Your Body Your Right: Children Sexual Health E-Book

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E-Book of Children Sexual Health Parental Guidance Suggested

by ProCe

ProCe made this book to meet the needs of children and their families and purposely made for Your Body Your Right Campaign.

This campaign is mainly aimed to provide awareness of sexual abuse for

children, protect the children rights, reduce their exposure to sexual abuse and alert the public to be concerned about children.

No one involved was anything for their work. We would like to thank the following people for their generous and knowledgeable input: Designer: The ProCe team Koo Jian Ee

Law Yee Wen

Leong Yun Hong Tan Hui Ting

Yang Xiao Wei

First published in the Malaysia in ���� by Text & Information © MKKM, ProCe, ���� Ilustration © Proce Team, ����

All rights reserved.

This work is licensed under Tunku Abdul Rahman University College.

E-Book of Children Sexual Health

Viewers under 13 years of age need parental/guardian supervision while viewing. Illustrated by the ProCe

什么是儿童性虐待? Defined as sexual contact with a child that included abusive actions. It occurs in 3 conditions as below:

此行为被定义为与儿童发生性接触当中还包括虐待行为。会出现在三种情 况之一: ·Abuser has a large age or maturational advantage over the child; 施虐者比孩子有更大的年龄或成熟优势;

·Abuser is in a position of authority over or in a care-taking relationship with the child; 施虐者对孩子有权限管理或与孩子有照顾关系;

·When the acts are carried out against the child by using violence or trickery ; 对儿童实施使用暴力或诡计的行为;

Two catergories of sexual abuse: • Contact 触碰 • Non-contact 非触碰

Contact 触碰 Non-Penetration 非侵入

Penetration 侵入

includes 包括

includes 包括

Penile 阴茎

Digital 手指

Object 物体

Vagina, mouth or anus 阴道,嘴巴,肛门

Fondling of sexual portions of the child’s body 抚摸儿童私密处 Sexual Kissing 性接吻

Child's touching sexual parts of a partner's body 孩子触摸伴侣身体的性部位

Non-Contact 非触摸 Exhibitionism 裸露癖 Voyeurism 窥阴癖者

Involvement of the child in the making of pornography 儿童参与色情作品的制作 *** Verbal sexual propositions or harassment may include.*** 其中可能包括言辞上提出猥亵要求或者性骚扰。

儿童性虐待数据 Recent years sexual related cases against children below 18 years old 近几年来针对儿童的性侵案件

1 over 10 children in


750,000 cases

Rape cases

was sexually abused.



1290 Molestation cases




Majority of abusers are father or stepfathers. 大部分性侵者是父亲或继父

269 Incest cases


Physical sexual assault cases



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

An increase from ��� and ��� cases reported in ���� and ���� respectively. The Star reported that � in �� children in Malaysia is sexually abused and � in �� cases of child sexual abuse in Malaysia happened within the family.

躯体的性侵事件从����年���案件于 ����年增加至���案件。 新闻报道�� 名儿童中就有�名儿童受性侵,然而�� 宗案件里就有�宗案件是发生在马来西 亚的家庭里。

993 51 Physical sexual assault 躯体的性侵案件


Sexual abuse cases in 2019 性侵犯案件

Non-physical sexual assault 非躯体的性侵案件

Comparison between 2019 & 2020



Sexual abuse cases in 2020 性侵犯案件

US Cyber Tipline reported Malaysia to have ���,��� reported sexual abuse cases. 美国Cyber Tipline统计大马约有���,���儿童性侵案件。

Amount of IP Addresses downloaded child sexual abuse materials in 2018 & 2021 下载儿童性虐待素材的IP地址数量


17,000 download ��万下载


20,000 download ��万下载


Increased percentage 增加的百分率

In ����, more than ��,��� IP addresses downloaded and uploaded child sexual abuse material, and more than ��� websites hosted sexual abuse material. 于����年, 拥有超过��万IP地 址下载和上载有关于儿童性虐 待的素材。 此外,还有���个网页 提供性虐待的素材。

In ����, Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) reported that Malaysia has close to ��,��� IP addresses downloading and uploading visuals and photographs of child pornography in South East Asia. 于����年, 马来西亚皇家警察声明在东南亚里,马来西亚有接近两万IP地址下载和上载有 关儿童的色情照片与图像。

Sexual and child abuse cases in 2020 & 2021 儿童性虐待与虐待事件


Sexual crime case 性侵犯罪案件


3500 3000

Child abuse case 虐待儿童案件

2500 2000

2040 1500


Physical & sexual abuse 躯体与性虐待儿童案件

1000 500

Child abuse case 虐待儿童案件



JAN-JUN JAN-SEP JAN-APR 2020 2020 2021

The Focus Malaysia reported that the police have issued statements of ��,��� criminal cases against women, children and sexual crimes reported during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period.

