Rodrigo arenas betancourt

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The basis of all successful human relationships is respect and affection. It is important to encourage teens to watch shows and movies that take this into account. Unfortunately, teens often feel pressured to become sexually active before they know in depth the emotional bases of human sexuality.The media have failed to show that sexuality comes from emotional intimacy, not just sexual intimacy in general, the media shows sex as glamorous, instinctive and what is more dangerous free.


From alternative energy resources that are associated with the natural cycles of the planet, making it possible to have a permanent resource.Each involves different types of energy technologies with which energy is obtained in the form of electricity, power, heat or fuels.are also using the solar panels are composed of a silicon cells and cesium when solar energy strikes these cells, makes the electrons move producing an electric current.


I invite everyone to take care of the water as it is a natural resource that is running out for the misuse of this liquid also be noticed that we could not live without water.I call upon all students to take care of this resource is not wasted in their use sparingly and look for ways to make all this so that in future no fence be required.

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