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In response to your groups key research terms you are asked to imagine potential scenarios that might be encountered in the speculative ‘vertical village and mini metropolis’ of STH BNK. You are asked to be speculative and experimental in considering the potential of what these retail, creative and living activities maybe.

Consider a number of significant relationships that will need to be tested and further understood relative to your key terms - what are the challenges and opportunities? Where are the moments of exchange, agency and participation?

How can you begin to diagram these out as a user journey? Think critically about the agency of user journeys, user journey mapping and the notion of ‘Promenade Architecturale’– the itinerary of spaces and activities.

Consider the key programs you wish to focus on, start to tease out the relationships and sequence that they will present for the user. This journey will be a specific response to a particular territory that you are interested in addressing through design experimentation, not a generic journey or path.

This exercise should give you the initial conceptual, programmatic and spatial framework to proceed with your design prototypes. It is important to identify speculative questions to explore.

How will you interface and modify the citizen exchange and experience? This diagram will help you to identify what needs to be tested and prototyped by your group.

Remember that your prototype will be focused on a service, cultural or communication proposition, it will be critical to consider sequencing and user pathways.

You should include your spatial and programmatic relationship to the urban interior that wraps the site. You may also consider broader digital and communication systems that are part of the experience.

Use you group Miro board to assemble your user journey diagram, include your initial aims, relevant aspects of your taxonomy, prototypal process, and your group reflections on the outcomes.

Research Research
Thinking Thinking
Research Ampersand Thinking
Research Making
Research Ampersand Thinking Thinking
Thinking Thinking

6 Research Stuffs

- Imagine the potential scenarios might be encountered in the speculative ‘vertical village and mini metropolis’ of STH BNK.

- what are the challenges and opportunities? Where are the moments of exchange, agency and participation?

- "Promenade Architecture"

-What is Citizen exchange and experience,? explore more about it.

-what will be the Service, Cultural and communication proposition?

-What is boader digital and communication systems? and how it influencing people's experience?

8 Thinking Stuffs

- Our individual thinking of key term trajectories

- Speculative and experimental in considering of potentials

-Critical thinking about user Journeys

-Questioning " Promenade Architecture" ( after research)

- More questions towards initial concepts and spatial frameworks about design prototypes (may be making lots of routine and figure out the pros and cons)

- Tease out the relationship between you ideas and the actual sequances. could be some of the benefits, the aiming about you thinking. (also need some of imagination graphics)

- The way how to interface and modify the citizen exchange and experience. use sketch to identify what needs to be tested and what needs to be constructing. I mean > Prototype

- Thinking about the relationship with Urban interior, basically expansion of interior design, some entertainment facilities, Children care ?, Community infastructure,etc.

4 Making Stuffs

- Diagram of user Journey

- Itinerary of spaces and activities

- Write the Final reflections as an outcome.

Arrange time reasonably, step by step

第一部分内容,一共有三部分,我之后跟进第二部分 我们有四周时间,加油小朋友们
The content of the first part, there are three parts in total, I will follow up the second part and we have four weeks, come on Fellas

The "vertical village and mini metropolis" conception it refering to a high-rise building or a complex that aims to provide a variety of residential, commercial, and community facilities in a condensed urban setting, similar to a small-scale city or village.

Case Study

The similar case that we could explore with is Melbourne Square, behind Kavanagh St , Southbank.

A rich narrative of built form, Melbourne Square is a landmark urban destination that enhances the community and redefines the way residents live. The development has been curated to nurture a diverse vertical village, with community connection. Melbourne Square’s core point of difference is the 14,000sqm of combined private and public amenity. Residents can make use of exclusive features from sweeping resortstyle pools, gyms, golf simulator, music, dining and games rooms, as well as the surrounding 3,745sqm public park.

The dual elliptical residential towers are connected by a highly activated shared podium – drawing on the inspiration of the adjacent Melbourne Arts Precinct. The pleated façade design allowed us to ‘twist’ every floor plate throughout the towers, widening external views, maximising natural light and increasing floor area, while internally providing special bay window elements within the residences. A highly articulated façade to the podium levels softens the base of the tower forms and embeds the development within the lush natural surrounds of the public space.

Melbourne Square’s interiors are designed to redefine how we live, fusing design, architecture, creativity and community to create the extraordinary. Each apartment reflects the vibrant essence of Melbourne and gracefully incorporates the external narrative, with layered and rich textures reiterating the pleated architectural form in a powerful and meaningful way. Joinery detailing ties in with the pleating on the tower exteriors, suggesting a cohesive approach through signature elements. Lighting is used poetically, subtly illuminating internal spaces without distracting from the cityscape beyond, allowing the 360-degree views to take centre stage.

Diagrams of Speculative Scenarios

Potential Challenge and oppotunities

Citizen exchange, Agency , Participation

Citizen exchange: Citizen exchange refers to the exchange of ideas, information, and perspectives between citizens, as well as between citizens and public officials. It involves creating spaces for dialogue and conversation, such as town hall meetings, community forums, and social media platforms.

Agency: Agency refers to the ability of citizens to take action and make decisions that affect their lives and communities. It involves empowering citizens to participate in decisionmaking processes and providing them with the resources and support needed to make informed choices.

机构是指公民采取行动并作出影响其生活和社区的决定的能力。它涉 及赋予公民参与决策过程的权力,并为他们提供做出知情选择所需的 资源和支持。

Participation: Participation refers to the active involvement of citizens in civic and democratic processes, such as voting, attending public meetings, and participating in community projects. It involves creating opportunities for citizens to have a voice and contribute to the development of policies and programs that affect them.

参与是指公民积极参与公民和民主进程,如投票、参加公共会议和参 与社区项目。它涉及到为公民创造机会,让他们有发言权,并对影响 他们的政策和方案的制定作出贡献。

Promenade Architecture

Promenade architecture is a design concept that emphasizes the creation of a continuous, uninterrupted pedestrian path or walkway through a building or outdoor space. The goal of promenade architecture is to create a sense of movement and flow for those walking through the space.

Promenade architecture has its roots in the 18th and 19th century European city planning and architecture, where public spaces were designed as a series of interconnected routes and paths, rather than a collection of isolated buildings. It was popularized by French architect Le Corbusier, who designed buildings with continuous, fluid spaces that encouraged movement and exploration.

In promenade architecture, the path is not just a means of getting from one place to another, but also a place to pause, rest, and enjoy the surroundings. Buildings or outdoor spaces designed in this style typically feature wide, open spaces with large windows that offer views of the surrounding environment. The use of natural light and materials, such as wood and stone, is also common in promenade architecture.

Services, Cultural , communication proposition (Research)

Potential Itineray (Diagrams)

Potential Structures

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