Interview with Peter Bird

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Project infomation Department: Communication Design and Digital Media Moduld: Professional Practice Business Context For Visual Communication Programme Name: Higher Diploma in Visual Communication Programme Numble: DE114106-2B2 Project Title: Interview with Peter bird studio Team Members: 1)Yan Ho Yin(Team Leader) 2)Tam Kam Fa 3)Chan Tsz Ching 4)Chan Sing Yu 5)Cheung Ka Yi Date of submission: 4/4/2019

What is the theater propaganda design? The theatre propaganda design is to design a set of exclusive themes and props through the designer's understanding of the script, including posters, brochures and souvenirs. In recent years, performing arts activities have also placed great emphasis on promotion and publicity strategies. It can make the audience know what the show about probably and attract viewers to watch the show, That's why the theatre propaganda design is becoming more and more critical.

In the past,the theatre propaganda design was mainly designed by the theatre itself. However, in recent years, many designers have joined in, adding more design styles to the theatre propaganda design. Today we will learn more about the design of the theatre through the visit with Peter Bird.

About Peter Bird

Why you call yourself “ 江田雀”? It is your real name? Peter Bird said that “ 江田雀” is not his real name, it just a name for the public. The idea of “ 江田雀” is from a book written by “上村春樹”. In this book have introduced the image of the bird, therefore he decides to call himself “ 江田 雀”.

※How you starting his design careers? About his design careers. The reason why Peter bird started his design careers is because of a band which is "Sight Ros". In 2004, he wants to design a website (Hong Kong Fan Page) to support them as a huge fan, therefore, he designs a website for them.After a few months, Peter quite his job and using the website to interviewing a website company. This is how his starting his design careers. Also during Peter new job, he improved his Photoshop and AI skill a lot. However he has to overtime working Every single day which brings the health problem to his body, therefore he decides to quit this job and takes a short break.In a coincidence situation, he finds his job which is a film poster designer. He started his poster design careers until now. Peter established his own company in 2011 and started to catch up some job until now. ※What is the first job that you handle all?

The first single job should be typesetting for Roundtable publishing. At that time, I and my friend responded to the design and layout of the book. It was the first time that Peter Bird started using InDesign. ※Have you ever set up your personal exhibition?

Peter Bird have an exhibition which calls "Lonely Bird" in 2015-2016. Also, the exhibition was shown in Tai Wan.

One Person Company

At the start, Peter has designed his own website to upload the portfolio to promote himself. But, Peter would not cold call the customers. He always is a passive status to wait others find him and appreciate. Until today, he has a better and successful company. Peter also makes a new profession website and Facebook. Peter also said that theatre design in Hong Kong is starting overflow. He thinks this situation is just like factory production. Although Peter doesn’t want to work with this situation, it is helpless and hasn’t choices to select for doing design in Hong Kong. On the other hand, because of theatre design in Hong Kong is keeping increase, there are too many jobs offer in the market. The problems of industry competition have been decreasing, there is still have a big developing space.

For the Operating company, Peter felt difficult on work once time. Around 18 years before, a practice in 12th Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival has been banned for many times by Johnnie To. At that moment, Johnnie To thought the work must follow the past design in 11th, and only need to change the number. Peter felt the plan had been restricted and couldn’t show his personal style. For the future, Peter has not to worry that his design will be unified. ”What the people doing what the things,” Peter said. Just follow his own wishes, and there will be a new breakthrough. Sometimes, when starting to do work by one people, Peter hasn’t feel lost. He said that there are some opinions from the customers, there is a vital source of inspiration. He thinks the important thing is not to follow the social trend, and understand which design has the best feeling to ourselves. At last, for the problem of the increased jobs in the future. Peter said that he will find a peer relationship partner if necessary. He doesn’t want that people are under him and work of following his order. Peter like everything is working by his own hand, to explore the new design. He thinks very likely to keep working by one person company in the future.

