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Local food artist Patron for Noosa Open Studios 2023

FOOD and art are a natural fit for local chef, Matt Golinksi, who has this year become the Patron of the Noosa Open Studios art trail.


While Matt’s creativity is directed towards hospitality, he grew up in a household where art surrounded him.

“My father is an abstract landscape artist and my mother worked in the Montville gallery where he sold his work,” Matt said.

Noosa Open Studios 2023 President Simone Leao said the partnership with Matt was a great connection for the popular art trail event.

“Visitors to the NOS art trail come for the unique experience of visiting the working studios of our local artists and being stimulated by the creativity Noosa Shire is known for,” Simone said.

“But while they are here, they are also looking for great food, wine and coffee stops to complement their experience.

“Working with Matt combines both of these creative areas and we hope this partnership is the beginning of a collaborative interaction for our event.”

Noosa Open Studios will run October 6-15, covering two weekends and five weekdays. All studios will be open each weekend, with selective trails open each weekday.

Five local trails across the Noosa Shire will be available and art lovers can ‘choose their own’ art adventure. From beaches and hinterland to local towns– we will have studios open everywhere.

The NOS art trail guide will be available in early

September for visitors to begin previewing their journey and the artists they wish to visit. The NOS App, created last year, will be fully functional this year to help our visitors navigate their own trail, based on the artists they wish to visit.

Now in its eighth year, Noosa Open Studios, remains the largest art trail in Queensland with over 100 artists and many visitors returning year after year to purchase artwork and see the new and emerging talent in our region.

Wallace House, Noosaville – the historic home of Noosa Arts and Crafts Association and the birthplace of Noosa Open Studios – remains the event hub. From here you can view an extensive exhibition of artwork from all our artists and gather tips from the knowledgeable volunteers.

In early September, an exhibition of our artists’ work with be available at The Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre.

As always, a collaborative project will be the highlight for our artists, who have the opportunity to apply their creative skills to a new medium. In 2023, artists will be placing their designs on a surfboard template, which will be displayed at the event launch and be sold as part of the event fundraising.

Noosa Open Studios is proud to continue its partnership with Noosa Shire Council, Tourism Noosa, and Noosa Arts & Crafts Association (Wallace House). The valuable support of many local sponsors makes the popular Noosa Open Studios Art Trail possible for artists and visitors alike. Please contact us if you would like to be a part of Noosa Open Studios 2023.

Noosa Open Studios Artists Get To Work

WHILE the ten-day event isn’t until October 6-15, much preparation is happening behind the scenes to bring the event together.

NOS 2023 President and artist, Simone Leao said almost one-third of our 2023 artists are new participants, “which will bring some new work and styles into the event. This is a great response and reflects the growing popularity of Noosa Open Studios as a platform for to promote the work of local creatives.”

All 30-plus new studios will be inspected over the coming weeks to ensure they meet the event’s registration criteria.

Then the creative work begins, as artists get to work over the winter months to build their displays of new work for the event.

Simone said the aim of the trail was for artists to open their private working studios to the public, showing finished and ongoing works to demonstrate techniques and processes.

“Both our artists and visitors love the personal interaction the trail offers, with many of our visitors returning time and time again to visit favourite artists and purchase new works.”

A variety of creative pursuits will be on display from painting, ceramics and jewellery making to knife-making, glass work, designers and textiles.

This event is made possible by the ongoing support of Noosa Shire Council, Tourism Noosa, and our generous sponsors.