Ygm nov16 final

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National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is an even that happens once a year in novemeber, off Gaia. Authos dedicate themselves to writing 50,000 words in 30 days for no other reason than to say they did it.


ou’ve slain the beast and written your fifty thousand words. Congratulations! Even if you didn’t accomplish that many words, you made a valiant effort and furthered your manuscript. You have more now than you started with, which is something to be proud of! Congratulations to you as well! Now though, your head may be swarming with the possibilities and thoughts of where to go now and what to do with it all. Fret not! There are plenty of resources to help you with this process, depending on your goals. There is editing. There is simply continuing to write. There is filing it away to never be seen again. The last option is the simplest if you were doing National Novel Writing Month just to see if you could or to do some serious word vomit. This does say file it away though. Do not throw it away. It may be the worst thing you have ever written, but there are hidden gems in there everywhere and you might find the desire to go back to it sometime years later. The other two options are more difficult, but equally rewarding. If you wish to just keep writing at a pace equal to or just under the sixteen hundred and sixty-seven words a day that you just went through, you have two options. The first is being sure that your manuscript is complete and not just hanging in the middle or end since you hit your goal. If it is, you have an easy way to just keep writing. Make it a goal to finish the manuscript before next October! You will have some time to plan for next years National Novel Writing Month during the entire month of October and still have your completed manuscript in hand. The second option 20

Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month.

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