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—CUT HERE ^*?—

CAN YOU CUT IT? Can you handle the excitement of the hottest arcade megahits? Then cut out these name plates, mount 'em on your monitors and boot

up Gauntlet and

Paperboy" from Mindscape, That's all you need for absolutely outrageous arcade action, right

You'll get real arcade graphics. Real arcade feel. Real arcade excitement. After all, these are based on the real arcade classics. So get set, get psyched for the arcade to hit home. Just pick up new Gauntlet and Paperboy. That is, if you think you can cut it.

at home.

Mindscape takes the arcade home. Visl ycur rolnilra a Gill 1-800.221-98841w VISA u Urfi'iGurt unli-. To iiuictusa Dy ™j. tend

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of M8.95 (Alan ST. Papoitmy (inly) plus 13.001m handlino lo Mimlscniio, (nc, HO Bo* 116/.

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