Seven Hottest Ways to Make Money Online

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Think about it like this….

Don’t send email messages. Send email offers! Make the message very short almost like a classified advert. If you think about it, all a classified advert is a benefit driven headline with some type of call to action at the end. And that’s all it is, and that’s all your email messages really have to be. Going back to the earlier example of the monthly newsletter sent free to budding scriptwriters, the sales pitches for the books made every one and a half pages was exactly like a snappy advert. But because of the newsletter content the professional scriptwriter had no need to do more to promote those books she was selling. After reading the FREE newsletter, you KNEW from that content and a snappy telling title what each book was all about. It was EASY to make the sale! Being personal is also a pathway to loads of sales. So write personal and very sincere messages. But keep them short and you keep them benefit driven. You put a link on there that makes it easy for people to go directly to your web site and get some special offer. You give away something for free. You offer news of something. Remember, everybody is bombarded with email. Their heads are filled with all kinds of clutter. Everybody’s trying to tell them, and sell them something, and get their money. You have to spend a great deal of time thinking about the very specific type of person that you are trying to reach. Only then can you cut through all that clutter and go right directly to their hearts. Here’s a quote I have pinned on my wall… “First, you have to touch people’s hearts before you can ask for their hand.” It’s to remind me that you’ve got to reach people emotionally before you can ask them to do something for you like send their money to you. And so you send very sincere messages on a regular basis. Make these messages almost altruistic, so it is just serving them. Ways to help them. Solutions, so people know that you care about them. Touch their hearts, then ask for their hand for the cheque, cash, money orders, credit card or whatever.

The Art of Writing a Great Subject Line There is an art to writing the subject line of an email. Just like there’s an art to writing the headline. You have to write it in such a way that it doesn’t sound as if you’re making the offer or the pitch in the headline. The subject needs to be the kind of subject that you would expect to hear from someone sending you a personal email.


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