How do i get my license? had my driving privileges taken away from me for 1 year mandatory 5 year wi

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How do i get my license? had my driving privileges taken away from me for 1 year mandatory 5 year with sr 22 for driving without insurance.? also car got impounded and let the state take control so stopped paying insurance since i did not have a car to insure. Related

Who does the cheapest 1 day car insurance? UK How much is insurance per year on a E46 BMW M3? I'm looking into buying a 2002-2004 M3. I'm 18 yo male with a clean driving record. Where can i get the cheapest car insurance? i'm 22 i've only had my driving licence for 3 weeks, and i bought a corsa energy 1000cc's the price i get quoted is 800+ is that right? or is there anywhere you think i can get it cheaper?" "My friend does not have auto insurance, can he drive other people car?" my friend want to drive someone's else car, which the car owner does have insurance to cover 3rd party driver. However he does not have auto insurance himself. If there is an accident, will his license be suspended? Will he be responsible for anything else during the accident? Thanks" Wells Fargo bought insurance for my truck? Wells Fargo never received notification of insurance for my truck and ended up buying coverage for me (as there is an obligation to have full coverage). All I have to do is let them know about my current coverage and the policy they bought will be dropped. The insurance they bought for me, however, is cheaper than the insurance I have bought through the other insurance company. Can I just keep the insurance Wells Fargo bought for me? Is there a penalty for doing so?" Around how much would insurance be if im 18 driving a ford 2000 GT Mustang and no driving record? Around how much would insurance be if im 18 driving a ford 2000 GT Mustang and no driving record? How much do you think it would cost a 16 year old on insurance for a 1993 Honda Accord?

How much do you think it would cost a 16 year old on insurance for a 1993 Honda Accord? Pay-as-you-drive auto insurance: do you think this is a good idea? An alliance of insurance companies and environmentalists wants to bring a new kind of mileage-based auto insurance to California and charge motorists only for the number of miles actually driven. Called pay as you drive, the option is available from a few insurers in 34 states ... as well as Canada, Japan and Europe. One company, GMAC Insurance Group, says its customers -- whose mileage is tracked by General Motors Corp.'s OnStar system -- have reduced the premiums they pay by 13% to 54%.... The system could cut motoring costs, protect the environment and reduce traffic congestion, boosters say. Opponents, mainly privacy advocates, say they fear that insurance companies could begin tracking more than just a driver's mileage. High-mileage drivers could also see higher rates. from the Los Angeles Times http://w,0,6970018.sto ry" How much is it for car insurance on a Nissan Altima? I am 19 years old and I want to get a used Nissan Altima 2003 but I need t know how much is it going to be to insure? thank you How much is Progressive auto insurance for one car? I'm 18, almost 19 years old and I recently figured out that with American Family Insurance that my parents have for me, I'm actually paying like $40 more than everyone else in my family just because I'm a young male driver. I think that our current insurance company is total **** so I wanted to look up how much a different company would be (in this case progressive because it seems to be one of, if not the best insurance company out there). But I went to their website, and I couldn't find jack about how much car insurance would be with them. I saw stuff like discounts, information about bundling (or something like that), but not a goddamn thing about how much it would be to be insured by them. Am I just looking in the wrong place, or do they just not list their prices unless you talk to an insurance representative?" Insurance question for monthly cost for 2 people.? Does anyone have a ballpark idea of what an insurance plan would cost (monthly) for 2 people in their early 60's? "What would my insurance possibly be with a 318 V8, for my first truck? (vehicle)?" okay, im 15 now, but i found a truck i want desparetly, its an 87 dodge it needs some work but for a first car, any vehicle i want will need some work, i can get the truck fairly cheap an have to put money into it, an rebuild the carborator, etc. but if i get it now, an have it running, for when i get m license, everyone is telling me that having a 318 V8 is going to be expensive insurance, does anyone have any idea how much a price range would be? or a way to figure out a price range to insure this truck? Please an Thankyou."

