YLM January 2014 | #43

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Formerly ‘Your Local Magazine’




Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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CONTENTS Welcome 5 Stories HAIR RAISER 7 Out & About ZUMBA 9










#43 January 14







Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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welcome H

ello January 2014! I can’t say I am sad to see the back of 2013! Ben, myself and the children had some well needed time at home over the Christmas break and I now feel well rested and full of energy and enthusiasm for making YLM the best it can be. I’m excited about all the fantastic projects Circuit Media P & L have planned for this year and looking forward

to sharing them with you. Why not try something new in 2014; we have lots of fun ideas! I have contributed to stories on page 7 this month. It’s not to be self-indulgent and I can promise that you won’t have to see too many mug shots of me on a regular basis! So here’s wishing you a very happy 2014 and good health!

Wendy YLM is Published by Circuit Media (P&L) Ltd 3 Hales Yard, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4AF | Tel: 01379 642044 PUBLISHER


Wendy Aiken wendy@ylm.co.uk

Matt Bignell matt@ylm.co.uk Ben Aiken ben@ylm.co.uk


Sarah Wilkinson sarah@ylm.co.uk SALES MANAGER

Charlie Roadley-Battin charlie@ylm.co.uk ADVERTISING SALES

Simon Bailey simon@ylm.co.uk PHOTOGRAPHY

Wendy Aiken wendy@ylm.co.uk


Janet Fairweather Janet@ylm.co.uk

Twitter: @ylmuk

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Dayburst Couriers 07810 852089 dayburst@diss.co.uk

COMPETITION WINNERS: Wordsearch: C. Bullen, Burston Sudoku: E. Bray, Diss Jimmy’s Farm: J. Pearce, Harleston Brome Grange: A. Sarahs, Harleston

Disclaimer: The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher. Every effort is taken to ensure that the contents of the magazine are accurate but the publisher can not assume responsibility for errors or omissions. Whilst reasonable care is taken when accepting advertisements the publisher will not accept any resulting unsatisfactory transactions. They will, however, immediately investigate any written complaints. © Circuit Media (P&L) Ltd, 2014.

#43 January 14





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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STORIES by Wendy Aiken

#43 January 14


ver the last 12 months I have seen a number of people I love affected by cancer, either directly or indirectly. I can imagine that many people find themselves in the same situation. I made a decision when I woke up today that I wanted to do something to try to make a difference. So I decided to have my head shaved! I want to show children with cancer that it’s cool to have no hair, and teens and adults that bald is beautiful, male or female, young or mature. I have made my crazy red hair my identity, wild and free. Over the years I have changed my hair style and colour many times but I always go back to my red hair, feeling that it represents me. Is my hair a reflection of my true self? Is my hair a symbol of my feminism, boldness and personal

empowerment? I’m sure that I will feel exposed, I am nervous and a little scared but I’m really determined to do this – Willow, my daughter, laughed and said I was teasing; I wonder what she will think of it? For your entertainment, ben (my husband) went up to the loft to drag out some old photos of a few of my past hair do’s and don’ts. I would like to raise as much money as possible and raise awareness; I want to make a difference. I am supporting two charities. The first is ‘Look Good, Feel better’. I was chatting to Dionne from ‘Defining Radiance’ and she spoke with such passion about this charity. They are proactive and positive; they support women with cancer helping them to feel radiant and confident. So I felt it would be fantastic to

raise some money for them. The second charity I am doing this for is Great Ormond Street, as they do such amazing work and help so many people. You can donate at www.justgiving.com/teams/wendyaiken where you will find both charities at the bottom of the page and can donate to each one. I will be at Dream On on the 14th February 2014 where Sam will be getting her clippers out and shaving my hair off! You can read more about the two charities that I have chosen on page 45. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has donated to the two charities so far. I am very grateful for all your support and I know that your kindness will truly help these worthy charities so much!





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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OUT & ABOUT Well, some of these ventures for Out and About have certainly taken me out of my comfort zone. None more so than this month’s! For this issue I joined a Zumba class at Beccles Sports Centre, run by Caroline Yardy, who has been teaching various fitness classes for over 28 years. Myself and the word ‘exercise’ do not usually feature in the same sentence! So when I found out that I would be doing Zumba I was not overly pleased. The only thing that made me agree to it was the thought of the fast food restaurant just up the road! My serious lack of energy and my disastrous balance and coordination do not lend themselves to forms of exercise. I was dreading it!



I had imagined that there would probably be about 10 or so people there but when we arrived, it was a massive sports hall and there were over 40! (Although at the busiest times there are often over 80 attending!) Wow, this wasn’t what I had anticipated! In the room were people of all ages and abilities, male and female. This actually made me feel a bit more at ease as I didn’t feel as though I stood out like a sore thumb! Caroline said that her youngest member is 14 and the oldest is over 70! Zumba originated from Colombia, when aerobics teacher Beto Perez forgot his music for a class and so he took in his own Colombian music CD from his car and made up steps to go with it. He took it to America and it all started from there.

Each session Caroline takes five routines from the week before, removes the oldest one and puts a new one in. This means that for those who go regularly they will already know some of the moves but will have new ones to learn. It turned out that I was the only new person there, so I didn’t know any of the moves! As soon as the music starts, you feel in the mood and ready to go. Caroline showed us the steps for the first song and I thought ‘awesome, I can handle this’; they were very much like dance steps and I love dancing! However, once we started to put them all to the music it felt about ten times faster! My hips wouldn’t coordinate with my feet, my arms and legs got tangled!! At one point I realised that I was fac-

ing one way and everyone else was facing the other way! By the end of the first song I was very, very aware of how unfit I was but it was so much fun! I was especially excited when we did some Charleston steps as I love the 1920’s. Other styles were Merengue, Salsa, Reggaeton, Cumbia, Swing, Bhangra and Pop. I was quite relieved when Caroline told me that the first class is always the hardest! “Even if people have tried Zumba before and found it difficult to follow, they should try different classes until they find a teacher that teaches well and persevere” says Caroline. If you would like to have a go and have some fun please visit Caroline’s website www.zumbafitnesswithcaroline.co.uk


#43 January 14

You can follow Sarah on her blog - yourlocalmag.tumbler.com www.ylm.co.uk




It’s that time again when we’re looking towards the Winter Olympics, which starts on Friday 7th February. We are very lucky to have a potential Olympian in our midst; 22 year old TJ Baldwin lives in Tharston near Long Stratton and is a British World Cup Downhill Racer, Super G, Giant Slalom, Super Combined & Overall Combined. We caught up with TJ whilst he was in America racing & training at the World Cup event at Beaver Creek in Colorado and he kindly told us a bit about himself and his passion for skiing…


#43 January 14


When did you first start to ski and why? I first learnt to ski when I was 6 years old. My dad learnt to ski while away on post with the RAF and loves it. He took me to the Norfolk snowsports centre where I did my beginner lessons and then started to attend junior club on a Saturday morning. I was hooked right from the start!

How often do you have to train? When I am at home I train 6 days a week either in the gym lifting weights or out cycling my road bike. Ski racing is so demanding on the body so it’s key to be in peak physical condition. While I’m away with the team skiing, we don’t have a set weekly training plan, everything works around the race calendar. Sometimes we go 5 days training or racing then take a day off, sometimes it can be as long as 10 days before a rest day! How have you been preparing for the Olympics? I spent just over 7 weeks in Chile through August, September and into October training lots of Downhill and Super G. Chile is the best place to go throughout the northern hemisphere summer to get good speed training in. All the other big nation ski teams head down there so its a great opportunity to do some training with some of the best skiers in the world! Off the slopes I worked really hard in my local gym to get as strong as possible. The main core of my weights training is based around Olympic weight lifting, so I do a huge amount of squats and leans to make sure I have strong, powerful legs. I also was lucky enough to go to Majorca in May with my team mate,

“The thing I love most about my sport is the feeling I get when I ski a perfect turn. It’s an indescribable feeling. It feels so easy yet intense at the same time.” Dougy Crawford and fellow British ski racer Chemmy Alcott. We went there with a company called NeonVelo who specialise in bike tours with full support staff who very kindly supported us under a sponsorship deal. We cycled every 6 days covering over 400 miles with over 9,000 metres of climbing! It has been a great summer preparing both on and off the slopes, all I need now are the results required to qualify for the Olympics! Have you got all the points that you need? I am currently ranked 95th in the world for downhill and 89th in super combined, so I have the points I need. What I need to do now is get either two top tens in European Cup races or one top thirty in a world cup! My first European cups in Italy are on the 21st and 22nd of December, so here’s to giving myself some early Christmas presents! What do you do in your spare time to relax? In my spare time I like to take trips to the Norfolk coast with my girlfriend, read my Kindle and listen to music. I am a huge music person!

Where have you been in the last 6 months and what have you been doing? Just preparing for the ski season to arrive! Skiing dominates my life so I don’t have much time for other things but I was lucky enough to take a holiday to Barcelona which was absolutely amazing! Do you get to see much of the places you travel to and which is your favourite? Occasionally I get to see some of the places I go to. Normally though it’s just one place to another following the race circuit around! This year in Chile I got to spend some time in the city exploring and one day took a 2 hour bus trip to a place called Vina Del Mar. It’s right on the coast and is an amazing place. It was a great place to have a rest day, it was 25 degrees and I got to swim in the Pacific for the first time in my life. It was an amazing day! You had some worries about funding to start off with – is this okay now? After I returned from Chile I had some pretty substantial bills piling up on my credit cards. Worrying times! Fortunately my long-running sponsor, Skyscanner, stepped in to support me


with a huge chunk of the funding I require to get me through the season! Funding is still tight though and I still have to ask for some support from Mum and Dad. So funding is OK but I could definitely still do with a little bit more! Where did you go to school? I went to school at Long Stratton High. I didn’t spend much time there as I went to a place called the British Ski Academy. I would train on the mountain in the morning and study in the afternoons! Perfect set up! How often do you get to come back to Norfolk and what do you like most about Norfolk? I get to spend about three to four months back in Norfolk. I always love coming home, Norfolk is such a beautiful and tranquil place. I really love the coastline and the Broads. It’s a great place to go and relax! What do you love most about skiing? The thing I love most about skiing is the feeling I get when I ski a perfect turn. It’s an indescribable feeling. It feels so easy yet intense at the same time. The feedback you get from the snow through your skis all the way through your body. It just puts a huge smile on my face! I recently had my first skiing lesson at Suffolk Ski Centre, what tips would you give to aspiring skiers? The biggest tip I would give to any aspiring skier is to always have fun and keep loving what you do. Even though I have a very demanding training schedule I still absolutely love ripping turns down the mountain!

“I really love the coastline and the Broads. It’s a great place to go and relax!”




Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela


anuary is the start of a New Year but also the start of a new term. It is a fresh beginning for all young people after their Christmas holiday. Going back to school is always full of anticipation and expectation. There is an excitement about seeing friends again and sharing stories from the break. Also in 2014 a new national curriculum will be introduced. It will be more focused on essential subject knowledge, especially in the three core subjects English, Maths and Science. The curriculum plays a huge part in shaping our children’s future. There are so many different types of schools now. For example Ipswich High School which is an all-girls school. Some people prefer single sex schools as they can build confidence and help the pupils to ‘fulfil their potential’. Recent research has shown differences in how males and females learn and some has shown that

#43 January 14

girls learn better when the classroom is warm and boys learn better when the classroom is cooler. With same sex schools you can focus on the one gender and how they learn. Then you have Grammar schools such as Thetford Grammar School which is an independent, co-educational school and Riddlesworth Hall School which is a preparatory school catering for boys and girls. Both focus on smaller classes so that pupils get as much attention as they can to help their development and to be able to reach their full ability. When the classes are smaller the children are able to get more one-to-one teaching. However, it’s not just academic schools; there are also schools for music, dance and acting. The King Slocombe School of Dance in Cambridge teaches all styles of dance and many of its pupils go on to perform in The West End, television and Broadway! A lot of children are much more creative

than academic and it’s good to support, nurture and encourage it. It is just as important. We also now have Free Schools which are free to attend but they are also free from politicians’ control. Steiner Schools are of a similar nature but are based on the ideas of Rudolf Steiner. He believed that education is a journey and learning has to be done with hands, heart and head. Montessori schools, originated by Maria Montessori, are holistic; they believe that the early years of a child’s life are when they have the greatest capacity to learn. No matter the type of school, every single one focuses on the child. It is the most vulnerable time in our lives and schools are so important in shaping our children’s future. They don’t just influence children’s academic learning but also their social and emotional skills, their imagination, their creativity and their independence.





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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A VISION OF ENGLAND - PAINTINGS OF THE NORWICH SCHOOL £12.00 A beautiful book with excellent quality colourplates and intense technical explanation.This is a celebration of our local area’s finest moment in art.

Reviews by Diss Publishing


Inevitably, a story about Soviet Food is a chronicle of longing & unrequited desire

MASTERING THE ART OF SOVIET COOKING: A MEMOIR OF FOOD AND LONGING BY ANYA VON BREMZEN £16.99 In this memoir Anya von Bremzen, a prominent food writer and critic, explores both her family history and the history of the Soviet Union through its food, exploring popular meals from the past and the tastes of her own childhood. This is a fascinating novel which is both humorous and deeply moving and also provides some recipes for anyone who wants to create their own authentic Russian dish! A book to savour.


This is a comprehensive guide to printing techniques in an attractive and concise format. Perfect for anyone wanting to ignite their creativity.

#43 January 14

The last book in the thrilling Divergent trilogy. Tris and Tobias are free from the confines of their city, but the truths they will uncover beyond it threaten to tear them apart and destroy everything they know. This book doesn’t disappoint with an explosive and unexpected conclusion for the series. Once you start reading it you won’t be able to put it down.

Peking Passage with a stop-off on China Street, please Mr. Leon

MR LEON’S PARIS BY BARROUX £6.99 Fasten your safety belts as Mr Leon takes you on an eccentric trip around Paris. Sarah Ardizzone’s delightfully quirky illustrations make this a charming book your little girl or boy will love returning to again and again.

Diss Publishing Bookshop would like to wish their customers a very Happy New Year




Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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he New Year is not only the time to focus on your body and your health but also it’s an ideal time to start new activities and there are so many different things to try. Having a hobby can be relaxing, enjoyable and sometimes a good way to meet people and because there are so many different choices there is something for everyone. Take a look at the Swank Interiors tips on improving your home on page 27. There are so many things that you can make and do for your home. A project that I’ve wanted to do for a while is to paint my dining room chairs lots of bright colours. If this is something you have always fancied doing but haven’t the first clue how to go about it then Wilderness Stores, in Harleston, are the perfect people to help. Not only do they offer a painting and restoration service but they also run workshops helping you to do it yourself. The next

#43 January 14

one is 25th January 2014, to find out more please find contact details in their advert page 26. Having a new hobby can be a good way to meet new people, which is not always easy, especially if you are shy. Going to a Zumba class as I did, please see page 9, or joining a local class for anything from Lacemaking and sewing, through to pottery and sculpting will enable you to meet like-minded people. When trying something new, maybe think outside the box; have you ever tried glassblowing? There are several places that offer lessons in glass blowing and there are so many different, beautiful things that you can make. Langham Glass in Fakenham offers experiences so that you can try your hand at making anything from a bubble to a whisky glass! There are so many hobbies that you can try in the comfort of your own home, and there are plenty of tutorials to find online. Here

are some that you could try; blogging, sewing, soap making, quilting, cooking, drawing, embroidery, wood carving, reading, writing, knapping (shaping a piece of stone, (typically flint) by striking it, e.g. to make a tool), jewellery making, bonsais, photography and so many more. There are so many ideas to be found on websites such as pinterest, etsy or folksy, materials can also be found from the latter two or a local independent craft and fabric shop. This year I made my Christmas decorations out of old buttons that I have collected over time but you can also find packs of buttons on these sites or in craft shops. Perhaps you would just like to do something new, something different. Maybe rock climbing or skiing, kite buggying or even unicycling? A less hazardous but truly thrilling activity can be found at Go Ape Thetford. Go Ape offers families and friends of all ages the

chance to get active in the outdoors and have a great adventure. The original Tree Top Adventure course offers you the chance to get in touch with your inner ape with tricky crossings, Tarzan swings and unforgettable zip wires. For all those little monkeys wanting to explore the canopy too, Thetford also offers a Tree Top Junior course. Go Ape Thetford also boasts Forest Segways, where visitors can spend a fun-filled hour venturing off the beaten track and exploring the forest floor. This ‘one of a kind’ experience gives riders an adventure with a down-to-earth twist on an all-terrain, self-balancing, electric Segway for a safari like no other. Please check website for opening times, prices and participation details at www.goape.co.uk Whatever challenge you decide to try in 2014 we wish you all the best with it, do let us know how you get on!




Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk


Henry Walsh ‘Eluere’ Mixed media on canvas, 120 x 150cm

“My work begins with snapshots of busy city life and by a process of elimination I refocus the image on elements that encapsulate a sober thoughtfulness.”


#43 January 14


enry Walsh was born in April 1978 and grew up in Fressingfield in the Suffolk countryside. He studied art at Ipswich College before moving on to Loughborough University in Leicestershire. In the year of 2000 Henry moved to London to find further work to help his art career and to be able to continue painting. “Scattered throughout the hustle and bustle of concrete life, like pools among the rocks, are the parks and squares that provide us with a place to breathe and a time to think. It is a fundamental need of a sane society to be able to stop once in a while and wander from the routine, lift our heads and look at the sky or take in our regular surroundings with a fresh insight”.

From 2001 Henry started working at the Curwen Gallery in London, helping to run a business art consultancy and contemporary art gallery. In 2004 he became an Associate Director. He also helped to set up The Rectory Gallery in Spitalfields, East London in 2009. Henry and his family – his wife Lorna and two children - now live in the High Peak in Derbyshire, due to Lorna’s job with the bbC. He now works as a freelance artist and designer; while also looking after his two children. However, Henry still works with the Curwen Gallery; exhibiting regularly and helping to select and organise the annual ‘Northern Graduates’ exhibition. He also exhibits in Scandinavia and New York!

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Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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the perfect fit...

#43 January 14





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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“From installing a new pair of speakers in a Fiesta, to fitting trackers to 100 HGVs, Vehicle Installations aims to meet the customers target every time. They work with many large organisations, but treat all of their customers with the same integrity, no matter how large or small the job.”


hen Andrew King started Vehicle Installations.com in 2000 the main line of work was installing vehicle trackers and handsfree kits for two of the big mobile phone networks. Operating from a spare bedroom at home, his business grew and soon Andrew had five mobile installation engineers covering the whole of the UK, but mainly East Anglia and London. In 2004 they moved into the workshop in Vinces Road and although they had plenty of work coming through at that time, Andrew was very aware that hands free kits and trackers would soon become standard equipment in many vehicles.

Andrew and Matthew

#43 January 14

In 2008 Andrew noticed the workload dropping off significantly and they started to look at other

avenues of installation work, for example parking sensors, iPod and satnav, but nothing was replacing the lost handsfree/tracker work. The following couple of years were quiet, business really slowed down, it got to the point when Andrew had to hand his notice in on the Vinces Road workshop - he hadn’t had a single vehicle in for almost 2 weeks! He knew he needed to do something; and quick. The next day, a man turned up at the workshop and asked him to fit his stereo into his new VW transporter van. While fitting his stereo he explained to Andrew that he had just moved to the area and could he recommend anybody that could do some other work on his van including ply lining, carpet lining, fit a towbar and side steps. Andrew said that he could com- ›





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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plete this work and the customer left the van with him for the rest of the week until the work was done. While working on this van, another Volkswagen Transporter owner pulled up and said he didn’t realise that Andrew did carpet lining – ‘no problem’ was the reply and the second van was booked in. Luckily, he never did have to move out of the workshop, business really took a turn for the better over the next few months. As time went on they were asked to do more and more jobs on campervans, from fitting kitchen units & beds to fitting side windows & pop-up roofs. Vehicle Installations then purchased a VW T4 to convert into a full pop-top campervan as a winter project. They had such a positive response on the finished item that three bookings for campervan conversions were taken off the back of it. Now they can design and build a campervan

to suit your own requirements and budget. ‘We take a standard van and convert them with bespoke kitchen/wardrobes, rock n roll beds, gas hob, sink and fridge freezer’. Most customers bring their existing van, but if you’re looking for a particular make and model then Vehicle Installations can help source one. Nowadays the majority of work seems to come from VW van customers but that’s not all they do. Vehicle Installations also provides a full kit-out service to their fleet/business customers. As well as the auto electrical work they now offer: ply lining, tow bars, roof racks, van racking, sign writing, valeting and fleet de-commissioning. The idea is to give business users a one stop shop approach to preparing their vehicle for work. This summer they have fitted a fleet of 40 vans for a utility company with track-

ers, amber LED light bars, internal lighting, alloy racking and signage with more vehicles to follow next year. The vans get dropped off by the lease company so they can complete all the required work before it’s delivered back to the end user. Minimising the hassle for the Fleet Manager organising the various people to get their van on the road and earning money. Recently Vehicle Installations became approved installers of Sortimo Racking modules, a market leader in vehicle storage solutions. This racking system organises all your tools and components in the back of your van or car. The units are crash tested and are made specifically to suit your vehicle. Pop in to see the demo van and see the quality of the design, build and installation. From installing a new pair of speakers in a Fiesta, to fitting


trackers to 100 HGVs, Vehicle Installations aims to meet the customers target every time. They work with many large organisations, but treat all of their customers with the same integrity, no matter how large or small the job. In addition to the Vinces Road workshop Vehicle Installations offer a nationwide installation service, so if you have something fitted by them in Diss and then want it de-installed in Glasgow it’s not a problem! For more information on the full range of product and services now available please visit www.vehicleinstallations.com, call 01379 641111 or pop into the Vinces Road workshop. Recently they have purchased a 7.5 tonne recovery vehicle so they will soon be offering nationwide vehicle collection and delivery service. ■

“Vehicle Installations are expert in everything from auto electrical work to ply lining, tow bars, roof racks, van racking, sign writing, valeting & fleet decommissioning. The idea is to give business users a one stop shop approach to preparing their vehicle for work.” #43 January 14





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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now In

Art of the loom pure wool throw from Swank Interiors £69.95

By Lanassir Lawes


fter we have taken down our Christmas decorations our homes can sometimes feel a bit flat and in need of some TLC to make them sparkle again- January is a great time to set yourself ‘home resolutions’ for the year ahead to improve your home. You may have been inspired by places that you have visited over the festive period whether it is friends’ and families’ homes or a restaurant where you have dined; other good sources of inspiration are magazines and websites. It can be useful to start a scrapbook with images that you like, paint colours and fabric samples to start to build a picture of what you would like to achieve. Always pop in photographs of existing furniture and any paintings that you would like to reuse

to ensure they fit in with the new pieces. If you make your scrapbook reasonably small you can keep it with you when shopping as it will help you stay focused on your scheme, it is so easy to go off on a tangent when faced with so many lovely fabrics and wallpapers. In our showroom and design studio we find it useful if customers bring photographs of their existing rooms to enable us to select suitable products. Careful planning will ensure that your project runs smoothly however big or small. We always advise that you take your time to make sure that the whole scheme is put together before starting to purchase even if it is going to be done in stages. You then get a better idea of how much the overall project will cost and can adjust items to suit your budget. Our showroom will reopen on Tuesday 7th January after refreshing and restocking, we look forward to welcoming you all in 2014.

