Young Living Australian Product Guide 2011

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Australian Product Guide 2011

Welcome to Young Living We are amazed at the growth and success Young Living has experienced these last two decades. With the continued support of our loyal customers, Young Living has always led the way in essential oil quality and innovation. This past year we have established additional sourcing partnerships, achieved breakthrough frankincense research, and continued to cultivate our farms across the globe to develop new ways to connect nature's healing powers with as many people as possible. In these pages, you'll discover detailed information about our essential oils, oil blends, and oil-enhanced nutritional and personal care products. You'll also find answers to your health and wellness questions and be inspired to share what you learn with others. While we have grown, our commitment has stayed the same—to deliver the highest quality essential oils to every home. Through it all, we have never forgotten that at the heart of Young Living's purpose is a responsibility to inspire lasting change. We hope our products will be the key to discovery, inspiration, and a better life for you as well.

Contents PRODUCT GUIDE 2011

ABOUT YOUNG LIVING About Young Living Young Living farms Seed to Seal Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ Using essential oils ESSENTIAL OILS Singles Blends Roll-Ons Collections Diffusers Accessories ESSENTIAL NUTRITION Essential oil supplements NingXia Red

2 3 4 5 6

ESSENTIAL LIVING A·R·T Face Body Hair Massage KidScents® Thieves

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About Young Living F

ollowing a painful and debilitating accident, Gary Young began searching for natural alternatives to traditional medical treatments. After receiving some research papers on essential oils that were written by French medical doctors and translated into English, he began his quest for further knowledge about the therapeutic properties of essential oils. Through this research, Gary ventured down a whole new path of healing. Growing up farming, Gary had great interest in learning how to grow and harvest herbs and plants for the extraction of the oils. He developed a proprietary design and technique of distillation for his own essential oil production. The budding farms, his amazing research discoveries from ancient history to present-day science, and the phenomenal results from his clinical trials and studies with oil usage encouraged and promoted the beginning of his lifelong mission: to bring this forgotten knowledge back to the modern world. With five farms on three continents, seven distilleries on four continents, the many partners in other countries who also grow and distil for Young Living, and our hundreds of thousands of customers around the world, Young Living Essential Oils stands as the world leader in premium essential oils and natural wellness products. Young Living's exclusive Seed to Seal quality-control process guarantees that every essential oil we bottle delivers superior quality and purity. Young Living's mission: We honour our stewardship to champion nature's living energy—essential oils—by fostering a community of healing and discovery while inspiring individuals to wellness, purpose, and abundance.



Young Living farms With five farms and multiple distilleries in operation, Young Living is able to conduct extensive, ongoing research as we distil a variety of herbs, plants, flowers, trees, bark, limbs, and other plant material. These operations provide a continuous source for many well-known oils, as well as unusual and rare essential oils, which altogether have helped in the perfecting of our proprietary Seed to Seal process.



These 200 acres of pristine farmland near the small logging town of St. Maries, Idaho, were purchased by Gary in 1992. The property had never before been ploughed or subjected to chemicals, pesticides, or fertilisers of any kind, making it an ideal location to begin planting crops to be distilled for Young Living's first production of its own essential oils.

Well-known for its rolling hills and farms of fragrant lavender, the region of Provence, France, is home to Young Living's third farm established in 2003; the only Americanowned farm in the country. Gary plans to expand the growth of lavender, rosemary, and introduce clary sage to the farm, as the quality of oils produced in this region is exceptional.





In 1995, Gary bought 120 acres of farmland in Mona, Utah. A year later, more land was purchased and today this farm encompasses nearly 1,600 acres to showcase vibrant lavender fields in the summer months. It is home to the largest privately owned essential oil distillery in the world, growing and distilling Roman chamomile, hyssop, clary sage, golden rod, and lavender.

Since 2005, Gary Young and his family have lived in Ecuador where he developed a fifth farm in Chongón, a small farming community outside of Guayaquil. Many exotic plants are being grown and harvested for distillation, as well as other common plants such as oregano, ylang ylang, basil, eucalyptus, and others.





In 2000, Gary purchased a big farm with overgrown balsam trees in Highland Flats, a small farming community outside Bonners Ferry, Idaho. This began our annual Idaho Balsam Harvest, where many of our distributors come to join us for the hard work of distilling balsam oil in the cold month of January.

In 2010, Gary began the fulfilment of a 15-year-old dream when he started his operation for the extraction of Boswellia sacra—sacred frankincense—in Salalah, Oman. It is the first time in hundreds of years that this highly prized healing species of frankincense has been exported from Oman. By securing contracts with local harvesters, Gary has ensured a continued supply of this precious oil.





Seed to Seal Young Living's unique method of production enables the supply of effective, authentic essential oils. Gary Young and his team manage the entire process from the first seed into the ground until the oil is sealed in the bottle. They answer the important questions like: which species is most therapeutic; how to plant, grow, and harvest the crop; how to apply the right temperature during distillation; and whether the oil meets stringent laboratory testing before being bottled and shipped to the end consumer. Young Living's Seed to Seal process captures the true energy of the plant. Each step in Seed to Seal embodies a crucial milestone in the life of an essential oil and ensures Young Living's therapeutic-grade essential oils deliver results.

SEED Potent essential oils come from plant species that have been authenticated by Young Living and industry experts. Species certification involves scientific research, field study, university partnerships, and on-site planting certification.

CULTIVATE Through cultivation of the five Young Living farms, we have mastered the production of aromatic plants. We have taken our knowledge of soil preparation, balance of sun and water, responsible weed and pest control, and wild-craft harvesting to our co-op farms to ensure our stringent standards are met.

DISTIL Young Living's proprietary low-temperature, low-pressure steam distillation process assures that the beneficial plant compounds in every batch of oil remain uncompromised during the extraction process.

TEST Each essential oil must pass Young Living's stringent testing to ensure the optimal bioactive natural compounds are present. Young Living uses its own internal labs, in addition to third-party audits, to verify that Young Living purity and potency standards are met. Every batch of essential oil is sent through six rigorous tests and compared to established internal specifications.

SEAL Young Living completes the Seed to Seal process by carefully sealing each bottle of essential oil at its own clean-room facility, and shipping it to members worldwide.



Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ Anyone can make an essential oil that smells good, but only the world leader


can deliver proven health results. Young Living's extensive experience farming, distilling, and sourcing essential oils guarantees each Young Living oil contains the optimal level of beneficial plant properties. Oils that work—that's at the core of what it means to be Young Living Therapeutic Grade™.

Once the optimal soil, plant, cultivation, and harvesting conditions have been adhered to, the plants must be distilled properly in order to meet YLTG standards. Young Living uses a gentle, proprietary technique for steamextracting the most potent essential oils, which remains unmatched throughout the essential oils industry.

The process Young Living uses when planting, cultivating, harvesting, and distilling a batch of oil is crucial to retaining its vital compounds. Without the exact blend of naturally-occurring plant chemicals, an essential oil can lose its beneficial properties and fail to produce the desired effect.

To meet YLTG distillation standards, proper temperature must be maintained throughout the distillation process. Pressure, length of time, equipment, and batch size are also strictly monitored.

Anyone can claim to be therapeutic-grade; only Young Living can claim Young Living Therapeutic-Grade™. YLTG™ means that every essential oil Young Living distils or sources has the optimal naturally-occurring blend of constituents to maximise the desired effect. Young Living is able to make this assertion because of our strict cultivation process—illustrated by the Four Ps—that guarantees the optimal potency of every Young Living essential oil.

PLANT An oil's potency can be affected not only by selecting the proper plant to cultivate, but also by where the plant is grown, the quality of soil in which the seed is planted, and even the time of day it's harvested. Young Living has extensive experience selecting the correct species of plant for desired oil potency, planting under optimal conditions, using ideal soil and natural methods to encourage growth, and knowing the precise time to harvest each crop. Only those plants that produce the most active and widest array of compounds are selected.

PURITY YLTG standards prohibit the acceptance of any diluted, cut, or adulterated oils. Each product Young Living produces—essential oils, oil blends, nutritional supplements, or personal care—meets strict purity standards. Every batch of essential oils is subjected to rigorous, state-of-the-art analysis at Young Living's chemistry lab. Using some of the most advanced equipment in the world, our scientists subject every batch of essential oils to gas chromatograph and mass spectrometer testing, and heavy metals analysis. Oils that exhibit even the slightest hint of possible adulteration or tampering are rejected.

POTENCY Potency is the culmination of the preceding three stages, and means that the naturally-occurring compounds contained in each essential oil product are of the highest and most consistent bioactive levels. Without strict adherence to the YLTG standard in the Plant, Preparation, and Purity phases, the final product would not have the necessary potency to create the desired effect.



