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Reporters: Shir, Daniel, Itay B., Ron, Hoshen, Guy, Liel, Tohar, Shiveet, Yarden P., Michal, Yareen, Yulia, Noam, Ido, Ofir, Itay BB, Ben, Chen, Adir G., Or, Eli,


Not Just From a Womb As we all know, a woman whose womb doesn't function properly can't give birth to a baby. Well, not anymore. Fertility doctors from Israel found a way that a woman could give birth to a child not just from her womb, but from her appendix too. How does it work? The appendix has no job in our body, meaning it's just an organ "sitting"

in your body with no use. It is 8-10 centimeters long and 8 millimeters wide. So how can a baby grow in something so small? The doctors perform an operation in order to expand the appendix to the maximum size of a baby by using a special "ring". After the appendix has expanded, the

Reporters: Liav, Rafael, Noy, Tomer, Maya, Adir S., May, Tal, Ariel, Eden, Matan, Asaf, Romi, Sean, Yarden H., Dan, Roy Editor: Amira R.

By Shiveet Svinik, Yarden Pasharel, Shir Abramovich, Ron Golan and Yulia Stein.

doctors take the ring out and put the fetus inside the appendix. Then they attach two "pipes" – one which brings food and oxygen to the fetus and the other which takes out all the waste. After 9 months the baby is born by Cesarean surgery. It may sound scary and complicated but it is actually quite simple.

"This is so simple, I being mothers can make their dream come true!" don't know why no one thought of it before," said Dr. Cohen from Israel's Private Fertility Practice. "It means so many women who dream about women who dream about being mothers can make their dream come true!"


BAGS Did you see a beautiful bag and you don’t know what color to choose? DON'T WORRY! Now you can buy a bag that changes its color according to your mood or outfits or even the weather. LAB launched yesterday their new product: a changing color bag. The bag comes in many colors: black, white, brown, red, blue and yellow. It can change to three different colors that you may choose.

The price – 550 UC not cheap but worth it.


Come see and try to buy the antique car-Chevrolet Camaro model 2012.This car is the last of its kind since all of the rest were shredded. This is a wonderful car for new collectors. The auction starts on May 5th 2114 in Auction King, Washington D.C, at 19:00. The starting price is 100,000UC.


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