable bouquet of tastes and aromas. No meal would be complete without pane carasau, a flatbread typical of the island. It is often served with regional sausages and cheese, such as the peco-

Traces of the past Dotted along the mountain ridges and on the edges of the plateaus, you will find the iconic, prehistoric tower buildings known as nuraghe. The island also has numerous caves that can be explored. One of the most famous is the Grotta del Bue Marino: this cave system, which

The red cliffs of Arbatax: these bizarre rock shapes rising straight out of the ocean consist of volcanic porphyry.

is only accessible by boat, is a total of 12 km (7.5 miles) long, but only the first 1,000 metres (0.6 miles) have been developed for tourism. Sardinia is also home to one of the deepest gorges in Europe: the Gola Gorropu in the Supramonte mountain range. Another attraction that is definitely well worth a visit is the Arcipelago di La Maddalena National Park. Located on a group of islands just off the north-west coast, this geomarine national park offers gorgeous vistas and impressive beauty.

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34 destINNation

The Airport Innsbruck-Kranebitten 60 Years Ago (1962) TA N JA C H R AU S T


AU S T R I A N A I R L I N E S In 1962, Austrian Airlines operated their Innsbruck flights on four-engine Vickers Viscount airliners, either 837 (passengers: 59; length: 26.11 m / 85.66 ft.; wingspan: 28.56 m / 93.7 ft.; speed: 519 km/h / 322 mph) or 775 (passengers: 44; length: 24.92 m / 81.76ft.; wingspan: 28.56 m / 93.7 ft.; speed: 518 km/h / 322 mph). The photo shows a Vickers Viscount 837; airport buildings are just visible in the background.

his year marks the 60th anniversary of the Airport Innsbruck-Kranebitten. The airport’s history, however, goes back even further. Originally established by the French occupation forces after World War II, the predecessor of today’s airport went into operation on January 15, 1948, as ‘Flughafen Innsbruck West’ and was handed over to Austrian authorities on September 13, 1955. The name was officially changed to Innsbruck Kranebitten on February 3, 1956, once the operating company Tiroler Flughafenbetriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. (founded on October 8, 1954) had been officially licensed. The company’s partners were the Austrian federal government (40%), the Tyrolean provincial government and the city of Innsbruck (30% each), and its director was Hermann Egger. In the early years, most flights were run by the commercial airlines Austrian Airlines (winter 1961/62 – summer 1962: Vienna-Innsbruck-London, winter 1961/62: Vienna-Innsbruck-Zurich, and winter 1962/63: Innsbruck-London), Swissair (winter and summer season 1962: Zurich-Innsbruck) and Cunard Eagle Airways (formerly Eagle Airways;

winter and summer season 1962: London-Luxembourg-Innsbruck and LondonInnsbruck). Swissair had already been present at the Alpine airport since May 26, 1951, and Eagle Airways since May 21, 1955; Austrian Airlines did not follow until September 5, 1959. In addition to these several scheduled flights per week, there were the occasional charter flights from western and northern Europe. Furthermore,

SWISSAIR Swissair (formerly named Swiss Air Lines) initially used twinengine DC-3 planes (passengers: 32; length: 19.43 m / 63.75 ft.; wingspan: 29.11 m / 95.51 ft.; speed: 266 km/h / 165 mph) on Innsbruck flights. From the 1961/62 winter season onwards, only the larger short- and medium-haul twin-engine Convair CV-440 Metropolitan aircraft were used (passengers: 44; length: 24.84 m / 94.62 ft; wingspan: 32.12 m / 105.38 ft.; speed: 483 km/h / 300 mph). 35

CUNARD EAGLE A I R WAY S In 1960 the British Cunard Steamship Company bought a 60% shareholding in Eagle Airways, and the name was then changed to Cunard Eagle Airways. Besides the twin-engine Vickers Viking 1 A, the airline also operated four-engine DC-6 planes and aircraft from the Vickers Viscount 700 series (seen here in the photo) in 1962.

CUNARD EAGLE AIRWAYS — BRISTOL 175 BR I TAN N I A On May 4, 1962, Cunard Eagle Airways first introduced the four-engine Bristol 175 Britannia in Innsbruck (passengers: 120; length: 37.87 m / 124.25 ft.; wingspan: 43.36 m / 142.26 ft.; speed: 575 km/h / 357 mph). From June 1, 1962, onwards, these replaced the four-engine DC-6 aircraft.