Share your interior design adventures with us via ylmuk on Instagram and your images could feature in the magazine!

#43 January 14





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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How To Make... Pine cone Bird Feeders At this time of year we need to think about our feathered friends. If the world is frozen or snow is covering the ground, it can be hard for birds to find food and water. WHAT YOU NEED: Pine cone String Fat (lard is good, and cheap) Wild bird seed


HOW TO MAKE IT: 1. If you find a pine cone that is closed, leave it in a warm dry place to open up. 2. Tie a piece of string to the top so you can hang it up. 3. Cut up the fat into small pieces and squash them into the gaps in the cone. (you could also melt the fat and pour it onto the cone) 4. Put the seed into a dish and roll the cone in the seed, so that you get a good covering. 5. Hang up for the birds. 6. Don’t forget to put out some fresh water for them too!

We’ve got lots of lovely activities planned for this winter, including scavenger hunts and den building. Come and join us on a Thursday morning. We even have hot chocolate! To find out more or book a place Joanne@naturebugs.co.uk 01449 780369

Thornham Walks, Gislingham Road, Thornham magna, Nr Eye, Suffolk IP23 8HH We meet in car park at Thornham Walks, Thursday 10.15am-12.00pm. 0-5 years. £3 per family per session.

#43 January 14





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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the molehill


#43 January 14

‘The molehill’ is the perfect name for Jane and Ian mcClintock’s beautiful home, overlooking the Waveney Valley. The house, which was completed in December 2012, sits comfortably in its surroundings, not imposing itself on the landscape but instead working with it. “Our main focus when planning the build was that it had to be as eco as possible,” says Jane. “Treading as lightly on the planet as we could.” There is a ‘green roof’, an air source heat pump, PV and solar panels and all rainwater is harvested. bird boxes have been built into the structure of the house, Ian is a keen bird watcher and birding is important to him. Jane herself grew up on a farm in Palgrave and this new home looks out towards her childhood home “it’s important to me to be close to where I

grew up,” explains Jane. “When I was growing up there was a lot of corrugated iron buildings, so that texture features a lot in the house.” Even the wood on one of the outside walls is corrugated.

“There is a certain peace and tranquillity in the house, every aspect has been carefully thought out and designed.” As the house is built on a slope, part of it is underground and this is where you’ll find the guest rooms, with the ground running down away from the windows. The views are spectacular from every window in

the house; mesmerising. The architect, meredith bowles from mole Architects, worked closely with Jane and Ian and you can see that he really had a feel for and understood the environment. There is a certain peace and tranquillity in the house, every aspect has been carefully thought out and designed. Jane is also an artist, drawing inspiration from life; she works with ceramics, sculpture and print making. The studio is separate from the house, but enjoys the same views and is a warm secluded place in which to work. Next door to ‘The molehill’, is the old farmhouse where Jane and Ian lived when their house was being built. This has now become a unique space for art and recently hosted an art exhibition. ‘Christmas at Longs Farm’.





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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anuary regularly produces frost, ice and snow and is the chilliest month of the year in britain. The 13th January has gained the reputation of being the coldest day of the year, due to past events starting on or around this date. So it’s at this time that we’re all trying to keep our homes warm. many of us will have open fireplaces, wood burners, stoves or radiators which are lovely in the wintertime, but are we making sure that we are not losing this valuable heat? There are many practical ways that we can make the most of this heat and keep warm (some may be slightly more bizarre than others!) An obvious one is to keep your doors closed and keep the heat in the room that you are using. You also need to block any draughts and any gaps where heat might escape. Double glazing is very good for this but there are also cheaper methods that you can do yourself. Always use thick curtains or line your own; you can even use rugs and blankets at the windows or at doors that lead to the outside. To block gaps beside windows and doors try using foam or rolled up

towels. You would be surprised at how much of the cold gets in through your letterbox and even your keyhole! brushes fitted to your letterbox work excellently as an extra barrier and keyhole covers can be purchased very cheaply. Don’t forget about the bottom of your doors; draught excluders can be easily found but why not make your own? All you need is an old pair of tights or leggings and then to stuff them with old socks or even carrier bags. You can then decorate them exactly how you want! If you have radiators in your home make sure that you do not put furniture in front of the heaters, blocking off the heat. A brilliant tip is to put tin-foil behind your heaters as this will reflect the heat back into the room. Putting shelves above your radiators can also help to direct the heat, rather than it going straight up. There are some really simple steps that you can take towards keeping warm before you even think about the heating. For a start make sure that you open your curtains and let any sun in to heat your house. Wear lots of layers; put rugs, blankets or pieces

of carpet down on hard floors and try to have warm colours and textures around your home. A couple of things that I always do myself are firstly, when using my laptop, to actually have it on my lap as it generates heat and also, after I’ve used the oven, I leave the door open so the heat comes out into the room! When it comes to going to bed we all want to be warm and snuggly; the best way is to share body heat! If this is not an option for you try using flannel sheets and putting extra blankets on your bed. I often wear a hat and bed socks and I always have my hot water bottle. If you don’t have one of these you can make microwaveable heat pouches by filling a small bag with rice or beans. Lastly, a more unusual way to keep warm, especially if you cannot afford to insulate your house, is to put bubble wrap up at the windows that you do not need to see out of! All you need to do is cut the wrap to the size of the window, spray a film of water on to the window and apply the wrap, with the bubble side towards the glass, whilst the window is still wet! Simple!

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” - Edith Sitwell



Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

Keep Yer Heel Down Bor Wotcha. How are yer diddlin? Fair t’ middlin? Good. Unlike most gardeners I love the winter. I love it when the dark comes down and you can’t do any more work! However, Christmas and New Year are also the time when your thoughts turn to next spring and the kind of garden or allotment you’re going to have. What failed this year, and what do you hope to try next year? It’s exciting, and with the seed catalogue(s) having arrived already, you ‘plot’ the year’s calendar. It ‘pays’ to watch the cost though and for what it’s ‘worth’ I’ve done a quick count up of my 2013 bills: Dobies are the budget wing of Suttons Seeds and are good value for money if you don’t mind not having pictures on your seed packets! How much produce would £93.95 buy? Quite a lot, but we don’t worry about that do we?! Keep on troshin’ and remember, you reap what you sow, so don’t forget to sow cress with your children this winter.


#43 January 14

New Year, New Home

Seed Order (Dobies) - £24.08 (inc postage) Seed potatoes (10 x 3.5kg) - £24.47 (Myhills) Fleece (for carrots, not me!) - £7.92 Sand, gloves, cucumber seed - £7.48 Compost - £30.00

Total £93.95

Mark dayburst@diss.co.uk

When the New Year comes around a lot of people very often think about moving house. However, there are a lot of things to consider, some of which we might not always remember. The main thing we all concentrate on is the house, but we don’t always think to view it at different times of the day. It may be quiet at mid-morning, is it still quiet later in the day or does it suddenly become the main route for the school or work run? Another important factor is whether the house is cold or warm. If it’s a colder house then there will be more costs involved for heating. We should also be looking at the area that we are moving to. Are there good local shops and amenities? If there are not then it may mean travelling to the nearest town so it’s always a good idea to check how far that is. If you have children then have you made sure that you have looked at the local schools? As mentioned on page 13 schools play a massive part in shaping our children and their future. It’s vital to make sure that you are happy with

the school that your children will be going to. Also important is to find out what the public transport situation is. There may come a time when you need to use it, or you may already need to. If you will have to commute then make sure there are good and easy links from your home to work. The key is to double check every aspect of a new home and area before making the final decision. Cover all bases so that you have confidence when the time comes to make a decision that you are making the right one.

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What’s Happening in Gabriel’s Garden I love January! It is the month for planning and getting organised for the year ahead. The weather and days are still cold and dark and for me this is the perfect time to reflect on all that went on in the garden last year, all the weddings, events and fabulous flowers of 2013, what grew well, what looked really good and what I would like to grow more of for 2014! I can at last do a bit of catching up with relevant reading – all those magazines and articles that I have been meaning to read. I’m particularly looking forward to the beautiful rose book by Peter Beales; ‘A Passion for Roses’, full of sumptuous photos and brilliantly written, it tells the story of one man’s passion and personal journey. It really has inspired me to grow more roses. There is nothing more beautiful and romantic than an English rose and this is the perfect time to plant them, espe-

#43 January 14

cially if you are buying bare root stock. planted now on a frost free day and over the next couple of months means they have a chance to settle in and will be ready to put on good growth when spring finally comes. I’m using this quiet time to create new flower beds in the garden. Instead of digging the heavy clay I use a black membrane to cover the ground where I want the bed to be, the membrane blocks out the light but lets water in. I weigh it down with pieces of wood to stop it blowing around. Covering the ground like this will kill off the grass and weeds without having to use any chemicals, after a couple of months it will be ready to dig over and plant. There is an added advantage of using this method as the membrane will warm up the soil in the spring, enabling an earlier sowing of some of the summer annuals such as cornflowers and larkspur. An old bit of carpet (making sure it is hessian backed) will have the same effect. I’m looking forward to keeping you up to date with ‘what’s happening in Gabriel’s Garden’ over the coming months and the year ahead, the beautiful seasonal flowers we grow, the services we offer and our forthcoming events

and I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all A Very Happy New Year. Gabbi


www.gabrielsgarden.co.uk 01379 677793 photo: Sergey Rod





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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Get Fit in January

Valentine’s Day

Win a months free membership at Fit Club Diss

Win a Romantic Meal for Two at the BEST WESTERN Brome Grange Hotel

At Fit Club Diss we aim to provide a training environment that caters for all needs, so if you are just interested in getting a bit healthier we can help with that or if you want something gruelling that challenges you then we can cater for that as well. We place a big emphasis on total body health at Fit Club so we try to provide training programmes that address functional or postural issues as well as nutritional needs to optimise human performance.

Set in the delightful countryside the bEST WESTERN brome Grange Hotel is an ideal venue for both business and relaxation. You can win a three course meal for two* by simply answering the question below: How many AA Rosettes does the BEST WESTERN Brome Grange Hotel currently have? Send your answers by the 21st January to: YLm Competition bEST WESTERN brome Grange Hotel, Norwich Rd, brome, Nr Eye, Suffolk, IP23 8AP.

To win a months free membership, simply answer the following question below: How many years have Roscoe and Anouska run fit Club?

*To be used on Friday 14th February 2014.

Send your answer to: Fit Club Diss Competition, YLm, 3 Hales Yard, Diss, IP22 4AF by 21st January to be in with a chance of winning. Usual Circuit media competition rules apply.





