1 minute read

The magic of minerals

THE journey of a flourishing garden starts with one crucial element; the soil. Often overlooked, soil quality plays a pivotal role in determining the success of your plants.

The soil beneath our feet is not just a medium for plants to grow; it is a living ecosystem that houses an intricate web of organisms. These include beneficial bacteria, fungi, earthworms, and other microorganisms that contribute to the overall health and vitality of your garden. By nurturing your soil, you establish a solid foundation that fosters robust plant growth, maximizes nutrient availability, and encourages water retention—all vital components for a thriving garden.


Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting out, understanding how to improve your garden soil is essential for creating a thriving outdoor oasis. The best and simplest way to improve your soil and ensure that your soil produces highquality plants, is to add a soil conditioner. Adding a quality soil conditioning product can provide essential biological components and mineral elements, which are essential for healthy plants.

• New garden beds - apply a soil conditioner ideally 3-4 weeks before planting.

• Established garden beds - add during the planting process.

• Existing plants - spread it evenly over the soil, around the plant, and water in.

TOP TIP - Soil texture significantly impacts the retention of nutrients and water. Adding a soil conditioner to your soil prior to planting enables pH adjustment, similar to applying lime, and it can surpass the need for gypsum or dolomite, as it provides essential minerals and trace elements.

• In clay soils, it enhances water penetration and drainage.

• In sandy soils, it reduces moisture leaching and nutrient loss, making them more accessible to your plants.

Another advantage of adding a soil conditioner is the development of a robust root system in plants, enabling them to explore a larger area of soil for nutrients and moisture. Consequently, the plants become healthier and more resilient, and better equipped to withstand extreme weather conditions.

With your soil now properly prepared, you are ready to commence planting.

Pop in and see us at the nursery for advice on the best products to use in your garden to help your plants flourish!

Happy Gardening! Jacinta

YOUR LOCAL NATIVES with Jacinta, Natives R Us www.nativesrus.com.au

A Social Walking Group For All Ages

JOIN the Pomona Pacers, a walking group that meets weekdays at 7am by the Pomona Community House Noticeboard. Walk briskly for an hour in the nearby parks and forest and monthly beach or bushwalks are also included.

This group has been going for over 10 years, and it has become a great social support network for its members. All ages are welcome to join. Stay fit and connected by becoming a part of this group.