Focus Malaysia 报道相关警方发表声明 已有��,��� 起针对妇女、儿童和性犯罪的 刑事案件发生在行动管制令(MCO)期间。

possess 30% of the child abuse 占有虐待儿童中的��%

In ����, among ��% of ���� cases, the sexual abusers are people known to the child, mostly are fathers or stepfathers. Rape may be an isolated act of violence, yet sexual abuse is often recurrent. 在 ����年的���� 起案件中,��% 的性虐待者是孩 子认识的人,主要是父亲或继父。 强奸可能是一种 单独的暴力行为,但性虐待往往是反复发生的。

Seriousness of Children Sexual Abuse

儿童性虐待的严重性 O�

Young girls who are sexually abused are more likely to develop eating disorders as adolescents. 被性虐待的年轻女孩很大可能在青少年时 期患上饮食失调症。


More than 60% of teen first pregnancies are preceded by experiences of molestation, rape or attempted rape. 超过 ��% 的青少年首次怀孕之前都有过 骚扰、强奸或强奸未遂的经历


70-80% of sexual abuse survivors report excessive drug and alcohol use. 报告说明��至��%性虐待幸存者会过 量服用毒品和酒精。


Among male survivors, 50% have suicidal thoughts and more than 20% attempt suicide. 在男幸存者当中,��%的人会有自杀想 法还有超过��%的人企图自杀。


Both males and females who have been sexually abused are more likely to engage in prostitution. 遭受过性虐待的男性和女性都更有可能从 事卖淫活动。

Sexually abused children who keep the abuse as secret or who “tell” and are not believed are at greater risk for psychological, emotional, social, and physical problems, often lasting into adulthood. 对虐待行为保密或“告诉”而不被相信的性虐 待儿童面临更大的心理、情感、社会和身体问 题风险,通常会持续到成年。

Seriousness of ignorance of bystanders

旁人忽略或无视的严重性 O�.

Children tell adults what’s going on, seeking protection and help, only to be met with disbelief, denial, blame, or even punishment. This will cause more physical and mental harm. 儿童向大人求救和告诉他们事情经过但 得到的回应是不信任、否认、责怪甚至惩



Children may feel doubly betrayed by someone’s failure to help. They were in danger, someone could have protected them and chose not to… 孩子可能会因某人未能提供帮助而倍 受被背叛。 由于他们身处危险但未能得 到保护,有人本可以保护他们并且选择 不……

Stop Intrafamilial Sexual Abuse 停止家庭内的性虐待 Facing the reality of intrafamilial sexual abuse can be painful. But by ending the secrecy surrounding sexual abuse, you can help your family to heal and protect child so that he or she can grow into a healthy, successful adult. 面对发生在家庭内的性虐待的现实可能会很痛苦。 但是通过结束性虐待的秘密,你可以帮助你的家人 治愈和保护他们,这样他或她就可以成长为一个健 康、成功的成年人。

How can you help? 你可以如何帮助? If you are a tourist / passerby and you see something suspicious, report it to the local police. Don’t delay, police may need to act quickly to rescue the child or catch the suspect. Provide as much information as possible. If you believe you have seen children being sexually abused online, please contact the police. Please do not send child sexual abuse material to any organization unless specifically asked to do so for law enforcement purposes. 如果您是游客并且看到可疑的东西,请向当地警方报告。请不要拖延,警察可能需要 迅速采取行动才能营救孩子或抓住嫌疑人。尽可能提供足够多的信息。如果您认为 自己曾在网上看到儿童遭受性虐待,请联系警方。请勿将儿童性虐待素材发送给任何 组织,除非出于执法目的的要求。

受害者的特征 Physical signs


Unidentified bruises and wounds on the body 身上有不明的瘀青、伤口

Headaches 头痛

Redness, rashes/swelling in the genital area, urinary tract infections 生殖器部位发红, 皮疹或肿胀, 尿路感染

Chronic stomach pain 慢性胃痛

Emotional or behavioral signs


Anxiety, depression and fear 焦虑, 抑郁和恐惧

Suicidal thoughts 自杀的念头

Physical aggression, non-compliance 对他人造成或威胁身体 伤害的行为

Cruel towards animal 对动物残忍

Bathing frequently for no reason or conversely, afraid of undressing, bathing 无故频繁地洗澡或相反地, 害怕脫衣服、洗澡

Nightmares or bed-wetting 噩梦或尿床

Lack of interest in interacting with peers 缺乏与同龄人互动的兴趣

Afraid of seeing someone, refusing to go school / back home, or suddenly don’t want to be with someone 突然害怕看見某个人、拒绝上学、 不想回家、或者突然不要跟某人一起

你该怎么做? Situation 1: Get out of scary or uncomfortable situations.