Rules of entry The winner will be picked at random out of a hat, the judge’s decision will be final. brome Grange Hotel will contact the winner by phone or email by no later than 21st January.

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Please tick the box if you wish to opt out of any future offers from The brome Grange Hotel.




Win a Meal at the Spice Cottage in Diss

Win a Meal at the Turkuaz Restaurant in Diss










8 Fitness Zumba Walking Wellness Diet Nutrition Exercise Cycling

Jogging Resistance Stretch Weights Swimming Treadmill Dumbbell Calories

Thanks to Spice Cottage, we are offering you the chance to win a meal for two. You and a friend will be able to enjoy two papadums and chutney, one chicken or lamb dish each from our Classic and Popular dishes and one rice or naan each, on any night between Sunday and Thursday. Send your completed wordsearch to Competitions, YLm, 3 Hales Yard, Diss, IP22 4AF by 21st January to be in with a chance of winning. Usual Circuit media competition rules apply.

Name Address

#43 January 14


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4 5

1 2 4 8 5 9

6 4 9 7

5 6 8

9 2 7 5



1 5 6 2 6 7 9 1 8 5

We are offering our readers a chance to win a meal for two at the Turkuaz Restaurant. Send your completed Sudoku to Competitions, YLm, 3 Hales Yard, Diss, IP22 4AF by 21st January to be in with a chance of winning. Usual Circuit media competition rules apply. How to play... Every row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order Every column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order Every 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9








Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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ci Re

pan-Fried Chicken Breast with artichoke risotto and roasted Vegetables

pe er rn Co

INGREDIENTS THE CHICKEN 1 chicken (legs removed) 1 garlic bulb 1 handful fresh thyme salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 litres chicken stock 2 tbsp olive oil 25g salted butter THE RISOTTO 250g risotto rice 300g Jerusalem artichokes, sliced thinly 50g butter 50ml double cream 4 tbsp parmesan, freshly grated 1 handful fresh finely chopped chives THE ROASTED VEGETABLES carrots turnips handful fresh rosemary garlic cloves x3 salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, plus extra for drizzling 2 tbsp clear honey 1 small punnet pea shoots (optional)

METHOD Method for chicken, place the garlic bulb and several of the sprigs of thyme into the cavity of the chicken. Season the chicken with salt and black pepper then place it into a large lidded pan or stockpot. Add the chicken stock to the pan and cover the pan with a lid. Bring the mixture to the boil, then reduce the heat and gently poach the chicken for 25 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and allow the chicken to cool in the stock. Then remove the chicken from the pan and pat dry with kitchen paper. Reserve the chicken stock for later. Remove the breast from the chicken and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Heat a frying pan until hot. Add the olive oil and place the chicken breast in the pan, skin-side down. Fry the breast until the skin becomes golden brown then turn over onto the other side. Add the butter and fry until the chicken is completely cooked through. For the risotto, place 500ml/18fl oz of

#43 January 14

All these vegetables are available delivered to your door by the Norfolk Veg Box found in our directory.

the chicken stock that the chicken was poached in, into a clean saucepan and bring to the boil. Add the risotto rice to the pan and allow the mixture to simmer for 4-5 minutes, until the rice becomes slightly tender. Drain the excess stock from the rice, and allow the rice to cool in the saucepan. Place the artichokes and half the butter into a clean saucepan and heat at a low temperature until the artichokes become tender. Add the cream and 175ml/6fl oz of the poached chicken stock and bring to the boil. Pour the stock and the artichokes into the bowl of a food processor and blend the mixture until a purĂŠe is formed. Place the saucepan of rice back onto the heat and gradually add a ladle at a time of the remaining poached chicken stock to the pan (allow the rice to absorb the stock before adding each ladle of stock). Continue to add the stock to the rice until the rice is tender. Add a large spoonful of the artichoke purĂŠe, the remaining butter and the parmesan to the saucepan and stir until the ingredients have combined.

Add the chives to the risotto and mix well. For the roasted vegetables, place the carrots, turnips, rosemary and two of the garlic cloves into a clean saucepan and fill the saucepan with water until the vegetables are covered. Season the vegetables with salt and freshly ground black pepper and bring the pan to the boil. Drain the excess water from the vegetables. Heat a clean frying pan until it is smoking hot then add the olive oil, a little more rosemary and another garlic clove. Finally, add the honey to the pan, followed by the vegetables and turn from time to time till crisp and golden and tender. Place the risotto in the centre of a hot plate. Position the pan-fried chicken in two halves on top with a generous scattering of roasted vegetables and enjoy whilst hot! Fancy having a go at one of the recipes? Share your culinary creations with us via ylmuk on Instagram and your images could feature in the magazine!




new year new you

I don’t know about you but I will be quite glad to begin the New Year afresh. In actual fact I think many of us look at a New Year as the chance to start again, to create a ‘new you’. Very often though the resolutions we make don’t last longer than a few weeks as we get frustrated and disheartened. Here are a few tips to help you along your way: 1/ Be realistic. It is very common for us to make vast resolutions that are unrealistic; ‘I want to lose 5 stone by February’, ‘I’m going to stop smoking immediately’, ‘I will never drink again’ and so on and so on. The targets we often set ourselves are completely unattainable and so we get depressed and feel like failures and then we give up. It is much better to set ourselves realistic resolutions, to take things one


step at a time. Set yourself small and attainable aims so that when you reach them you will feel as though you have achieved something. 2/ Be specific. Another way to help you meet your targets is to be specific. General resolutions like ‘I’m going to get fitter’ or I’m going to lose weight’ have no finish line, no goal to focus on and this again can cause us to flounder and eventually give up. Instead write down exactly how much you wish to lose and by when (again be realistic about it), how much fitter you want to be – do you want to feel better or do you want to become more toned? And so on. 3/ Take small steps. Don’t try to rush into things headfirst and do it all straight

away. It’s all about little stepping stones. Start things gradually; if you want to get fitter begin by doing just 15 minutes of walking a day. You can then slowly build it up. Otherwise you are likely to cause yourself injuries, pain or feel too exhausted and again you will feel like you have failed and give up. If you want to give up smoking or drinking do it in stages, a little at a time and never be afraid to seek help. 4/ Reward yourself Very often when we set ourselves New Year’s resolutions we go at it hard and are strict with ourselves. As above, take little steps towards realistic and specific ambitions and reward yourself! You are much more likely

to keep going if you know that you can have a reward at the end of each step achieved and it will make it so much more enjoyable, instead of thinking of it as a chore. We need to remember that it won’t always be easy and there will be setbacks along the way but we must get back up and start again. You might think that you’ll feel more like it ‘tomorrow’ but as soon as you get up and go again you will feel better and feel that you’ve done it, you were strong and achieved something. Rewarding yourself will help you to keep going. If you would like further help then please see Dare to Dream on page 47. And lastly always make sure you’re doing it for yourself and no one else!

Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours, and let each New Year find you a better man – Benjamin Franklin


Get Fitness Industry Qualified Locally At Fit Club Training Academy Fit Club Training Academy is a new training provider of fitness courses locally. The brother and sister duo who run Fit Club Diss and Wymondham have now taken their business into training people to get qualified in the fitness industry as they both did 17 years ago. The new training academy is situated at their club in Wymondham and offers courses such as Fitness Instruction, Personal Training, Sports Massage and various other shorter courses to add extra skills and improve employability. Roscoe and Anouska have both worked for Norfolk Adult Education since 2009, deliver-

ing these courses out of venues in Norwich, but wanted to open them up to a wider range of people using their own club in Wymondham. The motto “qualifying industry excellence” is something that they wanted to achieve with this new venture so the courses are designed to offer the skills needed to be successful in the industry with higher levels of class contact time to ensure maximum learning. The experience gained over the last 11 years of running their own gym facilities has enabled them to be able to pass on their knowledge and hands-on experiences of preparing people to work in the industry with realism and success. Courses start in January and will run throughout the year based on demand so there is no need to travel far and wide now to become qualified in the fitness industry. All the courses are REPS registered and accredited ensuring credibility and recognition for employment, and the Training Academy is certified by Active IQ - www.activeiq.co.uk. Call now to get started on your new career in the fitness industry.

Another Year Older? You Don’t Have To Look It Diamond Skin Care provides affordable, easily accessible and individually personalised medical treatment for any and every type of skin condition. Here director and chief consultant Dr Deepak Rallan tells us more about anti-aging treatments. Aging of the skin shows as wrinkles, dark spots (‘lentigos’), sagging and dryness. How fast this happens and how dramatic the impact on your skin varies between individuals. The medical literature is overflowing with studies on single ingredients and ‘anti-aging serums’. Most of it is positive and valid, but secrecy is a widespread phenomenon on this subject, even in peer reviewed publications. A few facts and findings however, are agreed upon. Skin aging happens from the outside (extrinsic) and the inside (intrinsic). The latter is due mainly to the sex hormones while


the former is down to long-term sun damage, smoking and alcohol. To complicate things, darker natural skin is more protected against the aging effects of the sun. So limiting your alcohol intake, stopping smoking and wearing good UVA protection definitely help in keeping your skin looking young. These habits, however, have to be started at a ‘youngish’ age and continued through life. If some damage has already been done, fortunately, there is now hope of reversal! A large variety of treatments from lasers to creams are effective. Creams tend to give a more long-term effect. Products that are currently available and being used openly include Retinoids in cream form but available on prescription only. All such products work by boosting skin renewal, thickening the skin layers and improving skin hydration therefore plumping out fine lines and wrinkles. Some also halt the the production of melanin that causes dark spots, generally producing a younger fresher look within 6 weeks of use. Different people require slightly different regimes depending on their individual pattern of skin aging.



#43 January 14





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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save pennies & lose pounds THE CHERRY CATERING COMPANY

Include herbs and spices and you won’t notice it’s low fat

by Gemma Harvey

I had an extra slice of Christmas pudding – did you? Not forgetting the brandy butter, then a Quality Street or two (or eight)! But January is here and I need to get back into my favourite jeans. All the supermarkets are promoting their ‘healthy’, calorie- controlled ranges, but at between £2 and £4 each, I’m not going to be filling up my trolley any time soon. It’s so simple to plan ahead and make your own – just follow some simple guidelines – when I’m thinking about lunch, I want something quick, tasty and filling. Cooking for one is not cost-effective and often time consuming – I cook batches of at least 4 and refrigerate or freeze portions for another day. Allow 50g of pasta or rice per portion, if your carbohydrate is potatoes, 100g will fill you up. Protein helps you feel fuller for longer, so make sure you include 100g of lean protein in your

meals – chicken breast, extra lean minced beef, or pork tenderloin maybe? Vegetables are where you can really go to town – I include at least 3 in my lunches – the chicken meal pictured included carrots, onions, celery , mushrooms and leek, the smoked salmon and pasta had broccoli, courgette and onion. Remember before starting a new diet to check with your doctor. Don’t forget flavour – include herbs and spices and you won’t notice it’s low fat. Date-label your food, if freezing use within one month and when reheating make sure it is piping hot. It’s all good – you get a delicious home cooked meal that has no additives or unknown ingredients at a fraction of the cost of those in the supermarkets – just don’t buy chocolate with the pennies saved, maybe grab a new top in the sales to go with your jeans?!

Share your Cherry Catering inspired creations with us via #ylmuk on Twitter and your images could feature in the magazine!



Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

Get Motivated to Exercise Even the most motivated of us can feel unmotivated at times. In fact, sometimes we get into such a slump we don’t feel like doing anything. You’re not alone, especially now the New Year has started, it’s cold, damp and the festivities are over, so here are some tips on how to get motivated and change the way you think about yourself and life. An example; When I fall out of exercise it’s hard to get started again. I don’t even feel like thinking about it, sometimes. 1. One Goal. You have to choose one goal, for now, and focus on it completely. 2. Find inspiration. Inspiration comes from others who have achieved what you want to achieve, or who are currently doing it. Join a fitness club that will give you inspiration you need. 3. Commit publicly. None of us likes to look bad in front of others. We will go the extra mile to do something we’ve said publicly. For


#43 January 14

example, when I wanted to run my first half marathon. 4. Get support. It’s hard to accomplish something alone. Find your support network, either in the real world or online, or from the trainers at your fitness club. 5. Realise that there’s an ebb and flow. Motivation is not a constant thing that is always there for you. It comes and goes like the tide. But realise that while it may go away, it doesn’t do so permanently. It will come back. Just stick it out and wait for that motivation to come back. 6. Think about the benefits, not the difficulties. One common problem is that we think about how hard something is. Exercise sounds so hard! Just thinking about it makes you tired. But instead of thinking about how hard something is, think about what you will get out of it. You can get the support and help you need to get started with your New Year goals, it’s not as hard as you think with hundreds of others around you all doing the same. Book in now to get started at Fit Club with your chosen goal, start your journey this year to the NEW YOU! We are currently offering a discounted membership deal to inspire you to get started.

All Hallows Healthcare Trust All Hallows Healthcare Trust is delighted to have been chosen to receive an Innovations and Best Practice Award from the Community Hospitals Association. Barbara Moore, panel member of Community Hospitals Association told Clair Westwood-Deamer, Chief Executive officer of the Trust and Neil Santy, Strategy and Business Development Manager that “the standard of submissions was very high and you have shown excellence”. The Trust provides a seamless service of integrated health and social care for the local population and is constantly evolving and developing existing services and introducing new ones to help improve the health and wellbeing of people living in Great Yarmouth and Waveney, South Norfolk and North Suffolk. A few years ago an inspired manager from All Hallows Healthcare Trust had a chat about what happens to patients, particularly the frail or elderly, when they go home after a spell in a hospital bed, looking at not just the clinical aspects of care but the social side as well. In 2009 it started its 24/7 Home Care Service to support clients and carers in their own homes. It not only aids those discharged from hospital, it also provides assistance to those who might otherwise need to be admitted to hospital, maximising independent living and delaying premature admission. Working with social care commissioners, All Hallows offers packages of care that provide cleaning, dressing, bathing, meal preparation, meals on wheels prepared and cooked either at the Hospital or Nursing Home in Bungay, laundry and a befriending service, all delivered with the abiding principles of dignity, self-respect, independence and privacy. The Trust also has a range of Day Care services allowing clients to meet different people and get involved in additional activities and days out. The team also recognised that there were too many people dying in an inappropriate hospital environment and in April 2012 another new service was launched. The Trust announced that they were working

in partnership with St Elizabeth Hospice, another charity based in Suffolk to provide hospice facilities including inpatient beds. Since then All Hallows and St Elizabeth Hospice have seen 60 patients from Great Yarmouth and Waveney admitted to the Hospice beds, and the new weekly palliative day care service, run at the Day Centre situated in the grounds behind All Hallows Hospital in Ditchingham provides vital ongoing support to the local community. There are extremely few - if any - parts of the country where such an integrated service as that provided from All Hallows is available. The availability of services ranging from support at home, Day Care, Respite Care, Nursing Home Care, Hospital Rehabilitation and through to end-of-life Hospice Care, is what many communities wish to have, but they do not have the benefit of a foundation like the All Hallows Healthcare Trust to provide it. There have been many changes over the decades, but one thing that remains the same is the quality of care and service it gives to local people. As a registered charity heartfelt thanks goes out to everyone who has supported All Hallows throughout the years. Without this kindness from local people, it would not be able to function as well as it does and certainly wouldn’t have achieved what it has today. For the future, the Trustees will be working closely with the new Care Commissioning Groups in the area to expand upon what they already do to work closely with GPs and social services towards even greater benefit for local communities. It is also moving into the care of dementia as the number of people affected by dementia is expected to double by 2040.

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Look Good Feel Better – Facing Cancer with Confidence Look Good Feel better is the only international cancer support charity providing practical support for women and teenagers suffering from the visible side effects of cancer treatment. Finding out you have cancer is daunting and life-changing. The added stress of the appearancerelated side effects of treatment can be demoralising and feel overwhelming. This can have serious consequences on self-esteem and confidence at a time when a positive attitude is vital. Look Good Feel better is dedicated to improving the self-esteem, confidence and wellbeing of people undergoing treatment for any sort of cancer. It is our aim to improve their self-image and appearance through free group and self-help skincare and make-up workshops that create a sense of

#43 January 14

support, confidence and wellbeing. In the UK, Look Good Feel better gained charitable status in 1993 and has to date provided support to nearly 100,000 patients. Our services have the support of over 40 leading companies and brands from the beauty and Fragrance Industry, as well as many other organisations that recognise the benefits of our service. many beneficiaries tell us that Look Good Feel better helped them regain a sense of control and normality at a time when diagnosis and treatment can make everything feel overwhelming. Workshops and masterclasses are available in venues across the UK. They are conducted by our trained Look Good Feel better beauty volunteers who share their tips and techniques for minimising side-effects such as skin changes, eyebrow and eyelash loss. Cancer can rob a woman of her energy and strength but with the support of Look Good Feel better it need not take away her selfconfidence.

Great Ormond Street Hospital Great Ormond Street Hospital is one of the world’s leading children’s hospitals with the broadest range of dedicated, children’s healthcare specialists under one roof in the UK. The hospital’s pioneering research and treatment gives hope to children who are suffering from the rarest, most complex and often life-threatening conditions, from across the country and abroad. Since its formation in 1852, the hospital has been dedicated to children’s healthcare and to finding new and better ways to treat childhood illnesses. Each year, there are over 220,000 patient visits to the hospital. most of the children we care for are referred from other hospitals throughout the UK and overseas. There are more than 50 different clinical specialties at GOSH. Finding new and better treat-


ments and cures for childhood illnesses has always been central to our work. GOSH is also at the forefront of paediatric training in the UK. We train more children’s nurses than any other hospital. We also play a leading role in training paediatric doctors. Our mission is to provide worldclass clinical care and training, pioneering new research and treatments in partnership with others for the benefit of children in the UK and worldwide. In everything we do, we work hard to live up to our three core values: pioneering, world-class and collaborative. We need to raise £50 million each year to help rebuild and refurbish Great Ormond Street Hospital, buy vital equipment and fund essential research. Amazing things happen at Great Ormond Street Hospital every day. With your help we can keep the magic alive for our very ill children & their families. For more information visit www.gosh.org





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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DARE TO DREAM By Amanda Church


NoGU Jumper £95 FDJ Jeans £125 Novesta Wellies £69.95

#43 January 14


eople often talk about New Years resolution’s .The statistics show that only 8% of people achieve them and on average most people keep them for just one week! Why? Well there are thought to be many reasons. They can be just plain unachievable. They can be too vague. We sometimes set a resolution that is about doing without and it’s just too harsh. We asked Bridget McIntyre at Dream On about her experience. “I remember a few years ago I decided I needed to become more healthy, so I decided to go without chocolate for a year …guess what? I didn’t keep it.” A lot of research has been done

into understanding what we could do differently to help us achieve some changes .The experts say goals need to be small and attainable throughout a year rather than a single overwhelming goal. Setting goals can be fun and inspiring but then it can lead to frustration if they are not achieved. Now that’s not great so the team at Dream On have been trialling? and now want to offer a small programme called Top 10 Things for 2014. “We wanted to help people who want to achieve goals and we have decided to set up a small programme that we believe will be fun and importantly satisfying as things on the list are ticked off.” The programme starts with a workshop where the lists are created. “You may be clear what you want on your list, but generally we have found that some help with this is useful.” , explained

Bridget. “The goals need to be clear and you create a lovely visual list of your goals to take home.” It is followed by 4, 1-1 coaching sessions through the year where you can discuss your plans, have help in making them happen and discuss anything that you may be struggling with. Sharing goals is a good way to hold you to them and ticking them off with someone helps too. At the end of the year a small event is held to celebrate what has been achieved. Dream On has set the prices of this. The initial 5 hour workshop is £45, the following coaching sessions are £40 each. So for an investment of £205 you could help 2014 be a very special year. “We know this works, I’ve seen some people achieve all 10. Of course that’s not always the case but to just tick off some special things is great.” A lot better than those statistics of only 8%!

For more details please contact Esther on 01379 678483, or email esther@dream-on.co.uk





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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‘From Hoxne To The Horn’ At The Fisher Theatre The Fisher Theatre, in the Suffolk market town of Bungay, is of the oldest provincial theatres in the UK. First opened on 28th February 1828 with a performance of ‘The Belle’s Stratagem’. The Fisher Theatre was one of thirteen designed and built across East Anglia by David Fisher, serving the circuit of Fisher’s company, ‘The Norfolk and Suffolk Company of Comedians’. Fisher’s company, which was to a great extent made up of members of his own talented family, would visit each theatre in turn for two months, putting on a series of highly professional productions. They would then move onto the next town in the circuit, returning two years later. Going down the spiral staircase


to the atmospheric cellar you can get a sense of how the late Georgian population of Bungay was stylishly entertained. You will find a reconstruction of the pit seating area complete with ‘audience’, and many historic items found during a ‘Bungay Time Team’ dig in 2004. Situated on Broad Street, at the heart of the community, The Fisher Theatre provides an unusually broad programme of arts events, and has won a number of awards. The high-tech design features impress audience and performers alike, and yet the Georgian heritage is preserved and cherished. Paul Heiney, well known local author, broadcaster, paddler and sailor is due to visit on the 15th of January with his no-holds-barred account of his recent sailing trip from England to Cape Horn and back. 12,000 miles of singlehanded adventure. The second half of the evening is devoted to the wherry Albion - built in 1896 for Bungay millers, she has a long and noble tradition of trading on the Waveney. Skipper Henry Gowman will talk about her past and future plans including her visit to the Waveney in August 2014. For more information call the Box Office on, 01986 897130

Cambridge Glass Fair The next Cambridge Glass Fair will be held on Sunday 23rd February and is one of the major specialist fairs in the UK with up to 90 exhibitors selling fine antique and collectable glass from all periods. Exhibitors will also include many contemporary artists showing their own work. Held at Linton Village College in Cambridgeshire, this twice-yearly event often features exhibitions, demonstrations and book signings. As always there will be a foyer exhibition and this time it will be curated by exhibitor Nigel Benson and showcase British Art Deco glass. Whitefriars.com, the online collecting group, is once again going to stage a display of Whitefriars glass at the fair. If you are interested in Whitefriars then this is the perfect opportunity to meet fellow enthusiasts and also see some rare and interesting pieces. The Cambridge Fair is one of those events that serious glass enthusiasts can’t afford to miss. The fair caters to the diverse in#43 January 14

Image courtesy of Nigel Benson

terests of glass collectors, bringing together some of the most respected and experienced glass dealers in the UK and providing a welcoming atmosphere in which to seek out rare and unusual pieces. You will find a broad range of different types of glass on offer, including everything from 18th century drinking glasses and decorative Victorian glassware through to Art Deco and 20th century studio glass. Refreshments and free parking are available. Linton Village College, Linton, Cambs. CB21 4JB. Open from 10.30am – 4.00pm, admission is £5 with free entry for accompanied children under 16. Please visit www.cambridgeglassfair.com for further information or e-mail: info@ specialistglassfairs.com telephone 07887 762 872.