What is the cheapest car insurance company in orlando? What is the cheapest car insurance company in orlando? Motorcycle insurance? Anyone know where I can get cheap bike Insurance I'm looking for basic coverage on a 650cc Yamaha Maixm I just got my licence in May. I live in Ontario Canada. Can I drive my sons car under my own (fully comp) insurance? My son's car is registered to our home address, and he is currently away. His is cheaper to run so I want to use it (with his permission). He has third party only insurance but I am fully comp on my own car. My insurance states I can drive any other car with the owners permission, but does his insurance level, or the fact it is registered at my own address affect this?" May have a preexisting condition and i need affordable insurance? i may have a preexisting condition i will find out monday ,anyway we are on a month to month with a high cobra premium and it is kicking our butts my husband's job closed after 20 yrs we both are not working and if i have a condition how do we pay for it, how can i get i get affordable health with no job .help somebody i feel for people i feel for everyone who needs health care and can't get it what a shame i pray that i am well and the doctor has good news for me so everyone please pray for a good outcome when prayers go up blessings come down and i need your prayers i love my yahoo family some people are rude but for the most part real decent people live here Sorry for my jumby words" What would my insurance cost? If i am a not yet insurednew driver and already got in a accident under someone else's insurance what would it cost for insurance roughly if i was to apply for some What are some affordable health insurance for california citizens? I'm 22 years old. I have not had health insurance since i was 19. im a babysitter and i only get paid about $800 a month, im a full time student and that's the only job i can obtain because of my school. My schedule changes every 9 weeks. keep in mind i also have school loans to pay and personal bills like cell phone and car / car insurance." If my car insurance finds out that i scratched my rental car will my rates go up? (it's my second incident)? i am renting a car, i scratched it, my credit card will cover the damage but i have to first report it to my car insurance. will this make my rates go up?" Car insurance help !?

Can i buy a car and get car insurance and then only use it for a couple of months ? then do i just cancel the insurance an i would get rid of the car please help me an new to this. Long Term Disability - Life Insurance? If you were no longer able to work and went on short and then long term disability from your job and then you die, is your family still eligible for life insurance that you had through your employer?" The insurance on a kawasaki ninja 250? I don't want a quote it just want to know from people who've had this bike at the age of 17 and how much they paid for their insurance, preferably in pounds because i live in the UK" Cadillac Insurance Plan Question? What would b a good example of the deductible , copays, coinsurance, lifetime max for a Cadillac Insurance Plans" "I received a ticket for no seat belt, will it affect my insurance?" I got the ticket in Garden Grove, California (my first offense). I am thinking about fighting it because I DID have my seat belt on but then I found out that the Vehicle Code 27315 states that the fine for a first offense is no more than $20. But then again I am worried that it will affect my record and my insurance. Can I go to traffic school or something to clear the violation so my insurance won't know? If not should I fight it?" What are some affordable health insurance companies for young adults? Im looking for some health insurance. anyone know of some good affordable companies? How do i get my license? had my driving privileges taken away from me for 1 year mandatory 5 year with sr 22 for driving without insurance.? also car got impounded and let the state take control so stopped paying insurance since i did not have a car to insure. How much is motorcycle insurance for a harley davidson sportster 1200 in Maine ? What's the price for full coverage and just liability What is a cheap auto insurance company? Please be specific. Cheap car insurance for a new driver?

