1 minute read

Maxym Powroznyk

BUSINESS : Corporate and Personal Tax Manager, Cooper Paul WEBSITE : cooperpaul.co.uk

Q Can you tell us a little bit about the history of your company?

A Cooper Paul are based in Loughton and have been serving the interests of businesses and individuals since 1965. Services we provide range from compliance requirements, such as the preparation of tax returns and accounts, to tax advisory work covering areas such as inheritance and capital gains tax.

Q What area of accountancy do you specialise in?

A I am both a Chartered Accountant and a Chartered Tax Advisor and therefore, aside from more straightforward accounting and tax matters, I often work on more complicated matters of taxation. Common examples of the latter include exit/ succession planning, inheritance tax, trusts, and capital gains tax, particularly in relation to family homes, rental properties and owner managed businesses.

Q Is there a stand out case study?

A Recently, I advised a company with two director shareholders on the purchase of own shares where one of the directors was seeking to retire. This involved considerations as to the nature of payment for the shares, capital versus income treatment, subsequent application for clearance to HMRC and finally attending to matters of compliance after completion of the transaction. Another recent case involved reviewing a sizeable property portfolio, considering the benefits of incorporation and reliefs potentially available as to the transfer of the properties into a company.

Q In terms of your team, what makes you the best in this area?

A We take our time to understand what it is that our clients are trying to achieve. We then present the options available along with our views for them to discern as to which they deem preferable.