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After undergoing an operation to transplant their hair at the hair transplant clinic in Pune, the majority of people have difficulty to wait until their locks get thick and healthy. It is easy to comprehend the reasons why this happens. It is normal to think that your hair will become larger and denser because healthy hair follicles been transferred to regions where there was no hair.

Unfortunately, it can take quite a long period of time before new hair can begin to grow as thickly and healthy like it did when it was on the donor site.

The reason for this is that the hair that was removed from its original location is going through a shock fall-out. The hair follicles that were transplanted may take a while to adjust and become comfortable in their new place.

If you've recently had hair transplants you might be wondering what you can do to increase hair growth within the area of transplantation. We will explore ways to improve the growth of your hair after a hair transplant in Pune


Consuming a balanced diet of minerals, vitamins, and proteins can help increase the strength of your hair follicles and encourage speedier growth. Certain vitamins assist in the development of healthy cells as well as collagen. Most of these vitamins can be consumed.

Biotin is one of the vitamins that helps to develop hair and is found in eggs, egg yolks and legumes nuts, seeds avocados, sweet potatoes and yeast.

Vitamin C is plentiful in citrus fruits, strawberries and red peppers. It boosts the production of collagen, and is beneficial for your skin and your hair.

PUFAs (Polyunsaturated acidic fatty acids) are known to stimulate the growth of hair, can be found plentiful in fibrous food items like oatmeal and bread made of wheat.

If you require additional vitamins vitamin B6 capsules can be beneficial for nails, skin and hair. They aid in accelerating the growth of your hair.


It is not recommended to engage in vigorous activities immediately after the hair restoration procedure. This includes jogging, cycling as well as playing sports. other aerobic or cardio exercises.

This helps to speed up healing and also prevent the onset of shock-related fall-out, which can be caused due to the excessive amount of exercise

In addition, intense activities cause sweating and this isn't good for the newly transplanted hair follicles.


It can slow down the process of regrowth by hindering the healing process that follows the hair transplant. The head can itch more frequently, which could result in the newly transplanted hair follicles to become seriously infected. They may be damaged irreparably and start to fall out.

So, making sure that your scalp remains cool in areas where there is a humid climate is crucial. It is recommended to stay indoors for at least a month following your hair transplant at hair clinic in Pune.


The effects of dehydration can cause your hair to become dry and brittle. This can cause it to split easily, and to grow slower. This is why it is vital to drink enough water to maintain healthy hair. Drinking between 2 and 3 litres of fluids daily is essential for your overall health and the condition of hair. Being hydrated can help maintain healthy hair follicles and helps to promote hair growth.


Minoxidil is one of the most well-known treatments for hair loss available in the form of a prescription or over the counter prescription. It's a topical remedy to be applied on the scalp. Minoxidil improves the flow of blood and nutrients into the hair follicle. This is believed to prolong hair growth phase of the hair cycle.

Minoxidil's effectiveness is greatest when used in conjunction with other treatments for hair loss that include Finasteride. Finasteride is a prescription medication taken orally, and it works by preventing testosterone from converting to DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is a hormone that is responsible of shrinking the size and shape of hair follicles. It is believed to be the main cause of male pattern hair loss. One need to consult a physician to determine if minoxidil is appropriate for you, and to get advice on how to utilize it safely to reduce adverse effects and achieve the best results

If you are looking for best hair transplant clinic in Pune, contact Zayn Skin Clinic, whose mission is to provide highly effective treatment under experienced & qualified doctors.

Apart from this it is also a best skin clinic in Pune, where all your skin problems are handled such as Laser Scar Removal, Pigmentation Removal etc, so if you are looking for skin clinic Pune, approach Zayn Skin Clinic


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