Using essential oils U

nlike perfume oils that simply smell good, Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils have the optimal blend of plant chemicals to ensure maximum potency and results. To get started using essential oils, follow the guide below—along with the instructions on each product label—to experience their health-enhancing benefits. INHALATION Inhaling certain essential oils heightens the senses and can have many positive effects on the body. Try these ideas to use essential oils for inhalation: • Inhale directly from the bottle • Diffuse with any of Young Living's premium diffusers • Use with a humidifier; sprinkle a few drops of oil on a tissue or small cloth and place in front of the escaping steam (Do not put essential oils in your humidifier. The oil will float on top of the water instead of rising with the water vapour and may damage your humidifier.)

• Carefully pour hot water into a bowl and add a few drops of essential oil. Cover your head and bowl in a tent-like fashion with a towel. Breathe deeply and slowly.

TOPICAL APPLICATION Many essential oils are safe to use directly on the skin (topically): • Carefully tip the oil bottle and place two to three drops in the palm of your hand or directly on the desired application area • If dropping oil in your hand, rub palms together in a circular motion, and then massage oil onto the desired point of application. If applying directly to the desired area, use your hand to massage the oil in a circular motion onto the skin. Repeat if desired. †

Jasmine is an absolute or essence rather than essential oil. Consult individual product labels for safety information. Citrus oils should not be applied to skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light within 48 hours

CAUTION: Essential oils are very potent and some may be irritating to the skin. If irritation occurs, immediately apply pure vegetable oil to the area to dilute. Please read individual product label directions before using.



The use of essential oils dates back thousands of years. Today

Balsam Fir (Idaho) Abies balsamea Traditionally, balsam fir was applied topically to soothe physical ailments. This oil may also be used to balance moods, promote a sense of wellbeing, and increase spirituality. Item no. 331602 15ml

Young Living is preserving this ancient practice by offering highlyconcentrated essential oils in their most natural form. For more than two decades, we've studied the different types and benefits of plant life to develop the best distilling practices and purest products. Experience the best nature has to offer when you use Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils to enhance your wellbeing.


IDAHO BALSAM FIR Young Living has its own regenerative balsam fir farm in Idaho, US. Every year, thousands of balsam fir trees are harvested for distillation and around 15,000 new saplings are planted by Gary along with his loyal Young Living members. The rich, woody fragrance of balsam fir is comforting, especially when applied to tired muscles.

Basil Ocimum basilicum Basil has a strong, spicy aroma that is invigorating to both body and spirit, bringing a sense of balance. Basil will refresh a fatigued mind and restore mental clarity and alertness. Item no. 350002 15ml




Essential oils: singles

Singles |


Bergamot Citrus bergamia Bergamot is useful during times of emotional stress. Its light, citrus aroma has a relaxing effect, helps build confidence, and uplifts moods especially during a woman's monthly cycle.

Cinnamon Bark Cinnamomum verum Cinnamon bark has the wonderful cinnamon scent loved by many around the world. Warming and stimulating, it is comforting during winter and supports the body's natural defences.

Item no. 350302 15ml

Item no. 351502 5ml

Black Pepper Piper nigrum Black pepper has a strong, crisp aroma that is comforting and energising. It has been studied for its oxygenating effects and is wonderfully relaxing when used in post-exercise massage.

Cistus Cistus ladanifer Cistus comes from a rose that has a soft, honey-like fragrance, which calms the nerves and elevates emotions. Traditionally, cistus was used to support a healthy immune system.

Item no. 361102 5ml

Item no. 351802 5ml

Cedarwood Cedrus atlantica Cedarwood contains the constituent cedrol, which promotes relaxation, balance, and increased mental focus. It has a warm cedar aroma and is soothing when used in massage.

Clary Sage Salvia sclarea Clary sage contains natural phytoestrogens, wonderful to support women during their menstrual cycle. Its herbal aroma relieves stress, relaxes the mind, balances moods, and may assist in achieving a restful night's sleep.

Item no. 350902 15ml

Item no. 352102 15ml

Cypress Cupressus sempervirens Cypress has a fresh, herbaceous aroma that promotes a sense of security and grounding. Comforting during winter, it also supports the digestive and respiratory systems.

Item no. 352402 15ml

Item no. 353002 15ml

Check with a physician before use if taking blood-thinning medication.

Copaiba Copaifera reticulata Tapped directly from the copaiba tree in Brazil, copaiba is a clear oil that has a rich, uplifting, woody fragrance. It supports the body's natural response to irritation and injury. Item no. 343102 15ml


CLOVE Clove essential oil contains the most antioxidants of any measured essential oil and is nature's richest source of eugenol. Clove oil is the primary ingredient in Young Living's Thieves essential oil blend and offers a range of benefits including antimicrobial action, anti-inflammatory properties, and antioxidant activity, all helping to support the immune system.

Coriander Coriandrum sativum Coriander has a sweet, warm, herbaceous fragrance that has soothing and calming properties. Often incorporated into cooking, coriander is relaxing when used in massage.

Dill Anethum graveolens Dill has a spicy, fresh scent that is stimulating, revitalising, and balancing. When diffused or inhaled directly, dill is known to calm the mind and body.

Item no. 352702 5ml

Item no. 353602 5ml




Clove Syzygium aromaticum Traditionally used for its antiseptic properties, clove boasts more antioxidants than any other tested essential oil. Containing high amounts of eugenol, it boosts a healthy immune system.

Singles |


Dorado Azul Hyptis suaveolens Dorado azul is a plant found in tropical regions of the world and is commonly known as 'bush mint'. This oil was traditionally used to support respiratory and digestive health.

Eucalyptus Blue Eucalyptus bicostata Eucalyptus blue is an exclusive oil from Ecuador that is high in eucalyptol, which promotes normal respiratory function. It also acts as an insect deterrent in the home or outside.

Item no. 359802 5ml

Item no. 359702 5ml

Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas fir has a crisp, invigorating, woodland pine aroma and was traditionally used by Native Americans to enhance spirituality and promote tranquility.

Eucalyptus radiata Eucalyptus radiata Due to its gentle approach, Eucalyptus radiata is the preferred choice for children. It is one of the most versatile eucalyptus oils and contains citral, a constituent known for its cleansing abilities.

Item no. 365502 5ml

Item no. 353802 15ml

Elemi Canarium luzonicum Part of the same botanical family as frankincense and myrrh, elemi has been traditionally used to support skin health and promote radiant skin tone. It may also soothe fatigued muscles and help clear the mind.

Fennel Foeniculum vulgare Fennel has a sweet, earthy, anise-like aroma that is energising, revitalising, and balancing. It was traditionally used to support women's health and promote healthy digestion.

Item no. 354002 15ml

Item no. 354202 15ml


Frankincense Boswellia carteri Frankincense is used to support skin health, particularly for ageing and dry skin. Its earthy, balsamic scent has calming properties that can increase spirituality and inner strength.

Ginger Zingiber officinale Ginger has a warm, spicy fragrance that is energising and may increase stamina. Supportive of the digestive system, ginger is commonly used to soothe digestive discomfort.

Item no. 354802 15ml

Item no. 355702 5ml

Galbanum Ferula gummosa Galbanum has an earthy aroma and was traditionally used to aid in healthy respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems. It is also useful in meditation for spiritual grounding.

Goldenrod Solidago canadensis Goldenrod has traditionally been used to support circulation and healthy cardiac function. When diffused or directly inhaled, its scent is relaxing and calming.

Item no. 355102 5ml

Item no. 356202 5ml

Geranium Pelargonium graveolens Geranium has a wonderfully uplifting, floral scent. It is excellent for skin health and its aromatic influence helps release negative memories and support women's health.

Grapefruit Citrus paradisi The sweet, zesty aroma of grapefruit is uplifting and revitalising. Rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene, grapefruit was traditionally used to support a healthy immune system.

Item no. 355402 15ml

Item no. 356002 15ml




Helichrysum Helichrysum italicum Helichrysum has a fresh, earthy scent that lifts the spirit. Containing restorative properties, helichrysum was traditionally used to support circulatory health and aid in muscle relaxation.

Jasmine Jasminum officinale †The sweet, floral aroma of jasmine relaxes the mind, boosts selfconfidence, and promotes a positive outlook on life. It has been used throughout history for romance and attraction.

Item no. 356302 5ml

Item no. 356902 5ml

Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis Hyssop has a fresh, woody, slightly sweet scent and was considered a sacred oil by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. Hyssop has been noted for its purifying properties.

Juniper Juniperus osteosperma and scopulorum The earthy, woody scent of juniper promotes spirituality and encourages self-esteem. When applied topically, juniper is beneficial to oily skin. It has also been used to support healthy nerve function.