like the title say do ya know a car insurance that is real cheap for new drivers got my license this month and my car and now i just have to register it and get insurance and i got a job and i just want to know how im going to budget stuff and how much you expect i should pay a moth Question about car insurance? My husband made a dent in his car when trying to park. He now wants to fix the dent. Can car insurance cover this? Average car insurance for 21 y/o f? my fiance and i are planning to buy a used car soon, and we were wondering about how much car insurance would cost us. the insurance would go under my name, but it would cover him as well. we are both 21. neither of us have had an accident. we both have pretty good credit. i've had no tickets, he's had 3, each in a different state (they were only minor speeding tickets). he's had his license since 17 y/o and i've had mine since 18 y/o." What is the cheapest car to insure for first-time drivers? I passed my test last November, and am looking to get a new car. However, every single car from Ford Fiestas and Vauxhall Corsas to Renault Clios and Citroen Saxos have come back for somewhere between 2500-3000, even some ridiculous quotes maxing 5000. I'd even settle for somewhere in the region of 1000-1500, and before you tell me, I know how expensive car insurance is... believe me. I'm 20 years of age and passed my test first time back in November if it makes any difference." How much will it cost to insure a classic mini for a 17yearold male? I want to know if anyone out there has recently insured a classic mini, and how much they payed. also where did you get it insured? Thanks in advance." Please help!!! Auto insurance question? I'm having trouble trying to get under my dads insurance policy. I've just gotten my license and found a car I was going to buy so I called my Dad's insurance company to try to get under his policy. However they said I cannot go under his policy because she knows that I will be the primary driver as well as the fact that my dad is already the primary driver for two other cars. Without my dad my insurance rate is around $4500/yr. My dad does not speak english very well so I have to do the calling and talking. What should I say and do so I can get under my dads insurance policy? 11 minutes Buying sunglasses using health insurance ? hi i am trying to buy sunglasses using my health insurance because aetna health insurance allow me to buy sunglasses on their charge, a lot of my friends did it this way, but every time i call a store they say that they don't do that!! any info ? thanks"

Do insurance companies go by residence address or by mailing adress? I live in the city, but I have an upstate house to which I want to register my car to so I can get cheaper insurance. What should be changed?" Question about car insurance...? im trying to figure out if im being ripped off by my parents. i pay $200 every month for car insurance because that's what my parents tell me it is. I got one speeding ticket for going 14 mph over the limit and in 2 minor accidents. no damage to either cars. my question is am i being ripped off? I told some people that i pay that much and they said there is no way your insurance could be that high. help me out please? I need liability insurance? I'm 20 years old almost 21 and I've had a permit for a year next month on the 14th. I want to get a driver's license asap. I know I need liability insurance in order to get it but how do I do that if I can't get insurance without a license? Everytime I call the dmv they say I have to go in person to have my question answered only problem with that is I live 20 miles from the nearest one and no way to get there in the day time. Someone please help! Auto Insurance? Can a person have auto insurance in one state but live in another? Cancelling car insurance? I am a New York state resident, In order to cancel my car insurance, must I first surrender my license plates to the DMV ??" Car Insurance dilemma? My boyfriend bought a car but placed it under my name because his credit was not good enough. I am on the title as the buyer and he is down as the cosigner. He makes all payments and he is the primary driver. I have a car of my own and my own insurance co. Do I have to be under his car insurance as well even if I have my own? Does it depend on the insurance agency? thanks for the help! Is life insurance premium deductible? I got a life insurance on my own. I would like to know if the premium I'm paying is deductible? If you don't know if there a way to find out if it is. "After car insurance expires, how many days do you have to renew it?" My friend just got his car towed for no insurance, I thought you have 30 days after the effective date. Can someone please tell me so I can help him get his car back. SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY!"

