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Youth Policy o:tf] aGb}5 o'jf -xfd|f]_ gLlt cfly{s, ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[lts / /fhgLlts If]qdf b]lvPsf e|i6 cfr/0faf6 d'Qm / ;r] t o'jf zlQm tof/ ug]{ . pRr lzIffdf cWoog ul//x]sf / cWoog ul/;s]sf OR5's k|ltefzfnL o'jfx¿nfO{ ;fdflhs ;]jfdf ;xefuL u/fpg o'jf :jod\ ;]jssf] ¿kdf kl/rfng ug]{ . Ps o'jf Ps /f]huf/ k|To]s o'jf :j/f]huf/sf] sfo{qmdnfO{ nfu" ub}{ Jojl:yt ug]{ . !^ jif{sf] pd]/ ;d"xb]lv g} dtflwsf/sf] Joj:yf ug]{ . k5fl8 kfl/Psf cNk;+Vos ;LdfGts[t o'jfx¿sf k/Dk/fut k]zf ;Lksf] ;+/If0f, ;Dj{wg / cfw'lgsLs/0fdf ljif]z hf]8 lbg] . "How can a 40-year-old be considered in the same bracket as a 16-year-old? This means that both a parent and a child could potentially fall in the same bracket – youth.” "The upper age limit for youth in China is 40. In Vietnam and Malaysia, it is 45. Look at Japan. There, a youth is defined as a person from 0 to 24 years old, even in that situation a mother and child could fall under the same policy." “If we can’t even negotiate on the age-bracket of the youth, where will this policy lead us? People will laugh if they find out that we consider a 40-year-old as a youth. I am still hopeful that the government will not pass the Policy unless the age is reduced.” “It implies that it will bring young people who are going down the wrong path back onto a correct path, which in itself is a negative way of looking at things in the first place.”


Pg. 41 Of the young, for the young Pg. 58 JUN-AUG 2009| |77 MAY-JUL 2009

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