Yolo issue no 2

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Lourdes Youth Pilgrimage… It keeps getting better… Honourable mentions…

too many to mention…

Sr Concepta gets a letter from a global superstar… Does Mass Rock?… Yes it does! Letters to God answered by a Limerick Legend…

And much, much more... 28 June 2014 Issue No:2

Our project this year invited sc what is good about our faith fr those elements of our faith tha kindness and peace and the Ho squares are the same ones that

This altar cloth was ďŹ rst used at Leahy and was broadcast on RT ral Centre and it has already be or parish liturgy please conta awalsh@ldpc.ie)

We would like to sincerely than ated such a wonderful cloth www.limerickdiocese.org

chools from across the Diocese to take a blank square of material and transform it into something that celebrates rom the point of view of young people. The squares of material that they returned are full of images that capture at we hold dear: community and togetherness, hope and love, celebra ons of joy, the sacraments, the Eucharist, oly Spirit. In fact we were delighted to see that the elements of faith the young people depicted in their finished t we value and that we have captured in our Diocesan Logo, which we have placed in the centre of the altar cloth.

t the Easter Vigil in St John’s Cathedral on the 20th of April. This special ceremony was celebrated by Bishop Brendan TE. The Altar Cloth is now “on tour” and according to Mary Pra3 has a be3er social life than anyone else in the Pastoen halfway around the Diocese and back! If you are interested in borrowing the Altar Cloth for use in a special school act our Special Altar Cloth Agent; Mary Pra3 at the Limerick Diocesan Pastoral Centre. (061-400133 or email

nk all the teachers and students who took part in the Diocesan Project this year without whom we couldn’t have creh. If you want to know more about the project and the schools who took part please visit the website

On April 11th 2014 the world changed forever... YOLO magazine was launched in here in the Limerick Diocesan Pastoral Centre (Home to Chris O’Donnell—he does actually live here!) We had hoped for a bigger crowd but we had a great night regardless and we’d(ll) like to say a huge thank you to all those who made the effort to a3end. We hope they enjoyed the night as much as we did. We would like to offer a special thank you to Bishop Brendan, Mrs Stewart and the Mr and Mrs Sadlier for coming along. Fitzy? We were surprised on the night by a surprise visit from our very own agony aunt Sr. Concepta. We were frankly amazed to see her as she’s been banned from most Airlines at this stage. The night also saw the one and possibly only screening of the cri cally acclaimed documentary film, “YOLO Origins”. There is currently a bidding war for the film rights by Warner Brothers and 20th Century Fox. Rumour has it that Ma3hew McConaughy is hoping to play the role of Chris O’Donnell while Miranda Hart is vying for the Sr Concepta part. Watch this space guys…..

This Easter Muintearas Íosa once again visited Boland’s Meadows in Foynes for the weekend. SiIng on the banks of the majes c River Shannon on one of the finest days of the year may have meant that some ac vi es had to be postponed so that we could reach out sunbathing quota! (Sorry Chris!) However once we reached our me quota it was on to some very spiritual Easter-ish ac vi es. We kicked it all off by ac ng out the Sta ons of the Cross. This was a very new and fresh interpreta on, in fact some might go so far as to call it alterna ve or downright crazy! Saturday included more games and a hike up (the treacherous?) Knock Patrick. Upon reaching the summit we had some great music and took in the incredible view. On Saturday night we put on our Sunday best as a private, top of the line bus was sent out to collect us in style for the Easter Vigil Ceremony in St John’s Cathedral in Limerick City. The vigil was filmed by RTÉ and will no doubt be the vehicle which will launch the careers of many Muintearas people. The precision and care shown while ligh ng candles, reading prayers of the faithful and dressing the Altar on live television has made many of our members local celebri es! AMer the vigil we headed back to Boland’s Meadows on our private tour bus and celebrated our new found fame (so many proud texts from mammy’s) with a big party and then headed home the next morning!