I need a Dentist......I have no insurance....what should I do? I haven't visited a dentist in years, but I really need to have a check-up. I have no insurance, What can I do? Where can I go?" Anyone know how to get mental health treatment with no insurance in California? I have depression, anxiety ADHD and I think bipolar disorder. I dont have insurance except urgent care visits. I make a little less than $300 a week. I feel so down these days and really need some help. Even though everything in my life is going well I still have these issues. Any ideas?" How much insurance cost would it cost for a provisional driver on a vauxal corsa? hi, im 16 and soon to be 17 and learning to drive. i want to find out how much it would cost for me to be on a vauxal corsa (2001?)(1.3L) on a provisional learners license. i wanted to go on my mums tesco car insurance but they said i need to give them my provisional licence details but ive only recently sent off for one so i cant give them the details.. any ideas on the cost (any insurer) thankyou so much! katherine" How much is teen car insurance? how much would it be for teen car insurance? im a 17 y/o female in Long Island, NY good grades and will be taking the defensive course first. thanks" Motorcycle Insurance quote? I'm a femal turning 17 in a month and i really wanted to get a motocycle for my birthday but i wanted to figure out the insurance first and i cant get the quote bcz i dont have my lisence yet so i was wondering if anybody could help me out oh and what the best kind of bike would be. If a vehicle would be totalled by the insurance company? Had an accident with an 05 Ford Expedition with 70K miles, The impact of the accident was on the front right fender, looks like it knocked the engine off the mounts, oil and other fluids everywhere and the right front corner of the frame under the engine looks bent. On the drivers side front fender it looks like it is bent at an offset of about 2 - 4 inches. Bottom line question, will the insurance company fix or total out the vehicle?" Is Landlords insurance much higher than homeowners insurance? in Philadelphia, PA.. I have my house rented and the homeowners insurance found out and now they are cancelling my policy. I did not even know there was such a thing as landlords insurance.." How much does insurance on a Catamaran cost?

In USD$, what is the average price for insurance on a newer catamaran?" How do i get my license? had my driving privileges taken away from me for 1 year mandatory 5 year with sr 22 for driving without insurance.? also car got impounded and let the state take control so stopped paying insurance since i did not have a car to insure. What kind of lawyer do I against a car insurance company? I don't have insurance. The insurance company is going after me for damages on the car I didn't do. ie such as a new paint job for the car I backed into. The only damage I did was to the hood and bumper and the insurance company is demanding I pay for a new paint job and all new parts even though this guys car was damaged before I hit it. Car insurance for 17 year old male? hi can anyone help me i have been looking round for car insurance for a 1.0ltr corsa 2002 and my cheapest quote i have had is 15,540 per year and i am wondering if anyone could tell me if there is anywhere i can get it cheeper or is that the cheepest i am gooing to find thanks ant" Does she have to pay the no insurance ticket? My daughter just completed her drivers ed class so I let her drive to school. she was stopped and ticketed for no license and no insurance my car is covered and current. Q does she have to pay the no insurance ticket How to shop for car insurance rates? I need to find car insurance rates to compare, but I can't find a site that lets me do a comparison and get results on the internet. I don't want to give them my phone number and email because I know I'll be spammed to death by people trying to sell me something. Is there anywhere I can go to get comparison rates for free without having to put in contact information like that?" SHould i trust AIS insurance broker co.? I just got an auto insurance quote from AIS and they gave me $250 for 6 months for my 1999 ford. that's like $44/month for a 15000/30000 liability insurance and it is through MERCURY insurance co.... should i trust this and go with it?? i currently have GEICO paying $545 for 6 months California insurance testing help!!! Please! ? I've been studying for the California life health and accident license and I haven't been able to pass. I'm rescheduling and I wanted to know where I could find more information or ways to study. Where can I find tests similar to the actual one and so forth. Please this means alot and hopefully I can finally pass.