Item no. 356602 5ml

Item no. 357202 15ml


LAVENDER Young Living grows its own lavender in Idaho, Utah, and France. Lavender oil is used largely to support skin health. Its refreshing, relaxing scent has balancing properties that calm the mind and body but it is also capable of boosting stamina and energy. Considered the most versatile of the essential oils, lavender can be applied topically or used for aromatherapy to contribute to overall relaxation.



Laurus nobilis Laurus nobilis Laurus nobilis has a spicy scent similar to bay leaves used in cooking. When diffused or inhaled directly, it has an uplifting, calming, and grounding effect on the body and mind. Item no. 357402 5ml

Lemongrass Cymbopogon flexuosus Lemongrass has a light, fresh, citrus aroma with earthy undertones. Refreshing, rejuvenating, stimulating, and balancing, lemongrass inspires and improves mental clarity.

Item no. 357502 15ml

Item no. 358102 15ml

Ledum Ledum groenlandicum Ledum has been used for years in folk medicine to support proper liver health and cleansing. When diffused or inhaled directly, its scent is settling and calming.

Marjoram Origanum majorana Marjoram has a woody, spicy scent reminiscent of camphor. A calming oil, marjoram has a penetrating effect that relaxes muscles and calms the body, and is beneficial for nervous tension.

Item no. 357902 5ml

Item no. 358402 15ml

Lemon Citrus limon The fresh, citrus scent of lemon is an instant pick-me-up, promoting energy and mental clarity. An excellent source of d-limonene–a powerful antioxidant–lemon may support a healthy immune system.

Melaleuca alternifolia Melaleuca alternifolia Commonly known as tea tree, Melaleuca alternifolia has long been used to ease a wide variety of ailments and maintain the body's natural defences. It can also be used in skin care for its cleansing properties.

Item no. 357802 15ml

Item no. 358702 15ml




Lavender Lavandula angustifolia Lavender is the most versatile essential oil and is often used to support healthy skin. Its refreshing, relaxing scent has balancing properties that can calm the body and mind or boost energy and stamina.

Singles |


Melissa Melissa officinalis Melissa has a grassy, lemon scent that is strengthening and revitalising, yet soothing and calming. It is high in citral, a constituent known for its purifying and cleansing abilities.

Myrtle Myrtus communis Myrtle has a fresh, herbaceous scent similar to eucalyptus. It has been researched for its relaxing effects when directly inhaled. It also promotes uplifting and euphoric emotions.

Item no. 358902 5ml

Item no. 359602 15ml

Mountain Savory Satureja montana Mountain savory is an energising oil that revitalises and stimulates the body. High in antioxidants, it also has strong purifying properties and supports a healthy immune system.

Nutmeg Myristica fragrans Nutmeg has a warm, spicy aroma, and its revitalising properties boost the body's energy levels. Useful in cooking, nutmeg also soothes the body and promotes feelings of comfort.

Item no. 359002 5ml

Item no. 359902 5ml

Myrrh Commiphora myrrha Myrrh has a rich, smoky aroma that is purifying and uplifting. High in sesquiterpenes, it is an useful aid for deep meditation. Today, myrrh is used widely in oral hygiene products.

Ocotea Ocotea quixos Ocotea is extracted from the stem and leaves of the Ocotea quixos tree in Ecuador, and has natural cleansing and purifying properties. Its sweet, slightly cinnamon scent may help increase feelings of satiety.

Item no. 359302 15ml

Item no. 355602 5ml

Patchouli Pogostemon cablin Patchouli has a musky, exotic aroma, commonly used in Eastern cultures for general health support and to remove negative energies. Patchouli is beneficial to the skin and digestive system.

Item no. 360202 15ml

Item no. 360802 15ml

Oregano Origanum compactum Oregano is a purifying oil that is warming to the skin. It is particularly useful when used in massage, helping to replace feelings of stress and tension with a sense of security.

Peppermint Mentha piperita Peppermint has a clean, minty scent and combats mental and physical fatigue. It has been studied for its ability to support healthy digestion and promote proper respiratory function.

Item no. 360502 15ml

Item no. 361402 15ml

Palo Santo Bursera graveolens Palo santo is distilled in Ecuador and comes from the same botanical family as frankincense. It was traditionally used a spiritual oil to ward off negative energies and protect against harmful spiritual influences.

Petitgrain Citrus aurantium Petitgrain is derived from the leaves of the orange tree rather than the blossoms or fruit. It has a fresh, citrus scent and is often used in skin and hair care products.

Item no. 360702 5ml

Item no. 361702 5ml




Orange Citrus sinensis The delicious citrus aroma of orange induces relaxation and brings peace and feelings of happiness. Rich in d-limonene, orange supports a healthy immune system.


Pine Pinus sylvestris Pine has a refreshing, invigorating aroma and was traditionally used to support healthy respiratory function. It is effective when used in massage for stressed muscles and joints. Item no. 361802 15ml

Rose Rosa damascena Steam distilled from rose petals, this oil removes emotional blocks and limitations to success. It is also deeply nourishing and beneficial to the skin. To produce one 5ml bottle of rose oil, it takes 9.85 kilograms of rose petals! Item no. 362302 5ml

Ravensara Ravensara aromatica Ravensara has a spicy, warm scent similar to eucalyptus–only softer. It was traditionally used to support healthy respiratory function. Ravensara is commonly used in meditation. Item no. 362002 5ml




FRANKINCENSE Frankincense has a sweet, warm, balsamic aroma that is stimulating and elevating to the mind. Useful for visualising, improving one's spiritual connection, and centring, it has comforting properties that help focus the mind and overcome stress and despair. Omani frankincense is regarded the world over as the rarest, most sought-after aromatic in existence. There is just one species of frankincense that is native to the southern Arabian kingdom of Oman: Boswellia sacra. In 2009, Gary Young was granted special permission to build a Young Living distillery in Oman. Until this venture, no Omani frankincense had ever left the country, unless it was purchased by Saudi royals.

Roman Chamomile Chamaemelum nobile The warm, sweet scent of Roman chamomile is relaxing and calming for both the body and mind. Traditionally used to support muscle health, Roman chamomile is also useful in calming restless children.

Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary has a fresh, slightly medicinal aroma. An energising oil, rosemary was traditionally used to improve mental clarity and concentration during moments of fatigue.

Item no. 351202 5ml

Item no. 362602 15ml

Sandalwood Santalum album Sandalwood has a rich, warm fragrance that is sensual and romantic. Traditionally, sandalwood was used to promote healthy skin and encourage deep meditation.

Item no. 362902 15ml

Item no. 363402 5ml


Rosewood Aniba rosaeodora Rosewood has a woody, floral scent and was traditionally used to support healthy skin. It has a steadying effect on emotions and may help to uplift feelings of despair. Do not use on children under four years of age.

Sacred Frankincense Boswellia sacra Sacred frankincense has a rich, earthy aroma and deepens spiritual connection. It grows and is distilled in Oman, and is regarded the world over as the rarest, most sought-after aromatic in existence.

Spearmint Mentha spicata Spearmint has a slightly fruity scent, softer than peppermint. A rich antioxidant, spearmint may help open and release emotional blocks, leading to a sense of balance and wellbeing.

Item no. 355002 5ml

Item no. 363802 5ml

Sage Salvia officinalis Sage has a spicy, herbal aroma and has been recognised for its ability to support healthy metabolism. Sage may help uplift the spirit when experiencing hopelessness or mental fatigue.

Spikenard Nardostachys jatamansi A relaxing and soothing oil, spikenard helps to nourish dry skin. Historically, spikenard was used as an aid for digestive health and to support the respiratory system.

Item no. 363202 15ml

Item no. 364002 5ml




Spruce Picea mariana Spruce is sourced from wildcrafted trees in Quebec, Canada. Historically regarded as a spiritual oil, spruce was also used to support respiratory health and a healthy immune system.

Thyme Thymus vulgaris Thyme has a spicy, warm aroma that is both powerful and penetrating. Containing thymol, one of the strongest known antioxidants, thyme was traditionally used to support the body's natural defences.

Item no. 364102 15ml

Item no. 365002 15ml

Tangerine Citrus reticulata Tangerine has a sweet, tangy aroma similar to orange and helps calm the nerves. An excellent oil to uplift the spirit, tangerine is also rich in dlimonene, an antioxidant that supports healthy immune response.