On May 17th MASS ROCKS Limerick’s brand new monthly Youth Mass was officially launched in St. Josephs Parish Centre, O’ Connell Avenue. Mass was celebrated by Chris, but Bishop Brendan was wai ng on the side lines in case Chris’s liturgical dancing injury became too much for him. Mass was celebrated for all those doing junior and leaving cert exams in June. (So if you’re wai ng for results don’t worry—we’ve got you covered!) We had some wonderful musicians and singers on the night and even had a special guest appearance from Clare’s favourite mandolin player Brendan Walsh. GiMs were ably brought up by Dara Walsh (aged 6) under the watchful eyes of his sister Laura (aged 4). AMer Mass Chris gave everyone some very useful exam ps, the do’s and definitely don’ts of how to answer exam ques ons! Everyone stayed aMerwards for a cuppa and some bickies. (Tea was poured by our very own Mrs Doyle, the one and only Diarmuid Bucke.) We must thank Mike McLoughlin, Phil Donnellan and St Joseph’s Parish for allowing us to use their wonderful hall for our Masses and for their help and support. Thanks also to all those who helped with seIng up the hall, music, readings and other Mass related jobs and of course a massive thank you to those who helped with the glanadh suas! We hope to see everyone again at the next Mass Rocks. (The last Saturday of every month, it even counts as your Sunday Mass people!)

On June 3rd Pope Francis tweeted the following: “Thank you to all teachers: educa ng is an important mission, which draws young people to what is good, beau ful and true.” We would like to echo his words and congratulate all those gradua$ng from Mary Immaculate this year and those who have completed their Dips. We wish you and all our teacher friends a well deserved break this summer and the best of luck in September.

Because Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio chose the name Francis when he was elected pope we thought it would be good to write about the saint who inspired him in this choice. St Francis of Assisi (1182 - 1226) is one of the most popular Chris$an saints. Francis' father was a prosperous silk merchant and Francis lived a life typical of a wealthy young man at the $me. As a soldier it is said that Francis had an experience that changed him forever. He began to spend long periods in prayer and he began to help the poor by giving away things from his father's shop. A story is told of how, upon mee$ng a leper on the road his first ins$nct was to run away but Francis, moved by something he did not yet understand, embraced the leper instead. It was a turning point in his life. From then on, he sought their company and cared for them. Another story tells about a day Francis stopped to pray in a dilapidated church and he seemed to hear the voice of Christ speaking to him from the Crucifix: "Francis, go and repair my house." Francis took the instruc$on literally, and set to work. He went on to repair several Churches but in $me he realised that rebuilding "Christ's house" was to involve much more than fixing buildings: it was to involve a spiritual revolu$on (hopefully Pope Francis is trying to do something similar today!) Gradually, a number of men and women were a3racted to Francis’ way of life and joined him which was the start of the Franciscan Order and later the Poor Clares. On Christmas Eve of 1223, at Greccio, Francis set up a representa$on of the Bethlehem scene in a cave on the side of a mountain, with real animals and so Francis is credited with the first live crib. His feast day is October 4th and he is the patron saint of ecology and animals due to his love of nature and recognising God in all things and all people. The prayer ‘Make me a channel of your Peace’ is one of the most popular prayers a3ributed to him. Our featured You Tube clip on the opposite page captures one of his most popular quotes: ‘Preach always and when necessary use words’.

Check out this great li3le cartoon about the life of St Francis! h3ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtSvwOOOTBI

Samson slayed the Philis$nes with the Axe of the Apostles

Moses led the Hebrews to the Red Sea, where they made unleavened

LOOK TO THIS DAY Look to this day for it is life In its brief course lie all the realities and t ths of existence the joy of g owth the splendour of action the glor$ of power For yesterday is but a memor$ And tomor ow is only a vision But today well lived makes ever$ yesterday a memor$ of happiness and ever$ tomor ow a vision of hope Look well, therefore, to this day! ANCIENT SANSKRIT POEM

bread, which is bread without any ingredients. ⇒

In the first book of the Bible, Guinness’s, God got $red of crea$ng the world, so he took the Sabbath off.

The people who followed the Lord were called the 12 decibels.

The first commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat the apple.

The fiFh commandment is to humour thy father and mother.

The seventh commandment is thou shalt not admit adultery.

Noah’s wife was called Joan of Ark.

