Scrap Metal Junkies #0

Page 1

Illustrated by Z. G. WALKER Book 1 Fuck This

Book 1: Fuck This


-Page 4- Graphic Novel Opening Scene

-Page 16- What is the Story?

-Page 18- Character Concept Art

-Page 28- Page Designs and Layouts

-Page 32- Later in the Story

594 Days Later...

What is the Story?

The concept behind ‘Scrap Metal Junkies’ came from a dream in which all I could remember was a group of friends were running from a horde of machines that kept cornering us at every turn. We then found a hideout spot where we were on the lookout but, at the same time, watching the football. When I woke, I started to think that a world that is overrun by machines but you could still watch the live football was strange, which was when I spent the next 3 hours of the night planning an entire story and building upon the dream on my notes app.

The concept of all parents forgetting about their children and, subsequently, label- ling them as the enemy is a harrowing and heartbreaking thought. As much as this story is centered aroung kids/ young adults, the themes present are very mature and fairly distressing (think ‘The Hunger Games’ or ‘Harry Potter’), which is why this narrative is catered towards a more mature audience.

(Left)An example of a future scene in which there is a standoff between the leader of the ‘Scrap Metal Junkies’, Annie, and one of the machines.

By the end of the opening scene, our lead protagonist, Jaxson Aster, meets the titular characters, the ‘Scrap Metal Junkies’, when they rescue him from the machines. This sets in place an adventure that tests and pushes each character who, not only have to fight and survuve against the machines, but also resolve their battles with their own demons.

When Jaxson starts having visions after meeting mysterious entity trapped in a cage, the truth starts to reveal itself and the events of the past 594 days are seen in a new and, possibly more dangerous, way. Whilst the Scrap Metal Junkies prepare for a rescue mission deep into the Crooked City, where they will need to be at the top of their game to overcome insurmountable obstacles, Jaxson sees this as an opportuniy to delve deeper into the truth, but will he tell the others what horrors he finds? is there a mastermind behind all of this or have the machines gone rogue? Or is there something greater at play than all this? Find out in ‘Scrap Metal Junkies: Book 1- Fuck This’.


Jaxson is the central protagonist throughout book 1 of Scrap Metal Junkies. The narrative follows his story and his quest for redemption given the slaughter of his original group at the start of the novel. Following a revelation, he sees this as an opportunity to make a difference, whether his new group help him or not.



One of the best warriors amongst the group, Celestine’s start to the story is the harrowing depiction of her parents forgetting all about her and her brother. What will be explored later in the story is how Celestine came to terms with what life had turned in to, as well as filling in the gaps between the start of the new world and when she, and the others, first encounter Jaxson.


(left)- Fred

This character is a pivotal part of the Scrap Metal Junkies and is often seen as the glue of the group. Has a cheeky persona that helps get the group out of trouble, as well as being someone that is willing to lay his own life down for his crew. Wielding a mallet and a claw hammer, as well as night vision steampunk goggles, he proves to be a valuable asset to the group.

(Right)- Erin

Meeting at uni, Erin and Celestine develop a great friendship. When the turn of the world hap- pened, Erin contacts her friend for help, where they discover the intentions of the machines. Since the flashback, Erin sports a much different look. Not just bright pink hair, but also a bandage that stretches over her right eye, de to the loss of it during an attack.


After losing an eye, Erin now possesses a visor which allows her one working eye to see things that others cannot, leading her to be the ideal tracker for the group.


Annie finds it hard to trust anyone anymore, due to the last time she did she ended up losing both her arms (long story). Now with one robotic stump and a working mechanical arm, she always steps up when needed for the group.


The leader of the group who always has a stern demeanor in hopes to not lose any more people.


Quiet and stays out of the spotlight, however, never backs out from a fight and, if anything, she wants it most.

Possessing a dark past, Chlo sees no real change in the world, always thinking that this is where life was always heading. There is no necessity for a weapon when it comes to Chlo, who is more than willing to go toe to toe with the machines with her bare hands, ripping them apart for fun.


Bukayo and Kichiro. Best friends who always have each others backs, but their relationship will continue to be tested throughout the story due to a secret that only Bu- kayo is aware of.

to protect the rest of the group from afar.

it, whilst Kichiro stays around the back using his bow and arrow

Both great fighters, however, Bukayo prefers to be in the thick of


Conceptual imagery of a mysterious character that the Scrap Metal Junkies will find along the way.


ahead in advance to allow for a more efficient making process.

all take place within issue 1 of Book 1. I find it useful in planning way

Storyboard planning for future spreads from the graphic novel. These pages


(Above and Below)- sketchbook pages documenting the storyboard planning for the comic. An engaging composition is needed to allow for a smoother flowing narrative. This stage will go through several variations of a comic page, in order to find the composition that best suits the story.

(Above and Below)- The final artwork for pages 2 and 3 of the graphic novel.

This story will follow the group as they explore and visit several locations that have been revamped and changed due to the new world order. For example, the group will take Jaxson to the Social Supply Club, where survivors go to trade whatever goods they have.


An example of the considered colouring within the first few pages, showcasing a similar colour scheme for the respective stories that are at play. I wanted to use a murky colour palette in abundance to help aid the mood and tone of the narratuve.


Why did your parents forget you?

And why do all adults believe children will cause the end of the world?

In the not so distant future, where malicious machines rule, Jaxson finds himself couped up with a new ragged group of teens- The Scrap Metal Junkies.

On a journey to find his place in the new world and on a mission to uncover the truth, Jaxson, and his new crew of renegade survivors, venture out into the Crooked City and beyond, in hopes of delaying the inevitable

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