Tsuga Tsuga canadensis Tsuga has a fresh, clean scent. It is distilled from the needles and twigs of conifer trees. Tsuga has purifying properties and is spiritually uplifting. Item no. 335202 5ml

Item no. 364402 15ml

Tarragon Artemisia dracunculus Tarragon has a spicy scent with undertones of anise. Useful to add flavour when cooking, tarragon was historically used to soothe and support healthy digestive function. Item no. 364702 5ml

Valerian Valeriana officinalis Valerian root has been used for thousands of years for its calming influences. Researchers have pinpointed specific sesquiterpenes in valerian that exert a calming and restorative effect on the central nervous system. Item no. 364802 5ml



Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens Wintergreen has a sweet, minty scent. It contains natural methyl salicylate, which is regarded for its soothing properties, particularly when used in massage for stressed muscles and head tension.

Item no. 365102 5ml

Item no. 365802 15ml

Western Red Cedar Thuja plicata Western red cedar is nourishing to the skin and has purifying properties. It can be used as an alternative to mothballs by adding to wood chips or cotton balls, and placing inside wardrobes or dressers away from clothing.

Ylang Ylang Cananga odorata Ylang ylang has a soft, sweet fragrance that has made it a romantic favourite. Traditionally used to relax the mind and balance emotions, ylang ylang may also help control negative feelings such as anger and frustration.

Item no. 351102 5ml

Item no. 365902 15ml

White Fir Abies concolor White fir has a crisp, fresh scent and is high in d-limonene, a powerful antioxidant. It was traditionally used to soothe stressed muscles and support a healthy immune system. Item no. 365402 5ml â€

Jasmine is an absolute or essence rather than essential oil. Consult individual product labels for safety information. Citrus oils should not be applied to skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light within 48 hours




Vetiver Vetiveria zizanioides Vetiver has a heavy, earthy fragrance similar to patchouli with a touch of lemon. Vetiver may help when coping with stress or anxiety and to recover from emotional trauma and shock.


Essential oils: blends Combining the benefits of essential oils is an excellent way to target physical and emotional wellbeing. Young Living's unique line of essential oil blends was formulated based on decades of research and application by Founder and President Gary Young. Young Living's commitment to research and innovation ensures you receive the optimal therapeutic benefits. Each blend is exclusive to Young Living and carefully developed to address common physical and emotional challenges. A daily regimen of essential oil singles and blends is an important step to a healthier lifestyle.

Abundance Abundance™ was created to enhance the frequency of the harmonic magnetic energy field that surrounds us. It combines oils which were used by ancient cultures to attract prosperity and magnify joy and peace. Essential oils: orange, clove, cinnamon bark, frankincense, ginger, spruce, patchouli, myrrh Item no. 330002 15ml

Acceptance Containing rosewood and geranium essential oils, Acceptance™ encourages feelings of self-worth and acceptance of others. This blend may also help overcome denial and procrastination. Essential oils: rosewood, frankincense, sandalwood, geranium, blue tansy, neroli Item no. 330302 5ml

Aroma Life Aroma Life™ provides soothing support for the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. It uses marjoram and ylang ylang essential oil to energise the life force and promote heart vitality. Essential oils: cypress, helichrysum, ylang ylang, marjoram Item no. 330602 15ml



Believe Believe™ helps you overcome feelings of despair and move to a higher level of awareness. Realising your unlimited potential, this blend contains balsam fir and frankincense, encouraging feelings of strength and faith.

Essential oils: basil, lavender, cypress, marjoram, peppermint Item no. 330902 15ml

Essential oils: balsam fir (Idaho), rosewood, frankincense Item no. 333102 15ml

Australian Blue Australian Blue™ will uplift the spirit and purify the body. This blend contains blue cypress, which is distilled from rare Callitris intratropica wood in Darwin, Australia, and revered throughout the aboriginal culture.

Brain Power Brain Power™ is a blend of essential oils high in sesquiterpenes—like sandalwood, blue cypress, and frankincense—to give your mind a boost, clarify thought, and develop greater focus.

Essential oils: blue cypress, cedarwood, white fir, ylang ylang, blue tansy Item no. 331102 5ml

Essential oils: sandalwood, melissa, helichrysum, cedarwood, blue cypress, frankincense, lavender Item no. 331302 5ml

Awaken Awaken™ blend contains geranium and sandalwood essential oils. Expertly formulated to help you gain awareness of your limitless potential, Awaken is the first step towards making positive life changes.

Christmas Spirit Experience the positive energy and emotions of the holiday season all year round with orange, cinnamon, and spruce essential oils in Christmas Spirit™.

Essential oils: Joy, Present Time, Harmony, Forgiveness, Dream Catcher Item no. 331202 15ml

Essential oils: orange, cinnamon bark, spruce Item no. 331502 15ml




Aroma Siez Aroma Siez™ was designed to massage away muscle and body discomfort associated with exercise. It combines lavender and peppermint essential oils to relax tight ligaments and muscles.


Citrus Fresh Citrus Fresh™ is a blend of energising citrus oils designed to stimulate mental activity, boost creativity, and increase clarity of thought. High in antioxidants, it also works as an air purifier. Essential oils: orange, grapefruit, mandarin, tangerine, lemon, spearmint Item no. 331802 15ml

Clarity Clarity™ contains basil, rosemary, and peppermint essential oils to promote a clear mind and restore mental alertness, especially when feeling fatigued or drowsy. Essential oils: basil, rosewood, Roman chamomile, cardamom, geranium, † bergamot, rosemary, lemon, ylang ylang, peppermint, jasmine , palmarosa Item no. 332102 15ml



Di-Gize Di-Gize™ is a blend of tarragon, ginger, peppermint, and other essential oils that promote a healthy, balanced digestive system. Essential oils: tarragon, juniper, anise, ginger, fennel, patchouli, peppermint, lemongrass Item no. 332402 15ml

Dragon Time Dragon Time™ contains natural phytoestrogens to balance women's emotions, especially during their monthly cycle. This blend of clary sage, fennel, and lavender essential oils is recommended for both young and mature women. †

Essential oils: clary sage, lavender, blue yarrow, fennel, marjoram, jasmine Item no. 332702 15ml

Common Sense Common Sense™ is a proprietary blend of Young Living essential oils and oil blends formulated to enhance an individual's reasonable and rational decision-making abilities.

Dream Catcher Dream Catcher™ is designed to harness the power of positive dreams and guard against clouded vision, helping you to realise your desires and stay on the path to fulfilment.

Essential oils: frankincense, ylang ylang, ocotea, rue, dorado azul, lime Item no. 309102 5ml

Essential oils: sandalwood, pepper, anise, tangerine, bergamot, blue tansy, ylang ylang, juniper Item no. 333002 15ml


EndoFlex EndoFlex™ is a blend of spearmint, geranium, and other pure essential oils that support the endocrine system and help maintain overall health and vitality.

Forgiveness Forgiveness™ enhances the ability to forgive yourself and others while letting go of negative emotions, which is an important part of personal growth.

Essential oils: spearmint, geranium, German chamomile, sage, myrtle, nutmeg Item no. 333302 15ml

Essential oils: melissa, angelica, bergamot, geranium, lavender, ylang ylang, frankincense, lemon, palmarosa, rosewood, jasmine†, helichrysum, sandalwood, Roman chamomile, rose Item no. 333902 5ml

En-R-Gee En-R-Gee™ is a revitalising blend of stimulating rosemary, juniper, and lemongrass essential oils, traditionally used to help restore mental alertness and boost energy.

Gathering Gathering™ helps you overcome the chaotic energy of everyday life, and keeps you on the path to higher achievement.

Essential oils: rosemary, nutmeg, pepper, juniper, balsam fir (Idaho), lemongrass, clove Item no. 333602 15ml

Essential oils: lavender, frankincense, spruce, geranium, sandalwood, rose, galbanum, ylang ylang, cinnamon bark Item no. 334202 5ml

Envision Envision™ stimulates creativity and resourcefulness, encouraging renewed faith in the future and the emotional strength necessary to achieve your dreams.

Gentle Baby Gentle Baby™ is a soft, fragrant combination of essential oils designed specifically for mothers and babies. It helps calm emotions during pregnancy and is useful for quieting troubled little ones.

Essential oils: spruce, orange, sage, geranium, lavender, rose Item no. 333702 5ml

Essential oils: geranium, jasmine , ylang ylang, rosewood, Roman chamomile, rose, lemon, bergamot, lavender, palmarosa Item no. 334502 15ml




Gratitude Foster a grateful attitude and embrace the blessings in your life. Gratitude™ is designed to calm the emotions and elevate the spirit. Essential oils: balsam fir (Idaho), rosewood, galbanum, frankincense, myrrh, ylang ylang Item no. 334602 5ml



Highest Potential Highest Potential™ harnesses the uplifting and inspirational power of blue cypress and other pure essential oils. Enhance your self-confidence and achieve greater unity and purpose in life. Essential oils: Australian Blue, jasmine†, Gathering, ylang ylang Item no. 337302 5ml

Grounding Grounding™ is a relaxing blend used for clarity, balance, or to enhance spirituality. Angelica, frankincense, and lavender essential oils provide a stabilising influence.

