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Print Screen Plus If you've ever worked wilh either

use the program as described below.

on each line is the sum of the other

high- or low-resolution graphics,

The new interrupt routine will now

numbers on the line. If you make a

you've probably wished that you had

be enabled.

typing error while entering the pro

some way to capture [hat screen im

grams, you will be told in which line

age on paper. After all, even the Com

If you have a non-Commodore printer, then, after you have typed in

modore 1525 primer is capable of

and run Listing 1 (this will enable the

producing bit-mapped graphics of surprisingly good quality.

carefully. If it looks okay, then you

new interrupt routine), type in and

have probably entered an extra num

run Listing 2. This program will mod

The accompanying program, Print

ber or comma on the end of the pre

ify the main program to work with a

Screen Plus (Listing 1), will dump a

vious line.

Gemini 10X printer with a Cardco

text screen to any printer and a high-

?/ + G interface. It is easily modifiable to work with virtually any dot-matrix

or low-resolution graphics screen lo your dot-matrix printer. You only have to press a function key, and [he program will determine whether you're in high or low resolution and

print accordingly. It will also load a previously saved hi-res screen, whether that screen was saved as a sequential file, a straight program file or a

Koala file. You

needn't concern yourself with what

type of file you're loading.Just enter the filename, and the Print Screen

printer and will enable you to take full advantage of your non-Commo dore printer's capabilities. Listing 3 is provided for your con

venience. It will save the machine language program to disk with the name HIRESUTIL, which will enable you







entering: LOAD "]URESirnLlp,8,l

and then

Plus program will figure out what


you're talking about and load it.

This will load the program much faster and, for non-Commodore printer users, will make it unneces

You can also save .1 hi-res screen

to disk by just pressing a function key and entering the filename.

If you're in lo-res and have a hi-res screen loaded, you can view your hi res screen by pressing another key. While in will print

sary to load and run two programs. To use the program, load and run

Listing 1 and, if necessary, Listing 2. Make modifications to the program, if desired, as described below, and

you made an error. Cheek that line

How It Works The program is interrupt-driven,

which means that it can work even while you have another program run

ning (as long as there isn't a conflict for memory use). Sixty times a sec ond, location 197 (SC5) in the C-64 is checked for a depressed key. If one of the function keys is pressed, then the Print Screen Plus program takes over and does its work. When it is

finished, it returns you to where you left off in your program. You can change the keys that do the work, but the program defaults are as follows:

fl Checks to see if you are in HighResolution or Low-Resolution mode and prints the screen.

f3 Prompts you for a hi-res filename and then loads a file. Pressing the return key without a filename will return you to your processing.

the hi-res screen, and the space bar will return you to your prior screen.

then load and run Listing 3. You'll be asked to insert a disk and press a

f5 Prompts you lor a filename, and

Printing Your Screen

key when ready. When you press a key, the Print Screen Plus program

ing the return key without a file

To use Print Screen Plus, type in and save Listing 1, then run it. If you have a 1525 printer, you're ail set to

will be saved on your disk.

Listings 1 and 2 are provided with a checksum routine. The last number

then saves the hi-res screen. Press name






pro cess ing.

f7 Turns on Hi-Res mode for viewing a screen in memory. Press the fl

RUN It Right

064; C-128 (in C-64 nuxk) Disk drive; printer


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