Has anyone had experience w/causing a car accident & how much your insurance goes up? I just got into a car accident & I was at fault. It appeared to be minor, based on the small dent in the other person's car, but the couple both have soft tissue injuries. I have no accidents or tickets on my record. I'm wondering if anyone out there has been in a similar situation as me? How much did your insurance go up? I hope this couple doesn't lie about their injuries or embellish them and I hope their injuries don't turn out to be serious. It is too soon to tell. Thanks." Im 17 and i need cheap insuarnce on a 1.0 corsa? i live in the uk. my parents are not with me..soo this means i cant be a named driver. how am i gna get cheap insurance.. give me tips and cheap insuance companies websites please.. How much would a mustang cost for a 17 year old? ? So I've tried googling this a lot of times but it hasn't really helped me so I'm just gonna ask myself... First off, I'm 17 but will be 18 in 2 months maximum. (not that it would really matter, but just putting that out there.) and I've had insurance on my parents car for about a year and a half now; never had any wrecks or anything. And their car is a year like 2009 Pontiac G8, V6. But I only have to pay $80. And I do believe my mother told me that we have Allstate... But as for the car I'm hoping to buy, it's nothing fancy. Just a 2000 mustang. It's not a convertible. I'm just hoping it won't be anymore expensive than what I pay now. And I've also had my license since I was 16. So I think that covers all the info but it'd really help if someone gave me like a range of what I might be paying for that. Thanks! :)" What is public liability insurance? where can i get one? im applying for business permit and one of the requirement is public liability insurance. Where i can get affordable or free x rays? I have a prescription for low back and leg x rays,but is kind of hard for me at this moment cause i don have a job and i cant afford $300 that's the estimate the hospital gave me when i'd call to ask the cost,cause i don't have health insurance neither" POLL: How much do you pay for car insurance? i asked about how much car insurance costs but didn't get any great answers, so i'm just going to do a little survey" Do U think it's fair women's insurance is cheaper because they have an 'innie' and men have an 'outie'? I see just as many women being careless drivers as men. Why should their sex organs have anything to do with car insurance?

How much more do landlords pay in insurance for DSS tenants? I've seen it mentioned often that if a landlord accepts a tenant in receipt of housing benefit they're likely to pay more in insurance, which is why some won't accept them. I was just wondering if anyone could give me an idea of what the difference is?" What is an average estimate for insurance on a 1991 convertible for a 19 year old male? The car is not red and i'm talking just liability. How much my insurance be on a Lamborghini? ? Hi I have looked at a few quotes online but I haven't found a site that will insure me or give me an accurate quote. I'm 21 been driving two years and the car is a Lamborghini Gallardo Sypder. Thanks How much should a teen pay for car insurance (10 pts in 24 hrs!)? I'm 17 years old, female and will be driving a 2011 Hyundai Sonata. I live in New Jersey and I'm wondering how much it will cost. When I looked for quotes online it said 450 a month. Will this be accurate? I passed my permit test with a 82. Can anyone give me numbers and not 50-500 stuff? And i need to know ASAP Will be picking best answer by the end of today!! thank you. or atleast answer: how much did you pay at 17 info and stuff. Thanks!" Should we keep health insurance or get rid of it? anyone know the pros and cons of either getting rid of health insurance or to keep it? Insurance on 2006 Ford Mustang and 2004 A4? Hey, I'm a 16 year old student (turning 17 this year). I'll be getting my G2 in March of 2014, and I'm having a hard time deciding which car to save up for. It was between a 2004 Audi A4 or 2006 Mustang the whole way through. Which car would you recommend for a student? I'm having trouble finding an A4 for under $8,000 with decent kilometers. I was wondering how high the insurance would be for me on both cars, also I did not take driving school. I've also heard that if I write my mother's name as the primary driver, and my name as the secondary driver its cheaper." Car insurance question. UK only please? Me and my husband went bankrupt in NOV 2010 (long story) and basically, the things like car insurance and cable and internet and energy companies were fine as there were no credit checks as we were already with them. But now we have had a car insurance quote from our company to renew in mid-May, and it has gone up from 37 a month to 60 a month. So firstly, I wonder if the bankruptcy may have affected this new quote? And also, if we try and move to another company, will our bad credit caused by the bankruptcy and home repossession make companies refuse us? I don't see why, as our credit score is irrelevant to our driving, and we have never made a claim in the 20 years of driving, and have many years of no claims bonus. But someone we know