Say No to them, tell them that you need to leave. You have the right to refuse people who make you uncomfortable. 对他们说”不” ,告诉他们你需要离开,你有权利拒绝那些令你感到不适的人。

Keep quiet, let them do whatever they want even though their behavior makes you feel uncomfortable,feel sorry to refuse. 保持沉默并让他们做想做的事,就算那些行为令你很不舒服也不好意思拒绝。

Situation 2: Let others take pictures of your private parts put you at risk.


Proactively tell the adults that you trusted, if you can't stop the incident. 如果你不能阻止事件,主动告诉你信任的成年人。

Feel shame, keep it a secret, don't let others know, and ignore it. 感到羞耻,把它当作秘密,不让任何人知道,无视它。

Situation 3: Gift is a bait


Ask permission from parents before you accept the gift from someone. 在你接受别人的礼物之前,先征得父母的同意。

Someone gives you a gift and asks you to do something, you accept it because the task is easy. 接受他人赠与的礼物并完成指定任务只因这是件简单的事。

Situation 4: Bad body touch might tickle or feel good.

状况4:不良的身体接触会导致发痒或感觉良好。 You should know no one should touch your private parts and no one should ask you to touch somebody else’s private parts. 你应该清楚没有人可以触摸你的私处,也没有人可以要求你触摸别人的私处。 Let them touch your private parts because these touches do not hurt or feel bad. 让别人触摸你的私处,因为这些触摸没有造成伤害或感觉不好。

Situation 5: If someone tries to make you keep a body secret.


You should always tell adults you trusted. No matter what happens, when you tell your parents anything about body safety or body secrets you will never get in trouble. 你应该立刻告诉你信任的成年人。不管发生什么事,当你告诉父母任何关于身体安全 或身体秘密的事情时,他们一定能帮到你。 Keep the secret because you are threatened by someone. 乖乖保守秘密,因为你受到了某人的威胁。

Situation 6: No one should touch you even though they are someone you respect.

状况6:即便是警察、老师、教练、阿姨、叔叔、朋友或你尊重的人, 任何人都不可以触碰你的身体。

Stop them, do not trust them, seek help from others, because they have a bad intention. 阻止他们,不相信他们,向其他人寻求帮助,因为他们有恶意。 Let them touch you because you think they love you, and they are someone you respect. 让他们触碰你的身体,因为你认为他们爱你, 他们是你尊重的人。


避免性侵害 Call for help


Call for help when encountering danger. A preventive research states that the criminal gives up when heard a child child call for help. 遇到危险时请放声尖叫。 加害者通常会放弃 放声尖叫的孩子。

Run away


Run to the place that is crowded when encountering danger. Don’t hide at the place where there are no people, just because you're scared. Especially an alley or stairwell. 遇到危险时请往人多的地方走,不要因一 时害怕,反而跑到没人的地放藏起来。尤 其是小巷和梯间。

Inform adutls


When you face any problems, seek help. Find parents or someone you trust to solve the problems. Police stations, fire stations, etc are the places you can seek help. 碰上麻烦时请寻求帮助。告诉父母或是信 do赖的大人们你遇到的问题。 警察局,消防 dou局等都是可以寻求帮助的地方。

儿童性虐待肇事者 It starts with the cycle of abuse and very quickly becomes a NIGHTMARE, from which there is NO ESCAPE.

从虐待开始循环,很快就变成了一场噩梦, 无法逃脱。

In Veil


The perpetrator will totally be a different person to the rest of the world, which denies everything the victim says about. Their mask never comes off.

肇事者将与世界其他地方完全不同 ,世界其他地方否认受害者所说的 一切。 他们的面具永远不会脱落。

If the perpetrator of sexual abuse continues to get away with it...


Really Attentive


The perpetrator commences the victim's reliance with persists and increases calls and texts. Letting the children feel be protected, cherished, and revered. This is the beginning of the grooming process. The perpetrator will use their loyalty, and vulnerability against them at a later stage.