The Brontes Of Dunwich Heath...and Cliff This year the Eastern Angles proudly present their alternative festive extravaganza, The Brontes of Dunwich Heath (and Cliff). Focused on the Bronte sisters and their as yet unknown cousins in Suffolk; this new production is another alternative to the festive

panto, as only the Eastern Angles Theatre Company could do. Join Mad Cath, Plain Jane and a panoply of off-the-wall characters, as literature and laughs combine in this musical Christmas caper.Prepare for a whole lot of wacky Wuthering! Written & Directed by Ivan Cutting, with music and lyrics by Simon Egerton, the production will be showing at Sir John Mills Theatre, Ipswich until 11th January 2014 and then at the Seckford Theatre, Woodbridge from 14th January until 25th January 2014. For more information contact 01473 218202 or visit www.easternangles.co.uk www.ylm.co.uk



Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

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#43 January 14

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o you need to grow your business? The New Year is a great time to think about how you can move your business forward. Every enterprise, big or small, could do with new customers. Even if you are busy now it pays to plan ahead. It’s important to increase business. When you support a local business and they in turn support you it encourages growth for all involved. The more you give then the more you receive in return. This idea forms the foundation of the BNI philosopy, Givers Gain®. BNI is a 27 year old business and professional referral organisation. Its mission is to help members increase their business through a structured, positive, and professional “word-of-mouth” programme that enables them to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals. Success in BNI means you need to be a positive and supportive member of an organisation based upon mutual support. This requires commitment to your fellow members as well as to the philosophy of ‘Givers Gain®’: by giving business to others, you will get

#43 January 14

business in return. That is why we have a local BNI chapter in Diss! BNI members, on average, increase their business 20% the first year. The Mere of Diss chapter was founded in November 2010 and is a dynamic, committed group of business people who know how to refer business to each other. It is considered as one of the best BNI chapters in the region. Is your business one we are looking for in the Mere of Diss Chapter? The Mere of Diss BNI Chapter passed £471,999 in the past 12 months of completed and invoiced deals! This is considerably higher than the previous year. which was approximately £332,599! This local BNI chapter is the perfect way to gain more business, with the help of other friendly and dedicated business owners. The chapter has a great atmosphere, with everyone helping each other; giving and gaining. Who wouldn’t want a room full of business professionals working for them? We have open categories for individuals who will bring enthusiasm and integrity to our meeting. Just one person per professional specialty

is allowed in each chapter. Being a member of BNI Mere of Diss makes good business sense. It’s about trust-building relationships. However, once you have joined BNI, you don’t just get the chance to build relationships with the members of your chapter – you can network online at www.bniconnect.com The Diss Chapter of BNI meets at the Park Hotel Diss, Fridays at 6.30am. Some of the professions that we are currently looking for in our power teams include, solicitor, insurance, locksmith, glazier, window cleaner, florist, removals specialist, human resources and many more. 67% of referrals come from your power team, which is a group of businesses that share the same clients and target market. When you’re feeling worn out at the end of the week these Friday morning meetings give you a great pick-me-up and a dose of enthusiasm, we have a good laugh alongside the business aspect of things. Come for our meeting, stay for the referrals! For more information please contact Gemma Harvey on 01379 586355 or visit our website www. bni.eu/norfolk-bni-mere-of-diss

“Everyone helping each other; giving and gaining.” www.ylm.co.uk




Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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The Mere of Diss Chapter BNI Testimonials I joined the Mere BNI group just over a year ago. Being new to the concept of organised business referrals I was a bit sceptical at first, until I was given my first referral, I then started to warm to the idea! Over the past year I have received dozens of qualified business leads, made some excellent contacts and made a bunch of new friends! BNI is now a crucial part of my new customer acquisition plans for 2014 (and beyond). I thoroughly recommend BNI to anyone wanting to grow their business in Diss and the surrounding villages. Alastair Clarke, Village Green Blinds and Shutters I have been with BNI for over three years now and joining them has been one of the best business decisions I have made. We meet for breakfast on a regular basis, and actively look for business for each other. As a result I have received a steady flow of referrals which has helped my business to grow. We have great fun, are a

#43 January 14

great team and BNI are a great organisation. Do come and join us for breakfast. Liz Leslie- Smith, Utility Warehouse One of the best things about BNI (apart from the obvious work that I get!) is the buzz you get when you solve one person’s problem by putting them in touch with a fellow member, thus helping two people at once! Being there from the start and watching the whole thing evolve as our own businesses grow's alongside has been a great learning experience as all the members are in various stages of the business cycle. Gavin Howe, Howes Painting and Decorating The BNI is a vibrant crosssection of top quality trades people and business owners. It has certainly helped my business and I can refer any one of the group to my customers with confidence”

Joan Garnham, Waveney Tree Specialists Since joining the BNI Mere chapter it has opened my eyes to the power of gaining new customers through networking within a group of business professionals. In addition to that I can easily connect with hundreds of other business in the area through word of mouth and recommendation. Thoroughly recommended! Leighton Ball, G M Autotech Any good business has a good sales force, running a business on your own can mean you end up spending all the time working and no time obtaining future business. BNI provides this sales force in the form of a group of friendly, competent professionals who are continually looking out for business opportunities for me. Not only that but it also gives an opportunity for great training and the chance to meet weekly with likeminded business people who understand the ups and down

of company ownership.

Joining BNI has given Blue Wizard Valeting the kick

start it needed and continues to provide quality business

referrals on an ongoing basis.

If you’re in business you should seriously consider coming along.

Roger Dukes, Blue Wizard Valeting Limited

BNI is an integral part of my

business strategy; an instant

network of like-minded professionals that I can talk over

ideas with, that face similar

challenges and are happy to

refer business to me through

their contacts. My turnover

and client-base has increased significantly as a result of being a member.

Gemma Harvey, Cherry Catering Company





Lifestyle, Stories & Events in Norfolk & Suffolk

#43 January 14

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ast month I talked about what you would keep in your virtual garage, a money-no-object wish list of cars for your fantasy garage. But what about the real world? “What is the best car to buy?” is one of the most commonly asked questions by my customers. It’s no longer a matter of choosing your preferred manufacturer and then selecting the model of saloon or hatchback, perhaps with just a few other colour and trim options to confirm. Now we have petrol, diesel, hybrid or full electric for power units; body styles ranging from super minis through mini MPVs to full 4x4s. And then there’s the matter of buying new or second hand? Plus we now have a bewildering array of payment options and ‘add-on’ service plans to consider.

#43 January 14

one is petrol or diesel? The diesel’s So, what is the best car to buy advantage of superior economy then? I went on a whisky distillery can often be outweighed by a tour and tasting session recently higher price tag, higher fuel costs at where our guide asked the group the pump and significantly higher what we felt was the best whisky maintenance costs. The recent available, and after listening to fantastic improvements our opinions and choices in diesel refinement, he declared that we were all correct! The performance and eco credentials have been best whisky is the There are some made possible by adone that has the fantastic deals out there vanced engineering taste and flavour at the moment solutions – unforthat appeals most tunately this leading to you. And the edge technology can same is true with cars – do your research and go wrong with some serious financial consequences. ‘tasting’ well and you’ll be rewarded with the car that is best If you are a high mileage user then the diesel argument may stack up, for you. Whilst I can’t tell you what to buy, but it pays to do your sums careI may be able to offer a couple of fully. How about second hand or new? tips to help you choose. The first

If you have traditionally purchased used cars, have a think about buying new, particularly small cars – there are some fantastic deals out there at the moment. The very small finance payments on new small cars can often be less than the combined annual maintenance and depreciation on an older car. When you add the benefits of the manufacturer’s warranty, potentially cheaper road tax and better reliability, there’s a lot to like. Negotiate hard with your dealer and you could get better than their advertised offer! So, what did I buy? Vauxhaul Vivaro van with 6 seater cab – great for work, plus it’s the ultimate holdall for family camping, cycling & sailing holidays. Leighton





New Year’s Resolutions with a difference! An award winning Funeral Directors will be opening their doors to give the opportunity for all your funeral related questions to be answered by professionals under one roof. Rosedale Funeral Home are inviting the public to visit their Attleborough & Wymondham funeral homes in January with the emphasis on making New Year’s resolutions and speaking openly about their final wishes as well as offering free consultations with local solicitors Spires LLP & Fosters regarding will writing and probate issues. As well as information on the vast array of funeral options available nowadays, on hand will be a ‘panel of experts’ who will be able to answer anything – where else could you talk to a Funeral Director, Solicitor, Minister of Religion, Civil Celebrant, Pre-Paid Funeral Plan Expert, Approved Tutor for the National Association of Funeral Directors Diploma in Funeral Directing and Bereavement Counsellor all in the same place?


#43 January 14

David Button, Funeral Director for Attleborough and Wymondham, will be available to answer all questions regarding his profession as well as showing people around the premises. ‘We are very keen to dispel the whole idea of not wanting to talk about death especially our own. We hope that by inviting people into a funeral home we can lessen the taboo that surrounds talking about death and encourage it as a topic of conversation that families and loved ones seriously have with one another.” said David, “We often have families who have very little idea as to what their loved one’s last wishes were. Whether they wanted to be buried or cremated? What they wanted to wear? What their favourite song was? These unknown answers can add tremendous worry and stress to the already grieving. Quite simply, what we want people to take away from the open day is an idea of how they want their own funeral to be, even if it is just that they have decided to be cremated and that they would like an Elvis Presley song, and share it with their loved one’s or write it down and leave it with their will. We want people to be aware of all of their options”. To help dispel further myths and worries, Rosedale are offering limited spaces for a behind the scenes tour at Earlham Crematorium where visitors will be able to see the cremation process first hand and see that yes, the coffin really does get cremated and yes, they really are your loved one’s ashes that you get back. Throughout both open days, Rosedale will be supporting the Dogs Trust and their Canine Care card which allows owners to register their dogs to be left to the Dogs Trust in the event of the owner’s death. The one-on-one session’s with

the Solicitors are limited as is the availability of the tour to Earlham Crematorium. If you wish to reserve either, please can you contact Attleborough on 01953 452 538 or Wymondham on 01953 601103.

in November which attracted the best 64 Under 16 players in the country. The School is very proud of her and will be wishing Gabby the very best with the International matches next spring 2014.”

Attleborough Open day will be 22nd January 10.30-3.30

a very hectic year

Wymondham Open day will 29th January 10.30-3.30

At the parish church of Diss we have just come through a very hectic year so much that January is a time to have a well earned rest. Resting but not asleep for the dull first two months of any new year should be a time when all event organisers reflect on how well their programme went and is there any room for improvement? Nobody should proclaim that they have done the best they can for if you claim you have reached the peak then there is only one way to go and that is downhill and I’m sure nobody wants that. I strongly believe in this saying ‘If you think you’ve done well, then you can do better’.

Photo Details: Hamish, centre, pictured with Kate Brewster from Dogs Trust, left, Charlene Wenn, David Button and Marion Baynton, left to right.