® Privatarchiv Jakob Ringler, Innsbruck

Up until 1962, the airfield races had included only automobiles, but the 5th International Innsbruck Airfield Circuit on October 7, 1962, also included a section for motorbikes. The newly completed construction measures for the planned airport buildings on the south side of the airfield allowed organisers to expand the circuit from 1.7 km to 2.8 km (1 mile to 1.74 miles; sketch: local paper TT from September 24, 1962, 13). This increase not only attracted a new record of 179 racers participating, but also drew a crowd of some 28,000 spectators.

November 22, 1956, marked the inauguration of a flight operations centre of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, which is indelibly connected to the names Eduard Bodem and Johann Neumayr (pioneers of airborne search and rescue). With nearly 600 missions to date, this centre has established itself as a life-saving institution. At the time, operations were flown using two single-engine fixed-winged Piper PA 18 Super Cub aircraft that were stationed at the airport. Aviation for sport and leisure also played a significant role. On September 9, 1962, 39 sports airplanes landed here at the end of the final leg of the Austrian International Sightseeing Flight, hosted by the Austrian Aero-Club (September 6-9, 1962). By this time, the airport had also become somewhat of an Eldorado for gliders. This was due in part, of course, to the impressive landscape, but also to the Föhn – a warm, strong local wind that blows regularly and helped glider pilots achieve peak performance time and again.

From 1958 onward, the airport also held an annual car race. The fifth such international airfield circuit race was hosted by the Austrian Automobile Club on October 7, 1962. Enlargement soon became an issue. Space to the north is limited by the steeply rising face of the Nordkette mountains, and an increase in built-up urban terrain soon made an expansion northward impossible. For this reason, the management board had already decided in 1960 to build new airport buildings and facilities to the south of the 2,000-metre runway (6562 ft. or 1.24 miles). Excavation and engineering works began on September 11, 1961; by the end of 1962, this and the construction of runway turn pads had been completed. Sixty years ago, with an annual volume of 23,808 passengers and 740 aircraft movements, Innsbruck Kranebitten took its place as Austria’s third-largest airport behind Vienna and Salzburg, but well ahead of Klagenfurt, Graz, and Linz.

36 destINNation

Paid engagement

Tastes Like Home It doesn’t take much to make truly good bread. First, high-quality ingredients. And then, over 100 years of experience and tradition. Bäcker Ruetz can vouch for both.

The malty brown bread made from Tyrolean grains won gold at the 20th International Bread Competition.


he Ruetz family has been baking together and making history together since 1899. Regionality is what they live and breathe. Born and ‘bread’ right here in Tirol, to date five generations have found their calling in the baker’s craft, carrying on the family business and continuing the tradition of creating delicious bread to delight all the senses. Ruetz breads made from Tyrolean grain Ruetz uses only premium-quality flour from Austria – depend upon it. For their Tyrolean breads, these traditional bakers even grow grain on their own fields and also source it from Tyrolean farmers. The project began over fifteen years ago, when the bakers envisioned making as much bread as possible using only Tyrolean flour. Within a short time, the community of committed suppliers had grown to the over 30 Tyrolean farms that work with Ruetz today and fill the landscape with luxuriant golden fields of grain. Ruetz also has a longstanding relationship with Rauchmühle mills in Innsbruck – another old, traditional family enterprise unparalleled in Tyrol. This is where we mill our grain, which arrives at the mill freshly harvested straight from the fields with minimum transport distances.

“I am especially pleased that we have managed to switch to Tyrolean-grown grain only year-round for our most important bread type: the Ruetz-Wecken.” Master baker Christian Ruetz

Thanks to this local – and very short – supply chain, the selection of 100 % regional Tyrolean breads at the Ruetz bakery shop at Innsbruck airport quite literally taste like home. Our shelves are filled with delicious loaves ranging from the Tyrolean Krustenlaib (wheat-rye sourdough blend, baked on stone for an amazing crust), Tyrolean rye bread, and Tyrolean whole-grain rye bread to classics like the Tyrolean Ruetz Wecken (wheat and rye sourdough bread seasoned with carraway, coriander and fennel), the Tyrolean Zeile (light and fluffy wheat ‘row’ loaf), and the Tyrolean Korn-Ruguette (dark French loaf with various seeds) to seasonal creations like the Tyrolean Molkebrot (crusty white whey bread).

