October 2008 Quarterly Newsletter

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Volume 1, Issue 1 October, 2008

Inside this issue:

Chocolate Yoga It seems like eating chocolate is not so bad after all as new studies keep coming out touting its wonderful health benefits. Well, here’s something that I bet you haven’t heard of yet, Chocolate Yoga! This idea is taking chocolate and health to a whole new level. The idea behind Chocolate Yoga is having two small tastes of chocolate, one before and after an intense yoga class. The purpose the chocolate serves is to help the individual focus on the “moment”, a practice that is classic to yoga. Sounds like a lot of fun. Now if a chocolate tasting after a sweaty yoga session isn’t rewarding enough to keep me working hard, I don’t know what will! It’s hard to believe that something as delicious

can actually also be good f o r y o u . Dark chocolate has powerful antioxidant properties and contains several natural stimulants which increase the production of endorphins while Chocolate Yoga enhancing focus and concentration. The stimulus found in dark chocolate also improve mood. It has high content of flavanols that facilitate blood supply to the brain and enhance cognitive skills. So put out that trey of chocolates at your open house, what better way to stimulate your potential buyers spending muscle.

Schokoladentorte I have chose to share a yummy and easy to make chocolate torte that requires only three ingredients: - 1 lbs of semi sweet chocolate - cup of butter - 6 large eggs Butter an 8″ spring form pan that’s at least 2.5″ high and place a round

of parchment paper in the bottom of the pan. Wrap foil around the outside/bottom of the pan (to prevent any seeping). Place this pan in a 10″ cake pan (you’ll use this for a water bath). In a large microwave safe bowl, melt the chocolate and butter on high, stirring every 15 seconds. Remove


Inviting Entrances


Ми смо скуп младих, професионалних, стручних и надасве вредних људи из области некретнина који имају заједнички циљ и јединствен став да на америчком тржишту некретнина направе како пример, тако и велики помак у квалитету пружања услуга посредовања нашима из Бивше Југославије (Хрватске, Србије, Црне Горе, Македоније, Босне и Херцеговине, Словеније и Србије) на језику који разумете.

10 Ways to Sell your House


Showing Your Home




Fall Melancholy


Fall Tourism


Your Hampton Realtor


Celebrate the season in style




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by Aleksandra from microwave when a few lumps remain, stir until fully melted. In a large metal or glass bowl, set over a pan of hot water, heat the eggs, stirring constantly to prevent curdling, just until warm to the touch. Remove from heat and place in mixer bowl; Whit until they have tripled in volume and form soft peaks.

Creating an Inviting Entrance Make you entrance inviting this fall. Buyers are more drawn to homes that look lived in. Traditional fall plants, pumpkins, and gourds are tied together with an artistic grape vine and ropes of berries. Or try this spectacular arrangement that would be as appropriate

inside a home as it is at the entrance. Here, more is better! The outside decoration should be your lead in drawing your guests into your home. Decoration inside should appeal to all the senses, especially smell. Get pumpkin candles and place them at ‘noselevel’ close to the entrance and throughout your home. The strongest human memories are scents,

make sure that your home stays on their mind even after the buyers have viewed ten other homes.

10 Ways to Sell Your House Quicker

Schokoladentorte recipe continued from page 1 … Fold half of the eggs into the melted chocolate until almost incorporated. Fold in the remaining eggs until just blended and no streaks remain. Pour into the spring form pan and smooth the top. Use the water from the pan you used to heat the eggs to pour into the CAKE pan (around the spring form pan). Bake for 5 minutes. Cover loosely with a piece of buttered foil and bake another 10 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool on a wire rack for 45 minutes. Cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator until very firm, about 3 hours. To unmold, wrap the sides of the pan with a hot, damp towel. Run a thin knife or spatula around the edge and remove the pan’s collar. To remove from the bottom of the pan, wipe the bottom of the pan with the hot, damp towel and invert it onto a plastic wrapped plate, and then back onto a serving plate.

Are you not turning viewers into buyers? Try what I do when I buy properties for parties interested in becoming land lords, I look for the opposite of the advice I am giving you here. I can typically buy a house which looks like it needs a lot of repair work, throw some paint on and decorate it and make $5,000 to


Paint the rooms in your house in neutral colors.


Clear out junk.


Fix all outstanding repairs.


Put excess furniture in storage.


Rearrange your rooms to

make it appear bigger. 6.

Depersonalize your home.


Clean the house.


Let in light.


Weed the garden.


Curb appeal.