肇事者开始依赖受害者并持续增 加电话和短信。这行为会让孩子们 感觉自己受到保护、被珍惜和尊敬 。这是性诱拐的开始。肇事者将在 稍后阶段利用他们的忠诚和弱点 来对付他们。

Seems Innocent


The perpetrator will abuse psychological abuse to force the victim to play the deadly game of cat and mouse and will always blame them for what goes wrong, or if they refuse, the perpetrator will degrade them and ‘teach them a lesson’with sexual abuse.

施暴者会滥用心理虐待迫使受害 者玩猫捉老鼠的致命游戏,并总是 归咎于他们的错。如果他们拒绝, 施暴者就会以 “教训”来性虐待他 们。

The perpetrator will control over their everyday


Dishonest Words


The perpetrator would lie and twist the information, which makes the victim feel guilty. With the emotionally exhausted and pressured, the victim would surrender and admit the fault and apologize. This shows that the perpetrator can control the victim.

肇事者会撒谎并扭曲信息,这会 让受害者感到内疚。由于情绪疲 惫和压力,受害者会投降并承认 错误并道歉。这表明肇事者可以 控制受害者。

Seems Normal


The victim accepts their behaviour and believes that this is what they deserve. This cycle of abuse has now begun with emotional and psychological abuse and progress to sexual abuse.

受害者接受他们的行为并相信这 是他们应得的。 这种虐待循环现在 已经从情感和心理虐待开始,并发 展为性虐待。

大人该如何 避免儿童性侵害 1. Learn the facts


Learning the information on who sexually abused the children. Majority of the abusers were coming from their family. These abusers show their trust to the children and take advantage of children easily. 了解是谁性侵了孩子。 大多数的性侵犯来自家庭。 他们会取得孩子们的信赖 从中利用儿童。

2. Minimize the opportunity



By making children would not be isolated with the possibility of abusers with presenting multiple adults that can supervise the children. Monitoring the children’s usage of internet as the abusers or offenders may use internet to lure the children into physical contact without making the children realize that is sexual abuse.

让多人监督儿童,尽量避免儿童与施暴者有独处的机会。时常监视儿童如何 使用网络,避免儿童在不知情的情况下受到网络性侵害。

3. Talk about it


Teaching the children on which parts of the body that adults should not touch and mentioning to them the abusers can be their family, friends, or older adult. Reminding them to not give out their personal information when using the internet such as email addresses, home addresses, and phone numbers. This step needs to be started in an early stage and often like everyday as this reminds them that this issue is important. Learn the children’s behavior if they feel uncomfortable and ask them why.

家长应该教导孩子身体的哪个部分是不允许被别人触碰的,并告诉他们,性虐者 很有可能来自身边的亲人,朋友或长辈。时刻提醒孩子不要轻易在网络泄露个人 资料, 如电子邮件, 住址和电话号码。家长应该从小灌输孩子这些重要的信息, 并时常观察孩子的行为举止,发现他们不对劲的时候要主动慰问他们。

4. Recognize the signs


Learning the signs from the children’s body like the redness, rashes or swelling at the genital area. Also, the chronic stomach pain or headaches which these pains can involve with anxiety. Other than that, the emotional or behavioral signals need to be investigated such as the nightmares, bed-wetting, bullying, cruelty to animals, or the usage of inappropriate languages that are not suitable for their age. 分辨性虐的迹象。父母应该学会分辨一个被性虐的孩童身体迹象,如:生殖器 官发红,肿胀,慢性胃痛,头痛等状况;和行为与情绪迹象,如:发噩梦,尿床,欺 凌行为,虐待动物或使用粗俗语言。

5. React responsibly


Reacting to child abuse need to stay calm and mentally prepared the self as the reactions can impact the children mentality like they will feel more ashamed or guilty. Also, offer support by believing the children and letting them know it. They also can praise the children’s courage when telling them and encouraging them to talk to them. Seeking the help of professional that expert in handling the children sexual abuse cases. Finally, report and take action of suspected abuse either inside or outside the family.

对儿童虐待需保持冷静及心理准备,因为这些反应都会影响孩子们的心理,这 会让他们感到羞耻或内疚。 与此同时,相信孩子是支持他们的举动。 与孩子聊 这话题时,适当的表扬孩子们的勇气以鼓励他们说出实情。 寻求专业人士以处 理儿童性侵案件。 最后,无论在家或在外遇到疑是虐待事项时请报警及采取相 关行动。







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E-Book of Children Sexual Health

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