Hope Hope™ combines the benefits of melissa and myrrh essential oils to uplift and balance the emotions. Restore your faith and reconnect with feelings of strength and stability.

Essential oils: white fir, pine, angelica, spruce, cedarwood, juniper, ylang ylang Item no. 334802 5ml

Essential oils: melissa, myrrh, juniper, spruce Item no. 335702 5ml

Harmony Harmony™ is a blend of pure essential oils that helps bring harmonic balance to the energy centres of the body, allowing energy to flow more efficiently.

Humility True humility is the foundation of emotional strength. Humility™ is a balancing blend of pure essential oils that promote deeper spiritual and emotional awareness.

Essential oils: geranium, angelica, bergamot, lavender, spruce, ylang ylang, sandalwood, hyssop, palmarosa, rosewood, Spanish sage, rose, frankincense, † jasmine , lemon, orange, Roman chamomile Item no. 335102 15ml

Essential oils: rosewood, melissa, myrrh, ylang ylang, frankincense, neroli, geranium, spikenard, rose Item no. 335402 5ml

Essential oils: hyssop, ravensara, clove, mountain savory, frankincense, cumin, cistus, oregano, Idaho tansy Item no. 336302 15ml

Inner Child Inner Child™ stimulates memory response to help you connect with your authentic self, and take steps towards finding emotional balance. †


ImmuPower ImmuPower™ is formulated to support the body's natural defences when applied to Vita Flex points on the hands and feet.

Joy Joy™ is an uplifting blend of pure essential oils that creates magnetic energy and brings happiness to the heart, inspiring romance and togetherness. Essential oils: bergamot, lemon, palmarosa, ylang ylang, mandarin, rose, geranium, jasmine†, rosewood, Roman chamomile Item no. 337202 15ml

Juva Cleanse Juva Cleanse® is a premium blend of pure essential oils that supports healthy liver function.

Essential oils: orange, jasmine , spruce, tangerine, sandalwood, neroli, ylang ylang, lemongrass Item no. 336002 5ml

Essential oils: helichrysum, ledum, celery seed Item no. 339502 15ml

Inspiration Inspiration™ is a blend of pure essential oils that were traditionally used by native people of Arabia, India, and North America for enhancing spirituality and meditation.

JuvaFlex JuvaFlex™ contains a combination of oils that have been studied for their supportive effects on the liver and the digestive and lymphatic systems.

Essential oils: cedarwood, myrtle, mugwort, spruce, sandalwood, rosewood, frankincense Item no. 336602 15ml

Essential oils: fennel, rosemary, blue tansy, geranium, Roman chamomile, helichrysum Item no. 337502 15ml




Longevity Longevity™ essential oil blend contains powerful antioxidants that neutralise free radicals in the body and lessen oxidative damage.

M-Grain M-Grain™ soothes head and muscle tension when applied along the neck, temples, forehead, shoulders, and behind the ears.

Essential oils: thyme, clove, orange, frankincense Item no. 338802 15ml

Essential oils: basil, lavender, Roman chamomile, marjoram, peppermint, helichrysum Item no. 338702 15ml

Magnify Your Purpose Magnify Your Purpose™ essential oil blend stimulates creativity, desire, focus, and motivation, encouraging you to seize initiative and overcome procrastination.

Mister Created for men of all ages, Mister™ essential oil blend helps balance emotions and promotes mental stability during stressful times.

Essential oils: sandalwood, nutmeg, ginger, rosewood, patchouli, sage, cinnamon bark Item no. 337702 5ml

Melrose The powerful cleansing properties of Melrose™ provide a protective barrier against skin challenges. When diffused, Melrose can help dispel odours. Essential oils: rosemary, clove, Melaleuca alternifolia, niaouli Item no. 337802 15ml



Essential oils: sage, lavender, peppermint, fennel, myrtle, blue yarrow Item no. 338102 15ml

Motivation Motivation™ enables you to overcome procrastination while promoting feelings of action and accomplishment. This blend enhances your ability to move forward in a positive direction. Essential oils: Roman chamomile, spruce, ylang ylang, lavender Item no. 338402 5ml

Purification The sweet, refreshing scent of Purification® instantly deodorises and neutralises the air. This blend also contains citronella to deter insects and soothe minor bites.

Essential oils: wintergreen, clove, helichrysum, peppermint Item no. 339102 5ml Item no. 339002 15ml

Essential oils: lemongrass, rosemary, Melaleuca alternifolia, myrtle, citronella, lavandin Item no. 339902 15ml

Peace & Calming The gentle scent of Peace & Calming® encourages deep relaxation and can assist with meditation to promote a peaceful night's sleep.

Raven Raven™ is a cleansing blend of peppermint, Eucalyptus radiata, and other essential oils. When applied topically, Raven is deeply soothing to the chest and throat.

Essential oils: tangerine, ylang ylang, blue tansy, orange, patchouli Item no. 339302 15ml

Present Time Present Time™ helps you focus on the here and now so you can move beyond the past and progress forward. Essential oils: neroli, spruce, ylang ylang Item no. 339602 5ml

Essential oils: ravensara, wintergreen, Eucalyptus radiata, lemon, peppermint Item no. 340202 15ml

R.C. R.C.™ is an invigorating blend of pure essential oils—including spruce, cypress, and three varieties of eucalyptus—that is comforting when applied to the chest and throat. Essential oils: Eucalyptus globulus, myrtle, spruce, Eucalyptus radiata, Eucalyptus citriodora, peppermint, pine, lavender, marjoram, cypress Item no. 340502 15ml




PanAway Containing wintergreen and clove essential oils, PanAway® aids the body's natural response to irritation and injury, promoting healthy circulation and muscles.


Release Release™ is a blend of sandalwood, ylang ylang, and other essential oils that facilitates the ability to let go of anger and frustration. This blend promotes harmony and balance.

Sacred Mountain Sacred Mountain™ is a blend of ylang ylang and conifer oils that evokes the sense of sanctity found in nature. It promotes feelings of strength, empowerment, grounding, and protection.

Essential oils: ylang ylang, geranium, blue tansy, lavandin, sandalwood Item no. 340802 15ml

Essential oils: spruce, balsam fir (Idaho), ylang ylang, cedarwood Item no. 341402 15ml

Relieve It Relieve It™ is a comforting blend of spruce and black pepper essential oils. Deeply relaxing and warming, this blend soothes muscle and joint discomfort.

SARA SARA™ is a blend of geranium, ylang ylang, rose, and blue tansy, designed to soothe deep emotional wounds and help those who are recovering from traumatic memories.

Essential oils: spruce, hyssop, black pepper, peppermint Item no. 341102 15ml

Essential oils: ylang ylang, orange, rose, geranium, blue tansy, white lotus, lavender, cedarwood Item no. 341702 5ml

RutaVaLa RutaVaLa™ is a calming blend of lavender, valerian, and rue. RutaVaLa relieves stress, soothes tension, and promotes relaxation of the body and mind.

SclarEssence SclarEssence™ supports women's health with the balancing properties of fennel and clary sage, soothing peppermint, and calming Spanish sage.

Essential oils: lavender, valerian, Ruta graveolens Item no. 341902 5ml



Essential oils: clary sage, Spanish sage, fennel, peppermint Item no. 341802 15ml

Essential oils: rosewood, ylang ylang, jasmine Item no. 342002 5ml

3 Wise Men 3 Wise Men™ contains sandalwood, frankincense, and myrrh, and is designed to open up the subconscious and promote feelings of reverence and spiritual awareness. Essential oils: sandalwood, frankincense, myrrh, juniper, spruce Item no. 342602 15ml

Surrender Surrender™ is a blend of lavender, spruce, Roman chamomile, and other essential oils that helps cast off inhibitions that may be controlling your life or limiting your potential.

Transformation Transformation™ is a blend of rosemary and balsam fir essential oils that empowers you to replace negative beliefs with uplifting thoughts, changing your overall attitude, emotions, and behaviour.

Essential oils: lavender, spruce, mountain savory, lemon, angelica, Roman chamomile, German chamomile Item no. 342402 5ml

Essential oils: lemon, frankincense, rosemary, sandalwood, peppermint, cardamom, clary sage, balsam fir (Idaho) Item no. 364602 15ml

Thieves The revolutionary Thieves® blend contains powerful essential oils that defend and protect. Diffuse throughout the home to kill dangerous airborne bacteria, or apply on the bottom of feet for an internal boost.