Decorate throughout the house with fall festive ornaments and scented candles


Make windows sparkling clean if the fall season is sunny and let the light in


Just like any other time, get rid of clutter and offensive smells

Showing Your Home in Autumn Autumn often signals a slowing down in the real estate business. While steady home sales are expected to continue through the year, it is still a buyers’ market and you’ll want to do everything you can to make your house look its best.



feet and avoid dragging mud and water through your house


Keep gutter debris free for proper drainage


Keep walkway and stairs snow and ice free


Keep lawn cut and fertilized


Decorate door and entrance according to season

Keep your leaves raked, shrubs and trees pruned


Possibly paint exterior to raise your home’s appeal

Trim trees to prevent damage to home


Set thermostat to comfortable temperature, warm, if it’s cold

As you set out to put your home on the market and add your home sale to this year’s statistics, keep the following autumn tips in mind:


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$10,000 within two weeks;

Have a good doormat so home buyers can wipe their

Finally, if you are selling your home during autumn, there’s nothing more inviting to a potential home buyer than the aroma of a freshly baked *torte or cake, preferably chocolate. Who doesn’t like chocolate. * See my recipe on page one!

Volume 1, Issue 1

Autumn Autumn, also know as Fall in American English, is one of the four seasons. Autumn marks the transition to winter, usually in late September in the northern hemisphere, or late March in the southern hemisphere when the arrival of nights becomes noticeable earlier. The word autumn comes from the Old French word autompne (automne in modern French), and was later normalized to the original Latin word autumnus. There are rare examples of its use as early as the 14th century, but it became common by the 16th century. Before the 16th century, harvest was the term usually used to refer to the season. However as more

people gradually moved from working the land to living in towns (especially those who could read and write, the only people whose use of language we now know), the word harvest lost its reference to the time of year and came to refer only to the actual activity of reaping, and fall, as well as autumn, began to replace it as a reference to the season. The alternative word fall is now mostly a North American English word for the season. It traces its origins to old Germanic languages. The exact derivation is unclear, the Old English fiæll or feallan and the Old Norse fall all being possible candidates. However, these words all have the meaning "to fall from a

height" and are clearly derived either from a common root or from each other. The term came to denote the season in the 16th century, a contraction of Middle English expressions like "fall of the leaf" and "fall of the year". During the 17th century, English immigration to the colonies in North America was at its peak, and the new settlers took their language with them. While the term fall gradually became obsolescent in Britain, it became the more common term in North America, where autumn is nonetheless preferred in scientific and often in literary contexts.

Fall in China

Fall and Melancholy Fall has often been associated with melancholy, especially in poetry. The possibilities of summer are gone, and the chills of winter are on the horizon. Skies turn grey and people turn inward, both physically and mentally. Rainer Maria Rilke, a German poet, has expressed such sentiments in one of his most famous poems Herbsttag (A Fall Day), which reads in part Wer jetzt kein Haus hat, baut sich keines mehr.

Wer jetzt allein ist, wird es lange bleiben, wird wachen, lesen, lange Briefe schreiben und wird in Alleen hin und her unruhig wandern, wenn die Blätter treiben. This translates roughly to (translated by Alienus Lingua) He who has no house now, will not begin one now. He who is alone now,

will remian so for long, will lie awake, read, write long letters, and will wander restlessly through streets, until the leaves start growing. Smiliar examples may be found in william Butler Yeats‘ poem The Swans at Coole where the maturing season that the poet observes symbolically represents his own aging self.

Nun laß den Sommer gehen, Laß Sturm und Winde wehen. Bleibt diese Rose mein, Wie könnt ich traurig sein?

- Joseph Freiherr Von Eichendorff

Fall Tourism Although color including China, change in leaves Korea, and Japan. occurs wherever It can also be deciduous trees very significant are found, colin Argentina, ored autumn Australia, Chile Fall in Slovakia foliage is most and New Zeafamously noted in two land, but not to the same regions of the world: most degree. of Canada and the United States; and Eastern Asia, Eastern Canada and the

New England region of the United States are famous for the brilliance of their autumnal foliage, and a seasonal tourist industry has grown up around the few weeks in autumn when the leaves are at their peak.

Fall Wheat Harvest in France

Provided some information in this newsletter

© Sweet Success 2008

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2114 Executive Drive Hampton, VA 23666

Aleksandra came from Germany to the United States to study Sociology in 1998. As a native Serbian and German, now also an American Citizen, she is currently completing an MBA in Global Business Management and is fluent in Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Slovak, Macedonian, Bulgarian, German, Russian, as well as the English language. She spent most of her early career in commercial and retail real estate in Germany and Serbia.

Office 800.969.3003 Mobile 757/746.7715 Fax 757.827.1213

Success is Sweet

Upon her move to Hampton, she directed her talent and professionalism toward residential real estate. Aleksandra's awareness and familiarity with the commercial real estate market brought her to Abbitt Realty Company LLC to further pursue her career as a All-RoundSpecialist. Her intelligence and genuine personality have given her the edge she needs in this highly competitive arena. She has managed to build strong relationships with her clients because of her dedication to making every Real Estate transaction seamless and timely. Her experience, coupled with an assertive attitude have allowed her to succeed in today’s though housing market.

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