Chris O’Donnell has been blas ng this song all over the office and it’s even been given the Stephanie Sing-Along Stamp of Quality. It’s by another Chris; Chris Tomlin, who is a very talented singer / songwriter but whose liturgical dancing skills are ques onable. It’s called “How Great is Our God” h3ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKLQ1td3MbE

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it"

“Meeting new people. Making new friends, Taking on new challenges. A time of appreciation and perspective”

This year we once again had the privilege of travelling to Lourdes to take part in the a Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes. The pastoral theme this year was “The Joy of Conve which is an apt theme for a place which touches the heart so deeply and so profou Our youth group this year consisted of 92 young people and 10 of the best, most de ed and commi3ed youth leaders ever! (Thanks guys—u rock!)

Anyway we decided that instead of us waffling on about Lourdes and how amazin we’d let you hear what some of the youth group had to say. We asked them all the two ques ons “What has this pilgrimage meant to you?” and “What memory will you with you?” Hope you enjoy the answers! (Check out all the photo’s on FACEBOOK!!!)

“Coming to Lourdes this year has been one of the best experiences of my life so far. It has helped me in every way as a person.”

“It made me a new person and in the future I will face things without being nervous.” “It has opened my eyes about my understanding of Christianity & it has extremely strengthened the faith I have in God.”

“I realised that to be loved and to love others leads to happiness. YOLO!”

“It is something I can’t describe in words… being able to bring so much joy to people is a privilege. There is something special about this place.”

“Perspective. ‘Large’ problems seem s Life seems easier, brighter when you people who have endured incredib struggles and still live each day wit smile on their face.”

“This week has meant the world to me. It’s so nice to meet so many people who care so much “A rewarding, peaceful, fun, special exper for people who need it. I A breath of fresh air but also a way to rem ber and deal with personal stress and los feel so proud to know soothing environment.” them all.”

“It has meant the world to me being involved with such an incre group, a group I was terrified I would never fit in with. Working the patients made me feel that I was worth something”

“It has been an eye-opener to know how important faith is i life. It has shown me what true goodness and love is. I am lighted to have met so many good people, both young and ol

“It gave me a great sense of happiness helping all the patients. It made me reflect on my l intentions. I got to connect with myself and also bond with all these amazing people that this pilgrimage with me. I also got to see all the goodness that is present in so many peo

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Yvonne—She inspired everybody with her speech at the closing ceremony and it’s a privilege to know her. Cathal singing “Awake My Soul” at the Closing Ceremony. “Team Nobody Dies” Bucke Rules! Brian Cur n ruining my life! (Guess who said that?!!!) The Baths #Hypothermia The happiness of pa ents at the simplest of gestures! Ligh ng candles at the Gro3o on the last night and how we were all there for each other. Declan Keane’s Protest at the Tacky GiM Compe on. Bonding with the pa ents. My group, I’ve made friends for life. The impressions of the leaders (We love you really!) Sing-Songs and Challenges. Having a nosebleed in the underground basilica. The peacefulness of the Gro3o. The Song Compe on Kathlynn Garry singing Ave Maria into a hair dryer. All the laughs with new friends and old. Fr Chris (The Legend) Peace & Pout! Figh ng over pa ents! Taking the pa ents shopping. Bruno. During the closing ceremony the en re youth group lined up and sang Man in the Mirror together. While we were singing I no ced Nancy, one of the pa ents wrapping a blanket around the pa ent beside her because her head was l ng as she slept. I’ll never forget that. GeIng our “hands” aMer 3 years!

“It was a very peaceful , relaxing experience for me. I

in my deld.”

life and t shared ople.”

didn’t consider it work & it honestly gave me a broader outlook on life. Thank you all very much.”

“It has given me a different outlook on life and taught me that there are other people in the world who have serious problems, rather than my own which seem so small now” “This has been one of the most heart warming, fulfilling experiences of my life.”

“It has meant the world to me. It has made me become a better person and I have made new friends and met some the most amazing and inspirational people who I will remember forever.” “It showed me how lucky we are and how strong our faith is. It meant a lot to me helping the patients and seeing them smile and knowing how much their faith means to them.”

“It has meant a lot to me. It has opened my eyes to how lucky I really am and how I should cherish the times I have with my loved ones.”

“The pilgrimage has given me the opportunity to make new friends and to develop friendships I already had. I am so grateful for this opportunity.” “Lourdes was such an amazing experience. Seeing how everyone treated the patients and how selfless everyone was stood out for me and made it such a brilliant trip”

“It was a break from reality, a chance to forget what’s going on at home and focus on myself and my loved ones.”

