2 minute read

Do the hard stuff first

important, especially to get opportunities to play internationally. As I pointed this out, she recognised that although it felt hard, it would be beneficial to do the interview. With a pep talk from me and some inner courage she did it…and she felt good about it.

Normally tasks are not as public as this example, but the impact is the same. Without attention the task will sit there and stir in your mind. There’s a knowing when we are in avoidance, and tackling the task makes you feel like a winner.


Ask your local naturopath

WINTER is here, and another cold and flu season is upon us bringing stuffy noses, loud coughs and fatigue to workplaces, schools and homes in the coming months. Luckily there are things that you can be implementing now to help.

IT’S human nature to put off the things that are difficult or that you don’t enjoy doing. Perhaps you put them off until ‘later’, find excuses to not do them or simply put them out of your mind. Either way, the outcome is the same – the tasks don’t get done.

The thing is, to achieve any goal you must do things you don’t necessarily enjoy. One of my clients was recently offered the opportunity to be interviewed on a broadcast to more than 350,000 people. She said no. When I asked why, she said she felt uncomfortable and last time she spoke on a microphone in public she froze.

Her dream is to play her sport at the highest level. Building her profile is

Make a list of those tasks you are avoiding. They might include chasing money owed to you, having an uncomfortable talk with an employer or family member, doing paperwork, going to the gym, tidying up or something else. Notice which one is your least favourite. Move it to the top of the list and get it done first. You will be amazed at how good it feels, and how everything else after that seems much easier.

Margit Cruice is The Athlete’s Life Coach based in Tewantin.

Kicking Goals

with Margit Cruice www.margitcruice.com

DIET - Ensuring your diet is filled with high quality and nutritious foods, whilst minimising refined sugars and processed foods is important this winter. Try including bone broths and soups to your diet for a rich source of nutrients and electrolytes; or cooking with ginger, for its anti-inflammatory properties, and garlic for its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

NUTRIENTS - Vitamin C and zinc are two of the key nutrients required to support the daily function of the immune system. They both play roles in helping to reduce the severity and duration of common cold and flu’s making them essential for the next few months.

Vitamin D is another important nutrient for our immune system to function optimally but, with the average Australian getting less exposure during the shorter months of the year, it becomes even more necessary to get enough in our diet or to look for a quality supplement to achieve optimal levels.

HERBS - Andrographis: Helps to reduce the symptoms associated with common colds and flu’s and reduces the severity of upper respiratory tract infections symptoms. Optimally used for short periods when first feeling sick.

Echinacea: A helpful herb in modulating the immune system, providing support before, during and after colds and flu’s. This is a must have this winter season!

Pop in and see me in store at Flannerys Tewantin. With Free Naturopath advice 7 days, we can help boost your immunity this season. Have a question for our Naturopaths? Simply email us for next month’s edition tewantin@flannerys.com.au

ASK YOUR NATUROPATH at Flannerys Organic Ebony Ballintyne Qualified Naturopath BHSc. Naturopathy www.flannerys.com.au