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INDEX � 255

REST, see web services, REST return, 38 by reference, 39 default value, 39 rewind() Iterator, 164 SeekableIterator, 165 row, 142 rsort(), 63 RSS, 171 S security and sessions, 214 fixation, 214 hijacking, 214 and shared hosting, 219 cross-site request forgeries, 211 cross-site scripting, 210 databases, 213 remote code injection, 217 spoofed forms, 208 streams and filesystem, 216 seek() Iterator, 164 SeekableIterator, 165 SEEK_CUR, 227 SEEK_END, 227 SEEK_SET, 227 SeekableIterator, 165 session.auto_start, 109 session.use_trans_sid, 109 session_regenerate_id(), 215 session_start(), 110, 215 pitfalls, 110 sessions accessing session data, 110 and security, 110 explained, 109

fixation, 215 hijacking, 216 security, 214 session IDs, 109 starting automatically, 109 starting manually, 110 set_error_handler(), 34 set_exception_handler(), 131 setcookie(), 107 arguments, 108 setlocale(), 84 shared hosting and security, 219 shift left operator, 19 shift right operator, 19 shuffle(), 65 SimpleXML, 166, 176 accessing children and attributes, 178 discovering at runtime, 179 and allow_url_fopen, 178 and DOM, 183 and REST, 197 and well-formedness, 177 and Xpath, 180 interfacing with DOM, 191 outputting documents, 181 SimpleXMLElement class, 177 using to modify documents, 181 using to parse a document, 177 object-oriented approach, 177 working with namespaces, 182 simplexml_import_dom(), 191 simplexml_load_file(), 177 simplexml_load_string(), 177 SimpleXMLElement, 177 addAttribute(), 181 addChild(), 181

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