said some companies may refuse us car insurance! Help anyone? Thank you." Is it possible for someone to sponsor your car insurance? I heard you could find somebody to sponsor your car insurance and the rate will go down if the person has good credit. Is that true? and what company has lowest insurance rate for 2 way? Name 2 aspects of private Med insurance that need improvement? My top 2 are: The potential to abuse the 'preexisting condition' to deny treatment. and The difficulty in being vested or retaining a policy when changing jobs or temporarily unemployed. I need help with Car Insurance... Please!? I am a 17 year old male in the UK and have just passed my test on september 2012. I cannot get insured anywhere because they are all charging me at least 500 pound a month to be insured on my mams car (Corsa SXI 2002), i cannot afford this... obviously. I have tried almost every car insurance site and i cannot seem to find any cheaper than 500 pound a month! It is very frustrating because i am a very sensible driver. I need some help!!! Is there any cheap cars that i can buy that will make the insurance cheaper? Can you recommend any cheap or used cars that have cheap insurance for young drivers? Can you recommend any good insurance sites for young drivers? Please any help will do!!! Thank you" Who is the head of the Texas Department of Insurance? I need to know who the head of the Texas Department of Insurance, whether he/she is elected by the public or appointed and if he/she is a republican or a democrat. General Contact information would also help." Which is the best Home Loan insurance? Hi, i have taken Home loan of Rs. 10 Lac from HDFC. and want to protect my loan through insurance. can any body tell me that , which is the best home loan insurance plan or policy. HDFC recommend to me its own HDFC ERGO for home loan. is it best for me or any ohter option to chosse me. Please advice. LK Sharma" How do i get my license? had my driving privileges taken away from me for 1 year mandatory 5 year with sr 22 for driving without insurance.? also car got impounded and let the state take control so stopped paying insurance since i did not have a car to insure. How much do you pay for your car insurance? Toronto, ON" How much is home insurance per year in South Florida ?

Were purchasing a home around 300,000 how much is insurance yearly ? Anyone pay around this much ?" What is the cheapest place to get car insurance in Toronto Canada? What is the cheapest place to get car insurance in Toronto Canada? Looking for Health Insurance in New Jersey? Hi Going to the doctors for a simple check up costs a lot of money and I have to take blood tests too and that right there costs 500 bucks and I'm paying cash out of my pocket.. I'm looking for health insurance in my state and actually for my parents too but I can't seem to find an affordable plan. Can anyone help me out this? I think we're going to go broke pretty soon because sometimes it's really urgent and the doctors don't even give you discounts. "Florida law - Florida license, no car, so no insurance? If someone with a Fl driver's license who doesn't have a car so doesn't have car insurance is involved in a car accident while driving someone else's car. Does the car owner's insurance cover the uninsured driver? Is AETNA a good health insurance to get? my benefits package came from work, it offers medical from Aetna is that a good health insurance provider? What about Guardian Plan ppo for Dental??" Want to get a life insurance policy on my sister.? Hello everyone I know that there are policies for yourself or spouse, but am trying to get a policy on my sister. Are there policies out there for siblings and if you have any additional info it would help. Thanks Financing a new car and with no insurance? could I finance a new car then have it sit in my drive way with no plates or registration to avoid paying for insurance ontill I pay the car off How does having a salvaged title affect insurance? Does it cost more? My dad told me that you're unable to get full coverage with a salvaged title. Quick question about a 16 year girl's car insurance rate...? My daughter's about to turn 16. Anyone have any idea what we can expect her insurance rate to be on a 2011 Mustang V6?