Design work

Performance art

Iron Horse Hong Kong Arts Festival - 2014

Chan Tsz Ching: The "Dance Fresh Man" series provides a professional performance platform for a new generation of choreographers, and through art direction, encourages local art development and inspires choreographer creativity. I really like the work of Peter Kong. I think everyone will have different feelings when they see it. The colour used in the works is vibrant, and at the same time, the use of photography has reached a different opinion. The upper part of the action feels very scared, while the lower part feels lost. The contrast between the two is, and it is easy to attract my attention.

New Force in Motion BlackBox Theatre - 2018

Chan Tsz Ching: "New Force in Motion" Series presents new dance works of emerging choreographers, aims to provide a professional platform for young choreographers to showcase choreography, encourage development and stimulate choreography through artistic mentoring. I think everyone will have different feelings when they see it. The colour used in the works is very rich, and at the same time, the use of photography has reached a different feeling. The upper part of the work feels very scared, while the lower part feels lost. The contrast between the two is very big and it is easy to attract my attention.

Design work

Performance art

Hong Kong Independent film Festival 2018

Cheung Ka Yi: This is the poster of Hong Kong Independent Film Festival 2018. A girl looking up and standing in the middle of the poster with the coordination with light lines made the composition simple but perfect to match with them. Bring out the feeling of an independent film festival. Peter added some lines with the Chinese font in the middle with a dark background in the poster. Created the feeling of placing a movie.

Untitled III KALOS Productions HK - 2018

Chan Sing Yu: The reason why I like this poster is whether he choose photos, illustrations or text, the dominant image is critical. Just like text, it needs to be read from a distance. When designing posters, he considers small - close-up work of faces or elements, single item illustrations. Also, he will find everyday scenes with sharp focus and new typography with high intrigue. After selecting the vision, he will control types and images need to have enough contrast so that they can be read independently.Also, between individual letters. Tight kerning can cause messages to blur at distances.

Design work

Social issues and cultural education

WYNG Master Photography Awards Entrustment Plan - 2014

Yan Ho Yin: This is a photography design of “WYNG Master Photography Awards Entrustment Plan” in 2014. Photographers and artists from Hong Kong and overseas are invited to submit photography proposals with the theme of "Waste/Abandon" and Hong Kong as the background. The background of the photo is some discarded cans with grey colour. At the middle of the picture, there is a word “ 廢 / 棄 ” with white colour. I think all of you will easily to understand the meaning of this design. It means many cans are discarded by people every day, and the quantity of these cans can pile up to ground. And we are living with these cans every day in Hong Kong. We also can see the word “廢 / 棄” is turned into light colour on the background of cans. It is not a pure white colour. This colour bring out a feeling just like polluted water. I think it is similar to a situation of ocean pollution. This simple photo design brings out the message that we are damaging the environment by waste in our daily. This is meaningful work and worthy of our reflection.

Postdramatic Theatre Poster Design 2016

Yan Ho Yin: This is a theatre from famous German Atheist – Hans Thies Lehmann. The theatre present with some various elements such as body, space, beauty, music to discuss the relationship between contemporary drama and politics. For the poster, there is using a contrast colour – yellow and blue. We can see the word ‘Post’ clearly in the poster. Also, there is a Chinese word ‘後’ on the word of ‘post’, but the word has been divided into 4 parts. There is an excellent word design and indirectly express the concept that the theatre wants to bring out. Also, the word ‘Post’ is a beautiful design too. The strokes of the word a re thin and elegant. This totally matches the feeling of body, space, beauty that the theatre wants to present. When we are looking at the poster, we need to use our mind and imagination to estimate the behind the meaning. That’s just similar to a sentence said by Hans Thies Lehmann -“Same of the theatre art and literary creation, all need positive imagination.” I hope that you all have the same feelings.