England hockey selection for Norfolk pupil Congratulations to Gabby Stilgoe from Docking in Norfolk who has been selected as part of the Under 16 England Hockey squad. Gabby, who is a pupil at Gresham’s School in Holt, was delighted when she received the news last week. Gabby started playing hockey when she was six years old and has played club hockey at the Pelicans Hockey Club in King’s Lynn as well as playing first team hockey at Gresham’s Prep School. In 2012, she was just one of six players in the country to be selected to compete for a place in the Under 16 England squad but sadly was not selected last year. Gabby, who is now in the Fifth Form at Gresham’s Senior School, has worked hard and attended many training and selection camps at Norfolk county and east divisional level, and her determination to improve has been rewarded with her recent selection to the England squad. Steve Adams, the Sports Development Director at Gresham’s, said: “This is a tremendous achievement for Gabby who has worked very hard with her coaches for this honour over the last year. She has been playing exceptionally well for the School 1st XI on their very competitive fixture list and progressed through the Junior Regional Performance Centre trials

2014 will see all the most popular events return ie The Summer Community Fete, and this year it will be the 10th Anniversary of ‘The Big Sing’. Both these popular occasions will have different dates bringing them forward by one week only. Much too early to say any more other than I hope all those who organise events will give me details nice. Gerry Hosking

Saffron Housing Trust apprenticeship scheme 2014 Since its launch in 2013, a number of businesses in the Diss and Wymondham areas have taken advantage of this unique scheme and employed apprentices to work in areas including Construction, HR, Administration, It and Hospitality. Saffron Housing Trust is serious about improving youth employment opportunities, and doesn’t just ‘walk the walk’. In recent years, Saffron has directly employed over 20 apprentices and realised benefit in growing its own talent and, at the same time, securing tomorrow’s motivated workforce. Why are they doing this? Firstly, to create jobs for local young people that would otherwise not exist and secondly, to help local businesses grow and to support local communities.

Smaller local businesses are often unaware of the benefits of apprenticeships or put off by the cost, bureaucracy & commitment. You can’t get off that easily, though. Saffron now makes it very simple and straightforward for a local business to take on a young person by employing the apprentice directly and also arranging the training, providing the HR and Mentoring Support. Saffron sponsors the employment on-costs, admin, mentoring and HR support to make it easier for small businesses to take on an apprentice. This innovative programme creates a new route into employment. Saffron is now working with Diss High School, Wymondham Academy and local businesses to set up more apprenticeships for September 2014 It’s time for an update, an opportunity for you to hear how it has worked out so far from both apprentices and employers, and to see if the scheme might be good for your business. You have two chances to have a listen, have a great breakfast and to get involved in 2014 if you think it’s right for your business. On Wed, 15th January at Park Hotel Diss, 8am to 10.30am or on Thurs, 16th January at Wymondham’s iconic Station Bistro, 8am to 10.30am Both breakfasts are free to attend, but we must ask you to book. Bookings for both events close on 8th January For some background to the scheme, view the menus on offer, see the agenda for the morning, and to book your place at the venue of your choice, please visit http://www.articulatehlc.co.uk/ saffron-breakfasts.htm Special guest Chris Perry, Educational Leader of Norfolk COC, will be on hand to greet you along with those in the know from Saffron Housing. If you care about your business, if you care about the future of our communities and our youth, these are ‘don’t miss’ events.

council tax CHANGES Diss Town Council is faced with having to consider increasing what it charges for their element of council tax for reasons beyond its control. A final decision is yet to be made but currently an increase

of £7.97 per Band D household per year is being considered to offset a reduction in funding caused by a government decision to change the council tax benefit system. Each year, Diss Town Council determines its priorities for the next financial year and estimates the cost of delivering the services it provides along with income it is likely to generate. The difference between the two figures is the amount which is then collected by South Norfolk Council from council tax payers on Diss Town Council’s behalf. The proportion of council tax paid annually by a Band D household to Diss Town Council is £139.86 or £2.69 per week. With this money, open spaces such as Diss Park, the Mere, Madgett’s Walk and Mere’s Mouth are looked after along with Diss Cemetery, Diss Sports Ground, Diss Youth & Community Centre (mostly self funding), Diss Corn Hall (building maintenance), the Council Offices and a few others. The Christmas lights are also funded by the town council. In addition to this complicated situation, there are a number of capital maintenance projects requiring significant financial investment by the town council in the next and future years including repairs to Madgett’s Walk (the current collapse is a symptom of a much bigger problem), repairs to the Mere drains, rebuilding St Mary’s churchyard wall, resurfacing the Market Place, repairing the roads at the Cemetery to name a few. The cost of these projects can be spread out over several years by taking out a loan but it will still represent a considerable annual cost burden for the life of the loan. These two factors will place a significant strain on the council’s future finances but it has sought to find a balance between excessive council tax increases and cutting services. The grant element paid by government to local authorities is likely to continue to decrease in future years. Over the next few months, the town council will carry out an in-depth review of all the services it delivers to determine if savings can be made. It will also need to look for new ways of generating income while delivering services the community needs and values.

Red Feather Club 2014 The Red Feather Club in Horham has a packed calendar of events planned for 2014. It is open on the

last Sunday of every month from April to October and often on Saturdays (usually when the flag is flying). During the year there are a number of other events including 40s dances (Glenn Miller played at Horham shortly before his disappearance), quizzes and film shows. Horham Airfield, which sits between Eye and Stradbroke, was the home of the United States Army Air Forces’ 95th Bomb Group during WW2. It was their home until August 1945. They flew 334 missions and were the first Bomb Group to perform a daylight raid on Berlin. They were awarded a record three Presidential Unit Citations. The 95th, part of the’ Mighty Eighth Air Force’, was made up of four squadrons the 334th, 335th, 336th and 412th. The Red Feather Club, operated and managed by the 95th Bomb Group Heritage Association, is the official UK museum of the 95th Bomb Group. The period-perfect Red Feather Club is in itself a living memorial to the men of the 95th but in recent years three new memorials have been unveiled on the site. It is also now home to the 1285th Military Police Company re-enactors group with their own guardroom. The association welcomes group visits. If you want to join the 95th Bomb Group Heritage Association or want more information visit www.95thbg-horham.com or contact our membership secretary Helen Krawczyszyn on 01728 628138. . The 95th Bomb Group Heritage Association, which was formed when the Friends of the 95th and Horham Airfield Heritage Association merged, has the following objectives: to co-operate with and support groups and individuals who wish to preserve and promote the history and heritage of Horham Airfield and the 95th Bomb Group; to make airfield history accessible to all interested parties; and to locate and preserve 95th Bomb Group artefacts and local memoirs in an accessible manner. These objectives are to be achieved by hosting group visits, events and open days. There are packs available to help school children with projects and for school visits. The Red Feather Club in Horham, Suffolk, is four miles south-east of Eye off the B1117 (IP21 5DG). Tel (for public enquiries): 01728


860930 (James Mutton, chairman of the 95th Bomb Group Heritage Association) Email (for public enquiries): jamesmutton@suffolkonline.net

Pasadena Roof Orchestra at The Apex The first ever rehearsal for the Pasadena Roof Orchestra was on November 3rd 1969. John Arthy had placed an advertisement enquiring after dance band music. A lady in Manchester said she might be able to help. Later that day, a bakery van from John’s family business was travelling back down from Manchester to London replete with 2000 original arrangements from the 20’and 30’s. The first tune on the pile, was Harry Warrens ‘Home in Pasadena’ the “ roof” bit, came from the fact that in the 20’s and 30’s many hotels had roof gardens and of course, roof orchestras. The orchestra turned professional in 1975, which coincided with an astronomical almost overnight success in Germany. It has subsequently appeared around the world, the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, from Berlin to Hong Kong, via Helsinki Dublin Abu Dhabi, Istanbul all the way to the USA (twice). The fun-packed show features timeless classics from the great American song book by singers such as Bing Crosby, Al Bowlly, and Fred Astaire. Presenting the show, and putting on the top hat white tie and tails, is the suave singer and band leader Duncan Galloway. So pack up your troubles, come on get happy, and experience an evening of superlative live music, with more than a dash of wit and humour. Sat 11th January 19:30 at The Apex, Bury St. Edmunds. Tickets £18 (£16conc) For further info: Mrs Julie Warren Tel: 01284 758105 / Mobile: 07508 149116




What’s happening in...


Every Monday Pennoyers Odd Balls Knitting Club Fancy some company? Then do come along to this relaxed, fun club; whether it’s knitting, crochet or just a chat. Held in the Café ~ just bring along your needles and ‘knit & natter’... and it’s free! Pennoyer Centre, Pulham St. Mary Ip21 4Qt | 1pm – 3pm | Pulham St. Mary Ip21 4qt | 01379 676660 | Info: www.pennoyers.org.uk | Email: admin@pennoyers.org.uk

Pennoyer Centre, Pulham St. Mary Ip21 4Qt | bar from 6.30pm Eyes down 7pm | 01379 676660 | Info: www.pennoyers.org.uk | Email: admin@ pennoyers.org.uk

7TH - 31st Still Life & Landscapes by Jane Ironside Diss Corn Hall Gallery | Box Office Hours | FREE | Evening viewing Wednesday 8 January 6.30 7.45pm | 01379 652241

SAT 25TH Diss Corn Hall Peter Grimes on Aldeburgh Beach encore screening

First Tuesday The Art Of Life Voluntary-led group supporting local people living with cancer and their caregivers. Roydon Village Hall, High Road, Diss. Each month new activities offered. 1.45pm - 4pm | www.theartoflife.org.uk | Minimum donation £2 | Jay 07786 833916 / 01379 640598

The Saturday Club: Garlic Theatre ‘There’s a Monster in My Piano’ Diss Corn Hall | 2pm | £5 / Children £3 (4+yrs) | 01379 652241

Waveney Bereavement Group Number 7 - Prayer & Counselling Centre, 7-8 Mere Street, Diss | 2pm | 01379 658956

FIRST Thursday Diss Computer Club At the Residents’ Meeting Room, Taylor Road | 7.00pm - 10.00pm I Bob Morgan 01379 650977 | disscomputerclub@gmail.com

Every Thursday Tea & Chat Pop in for a cup of tea or coffee, a chat and make new friends Harleston Information Plus 8 Exchange Street | 1-4pm | Carole Tilston 01379 851920

First Friday & third Sunday African Djembe Drumming Lessons ‘Backspace’, Angel Cafe, Fair Green, Diss | Friday: 10-12pm and Sunday: 2:30-5pm | £12 per session | Jane 01379 641233

Every Sunday Stonham Barns ALL YEAR CAR Boot Sale Stonham Barns, Pettaugh Road, Stonham Aspal IP14 6AT | 8am for Sellers / 9am for Buyers | £3.50 cars / £5 Vans / £7.50 Large Vans | www.fishface.co / Simon Tilley 07817 539168

1st Saturday Harleston’s Indoor Flea Market Stalls of vintage, antique, collectables, etc Swan Hotel | 9.00-1.00pm | Stalls £10 | 01379 855486

Friday 3rd New Year’s Evening Inn Let’s celebrate 2014 at this popular monthly event. Scottish specialities, guest ale and of course bacon butties! All welcome. Pennoyer Centre, Pulham St. Mary Ip21 4Qt | FREE | 6.30pm–11.30pm | 01379 676660 | Info: www.pennoyers.org.uk | Email: admin@ pennoyers.org.uk

Sunday 5th Apollo Country music club presents ‘Cardy & Coke’ Fantastic country & western duo with country disco, raffle, bar & hot meals available Apollo Rooms, Harleston | 7.30pm - 10.45pm | £5 members/£6 non members. | 01379 854205

Tuesday 7th Cash Prize Bingo Feeling lucky for the New Year? All welcome Just come along. Cash Prizes.