“This pilgrimage has been unforgettable. I will hold each moment in my heart”

If you have a problem that you’re finding difficult to deal with why not write to Sr Concepta for some sage advice! Email her at awalsh@ldpc.ie

Dear Sister Concepta, My name is Ashton Kutcher. I am experiencing some difficul es in my life at the moment. A woman by the name of Aoife Walsh (do you know her?) has been sending me pictures of herself with a cardboard cut-out of me! This really disturbs me. I have tried to be as polite as possible and I’ve wri3en to her several mes telling her not to bother me. However last week I received a doll (I think it’s supposed to be me but it’s a bit weird looking to be honest) which she had crocheted. It was a step too far. I have discussed this with my lawyers and they are considering a legal injunc on however they’ve never experienced this level of crochet craziness before so I came to you for help as I’ve heard great things about you. Yours sincerely, Ashton Kutcher (Global Superstar and Sex-God)

Dear Mr Kutcher, Please stop writing to me. I am a nun in the service of Our Lord and I will not be seduced by your ridiculous letters (although I’ve also had a few run-ins with this Aoife Walsh and it’s true; she is quite unbalanced and insane, a bit like that young one you’ve been running around with recently! I’d say she’s great for the Céad MILA Failte alright!! Ha!!!). However the fact remains that this is the fourth letter I’ve received from you this week and it’s only flipping Tuesday! As a compassionate and caring Christian I can of course empathise with what you’re going through but it’s not so much fun when the shoe’s on the other foot now is it? Speaking of footwear, I’ll thank you to please return the flip flops you stole from outside the front of the convent last week (they weren’t even mine you know. They belong to Sr Bertha and she can’t wear anything else because of her fungus!) Oh and stop sending the photos of yourself with no clothes on, you’re going to catch pneumonia if you keep going around the place like that. For the love of God put a shirt on! God Bless, Sr C x

In every edition we feature pictures from youth ministry events of years gone by. If you were there and you know the people in the photo’s let us know. Correct answers will win a prize! Also if you have photos from a youth ministry event that you were part of please email them to us and we’ll use in in our next edition! It might be a nice surprise for someone’s birthday!!!! (awalsh@ldpc.ie)

This issues “Le3er to God” is answered by Stephen Lavin from Adare. Stephen is a primary school teacher. Like Conor Fitzgerald, Stephen is a dual player who has represented Limerick in both football and hurling. He has played in five Munster football finals with Limerick and he has won five senior hurling county $tles with Adare. As a teacher in his home village of Adare Stephen has a very posi$ve impact on his students and as well as being spor$ng he is musical, playing guitar and singing.

Dear God, How is my granddad Gerry in Heaven? Do you love the planet and everyone in it? If you created us then who created you? Can I thank you for taking care of me and my family on bad days or when I have a bad day.

My life hasn’t been that good lately.

I’m not going to say why but I feel everything isn’t going right for me these past few months. My career in sports is good because my schoolboy soccer team is in the premier league and I got on the school team today. Can you take care of my friends? I wouldn’t like it if I had none. My friend and cousin have been really kind to me lately I don’t know why because they usually liked slagging me about my hair and my second name. My nanas, granddads, mam and dad are the most important people to me and please take care of my aunt and her daughter and her boyfriend. Take care of everyone in my family and me. Thank you God for everything. From a boy aged 12 - Limerick City

Hello, I read your le3er and can see you really care about your family and friends. I am sure that everyday they thank God for giving them someone like you, who cares so much about them. I see you are doing well in sports lately. That is fantas$c. I have played sports a long $me and I can tell you that you will never be short of friends as long as you give your best and keep trying in sport. Everyone loves a person who never gives up ! I hope and believe that you always give your best in soccer. Some$mes it will be very hard but the one thing you can never do, is give up. It is the same in life. Right now you might be finding it hard, but believe me, if you keep trying and stay close to your family and real friends, you will pull through. Your real friends will always accept you for who you are. You don't have to be a different person to be friends with them. God made you the way you are and believe me, that should be good enough for everyone. If it is not, then they were not meant to be your friend. I really hope your soccer team does well this year and keep giving it your best !!!! All the best, Stephen Lavin

