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Winter Art @ CBFAC

IN the heart of winter, the Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre (CBFAC) offers up some new exhibitions that will warm the brain and activate all your senses. A not a painting to be seen as film, video, ceramics, and installations take over the space. These exhibitions ask you to physically relate to their ideas.

Local artist and instigator of the 40 under 40 exhibition, Amanda Bennetts, explores the concept of time and the labour of self-care for those with disabilities and illnesses. She uses medical and disabilityrelated aesthetics to examine how time is perceived and experienced by nonnormative bodies.


Kevin Wilson presents his PhD project, a film installation exploring memory and trauma in the landscape together with twenty individual short videos of traversing interviews with artists, surveyors, geologists, farmers, neighbours, and Landcare workers through a 250-acre property in Kin Kin.

Young artist Odessa Mahoney de Vries, ventures into curating with an exhibition of Sunshine Coast artists together with guests from Brisbane that explores the materiality of nature. The works are characterised by an augmented scale and sensory tactility, achieved through texture, mark-making, scent and sound.

A special edition to this new block of exhibitions - and to coincide with NAIDOC week - is a ceramic exhibition by First Nations youth and women. This project funded by Noosa Council is the result of creative workshops that took place at the CBFAC pottery studio in April and May this year. The exhibition titled Vessels, is part of the larger Dhakkan/Mundagudda and Maroochy Project instigated by local elder Judy Hammond. All exhibitions open on Friday June 16 and run till July 23. ‘Vessels’ will open with a welcome to country and music performance by First Nations Youth.