Priručnik 31714 Engleski jezik za 6. razred - Talk Talk 2

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направите општи преглед граматике. Свако питање је само почетна тачка за ревизију појединачне граматичке јединице. Тако, нпр., питање везано за множину проширите пишући примере на табли, како бисте обухватили сва правила са којим су се ученици сусрели до сада. 1. Make a question starting it with HOW MANY?: Peter got five presents for his birthday last Sunday. (How many presents did Peter get for his birthday last Sunday?) 2. Make a question starting it with WHERE?: They went to America last January. (Where did they go last January?) 3. He is from Italy. He is………….(Italian) 4. She is from Germany. She is ………….(German) 5. one foot – two…………(feet) 6. one shelf – two………….. (shelves) 7. Make an adverb: He’s a careful driver. He drives………….. (carefully) 8. Make an adverb: She’s a good painter. She paints…………. (well) 9. Make it negative: I did my homework yesterday. (I didn’t do my homework yesterday.) 10. Make it negative: I saw John last night. (I didn’t see John last night.) 11. Write the ordinal number THIRTIETH. 12. Write the ordinal number FIFTIETH. 13. Make it interrogative: She sometimes study in the evening. (Does she sometimes study in the evening?) 14. Make it interrogative: They often go to the mountains. (Do they often go to the mountains?) 15. Fill in the missing preposition: Listen…………me! (to) 16. Fill in the missing preposition: Look…………. him! (at) 17. Fill in the missing preposition: I’m interested……………… basketball. (in) 18. Fill in the missing preposition: He’s good………………… languages. (at) 19. What’ the past tense of the verb GO (went)? 20. What’ the past tense of the verb WRITE (wrote)? 21. Write the cardinal number EIGHTEEN. 22. Write the cardinal number THIRTEEN. 23. Make a question starting it with WHEN: He tidied his room last weekend. (When did he tidy his room?) 24. Make a question starting it with WHERE: They were at the zoo last Sunday. (Wherewere they last Sunday?)

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