WHY DO WE LIGHT CANDLES ? (AT MASS?) This ques on was asked by Sean O’ Dwyer at our Yolo launch. It is such a good ques on especially from someone so young – although knowing Aoife and Mar n we are not in the least bit surprised that Sean is asking such profound quesons! I hope his next will be ‘Why would anyone support Liverpool?!!’ I wish that I could answer Sean’s ques on about who was the first person to light a candle in prayer and why they did this. I would wonder what was going on for that person at the me and where they got the urge to light a candle by way of trying to give their prayer wings and to connect to the sacred. While we are unsure of the origin of the prac ce, ligh ng candles has been a prac ce in a lot of religions since early mes. Early Chris ans used to light candles in memory of the martyrs in the catacombs. Ligh ng candles has become a very strong prac ce in the Catholic faith. In many ways every candle lit symbolises the light of Christ as Jesus said, "I am the Light of the World." Ligh ng a candle is both a prayer and also a way of helping us to pray and to focus our prayer. People light candles for many reasons and as they leave the candle ligh ng they feel that their prayer con nues to shine like a beacon for God. Some people ask why we make an offering for the candle we light. This doesn’t mean that we can’t pray unless we pay! If a person pays for a candle it’s their way of replacing the candle they used and passing it on, sort of like paying for the next person’s candle. Also as well as praying for our own inten on it is good to think about the other candles – each flame represents someone else’s need or prayer and is a symbol of their faith in God and it’s nice to take the opportunity to pray for them. The prac ce of ligh ng candles in prayer does not just happen in Church buildings. Candles are oMen leM ligh ng in front of sacred pictures at home for various inten ons – if someone was doing exams or had an interview or was sick. Also candles can be leM burning on graves as ways of remembering and praying for our dead. Thanks for your ques on Sean and I hope this helps. Because candles and light can be symbolic of the power of goodness winning out over the power of darkness, I thought I would finish with this verse: “I light a candle and suddenly the world around me changes. I am reminded yet again, that one small flame is all it takes, to let the darkness know that it cannot win.”

Ruth Patterson.

Terms & Condi ons: The pastoral centre ac vely encourages you to burn candles carefully. We do not take responsibility for prayers that remain unanswered despite the burning of candles.

The following article was posted online at thejournal.ie and we thought it was worth reprinting here. The original article is available at: http://www.thejournal.ie/darkness-into-light-pieta-house-electric -ireland-1419845-Apr2014/ Over the past few years, Ireland has been making progress on tackling the stigma related to suicide and self-harm. Although we still have a long way to go, there has been a sea change of sorts in attitudes and the conversation around this national problem has shifted to a more practical, productive place. But there’s still a lot more to do. One thing we can all be aware of and do in our daily lives is look out for those we feel or know are at risk of suicide or self-harm. Pieta House was set up in 2006 to do just that, and they have some advice on how to help someone who you fear is at risk.

1. Take them seriously Firstly, you should take it seriously if someone tells you about suicidal feelings. It is not just attention-seeking. Trust in their honesty and be kind and compassionate – let them know that they will get the help they need.

2. Take action Tell them about services like Samaritans and Pieta House. Let them know you’ll help them make an appointment if they wish to see a counsellor - and even come with them the first time if they need you to.

3. Create a support network Be supportive – and vigilant. Involve other family members and friends. Don’t take the whole burden on yourself. Let the person see how much they are loved and wanted by others. Even if they ask you not to tell anyone, it is crucial that you let key people in their life know (their parents, family or friends). They need to help you through the crisis too.

4. Keep them active Bring them for walks, sit with them and try not to allow them to spend time alone.

5. Find the right help There are many options out there for those experiencing suicidal thoughts. Nine centres around the country for the prevention of self-harm or suicide. Information at www.pieta.ie and 061-484444 Someone to talk to, any time and in your own way, completely off the record. Call 116 123 A supporting light through depression, providing education, information and support. Call 1890 303 302 Headstrong – The National Centre for Youth Mental Health, dealing specifically with young people; www.headstrong.ie A full list of support services is available on the Pieta House website. Remember, you can always phone the emergency services if you feel a life is in immediate danger too.

