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Lava Flow Forrest Bentley

It's a bricklayer's nightmare. Build walls to protect yourself from the fast-moving and relentless molten rock in "Lava Flow," a two-player arcade-style game for the Commodore 64. Joystick® required.

There's nothing especially interest ing about this room—except the

hole in its center, that is. Through this hole, lava flows into the room. Your only defense against the lava is the rudimentary bricklaying


After the game, you're asked if you'd like to play again. Answer Y if you would, N if you'd rather not.

equipment you possess. But while the bricks you lay will protect you

The lava has nearly made history out of this brickwork.


"Lava Flow" is a two-player

moment and your opponent could push the advantage.

Typing It In Lava Flow is written entirely in ma chine language, so you must type it in using "MLX," the machine lan guage entry program found else

where in this issue. When MLX prompts you for starting and end ing addresses, respond with the fol

lowing values. Starting address:


Ending address:


Before exiting MLX, be sure to save a copy of the program to tape or disk.

not laying bricks. And you can't move through bricks. The lava can, but it slows in the process. touch you or your opponent. When this happens, that player gets a "hot foot" in the truest sense of the phrase, and the other player gains one point. Lava Flow ends when one player has accumulated five

petitor are trapped in a room.

game that demands savvy and quick reflexes. Hesitate even one

you move much faster when you're

Sooner or later, the lava will

There's no doubt about it—things will get hot tonight. You and a com

for a while, the lava is relentless, so your goal is to last longer than your

to stop laying bricks. Notice that

Survival of the Fittest

To play Lava Flow, plug two joy sticks into the computer. Now, load

the program with a statement of the

Strategy It's been said for some games that the best offense is a good defense. A good defense certainly helps in Lava Flow. The more bricks you

lay, the more slowly the lava will invade your territory. You and your

form LOAD"LAVA",8,1 for disk or LOAD"LAVA",1,1 for tape. To start the program, type SYS 49152.

opponent may want to spend a few

Move your player with your

makes a good wall and what makes

joystick. The white pkyer uses joy stick 1; the black player uses joy stick 2. Move your joystick in the direction you want your onscreen alter ego to follow.

Although the lava spreads quickly, you aren't totally defense less—you can build walls. Press and release the joystick's fire button

to leave a trail of bricks behind you. Press and release the button again

games building walls in different patterns. That way, you'll see what a poor one.

Once you've mastered de fense, you'll want to work on of fense. One solid (and nasty) Lava

Flow tactic is to rush to the other side of the room to build a one-layer wall around your opponent. After

you've done the dirty deed, build a more secure wall around yourself

and wait for the inevitable. See program listing on page 78. COMPUTEVs Gazette

Septambur 198B

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