Trauma Life Trauma Life™ is a therapeutic blend of sandalwood, helichrysum, rose, and other essential oils designed to release emotional trauma that may be buried or forgotten.

Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata Item no. 342302 15ml

Essential oils: frankincense, davana, Cistus hystrix, sandalwood, spruce, rose, valerian, geranium, lavender, helichrysum Item no. 635002 5ml




Sensation Sensation™ combines fragrant, feminine essential oils that are uplifting and refreshing. This blend encourages feelings of love and affection.


Valor ValorÂŽ is an empowering blend that promotes feelings of strength, courage, and protection. Valor has also been found to support energy alignment in the body. Essential oils: spruce, blue tansy, rosewood, frankincense Item no. 342902 15ml

White Angelica White Angelica™ is a calming and soothing blend that encourages feelings of protection and security. It can also be used to guard against negative energy. Essential oils: bergamot, rosewood, melissa, geranium, ylang ylang, rose, myrrh, spruce, sandalwood, hyssop Item no. 343202 15ml

†Jasmine is an absolute or essence rather than essential oil. Consult individual product labels for safety information.

Citrus oils should not be applied to skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light within 48 hours




Essential oils: Eucalyptus staigeriana, Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus radiata, eucalyptus blue, peppermint, myrtle, copaiba Item no. 352802 10ml

Stress Away Roll-On Stress Away™ Essential Oil Roll-On is the perfect on-the-go natural solution to combat stresses that creep into everyday life. This deliciously unique blend of essential oils makes relieving daily stress convenient and easy. Essential oils: ocotea, cedarwood, copaiba, lavender, lime, vanilla Item no. 447202 10ml

Deep Relief Roll-On Deep Relief ™ Essential Oil Roll-On provides support for head and muscle tension. It blends essential oils known for their soothing, long-lasting benefits.

Tranquil Roll-On Tranquil™ Essential Oil Roll-On provides stress relief and relaxation in a convenient roll-on application. The essential oils in this blend are known for their ability to decrease anxiety and induce tranquility.

Essential oils: peppermint, wintergreen, copal, palo santo, vetiver, Idaho balsam fir, lemon, clove, helichrysum Item no. 353402 10ml

Essential oils: lavender, cedarwood, Roman chamomile Item no. 353302 10ml

RutaVaLa Roll-On Young Living's RutaVaLa™ Essential Oil Roll-On is a proprietary blend of Ruta graveolens (rue), lavender, and valerian that promotes relaxation of the body and mind, soothes stressed nerves, and induces sleep.

Valor Roll-On Valor® Essential Oil Roll-On is an empowering combination of essential oils that increase feelings of strength, courage, and self-esteem.

Essential oils: rue, valerian, lavender Item no. 447102 10ml

Essential oils: spruce, rosewood, frankincense, blue tansy Item no. 352902 10ml




Breathe Again Roll-On Breathe Again™ Essential Oil Roll-On is formulated to support respiratory health in a convenient roll-on application. This blend features Eucalyptus Blue, grown and distilled at the Young Living farm in Ecuador.


Essential oils: collections

Feelings The Feelings™ collection features six essential oil blends that promote emotional and psychological balance and wellbeing. This collection includes a CD. Essential oils: six 5 ml bottles: Harmony, Forgiveness, Inner Child, Present Time, Release, Valor Item no. 312502

Aroma Complete Aroma Complete™ contains a 5ml sample of 125 different Young Living essential oil singles and blends. Ideal for healthcare professionals, this kit includes a carrying case. Essential oils: does not include rose, melissa, and a few seasonal oils Item no. 310002



Raindrop Technique Raindrop Technique® includes nine powerful essential oils and two massage oils. It is designed to bring physical, emotional, and mental balance to the body and mind. Instructional DVD and booklet included. Essential oils: nine 5ml bottles: Aroma Siez, basil, cypress, marjoram, oregano, peppermint, thyme, Valor, wintergreen; two 236ml massage bottles: Ortho Ease, V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex. Item no. 313702

Everyday Oils The Everyday Oils™ collection is the perfect beginner kit, containing nine of our most popular and versatile essential oils. This kit will become a useful part of your day, every day.

Twelve Oils of Ancient Scripture The Twelve Oils of Ancient Scripture™ collection contains twelve of the most significant essential oils found in the Bible. This collection includes a CD.

Essential oils: nine 5ml bottles: frankincense, lavender, lemon, peppermint, PanAway, Peace & Calming, Purification, Thieves, Valor Item no. 369502

Essential oils: twelve 5ml bottles: aloes (sandalwood), cassia, cedarwood, cypress, frankincense, galbanum, hyssop, myrrh, myrtle, onycha, rose of Sharon (cistus), spikenard Item no. 314302

Ultrasonic Diffuser Young Living's Ultrasonic Diffuser atomises cold water and essential oils, breaking up molecules into a microscopic mist. Features a timer, soothing light system, and three diffusion rates for easy saturation control.


Essential oils: diffusers

FREE 5ml lavender and 5ml Citrus Fresh NOTE: the Ultrasonic Diffuser is capable of diffusing any essential oil.

Item no. 445602

Essential Oil Diffuser The Essential Oil Diffuser releases large amounts of oil into the air as a micro-fine vapour. The oils are diffused without being heated to retain their maximum potency. COMPLETE DIFFUSER INCLUDED

Home Diffuser Young Living's Home Diffuser emits essential oils into the air using state-of-the-art ultrasonic technology and is an ideal alternative to synthetic air fresheners. Features timer settings and the option to enjoy its soothing light system.

FREE 5ml lavender and 5ml Citrus Fresh NOTE: due to their thickness, some essential oils should not be diffused in the Essential Oil Diffuser to avoid clogging.

FREE 5ml lavender and 5ml Citrus Fresh NOTE: the Home Diffuser is capable of diffusing any essential oil.

Item no. 366002 Bronze well

Aria Diffuser As Young Living's newest diffuser, the Aria is a unique, stylish way to bring the benefits of essential oils into your home. Featuring solid American maple base and remote, glass dome to direct the essential oil vapour, relaxing multicoloured LED lights, and a selection of soothing, built-in sounds.

Item no. 366102 Silver well

Item no. 366202 Green well

Item no. 446802

FREE 5ml lavender and 5ml Citrus Fresh NOTE: the Aria Diffuser is capable of diffusing any essential oil.

Item no. 452402




Essential oils: Accessories

Essential oil sample bottles Essential oil sample bottles are a convenient, simple way to share essential oil samples with friends, family, and prospective members. Each bottle comes with a drop reducer and lid. Item no. 319402 25pk, 2ml ea

Glass nebuliser replacement Replacement nebuliser for Young Living's Essential Oil Diffuser. Item no. 381202

Oil bottle labels These oil bottle labels fit perfectly on the tops of essential oil bottles. To keep your collection organised, essential oil single labels are purple, and essential oil blends labels are green. NOTE: the oil bottle labels are not silver and gold as pictured, they are green and purple.

Item no. 393902



Glass droppers The Young Living glass droppers are a convenient way to get just the right amount of essential oil that you need.

Large carry case The essential oil carry case is a convenient way to transport your essential oils. Cases are made of a durable cloth with zipper close, handle, and foam insert.

Item no. 381002 6pk

Item no. 381902 Holds 130 oils


Small carry case The essential oil carry case is a convenient way to transport your essential oils. Cases are made of a durable cloth with zipper close, handle, and foam insert. Item no. 385102 Holds 16 oils

Medium carry case The essential oil carry case is a convenient way to transport your essential oils. Cases are made of a durable cloth with zipper close, handle, and foam insert. Item no. 384702 Holds 30 oils

Large foam insert The foam insert protects essential oil bottles and fits neatly inside the large (130 oils) carry case. NOTE: only available in large (130 oils)

Item no. 384302



Essential nutrition

Essential nutrition The modern daily flood of environmental toxins, stress, and highly

AlkaLime AlkaLime® is a natural way to safely balance the body's pH level and regulate acid in the digestive system. The essential oils and minerals in AlkaLime help counteract over-consumption of processed foods that can turn to sugar in the body.

processed food damages our health and leaves us deficient in vital nutrients. Young Living offers a full range of convenient dietary supplements and foods enriched with Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils.

NOTE: not suitable for sodium restricted diets.

The essential oils in our supplements positively influence nutrient absorption, aid in detoxification, and provide unique benefits not available in common nutritional products.

BLM AUST L 174196 BLM™ combines Idaho balsam fir, clove, and powerful natural ingredients such as type II collagen, MSM, and glucosamine sulphate. These ingredients have been shown to support joint and tissue health, and normal cell function.

Essential oils: lemon, lime Item no. 319902 227g

NOTE: not suitable for vegetarians or those who suffer from shellfish allergies.