6. Is your friend selfself-harming? Many people do things that they know are harmful to themselves to help cope with difficult emotions or experiences. This can be anything from eating or drinking too much, taking drugs, or intentionally hurting themselves. Pieta House also deals with the issue of self-harm.

7. Bust some myths about suicide What people say: “People who talk about suicide don’t go through with it.” The truth: Actually, 80% of people who die by suicide have talked about it. What people say: “Only clinically depressed people attempt suicide.” The truth: Suicidal thoughts can follow any serious life event – the breakdown of a relationship, losing a job or death of a loved one. This can affect anyone, even if they have no history of mental health issues.

What people say: “Suicide can’t be prevented.” The truth: Most suicidal people don’t want to die – they want their emotional pain to stop. Most suicides are preventable. If someone you know speaks about suicide, persuade them to get help from a compassionate source.

8. Stay supportive Pieta House also gives advice for family and friends on how to offer support to a loved one with suicidal thoughts. You should check in with the person every day over the next few weeks, after the crisis has passed. Find out how they’re feeling. Some days they may feel low, and other days fine. This is normal – but if you are worried, do not hesitate to contact someone from the list of support services above.

In every issue we like to pay tribute to those we know and love who have achieved success in something. You know what we are like, we are so mad about you we will take any opportunity to let you know that we think you’re great! Here are some of the wonderful things we have heard about lately and for those who have achieved other successes that we have not heard about be sure to let us know so that we can put your name in lights as well! This issue’s list of achievements includes: Sadhbh McCoy, Midas and the Cast of the musical Cats won a pres gious na onal college award Elaine O’Dwyer, Midas and all the cast of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ put on an unforge3able performances in the Lime Tree Theatre. Is it wrong that I now prefer Gaston to the Beast? James Deegan we salute you! Aoibhlinn Fitzgibbon got her driving test first me – bye bye ‘L’ plates! Lorna O’Byrne and the Diocesan Youth Choir involved in the Good Friday ceremony that were televised as well as the Muintearas group who helped with the Easter Vigil – way to dress an altar Liam Mullane! Diarmuid Greene and Niamh Lannigan, who recently got engaged! Anois bringing people together! (We stole the photo from Facebook—sorry guys!) Aine Hogan, Sadhbh McCoy and Kate Hurley secured leading parts in the Sicilians produc on of Grease

The Askeaton Anois group ‘CMATTY’ put on a great performance of Lega Blonde.

Stephen Keogh, Jaffar Abbas, Karl Madden and Brian Slattery were chose as school captains in St. Clements – aMer Anois we put money on this happenin and we have made a fortune! We had people who ran in the Great Limerick Run – we hear that Barry Fitzgibbon and Donal Murphy and Lourdes leader James McMahon nearly won it! Raza Abbas won the Clements talent show with his incredible magic. James Malone is s ll scratching his head! Aoife’s son Tommy won his first (of many!) Irish Basketball Caps and deserves great recogni on for represen ng his country. He obviously gets his spor ng prowess from his father!! Congratula ons to all those who have completed their Junior Cert and Leaving Cert as well as finishing in college – there are just too many teachers and doctors to men on by name! Mai Burke Hayes is back – praise the Lord! Congratula ons to Dr Padraig Synno3!!!! And so many 21st birthdays, Brian Curtin, PJ Hall, Danny Brennan and so many more… Happy Birthday everyone!


en ng

In this sec on we just want to extend our sympathies to those we know and love who have lost people who were very dear to them. To lose the people we love is one of the hardest things we will have to face and so we just want to send our best wishes to the following people: Brian Cur n, Megan Holland and Ciara Whelan who all unfortunately lost a grandfather. Cayleigh Dunworth on the death of her granny. These are the bereavements we have heard about and for anyone else out there who has lost a loved one we are sorry to hear it. Thinking of you and your families at this me.

The Lourdes Closing Ceremony! June 28th @7pm St Joseph’s Parish Centre O’Connell Avenue

We can’t believe it… Paul’s placement has come to an end (Sad Face). Everyone in the Pastoral Centre is gu3ed, especially Steph and Mary who are a li3le bit in love with our Paul! He’ll also be sorely missed by the boys, Frank, Christy and StJohn and we know that Pat will really miss their daily chats! Anyway Paul we hope you learned something over the last few months and we want to sincerely thank you for your hard work, enthusiasm and crea vity. We will miss you and we wish you the very best for your new job; PA to Jeremy Irons. (Apparently if you can survive Aoife a Hollywood A-Lister is a piece of cake!) Thanks for everything Paul! See you in the Bru in 2 weeks and next year for Anois ok?!!!