How to get cheap car insurance? i want to know that how to get cheap first car insurance in u.k? Would I need auto insurance if Im driving a motorcycle/scooter with a Motorcycle Instruction Permit in AZ? I am thinking about purchasing a Yamaha Vino (2004-08 model) and also I will be obtaining my Motorcycle Instruction Permit. I would like to know if I would need any form of auto/motorcycle insurance while practicing with my permit. If so, how much would it cost me per month (rough estimate)? I am 16 years old btw." Car insurance recommendations? hi im 16 and trying very hard to get emancipated i havent told my mom yet though because it seems like a great idea not to get kicked out first, but anyways i have locked in a steady job at a clothing store but i am only working part time for now. What would your recommendation be for cheap car insurance i have no idea where to even start but if i can get cheap insurance than i will be able to spend more on an appartment or trailer. plz give me your recommendations and any advice on how to accomplish my goal. and please no bad comments i just want advice." How much does the insurance company raise your rates if you use your car for work? I'm talking about reading meters where I had to use it everyday, often driving from house to house or business to business all day. And I still have a lien on my car. I currently pay about $60 a month." What is the cheapest reputable auto insurance out there? Need full coverage. Which family/individual health insurance policy covers OPD expenses also in India? Which health insurance companies are best, is it wise to buy policy from any of the companies which are listed there or registered with IRDA or we should keep certain things or criteria in mind? So that we should not feel sorry or guilty after buying or dealing with these in the need hour. THANKS" Why do men pay more for car insurance than women? This fact is surely sexism based on pure stereotypes rather than relevant information such as the driver's history. Doesn't this just portray the stereotype that men are more irresponsible or 'risk takers' when it comes to driving? Why not base car insurance on ethnicity? "How much is a speeding ,no insurance,and without id ticket can cost in Augusta Georgia?"

my daughter was caught speeding,no license,no insurance,how much does the tickets total?" Hi my parents have allstate auto insurance...? i was just licensed, and my parents have that car insurance. Will it cost less to have my car included into their insurance rather than having a separate one for myself? and if so approximately by how much less per month?" How can i get homeowners insurance if i own a rottweiler? i currently have gieco home insurance and they said they will not cover my home if i own a pit bull, rottie or chow what i'm i supposed to do with my rottie? please help" Can I insure a Car under My Insurance if I am not on the title? I just bought a used car and had my fiance's mother finance it under her name because she got me a 7% APR which is really good compared to what I would have gotten. The finance guy at the dealership said to just have the car under her name to get that great rate and leave me off the loan completely. I will be making the payments, driving it, & insuring it. She is just the person who's name is on the title (so I could get that great APR rate) Now, I was just wondering, can I insure the vehicle under my policy even though my name is not on the title? I am kind of worried that my insurance company will not let me insure the car because my name is not on the title. Does anyone have any experiences or knowledge about this sort of thing? Thank you for your help" "I am getting my license back soon after a 3 year suspension,Does anyone know how I can get cheap insurance?" I have 2 OUI's about 3 years ago,and I need to find a way to lower or get cheap insurance.Thanks" Car insurance wrong information coverage upon car purchase..? i bought a new truck, i am a first time car buyer and got the independent insurance agent the dealer had.... the agent told me that he was informed by the insurance agent that i will have a one (1) year coverage for the auto insurance as well as the amount of my monthly premium.. when i got the policy i was shocked to find out i only got six months coverage for the insurance and my monthly premium increased... they got PROGRESSIVE as the insurance company. i have already paid the required first six months (according to the agent) insurance premium and have to pay monthly for the remaining 6 months... which is not the case when i got my policy... is there a way how to handle, change this car insurance that i got? if not how could i send any complain to certain authorities/agencies for this kind of activities? any help is appreciated" What are the upsides/downsides to a LPG/Autogas conversion.? With auto gas being roughly 60% of the cost of petrol, investigating a conversation is attractive but not if it is just simply an exchange of costs and the whole deal just is a

contra entry. Much lower mpg , increased service costs, insurance, more wear and tear are just some of my thoughts. Also how does auto gas effect performance ? Hence what are your experiences (in the UK please), costs, regrets and pleasures concerning the topic." Does anyone know what are the deductible rates that AAA auto insurance offer? Does anyone know what are the deductible rates that AAA auto insurance offer? How do i get my license? had my driving privileges taken away from me for 1 year mandatory 5 year with sr 22 for driving without insurance.? also car got impounded and let the state take control so stopped paying insurance since i did not have a car to insure.

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