Essential oils: balsam fir (Idaho), clove, copaiba Item no. 323402 1pk, 90 capsules Item no. 302402 3pk, 3x 90 capsules

Balance Complete Balance Complete™ is an essential oil-infused, superfood-based meal replacement. Formulated to energise and cleanse, it features Young Living's proprietary V-Fibre™ blend, which supplies an incredible 11 grams of fibre per serving. Essential oils: orange Item no. 329202 750g



Longevity AUST L 142178 Longevity™ is a potent blend of fat-soluable antioxidants that can be taken daily to protect cells and tissues from the damaging effects of free radicals.

Item no. 322102 237ml

Essential oils: clove, frankincense, orange, thyme Item no. 328902 1pk, 30 softgels Item no. 302102 3pk, 30 softgels ea

Digest + Cleanse AUST L 142177 Digest + Cleanse™ is formulated with essential oils to support the body's natural digestive process. Precision Delivery softgels release in the small intestines for optimal absorption and benefits.

MegaCal MegaCal™ is a powerful calcium and mineral powder formulated to support normal bone and vascular health and healthy nerve function. This supplement is an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, manganese, and vitamin C.

Essential oils: peppermint, lemon, ginger, caraway, fennel, anise Item no. 329302 1pk, 30 softgels Item no. 302002 3pk, 30 softgels ea

Essential oils: lemon Item no. 328002 450g

JuvaPower JuvaPower® is a vegetable powder and fibre complex that is high in liver-supporting ingredients and antioxidants. JuvaPower is one of the richest sources of acid-binding foods.

Mineral Essence Mineral Essence™ is a natural liquid mineral complex, containing full-spectrum ionic minerals that are the most efficiently absorbed form of minerals available.

Essential oils: anise, fennel Item no. 327602 226g

NOTE: contains Royal Jelly.

Essential oils: cinnamon bark, lemon Item no. 322202 100ml



Essential nutrition

Blue Agave Blue agave is an organic nectar from a cactus plant named Agave tequilana. It is a safe, natural alternative to refined table sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Essential nutrition

Omega Blue AUST L 137691 Omega Blue™ provides a clinically-proven dose of omega-3 fatty acids blended with Young Living's proprietary Omega Enhanced essential oil blend. The EPA and DHA essential fatty acids in Omega Blue help maintain cardiovascular and circulatory health and support normal brain and eye health. Essential oils: clove, German chamomile, lemongrass, myrrh Item no. 319002 1pk, 90 softgels Item no. 301802 3pk, 90 softgels ea

Sulfurzyme AUST L 172502 Sulfurzyme capsules provide temporary relief from the pain of osteoarthritis and contain three active ingredients including MSM, Ningxia wolfberry fruit powder, and Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ copaiba essential oil. NOTE: Suitable for vegetarians.

Essential oils: copaiba Item no. 324302 1pk, 180 capsules



NingXia Red

Unlike many other health and energy drinks on the market, NingXia Red can provide your body with natural energy and stamina without the use of stimulants, such as caffeine and guarana. Through an exclusive blend of antioxidant-rich superfruits, and at only 19 calories per serving, NingXia Red is the perfect way to energise, fortify, and replenish your body.

Essential oils: lemon, orange Item no. 300302 1pk, 1L Item no. 302302 2pk, 1L ea Item no. 304302 4pk, 1L ea

NingXia Red Singles Take NingXia Red with you wherever you go! NingXia Red Singles are perfect for throwing in a purse, backpack or lunchbox, or to share with family and friends. Essential oils: lemon, orange Item no. 316802 30pk, 29.5ml ea Item no. 316902 100pk, 29.5ml ea

NingXia Red Combo Pack Pack contains: • 1x NingXia Red, 1L • 10x NingXia Red Singles, 29.5ml ea Item no. 470002



NingXia Red


ingXia Red is a naturally delicious, nutrient-dense wolfberry drink that is high in fibre, protein, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. A powerful antioxidant-rich infusion, NingXia Red may enhance longevity and promote strong immune function and cardiovascular health.

NingXia Red Infused with the power of lemon and orange essential oils, NingXia Red® is a nutritious wolfberry drink that energises, fortifies, and replenishes the body. Along with wolfberries, nature's most powerful superfruit, NingXia Red combines five other nutrient-dense fruits like blueberries, raspberries, and pomegranates to provide energy and an array of health-boosting antioxidants.

NingXia Red Autoship Pack

Everyday Nutrition Autoship Pack

Pack contains:

Pack contains:

NingXia Red

• 4x NingXia Red, 1L ea • 10x NingXia Red Singles, 29.5ml ea Essential oils: lemon, orange Item no. 369902 Available only for wholesale members

• 2x NingXia Red, 1L • 1x Omega Blue, 90 softgels Essential oils: lemon, orange, clove, German chamomile, lemongrass, myrrh Item no. 302202 Available only for wholesale members



Ningxia Wolfberries Ningxia wolfberries contain powerful antioxidants, providing an array of nutrients and protein as one of nature's most nutritious fruits. Slightly tart in flavour, add them to baked goods, cereal, salad, trail mix, and more.

5-Day Nutritive Cleanse The 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse facilitates gentle and effective cleansing to improve overall feelings of wellbeing, and will help balance the extremes of the modern diet.

Item no. 636002 453g

• 1x NingXia Red, 1L • 1x Digest + Cleanse, 30 softgels • 1x Tangerine 15ml Essential oils: lemon, orange, tangerine, peppermint, ginger, caraway, fennel, anise Item no. 329602

Pack contains: • 1x Balance Complete, 750g

Wolfberry Crisp Bars Certified dairy kosher and naturally sweet, Wolfberry Crisp™ bars are a delicious way to add protein to your diet. Ideal for on-the-go snacking, these nutrient-packed bars complement a healthy lifestyle.

Core Essentials The Core Essentials pack creates a programmed approach to ensure that essential nutrient supplementation in the right balance is consumed daily.

Item no. 631502 6pk, 55g ea

• 1x Longevity, 30 softgels • 1x Omega Blue, 90 softgels • 2x Balance Complete, 750g ea Essential oils: lemon, orange, clove, German chamomile, lemongrass, myrrh, frankincense, thyme Item no. 329702

Pack contains: • 1x NingXia Red, 1L


Essential living with the cleansing, soothing, and invigorating benefits of Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils. Our premium skincare products are free from harmful petrochemicals and synthetic ingredients. From age-defying skincare solutions to a full line of kids products, essential living offers safe and effective solutions for your home and family.

Contents: A·R·T Gentle Foaming Cleanser 100ml, A·R·T Day Activator 30ml, A·R·T Night Reconstructor 30ml Essential oils: frankincense, lavender, lemon, melissa, sandalwood, German chamomile Item no. 313102

A·R·T Day Activator A·R·T™ Day Activator uses light-activated enzymes and essential oils like frankincense and sandalwood to repair DNA and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage. Essential oils: frankincense, German chamomile, sandalwood Item no. 517002 30ml

A·R·T Night Reconstructor A·R·T™ Night Reconstructor is an advanced anti-ageing cream that contains energy-activated enzymes to repair skin's damaged DNA segments. Antioxidant-rich wolfberry seed oil moisturises and conditions the skin at night. Essential oils: frankincense, German chamomile, sandalwood Item no. 517102 30ml



Essential living

The Essential living collection combines plant-based formulations

A·R·T Skincare System Young Living's Age Refining Technology™ uses essential oils and advanced DNA repair enzymes to renew damaged skin cells, while a peptide complex helps increase skin density and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage.

Essential living |


A·R·T Gentle Foaming Cleanser A·R·T™ Gentle Foaming Cleanser supports healthy skin by gently cleansing away impurities without irritating or over-drying to moisturise, soothe, and help balance pH levels in the skin.

Essential Beauty Serum: skin purifying Specially formulated for acne-prone skin, this serum contains essential oils like Melaleuca alternifolia and cedarwood that are known for their ability to protect, strengthen, and nourish the skin.

Essential oils: frankincense, lavender, lemon, melissa, sandalwood Item no. 517202 100ml

Essential oils: cedarwood, Eucalyptus stageriana, manuka, Melaleuca alternifolia, red thyme Item no. 378302 15ml

A·R·T Purifying Toner A·R·T™ Purifying Toner gently removes impurities from you skin while minimising shine and the appearance of pores. With the power of essential oils, this toner will soothe, revitalise, and energise the skin.

Orange Blossom Facial Wash This gentle, soap-free facial wash cleanses the skin without stripping natural oils. It contains MSM for softening, kelp to improve elasticity, and lavender essential oil to soothe acne-prone skin and other problem areas.