Places for the Bru are limited and are generally booked out early but feel free to contact us to check and see if there are any nights s ll available. For more informa on about Bru na Gráige or to download a booking form please visit the following link: h3p:// www.limerickdiocese. org/youth-

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Opening Prayer: Conversion is about making a change, not in others but primarily in ourselves. Lord, help us to change for the be3er so that others will know us as you do. Grant us the courage and the grace to open our hearts and lives to you and in doing so may we find meaning, may we find healing and may we find peace. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen Opening Hymn—One More Song (From Seinn Booklet 2014 ) Gospel reading: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke (19:1-10) Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see over the crowd. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way. When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. All the people saw this and began to mu3er, “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.” But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four mes the amount.” Jesus said to him, “Today salva on has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” A Story about Change: When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. So I set out and tried to convince the world that it needed to change. I tried to tell people about love and kindness, forgiveness and courage. I tried to tell people that we needed to work together and look out for each other, especially the poor and sick. I found it was difficult to change the world, and so I thought that it might be be3er to try and change my na on. I thought this would be easier as everyone here spoke my language but I soon realised I was wrong but I didn’t give up, I kept trying. When I found that I couldn't change the na on, I began to focus on my town. AMer all, this is the place where I grew up but I was disappointed to see that I had no effect. While I was geIng older I thought I would change my focus again. Perhaps I could have some impact on those I’d loved longest; my family. So try I did but again, much to my disappointment I failed. As an old man, I realized that the only thing I can change is myself, and so I began to work on myself. Each day I changed something about myself that made me more loving, more though`ul, more forgiving, and more caring. And slowly but surely I realised that by becoming a be3er person, I gave permission to my family to become be3er people too. Then I realised that by being a more loving family we were having an influence on the people in our town. And just like a stone crea ng ever widening ripples in a pond, our town soon seemed to influence the towns around us, which in turn overflowed into other coun es and provinces and slowly but surely our na on was inspired to become a more loving, forgiving and caring na on. And this ripple effect con nued. The example set by our na on seemed to inspire others to begin to believe in their own innate goodness and their ability to change and slowly but surely we changed the world. Don’t leave it un l you are an old man like me to discover that the best way to change the world is to begin by changing yourself. Song: Man in the Mirror (Michael Jackson) Prayers of the Faithful: ⇒ Mike Murdoch once said, "You will never change your life un l you change something you do daily." Lord, help us to change some of the daily habits that we have that prevent us from becoming be3er people. Lord Hear Us ⇒ Conversion comes from the la n conversiō which does not mean to just stop what you are doing but to actually turn around, to take a different path or return to the true path. Anyone can stop for a while but changing is difficult. Give us the determina on and courage we need to change paths when we have to. Lord Hear Us ⇒ Anthony de Mello believed that God would be much happier if we were transformed more than if we worshipped. There is room for both in life and so we pray that we transform ourselves and so connect with God as much with our loving as our worshiping. Lord Hear Us ⇒ In the midst of life’s challenges, we pray that God will grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference. Lord Hear Us ⇒ We pray for our dead. All those who s ll have such a strong hold on our hearts. Those who were and con nue to be very much part of the story of our lives. We pray and trust that they are at peace and we pray that their love will be felt in our daily lives. Lord Hear Us ⇒ We bring these and all our prayers to you Lord as we pray, Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be… Angel of God… Closing Prayer: Our service today has reminded us that change has to begin with ourselves. We don’t expect everyone to leave here rushing to make life changing decisions and become completely different people by tomorrow. But some mes even making li3le changes can make a big difference. Making li3le changes can give us courage to make bigger ones. We urge you to consider what changes you could make in your life that might have an impact on yourself and those around you. If we could all do one thing to try and be3er ourselves we would be helping to create something great as a community. We make this prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Closing Song: I Send You Out (Seinn Booklet 2014)

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