Design work

Social issues and cultural education

Artspiration Poster 2014

Tam Kam Fa: Artspiration is an art program that promotes local art events in Hong Kong. The poster uses a triangular composition to focus on the centre of the picture, and the scene is arranged in an "A" representing Art and the program name Artspiration. The colour uses light tones, which is a popular style of literature and art in 2014. The whole poster gives a warm feeling, bringing art into life and re-learning art with a relaxed and happy perspective.

Zihua-Issue 63 2016

Tam Kam Fa: The theme of this issue of magazine Zihua is “There is a class of creative writing?” Many people have the habit of writing, but the creation is so few people can do it. Most people just use other people’s paper and feelings. From the beginning of elementary school, everyone is trapped in a format, and it is difficult to express it entirely in their own words. So creation is like a cover illustration for me. Like a black hole. I don't know where to go. I am right or wrong.

Design work

Social issues and cultural education


Cheung Ka Yi: In this poster, Peter used simple straight lines to sketch out the words " 自主特區 ".About those words in the poster, It looks like a building. It also seems to be a cage trapped people inside. And the people in the photos in the posters are all desperate and sad. About the design of this poster, I think the layout it seems simple but brings out the meaning directly.

MA in Philosophy CUHK - 2019

Chan Sing Yu: The reason why I like this poster is I think that the primary task of a poster is usually to get someone to touch an activity. The information is easy to read from a distance to attract people to posters and create hierarchies in the text. Peter knowing the actual location of the design can help him choose how to create his design. Also, the visual contrast is not only important in his design but also an important external factor.

Interview with Peter Bird

Let's talk! ”How did you get into the design work? Peter Bird is not reading a design. He is reading the e-commerce of IVE, and then he transferring to 3D entertainment because of his interest. He was very fond of an Icelandic band Sigur Ros and is their fans. So he designed a web page for them. He created the first so-called design work. The took a design and entered a web design company. At that time, only knew Photoshop and Adobe Illustration. At that time, He stayed at the company to learn design software every night. But still, feel that he is not suitable. Because of the coincidence, he entered the film still company and was responsible for the poster design before he officially started the design work. However, because of the boss's physical discomfort, he was forced to choose his own idea of starting an independent company.

”The benchmark for picking up work? Peter Bird think that the first is time. Although he is self-employed and can arrange own work, time management is very important. Each piece takes a certain amount of time. Therefore, time is the first thing he will consider. The second is interest, but basically, the work of literary style will be picked up, because more than 90% of his work is related to literary creation.

”When you usually choose customer cooperation, is it a hobby or a commercial priority? Peter Bird don't really like commercialization. If you look at his work, you know that he is more literary, and the concept of creation is simple and shocking. If the customer wants a commercial work, they may not choose him. And he doesn't have a lot of commercial creations. ”What conditions should a qualified designer have? Peter Bird thinks that it is important to have a sense of society and to know what is going on in this society. Because most of the creative inspiration is from current sources. And They will have own position because he feels that people who have no position are terrible, they will feel that they can do anything. ”How you think of plagiarism? Peter Bird thinks that it is important to have a sense of society and to know what is going on in this society. Because most of the creative inspiration is from current sources. And They will have own position because he feels that people who have no position are terrible, they will feel that they can do anything.

Interview with Peter Bird

※Have you ever study photography before? (Most of your work have included photography.) No, Peter hasn't studied photography before. The standard of his photography work is about "feeling". Peter said that "I only can take the photo which is my style", He knows what style he really wants, therefore he cannot be The photographer because he can't take the photo which can match the customer style. ※What is your interest when you are free? Peter Bird said he likes to watch football competition and playing football. Also, he likes to watch all kind of film no matter it is mainstream or not- mainstream. ※Who is the Designer that Peter admires? When we asked if Peter had a designer who appreciated it very much, he said Yokoo Tadanori is the designer he admired. His style is unique, self-contained. But Peter thinks that he does not need to be him.