#43 January 14

 Wednesday 8TH FILM: Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa (15) Diss Corn Hall | 8pm | £5 / Under 18s £2.50 | 01379 652241

Post Christmas Party Night Delicious fork style buffet with curry, chilli, quiches etc, followed by a tempting selection of desserts & coffee. Dance into the night with our fabulous DJ playing all your favourite music. Apollo Rooms, Harleston | £14.95, bookings in advance please | 01379 854205

biscuits. (Also Wednesday 22nd, 10am-1pm) Lenton Room, United Reform Church, Mere St, Diss | 6.30pm-9.30pm | £18 for 3 hour class | disscrochetbee@gmail.com / Diss Wool & Craft Shop 01379 650640

INTERMEDIATE CROCHET WORKSHOPS A perfect follow on from the Beginner’s classlearn more complicated stitches,magic loops & where to use them & how to read crochet pattern graphs both in rounds & rows. All yarn & hooks provided as well as free tea,coffee & biscuits. (Also Monday 20th, 6.30pm-9.30pm) Lenton Room, United Reform Church, Mere St, Diss | 10am-1pm | £18 for 3 hour class | disscrochetbee@gmail.com / Diss Wool & Craft Shop 01379 650640

Bingo For Cash Prizes 6 games for £6. All monies taken is paid out in cash prizes, so the more the merrier! Apollo Rooms, Harleston | Eye’s down 8pm | 01379 854205

 Wednesday 15th FILM: I Wish (PG) Diss Corn Hall | 8pm | £5 / Under 18s £2.50 | 01379 652241

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga Course 4 week course for £30, equipment provided. Quaker Meeting House, Frenze Road, Diss | 6.15pm - 7.45pm | Lisa 01379 650442 / 07770 957815 / visit www.sharingyoga.co.uk

Friday 10TH Stand-up Poetry Club – featuring Ross Sutherland Diss Corn Hall | 8pm | £8 / Students £6 | 01379 652241

Saturday 11TH

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat Fressingfields Little Stars The Cut, Halesworth | £5.00 | 7.30pm | 0845 673 2123 | boxoffice@newcut.org

Sunday 12th Come Dancing Dancing to all your favourite music from our professional DJ. Apollo Rooms, Harleston | 7pm - 10pm | £5 | 01379 854205

The Reluctant Fundamentalist Changez is a Muslim living in America and enjoying all the privileges that country has to offer. His Ivy League scholarship has resulted in a high-powered Manhattan job and a wealthy, beautiful girl friend. Then 9/11 shatters his world as he is forced to consider where his real loyalties lie and who his friends truly are. In telling his story to an American journalist he reveals the complexity of his situation and the decisions that face him. The Cut, Halesworth | £5.00 | 7.30pm | 0845 673 2123 | boxoffice@newcut.org

The Silver Dollar Country Music Club presents, NASHVILLE NUMBERS The Park Hotel | Doors 7pm, Music 7.30pm 10.30pm | Members £5/Non-Members £6 | John & Teresa Stannard, Committee Members 01603 433918

Tuesday 14th BEGINNER’S CROCHET WORKSHOPS Learn all the basic crochet stitches & be inspired by all the creative things you can then do with them! All yarn & hooks provided as well as free tea,coffee &

Thursday 16th Catherine Jane Eyre presents: An introduction to Crystals & Aromatherapy Harleston Information Plus 8 Exchange Street | 2-4pm | Carole Tilston 01379 851920

FRIDAY 17th Salience – A contemporary drama about living with Mental Illness John Peel Centre | 7.30pm | £5.00 profits

donated to Suffolk Mind |

 01449 774678

Film: The Lone Ranger It’s hard to describe this mixture of Western with twists of humour and special effects. Johnny Depp is completely unrecognisable as Tonto. Certainly, this film is a long way from the ones that some of us saw at the local flea-pit on a Saturday morning 50 years ago - Hi Ho Silver! Pennoyer Centre, Pulham St. Mary Ip21 4Qt | Bar open at 7.15pm for 8.00pm start | Ices on sale at interval | Booking advisable | £4 advance/£4.40 on the door | 01379 676660 | Info: www. pennoyers.org.uk | Email: admin@pennoyers. org.uk



Wednesday 22nd FILM: Blue Jasmine (12A) Diss Corn Hall | 8pm | £5 / Under 18s £2.50 | 01379 652241

Thurs 23RD Seabright Productions PRESENTS, ERIC AND LITTLE ERN This affectionate, moving and fantastically funny homage to the greatest comedy double act that Britain has ever seen, vividly brings back warm memories of a bygone era. Recreating some of the finest moments of Eric and Ernie’s television and stage performances alongside new material. The show was a hit at the Edinburgh Fringe 2013 playing to sell-out crowds and ultimately, winning a West End transfer. Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds, Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds | 7.30pm | £20 £16 £12 £8.50 | 01284 769505

Friday 24th Irish Country Music Paul Sturman promotions presents another great night of Irish Country Music. Bar, raffle & hot meals available. Apollo Rooms, Harleston | 01502 715617

A British romantic comedy. A young man, Tim, discovers he can travel in time and change what happens in his own life. He decides to use the power to win the heart of the beautiful Mary, but finds that the course of true love can be hilariously difficult – even with the ability to try, try and try again. The film is directed by Richard Curtis (director of “Notting Hill” and “Love Actually”) and stars Bill Nighy, Domhnall Gleeson and Rachel MacAdams. New Buckenham Village Hall | Doors 7pm and the first film will be shown at 7.30pm | £4 from Kings Stores from the 2nd | £5 On the night

Monday 27th New bereavement support group Helping people cope with grief Rosedale House 63 Victoria Road, Diss | 5.30 pm – 7.30 pm | Lorraine on Diss 640810 / www. rosedalefuneralhome.co.uk

NICK ROSS ORCHESTRA, SOUNDS OF THE GLENN MILLER ERA Recapture the sounds of a bygone era as the Nick Ross Orchestra presents ‘an unmissable evening of music and song’ – the classic Big Band sound of the 1940s. With a full line-up of saxophones, trumpets, trombones, a rhythm section and top singers, The Nick Ross Orchestra will faithfully recreate the wonderful sounds of such Big Bands as those led by Glenn Miller, Count Basie, Harry James and Tommy Dorsey. Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds, Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds | 7.30pm | £25 £21 £16 £8.50 | 01284 769505

Wednesday 29th FILM: The Great Beauty (15) Diss Corn Hall | 8pm | £5 / Under 18s £2.50 | 01379 652241

Tuesday 28th New bereavement support group Helping people cope with grief Rosedale Funeral Home, Yard House, High Street, Attleborough | 10.00 am - 12.00 noon | Mark on Attleborough 452538 /www. rosedalefuneralhome.co.uk

Saturday 18th MUSIC: Dave Thomas Blues Band Diss Corn Hall | 8pm | Advance £10 / Door £12 | 01379 652241

A dance to the band HI-DEFINITION Wreningham Village Hall, Mill Lane, NR16 1AN | Music 8.30pm until midnight | £6.50 | Licensed bar, tea, coffee and rolls | Christine Minns 01508 488123

Yarn Sale The Lenton Room, United Reform Church | Sue 01379 650640 / www.disswoolandcrafts. com

MUSICAL / SHOWSTOPPER PRODUCTIONS THE SHOWSTOPPERS IMPROVISED MUSICAL A brand new musical comedy is created from scratch at each performance of this awardwinning show. Audience suggestions are transformed on the spot into an all-singing, all-dancing production with unpredictable and hilarious results. The Showstoppers have been heard on their own BBC Radio 4 series and seen in multiple West End seasons. Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds, Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds | 7.30pm | £20 £16 £12 £8.50 | 01284 769505

Sunday 19th Apollo Country music club presents ‘Julie Dawn’ Enjoy a fun filled night of music & dancing to the superb Julie Dawn. Country disco, raffle, bar & hot meals available. Apollo Rooms, Harleston | 7.30pm - 10.45pm | £5 members/£6 non members | 01379 854205

21st January Open Mic Acoustic Session Another evening of all types of music including modern, blues and folk. just bring along your instrument & speak to Dave when you arrive. Bar with real ale & bacon butties. All welcome. Pennoyer Centre, Pulham St. Mary Ip21 4Qt | 7pm | 01379 676660 | Info: www.pennoyers. org.uk | Email: admin@pennoyers.org.uk

HEALTH CLINIC - A New YOU for the New Year with the Health Trainer Supporting healthy lifestyles. Advice and help on giving up smoking, fitness, drinking less, weight loss and more. Harleston Information Plus | 11.00am – 1.00pm | Booking required 01379 851920

COMEDY: Corn Hall Comedy Club Tiffany Stevenson • Rhys James • Luke Graves (compère) Diss Corn Hall | 8pm | Advance £9 / Door £10 • Min age 18 | 01379 652241

Saturday 25th ‘Bingo For Cash Prizes’ 6 games for £6. All monies taken is paid out in cash prizes, so the more the merrier! Apollo Social Bar, Harleston | Eye’s down 8pm | 01379 854205

MUSIC: Peter Grimes on Aldeburgh Beach encore screening Diss Corn Hall | 7pm | Tickets £14 / Concessions £13 | 01379 652241

Burn’s Night Supper Traditional Burns Night supper with pudding and optional whisky tasting. Pennoyer Centre, Pulham St. Mary Ip21 4Qt | Bar open at 7pm for 7.30pm start | £10 | Booking essential | 01379 676660 | Info: www. pennoyers.org.uk | Email: admin@pennoyers. org.uk

Film Night in New Buckenham Gone West, Out East A film from the East Anglian Film Archive which takes a light-hearted look at how cultural life in the region has been affected by the presence of American servicemen – from country singers to saddle-makers. After a short interval there follows the main film, “About Time”.

About Time

Sunday 26TH The Silver Dollar Country Music Club presents, THE DAVE DRAIN BAND The Park Hotel | Doors 7pm, Music 7.30pm 10.30pm | Members £5/Non-Members £6 | John & Teresa Stannard, Committee Members 01603 433918

Come Dancing Dancing to all your favourite music from our professional DJ. Apollo Social Bar, Harleston | £5 | 7pm - 10pm | 01379 854205

Diss Flower Club. AGM Social Evening Roydon Village Hall | 7.30pm | Chairman, Mrs. Eileen Jacob 01379 687608 / Secretary, Mrs. Jenny Hubbard 01379 741372

Thurs 30TH An Evening with, HELEN FRASER A miscellany of memories from stage and screen… past and present. Helen Fraser has been a professional actress for more than fifty years known for many iconic roles in film and theatre including Sylvia (Bodybag) in Bad Girls and Barbara in the film Billy Liar. Working with some of the biggest names in show business, Helen’s show traces her theatrical journey and features some of the music which has played an important part in her life. Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds, Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds | 7.30pm | £20 £16 £12 £8.50 | 01284 769505

Friday 31st Quiz Night Popular quiz night with Fish and Chips. Pennoyer Centre, Pulham St. Mary Ip21 4Qt | Bar open at 7pm for 7.30pm start | £7.50 (£4 without food) | Teams of up to 6 | Booking essential | 01379 676660 | Info: www.pennoyers.org.uk | Email: admin@pennoyers.org.uk













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