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38 destINNation

The Tyrol Lounge’s panoramic windows offer an unobstructed view of the magnificent Nordkette mountains. Entrance is free for holders of certain status cards.

Breathe Freely and Relax 39

Why not spend pre-flight wait time in style? The lounges of Innsbruck Airport combine utility with function and beauty.


Without a doubt, the greatest highlight of the Tyrol Business Lounge, which opened at Innsbruck Airport in December of 2017, are the five-metre (sixteen-foot) floor-to-ceiling glass windows and the gorgeous view they afford of the runways and the Nordkette mountain range behind them. Designed and implemented with the multi-award-wining Tyrolean architect Nina Mair, the lounge’s high-end design and stylish ambiance underscore its central theme: the bond between the Alpine and the urban. This ingenious blend is reflected, among other things, in the clever use of varied and contrasting materials: for instance, only woods and stones sourced in Tyrol were used, adding an additional layer to the lounge’s unique character. At over 250 m2 (2700 sq. ft.) in size, the Tyrol Business Lounge is cleverly divided into different areas suited to different uses. Besides the relaxation zone

directly in front of the panoramic windows, there are small work areas for business travellers, a living room with inviting sofas and a floor-to-ceiling library, plus a stylized ‘Stube’ (a rustic, woodpanelled room) that is the perfect place to enjoy the culinary treats and snacks the lounge has to offer. An additional detail that perfectly embodies the overall design is the filigree room divider whose delicate pattern mimics the roof tiles on Innsbruck’s landmark, the Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof). If the lounge had a motto, it might be “breathe freely and relax”. The minute you enter the space, you can feel the hustle and bustle of the world outside fade into the background. The atmosphere is inviting and calming at the same time and gives each visitor the chance to feel truly grounded before take-off.

INNSBRUCK VIP-LOUNGE Those looking for an added touch of luxury can book the Innsbruck VIP lounge separately. It’s perfect for travellers who want to spend their time before take-off completely undisturbed.

The VIP lounge features additional rest areas and a fully equipped bathroom.

Success story The lounge’s success has proven its concept right. First-time and regular visitors alike are enthusiastic in their praise of the ambiance and the service offered. So far, over 106,000 guests (frequent fliers, business travellers, and holidaymakers) have enjoyed this unique oasis of calm. On February 26, 2022, the Tyrol Business Lounge welcomed its 100,000th visitor. Eleven-year-old Alexandra was travelling to Stockholm with her family that day and entered the lounge to enjoy the perfect finish to her winter holiday in Tyrol. Accolades: German Design Award 19 Nina Mair was awarded the German Design Award 2019 by the Rat für Formgebung (German Design Council). A top-class, international jury of designers, architects and journalists selected the best designs among countless entries from all over the world. Nina Mair’s design for Innsbruck’s airport lounge prevailed against submissions from renowned international teams of architects. The German Design Award is one of the most prominent and prestigious design competitions in the world, and its eminence is recognised by both experts and the general public.

40 destINNation



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Curiosities in aviation

Why do the tips on some airplane wings bend up? These upturned parts at the end of airplane wings are known as wingtip devices, winglets, or sharklets. When a plane flies through the air, it causes wake turbulence and creates so-called wingtip vortices. This disturbed air can be dangerous for any aircraft following behind, and it also increases the plain’s aerodynamic resistance, meaning it takes the plane more fuel to fly.

This is where winglets come in: their shape helps to reduce drag and thus to save fuel.


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Entgeltliche Einschaltung

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42 destINNation

6 Things, you didn’t know about Innsbruck Airport



A passenger caused a sensation by trying to bring snake wine from Thailand into Tyrol. This drink is made by infusing whole snakes in alcohol and is believed to have medicinal powers. Austrian laws on animal protection and wildlife conservation prohibit this import, so customs had to confiscate the elixir.

Eight farmers mow some 73 hectares (180 acres) of meadow around the runways for animal feed.



In peak times, we process 69,000 PIECES OF LUGGAGE per week.

3. Our 160 employees come from 9 different countries.


The famous Austrian apple strudel goes out into the world from this very airport. This is because several airline crews buy the sweet treat for themselves “by the metre” from the Bäcker Ruetz bakery shop in the terminal. However, the strudel never seems to make it very far …

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® Illustration: Alina Klampfer

Boeings and Airbuses aren’t the only ‘flyers’ taking off and landing here. Four million bees regularly do the same. What’s more, four of the airport’s employees are also passionate amateur beekeepers.

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