”Where are Peter’s design style and inspiration come from? When we asked where his design work was inspired and how he get inspirations, Peter said whether in design or in other industries, don't be affected and bound by people in the same industry. When he wants to do a design job or work with clients, he will choose to be inspired by art and literature films , but will not be affected by other designer styles or artist. He also said, although he is working as a designer, he does not care much about the entire design industry. He would rather care more about things outside the design and concentrate on himself. ”Any suggestions for students who are studying design? Peter Bird believes that the creative concept in school may not be suitable for use in society, so students should have their own ideas and not change their creations to cater to the standards of the school.

Personal Reflection

Yan Ho Yin After doing the interview of Peter Bird, I have know more about the status of Hong Kong design market. Because of there is a one person company opened by Peter, there are some difficult problems to him and he need to solve all the problems by himself. Also, Peter have nothing at the start, he build up his future by strive. I feel respect and appreciate to Peter. I think this life attitude must be useful in my future. Also, I have know more about the theater design. As, I don’t know how theater design working in Hong Kong at the beginning. And I think it is hard to survive in design industry in Hong Kong, there is no incomes and hard to find customers. After I have talking with Peter, I learnt how to promote myself and how to accumulate my popularity. Peter help me to find the direction of design industry in Hong Kong in the future.

Cheung Ka Yi Peter is a great designer. I have a lot of feelings and inspiration after meeting with him. Especially when we asked him how he gets his inspiration, he told us not to focus on a reference or what other people work, but try to get the inspirations from life or movies and other aspects. He said that he will not care too much about the development of the entire design industry, he will rather focus on himself more. He also mentioned that designers must have their own positions even when working with other people. I think this is why he can make his design style so unique and special compared with other in Hong Kong. His attitude towards work and design have inspired me a lot. Because when I do my project without inspiration, I always think of a reference to others first and forgot that I can find inspiration from things in my life. Then I am troubled but I can’t make good work at the same time. I think I should learn about the attitude of Peter.

Chan Tsz Ching After this visit, I think Peter Kong is a designer with a lot of ideas. Although he is engaged in the design industry but does not care about what happens in the design industry, he will pay more attention to the industry outside the design, because he does not want other designers to influence his creation. I was surprised to hear that at the time and felt that he was very personal. Because when I usually create, the first time I look at the creation of designers, rather than following my own design ideas, so the works will not have their own uniqueness. In addition, I appreciate his creation. His works are very personal. He will use photography to integrate into his own works, making the work feel very angry. Although his style of work is very uniform, it makes people feel very fresh. Every piece seems to have its own soul. It is very special.

Personal Reflection Tam Kam Fa I remember seeing Peter's work for the first time. The poster of the CU philosophy department at the station is a universal theme. Compared with other college posters, his design is very eye-catching, but not too esoteric and artificial. After this visit, I learned more about his background and works. Most of his works have added a lot of philosophical and literary elements. From his photography and design styles, he can be seen as an art-oriented designer who can use images to present abstract stage art to the audience using graphic design. Some abstract art designs on the market will make things too esoteric, making the audience uninterested and challenging to understand. In the end, I most appreciate the beauty of the artist's body in his works. Take the 8/F Platform as an example. This work can show the dynamic movement of dance. I think this requires a specific idea and experience of art. I want to use the lens and design to express abstract concepts. I believe that after a lot of testing and thinking, I can do in-depth works. I hope I can reach this level.

Chan Sing Yu I think not everyone is creative. But the way Peter presented everything creatively during the recent customer visit shows that you have the ability to think outside the box. It impressed all of us. Also, Peter have a great eye for detail. He make the job much easier by reviewing all the details completely and keeping on top of things. Peter also give us some advise, such as, how to become a successful designer and the stander of being a designer. I think Peter is a funny person which bring a lot of fun to us during the interview. I am really happy that I can have this chance to interviewing him.

Yan Ho Yin Cheung Ka Yi Tam Kam Fa Chan Sing Yu Peter Bird Chan Tsz Ching

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