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A better communion happens with two psyches. They can come closet. But even then two thoughts cannot occupy the same space because thoughts are subtle things. They can touch far better, they can get intertwined far better than two things... things are very solid, thoughts are very liquid. When two lovers’ bodies meet it is like two stones coming together; when two psyches meet, it is like water and oil coming together. Yes, it is a better meeting but still there is a subtle division. Two thoughts cannot occupy the same space. When you are thinking one thought you cannot think another thought at the same time – the first thought will have to go, only then will you be able to pay attention to another thought. Only one thought can be in your mind at one time and in one space. So even friendship, psychological friendship, misses something, lacks something. It is better than the first but nothing compared with the third. Spiritual penetration is the only possibility of really being one with someone – because spirit means emptiness. Two emptinesses can be together. And why two? ALL the emptiness of the world can be together in one space. They can occupy the same space simultaneously, at the same time, there is no problem – because they are neither concrete like objects nor liquid like water, thoughts. They are simply empty of themselves. You can bring as many emptinesses together as possible. That’s what happens around a Master. When a Buddha exists in the world, thousands of people will become disciples. And sometimes disciples become worried. Just today there is a question from Nirgun: NOW THAT PEOPLE ARE COMING FROM FARAWAY PLACES AND THE ASHRAM IS BECOMING MORE AND MORE CROWDED, HOW WILL YOU BE ABLE TO GIVE YOUR LOVE TO YOUR DISCIPLES? THERE ARE SO MANY. The question seems relevant, it seems relevant from the physical point of view – but not from the spiritual point of view. I am not giving my love to anybody, I am simply love . If I am giving, then it must be a kind of thing, a quantity. Then certainly I can give only to so many and others will not be able to get it. It is not a quantity, it is simply a quality. It is not confined, it is not defined. It does not occupy any space. I am just emptiness. So whether one disciple is here or one million disciples are here it will not make any difference. The difference it makes will depend on the disciple: if he is not ready to dissolve with my emptiness then he will miss. When you start feeling your emptiness – joyously, remember – then you will be able to allow people to come close to you. Not only will you be able to allow them, you will be always welcoming, inviting – because whenever somebody can come into you, the only way is if he allows you to come into him. There is no other way. If you want to come into me, the only way is to allow me to come into you. There is no other way. Sometimes it happens.... Once a young man was with me for two years. He was deeply in love with a woman. They used to live together. Their parents were against it, that’s why they had taken shelter with me. I gave them a meditation, a simple meditation to do. The meditation was just to sit every day at least two times, morning, evening, at a fixed time, regularly, and look into each other’s eyes and feel that they are going into each other.

Sufis: The People of the Path, Vol 1



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