Cetinko 9, 2013 2014

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Why is New York City Called “The Big Apple“? When we think about New York City, first, we associate that city with the big skyscrapers and a lot of pigeons in the squares. So why it isn't called ‟The Skyscrapers' city“ or ‟The Pidgeons' city“ but ¨“The Big Apple“? There are several theories about how this famous city got its name. The etymology behind “The Big Apple“ goes back to the early 1600s when New York, then New Amsterdam, was the Dutch settlement. The Dutch brought apple seeds and began to cultivate the land. As a result, the term “The Big Apple“ was born from the love of the Dutch for apples. Another theory says that John Fitzgerald who was a sports writer for the New York Morning Telegraph used the term “The Big Apple“ first. The racetracks were New Yorkers' favourite past time and John Fizgerald wrote an article about races and used the term he heard from jockeys and stale boys. New York City was enormous and full of opportunities for them and they often times referred to New York as “The Big Apple“. Additionally jazz musicians used “The Big Apple“ as a phrase. An old saying in show business was: “There are many apples on the tree, but only one big apple“. New York was the premier place to perform jazz music and the phrase was used frequently amongst the musicians. The third theory is that “The Big Apple“ was used in a 1971 promotional campaign to increase tourism. The goal of the campaign was to foil the common belief that New York City was dark and dangerous, but rather bright and attractive to tourists. Since 1971, New York City has officially been ‟The Big Apple“. Written by Melina Lončarić and Mihael Cvitković, grade 8 Water Water is flowing now, in the waterfall it is falling down. We use water in our house, When it is rainy, it soaks the mouse. When drops are hitting window still, It sounds like a watermill. Drops are on grass and trees, In rivers, lakes, streams and seas. Written by: Melina Lončarić

Tiha pjesma iz podruma, uvijek tu, uvijek samo riječi hvale, nedostajat će nam njihove pospane glave. 21 učenik, razrednik Marinko Tominac

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