Y Magazine #553, January 17, 2018

Page 28

The secret


Few hobbies offer the rewards of seeing the fruits of your labour flourish. Here, Rachel Eapen reports on how to make your own outdoor area an oasis of calm and colour


inter in Oman is at its peak, and that makes it a great season in which to get your green finger out. Plants are sprouting up in gardens, and patches of vegetables are being lovingly cultivated by ambitious-but-practical householders keen to get it right. Nurseries are selling plants, seeds, soil, fertiliser and pots for urban denizens to do up their back yards, balconies and terraces. And gardening is a great way to unwind, detox from the digital world and get together with the family as well. If you have never tended a garden, just get in there and get your hands dirty; quite literally. It’s a therapeutic, fun hobby and can boost your health.

Steps for taking care of plants Choose your plot or location with care You need to access your garden patch or balcony and estimate how many hours of direct sun your space gets. Accordingly,

plan the type of plants that will thrive as some grow well in semi-shade while others require more hours of sunlight. If your plant is languishing in the scorching sun, move it to a shaded area or install a shaded net. Start slowly and get a feel of what works. Take care of watering During winter, hydrate your plants carefully. Smaller plants are prone to over-watering or under-watering. Water the plants at the right time, preferably early-morning or evening. If the soil contains moisture, you won’t need as much water. Potting soil Invest in good nutrient-rich potting soil that is welldrained. Prepare your soil with fertiliser and compost by

September before you plant seeds. Use a seed tray until they germinate and then transfer to your garden patch or pot. Compost The best winter garden fertiliser is compost. It contains all the kitchen scraps like vegetable and fruit peels or rotten veggies and will provide the best minerals to aid plant growth. Prune and trim Trim and prune once in a while, especially the dried branches, twigs and blooms. Doing so will boost growth. Garden pests Pests love gardens so look out for holes or cuts in the leaves to identify if your plants are being invaded. And if so, use Neem tree oil spray to keep them at bay. Remove weeds Weeds grow in every garden. They make our garden look unattractive and tend to share the water, nutrients and space from our plants. Pull them out but make sure you do so by the roots.

Selective photography: Rachel Eapen 028

JAN 17 - 23 / ISSUE 553

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