5 minute read

Mining Freshgraduate’s Journey with Bang Yudha


Muhammad Fikri Lazuardi - 12118067 Muhammad Raihan Aziz - 12118012


Hello, Mineria friends! Who is unfamiliar with Bang Yudha? An

How is the Online Job Vacancy?

In line with technology advancement, the forms of job vacancy

vary, from searching from career pages provided by companies or

from LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Glints, and LINE group. Sometime, job

vacancy is also delivered through e-mail that is sometime replied

through telephone call. Bang Yudha always remind us to diligently

and carefully send the letter. For example, receiving reply for

next test, it is necessary to carefully identify whether it is a

technical or HR test, since the two have quite a difference. Some

matters also need to be prepared well, such as answer, mental,

and clothing. Since it is usually sudden, Bang Yudha suggests to

get ready. Bang Yudha also needs some months up to four months

after graduation to search for a job, until he finally works with PT

Vale Indonesia.

alumnus of HMT-ITB in 2016 whose complete name is Pamursito

Pradhana Yudhanto is a graduate of Mining Engineering, ITB July

2020. At a glimpse from his name, Bang Yudha is a man with

in-depth thinking and analysis, good attitude, and high authority.

Acquiring bachelor title, Bang Yudha now has the opportunity to

work with PT Vale Indonesia as Junior Mining Engineer. During his

study, Bang Yudha also has abundant organizational experience

that is not less interesting, such as assuming the position of

Pamursito Pradhana Yudhanto

Pamursito Pradhana Yudhanto


Actually, in the last few days, Bang Yudha worked WFH (Work From

Home) and did not go to the site. However, Bang Yudha briefly

tells that works on site were managed by workers who are divided

into some sections. First, there is LTP (Long Term Planning)

engineer section whose duties are to design and plan mine

opening on an annual basis. Second, MTP (Mid Term Planning)

engineer whose duties are to divide annual plan into some parts,

such as planning per quarter. Third, STP (Short Term Planning)

engineer section, that will be busy with weekly and daily planning.

The three sections have the same essence and function, that was

to plan for production target to be achieved, both by quantity and

quality, in consideration of mining effectiveness, efficiency and

occupational safety and health (K3) aspects. To supervise the

whole progress, there is foreman on site, assigned to ensure that

the planned goals run appropriately in the field. Bang Yudha also

tells about current condition, that PT Vale Indonesia pays seri-

ous attention to the health protocol, from wearing mask, regularly

implemented rapid test, and even training.

What are the tips and tricks of mineplan and final assignment to

be completed quickly and to obtain a job during the pandemic?

In Bang Yudha’s opinion, anything in online condition, particularly

in academic matter, is unpleasant. For example, consultancy

with lecturer, appointment with academic advisor, access to final

assignment document, and consultancy with seniors.

Moreover, access to library building will be greatly reduced, or

even unavailable. Therefore, there are some tips and tricks that

Bang Yudha is going to share based on his experience in order to

keep productive. First, we should be proactive. That we cannot

access the library does not mean there is no other way to find

references for final assignment. Bang Yudha searched for

references online, downloading many ebooks and read them one

by one. The second tip is that we must study consistently and be

disciplined. For example, when we have a work, we must try to

complete it as per the target. When working on final assignment,

Bang Yudha allocated his time as maximally as possible to focus

on his work. The point is that there is no time to be wasted away,

except for a rest, prayer, meal, and surely work.

The two things can also be used to find a job. When searching

for a job, Bang Yudha made use of social media or the existing

websites for a fortune, from LinkedIn, LINE, Glints, to Instagram,

all of them were tried. In addition, Bang Yudha also reminds us

to proactively inquire senior alumni and mutually help friends, as

simple as disseminating information we are aware of. Upon all

efforts that we have conducted, the last tip of Bang Yudha is to be

patient. Bang Yudha used to be optimistic to immediately acquire

work after graduation. But after the process, Bang Yudha learned

a lesson, “The definition of immediate cannot be determined by

us, but that is what God decides for us, we just need to wait for

fortune while keeping attempting”

character, background, etc. So, start to learn to adapt, from simple things, such as playing cards. According to

Bang Yudha’s statement, people at PT Vale Indonesia are proficient card player.

In case of returning to campus life, what are to be grateful for and regretted, and any advice for us who are still at campus?

Personally, Bang Yudha felt happy entering HMT. Many things were obtained by Bang Yudha at HMT, such as

organization and competition experience. After entering working world, Bang Yudha feels that HMT is a depiction

of mining work world. For example, the gathering culture at HMT which also exists in the working world.

Continuing the story, Bang Yudha also felt lucky since at the Mining Engineering Study Program, ITB there was

Mine Plan subject. Bang Yudha calls it capstone since all knowledge from TPB to department is applicable to

mine plan. Thus, mine plan is a good preparation for the working world.

As for something to be regretted, Bang Yudha regrets that he had never participated in a competition like paper

or seminars. Bang Yudha also feels sorry since he did not save for participating in mining trainings, while if our

profession resume is good, it will be our added value during user interview. Bang Yudha also suggests having

as many interactions as possible with external world during campus life. For example, internship at Ministry of

Energy and Mineral Resources or companies for additional knowledge and experience. Do not only rely on KP

(Field Experience).

In addition Bang Yudha also adds, for those who desire to continue their study, Bang Yudha tells that in PT Vale

Indonesia there are also many seniors working while having magister program. Career while study may be taken

into consideration since the course for the workers there is only held on Saturday-Sunday, online, and the credits

taken are also relatively few.

What then? Bang Yudha’s story is interesting, isn’t it? Let us prepare ourselves as best as possible to take part

in the mining advancement for the Country development!

PT. Vale

PT. Vale

PT. Vale

PT. Vale

Contributor :

Muhammad Hizkal 12117055