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DISCOVER the captivating artwork of Martyn Williamson, a talented New Zealand born Sunshine Coast artist.

For the past 45 years, Martyn has made Queensland his home while raising his three daughters and working as a landscape designer. While his physical artistry satisfied his creative spirit, his true passion blossomed through the strokes of his paintbrush.


With an open heart and nurturing soul, Martyn has formed deep connections with a diverse range of characters. From the unfortunate to the quirky, the downtrodden to the extraordinarily lucky, Martyn captures their essence and immortalizes them in his artwork. His ability to bond with those

Sunshine And Abstraction At The Pomona Gallery

Water, rock, leather, glass! Artists Tom Kerr, Anne Kerr, Ken Walker and Clancy Patrick blend their creativity for their Sunshine State of Mind exhibition at the Pomona Railway Station Gallery in June. Their exhibition provides a mixture of approaches, textures and mediums, delighting the eye. A Sunshine State of Mind is on show in the gallery’s Carriage Room from June 3 to 28.

Meanwhile, the gallery’s Banana Shed will show he encounters allows him to recreate their stories on canvas.

Abstract Action, a new exhibition from artist Jan Murphy. From mountains to faces, nothing is safe from her abstract designs, full of colour and vibrance from May 27 to June 21. Come along between 10-1 every Saturday and Sunday of the show to see Jan demonstrating her technique.

Pomona Railway Station Gallery, 10 Station St, Pomona. Opening hours are 10am-4pm Tuesday to Friday and 10am to 2pm Saturday and Sunday.

The result is an admirable collection of artwork. From his early days as a teenager, living alone in a beach shack known as a ‘Batch’, Martyn expressed his dreams through ink drawings, some of which still adorn his home today.

Now, with encouragement and the gift of time, Martyn has chosen to pursue his talent on a professional level. Art has always been a calming and therapeutic outlet for him, enriching his life in countless ways.

Martyn’s work is being exhibited by Frame Tree Custom Framing in Cooroy, running until July 1. 2/20 Maple Street, Cooroy

Exhibiting Sunshine Coast artist Marty Williamson

Until July 1

Awaken your imagination and come and see this unique and talented artist He will take you on a journey to different dimensions and extraordinary worlds

FITNESS with Erin Yarwood


JUST like an ant, Kin Kin may only be quite small…. but boy is she mighty.

And after residing in the hills of Kin Kin for just over one year now, it’s safe to say I am one very proud local.

So, I really felt that this month’s write up had to be a little rave about a small hinterland gem with one very big heart.

While driving through the main street of Kin Kin, you may just miss it if you sneeze or blink! There’s not a great deal in the main street really… but what does exist is super vibrant and rather special.

And seeing I am writing a fitness blurb, I must say… Kin Kin really does have it all on the health and wellbeing front!!

The Kin Kin Community Group must get a special mention, as they really are the backbone and beating heart of this beautiful town, positively getting things going and the community involved!!

And on the fitness front they’ve been helping to support free to the public classes since March this year offering circuits, Pilates, Yoga and Breathwork classes and a weekly Mums & Mums to be stretch and flow class, just to name a few.

In town there is the beautiful old School of Arts Hall. That sure gets its own workout through the week, hosting yoga, qi gong, physio yoga and also an amazing free healing session offered every Tuesday!

There is a small home-based gym Contender Fitness, run by locals John and Vee. And John has also just started coaching a weekly sports night, run by the Community Group. It’s also free to the public, where every Wednesday night the locals (from 5 years and up) play Oz Tag over three hours and have a yummy dinner served from the canteen too.

It’s a lovely active and social evening and has been very well supported so far.

It’s just so heart-warming and positive to see such a thriving, active and involved little community, proving that a lot can be made from just a little.

And I’m pretty chuffed to call it home. E x