boring boring boring boring boring boring boring

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The Playpus

“He should be reprimanded, don’t you think? He can’t be allowed to just go on smoking.” “And this boy, this usurper, has had his dirty little hands in cookie jars that he shouldn’t have even seen. And if he thinks that I’m not well aware of everything that happens in this city, he’s got another thing coming.” “And Stephen Kranmen, the interim chancellor, has appointed a new director to the art museum, Marta Kooling. She is driving the board batty. They just want the regular shows. As you know, there is no permanent collection, and she keeps turning up with all this contemporary lesbian garbage. I assure you there will be some seriously ruffled board members. You think they want conceptual art?” “I must admit there is something in his more devious work that moves me. Stirs my heart from the dusty deathbed on which it was lain long ago. So few things bring me joy, nowadays. Nevertheless, neither emotion nor erection will stand in my way. What must be done will be done. I will have him. Him and that girl of his, Adelaide.” Euphrates stopped.Adelaide “ ? Oh, yes, let’s get her. Her ‘art school application’ show? That threatened and mocked our finest institutions. My lawyers are fixing to make a blood bath out of that…” “You will do no such thing. You will leave her alone.” Euphrates paced furiously, looking down, lips tight. “She will bring him here. Bring him to me. Euphrates, once this boy is harnessed, there will be no more worries. We cannot risk being supplanted. If he could be convinced… Well, one way or the other he has to be neutralized. I will talk with him. We will talk. Euphrates, the girl told us that his minion has his plans, the gray papers. They are in a book. The boy is a punk, or some such thing. I want you to leave her alone. Find the punk, and bring me this book. It’s important.” “A punk? Ok, I’ll have him picked up. But can we deal with some of these other issues? Also, there’s Mr. and Mrs. Kramer, who are upset because their foundation’s grant was used to…” “Euphrates.” The Playpus. His voice rose as he did. “That is your one task.” “But…” “I care about nothing else. Bring me the book.”

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