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SX-64/Model 100 Hookup I had so looked forward to con necting my SX-64 to my Radio Shack Mode!

100 after reading about the

forthcoming article in the February

1987 issue of RUN. Imagine my con sternation when I read ihat I must use

not all leap years (1900 and 2100, for

characters in lines 2100 and 2120.

instance). Adding the following line

When you're typing Crosswords in,

will keep Calendar Generator from

be sure lo use unshifled spaces in

printing them out as leap years:

those spots.

Michael J. Mart one Parsippany, NJ

to type in tiie data transfer program. Can you explain how I can use a typist

Update to Notepad Update

machine language program for my

In my (i4 Notepad Update program Marlow, NH

that appeared in the January 1987 is sue of RUN, I used a Commodorespecific command that centers the

We're sorryfor the confusion. MLPerfect

program output on the page. From

Typist 2.0 works on both the C-64 and the

readers' letters, I've discovered that this command unfortunately makes

C-128. However, in orderfor thechecksuvis to come out right, you need to delete line 10 of the transfer program. Editors

Calendar Generator Changes Many readers have written in to say

they've had trouble typing in line 300 of my Easy Applications


non-Commodore printers print the number 20 at the beginning of each

line. To correct this problem if you have a non-Commodore printer, re

move the REM in line 127 of Listing 2, on page 60, and replace it with POKE MEM + 103,177. The printout

won't be centered, but the 20s will disappear.

Robert C. Kodadek

Calendar Generator, in the January 1987 issue otRUN. To make typing in

Aston, PA

302 PRINTHSPC(CE)CHR$(14)i MOS (MO) + " ":YR

I'd also like to thank the readers

Typing In Crosswords I've received several letters from

readers who can't get my Crosswords program on page 7(i of the January

1987 RUN to work. They all entered the


using Perfect Typist,

who caught an error In my logic. In writing the program, I forgot to take

and their checksums wouldn't come

into account that, while all century markers are divisible by 4, they art;

from using shifted spaces—or even

102 /RUN MAY !9fi7

RUN. I found a number of bugs in the initial version of the program, so

I sent for the upgrade (for $10). It fixes the problems I was having, and Progressive Peripherals claims it also solves the problem, mentioned in the article, with accessing files on some 1571 diskdrives. Concerning the letter about the re

view from Stephan Kagc in the De cember Mail RUN, I use a Skyles interface with my SFD-1001, and it works fine. Now a couple of questions. Do you know of any user's groups for Superbase? Also, can the backup function of Superbase 128 be performed on two disk drives rather than on a single Robert Wright

two separate lines as follows:

2 + 9:PR1NT#4

128, which was reviewed by John Premack in the October 1986 issue of

or dual drive?

this line easier, you can split it into

300 CE = (64-LEN(MOS(MO))'2-12)I

More on Superbase I'm writing in regard to Superbase

program for the C-128 to prepare a

Nathaniel F. Ireland

Warren, OH


ML Perfect Typist 2.0, for the C-128,


John M. Smyczynski


out right. The difficulty has come no spaces—to separate the graphics

1013 N. Glendale Ave.

Glendale, CA 91206

Thanks for the tips, Robert. As to Su

perbase user'.(groups, neither 1 nor thefolks ut RUN or Prugressive Peripherals know of any. If you subscribe to QuantumLink, or any other national on-line network with an active Commodore section, you might check there. Even though you may find mi

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