Essential oils: frankincense, lavender, lemon, melissa, peppermint, sandalwood Item no. 517402 118ml

Essential oils: lavender, lemon, patchouli, rosemary Item no. 513602 118ml

Essential Beauty Serum: dry skin Young Living's Essential Beauty™ Serum contains essential oils like blue cypress and lavender, known for their ability to restore the skin's natural moisture balance.

Satin Facial Scrub Mint Satin Facial Scrub™ Mint is a water-based exfoliant. It contains jojoba oil, mango butter, MSM, aloe, and peppermint essential oil to minimise the appearance of pores and rejuvenate dull skin.

Essential oils: blue cypress, cedarwood, clove, lavender, myrrh, sandalwood Item no. 378202 15ml

Essential oils: peppermint Item no. 373502 60g

Cinnamint Lip Balm Moisturise and protect your lips with an all-natural lip balm. Featuring cinnamon bark and peppermint essential oils, Cinnamint Lip Balm helps prevent skin dehydration for soft, smooth lips.

Lip Balm Trio COMING SOON! Young Living's all-natural lip balms soften and rejuvenate lips, leaving them moisturised, soft, and protected from the sun. Includes lavender, Cinnamint, and grapefruit lip balm in a gift box. NOTE: lavender and grapefruit lip balms are not available individually. Essential oils: cinnamon bark, orange, peppermint, spearmint, lavender, grapefruit

Essential oils: frankincense, geranium, lavender, Roman chamomile, rosewood Item no. 514502 15g

Sandalwood Moisture Cream Sandalwood moisture cream is an ultra-hydrating moisturiser infused with Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)—a naturally-occurring, plant-based chemical—softens skin and promotes elasticity. Essential oils: lavender, myrrh, sandalwood, rosemary, rosewood Item no. 514802 113g

Item no. 448802 3 balms, 4.5g ea

Boswellia Wrinkle Cream Boswellia wrinkle cream contains essential oils like frankincense and sandalwood that moisturise the skin while minimising shine, relaxing facial tension, and reducing the effects of sun damage. Essential oils: frankincense, geranium, myrrh, sandalwood, ylang ylang Item no. 514102 57g

ClaraDerm ClaraDerm™ spray soothes dry, chapped, or itchy skin. Its gentle blend of lavender, frankincense, and other essential oils is expertly formulated to relieve skin ailments. It is especially comforting to delicate skin before and after childbirth. Essential oils: frankincense, helichrysum, lavender, Melaleuca alternifolia, myrrh Item no. 375002 59ml



Essential living

Essential oils: cinnamon bark, orange, peppermint, spearmint Item no. 515002 4.5g

Wolfberry Eye Cream Wolfberry eye cream is a natural, water-based moisturiser. Containing the anti-ageing and skin conditioning properties of wolfberry seed oil, this cream soothes tired eyes and minimises the appearance of bags, circles, and fine lines.

BODY LavaDerm Cooling Mist LavaDerm™ cooling mist contains lavender essential oil and aloe to soothe and rejuvenate stressed skin.

Essential living

Essential oils: lavender Item no. 324902 59ml

AromaGuard Mountain Mint Deodorant Young Living's natural deodorants are an aluminium-free alternative to commercial products. Mountain Mint™ deodorant contains coconut oil, beeswax, vitamin E, and essential oils for their skincare benefits. Essential oils: clove, Eucalyptus radiata, lemon, peppermint, rosemary, white fir Item no. 375302 56.7g

Genesis Hand & Body Lotion Genesis™ hand & body lotion is an ultra-moisturising cream containing coconut oil and other natural botanicals to soothe and nourish dry, dehydrated skin. †

Essential oils: bergamot, geranium, jasmine , lemon, palmarosa, Roman chamomile, rosewood, ylang ylang Item no. 370602 236ml

Essential oils: lavender, rosewood Item no. 367302 99.25g

AromaGuard Meadow Mist Deodorant Young Living's natural deodorants are an aluminium-free alternative to commercial products. Meadow Mist™ deodorant contains coconut oil, beeswax, vitamin E, and essential oils for their skincare benefits.

Lemon-Sandalwood Cleansing Soap The lemon essential oil in lemon-sandalwood cleansing soap has clarifying properties to thoroughly cleanse the skin while sandalwood combats dryness.

Essential oils: clove, geranium, lavender, lemon, Melaleuca alternifolia, niaouli, rosemary, rosewood Item no. 375202 56.7g



Lavender-Rosewood Moisturising Soap This premium bar soap contains lavender and rosewood essential oils, known for their skin-enhancing benefits. Both act as natural moisturisers to soothe and hydrate the skin as they cleanse.

Essential oils: lemon, sandalwood Item no. 367502 99.25g

Valor Moisturising Soap Valor moisturising soap combines the empowering scent of Valor essential oil blend with all-natural ingredients to cleanse, soothe, moisturise, and rejuvenate the skin.

Essential oils: bergamot, blue tansy, clary sage, geranium, jasmine , lemon, palmarosa, Roman chamomile, rosewood, sandalwood, ylang ylang Item no. 374202 236ml

Bath & Shower Gel Base Young Living's bath & shower gel base is the perfect way to nourish and cleanse the skin with a custom-made bubble bath or shower gel. Add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to the gel base for a luxurious cleansing experience.

Morning Start Bath & Shower Gel Morning Start™ bath & shower gel will help you feel refreshed every day with the benefit of therapeutic-grade essential oils. Peppermint, lemongrass, and rosemary uplift and energise the body and mind while juniper purifies and cleanses the skin.

Item no. 375102 236ml

Essential oils: juniper, lemongrass, peppermint, rosemary Item no. 374502 236ml

Dragon Time Bath & Shower Gel Dragon Time™ bath & shower gel combines the soothing and calming properties of essential oils with naturally moisturising botanicals for a luxurious gel that leaves you feeling clean, relaxed, and uplifted.

Sensation Bath & Shower Gel Sensation™ bath & shower gel contains several essential oils known for their therapeutic benefits to encourage relaxation, balance energy, and nourish and refresh the skin.

Essential oils: bergamot, blue tansy, clary sage, fennel, jasmine , lavender, lemon, mandarin, marjoram, palmarosa, Roman chamomile, rosewood, sage, ylang ylang Item no. 373902 236ml

Essential oils: jasmine , rosewood, ylang ylang Item no. 374802 236ml



Essential living

Essential oils: blue tansy, frankincense, rosewood, spruce Item no. 368002 99.25g

Evening Peace Bath & Shower Gel Evening Peace™ bath & shower gel refreshes the skin and calms the mind. Essential oils such as sandalwood, Roman chamomile, ylang ylang, and geranium invoke feelings of serenity and relaxation to soothe and nourish.


Essential living

Lavender Volume Shampoo TO BE DISCONTINUED Lavender volume shampoo gently cleanses and volumises fine hair while nourishing and restoring balance. Renewing and invigorating, this shampoo contains MSM, a sulfur compound known for its hairstrengthening qualities. â€

Essential oils: lavender, lemon, clary sage, jasmine Item no. 510002 236ml

Lavender Volume Conditioner TO BE DISCONTINUED Lavender volume conditioner helps strengthen weak and limp hair. It conditions and aids hair in rejuvenating itself and restoring essential nutrients. A great follow-up to lavender volume shampoo. â€

Essential oils: lavender, lemon, clary sage, jasmine Item no. 510202 236ml



LemonSage Clarifying Conditioner TO BE DISCONTINUED LemonSage clarifying conditioner nourishes without weighing hair down. This rich, creamy conditioner provides proprietary vitamin complexes and proteins, especially important for oily hair. Essential oils: lemon, geranium, sage, lime, pine, Roman chamomile, ylang ylang Item no. 512302 236ml

Rosewood Moisturising Shampoo TO BE DISCONTINUED Rosewood moisturising shampoo gently cleanses dry or damaged hair. The botanical herbal extracts, vitamins, and essential oils remove build-up from commercial hair products while maximising body and moisture. Essential oils: clary sage, rosewood, bergamot, geranium, sandalwood, wintergreen Item no. 510902 236ml

LemonSage Clarifying Shampoo TO BE DISCONTINUED LemonSage clarifying shampoo is fortified with botanical extracts, vitamins, and essential oils to remove the harsh effects of hard water, chlorine, trace metals, medications, environmental pollutants, and product build-up.

Rosewood Moisturising Conditioner TO BE DISCONTINUED Rosewood moisturising conditioner deeply moisturises, protects, and de-frizzes hair. Designed specifically to complement rosewood moisturising shampoo, this rinse nourishes damaged, overprocessed hair.

Essential oils: lemon, geranium, sage, lime, pine, ylang ylang, Roman chamomile Item no. 511902 236ml

Essential oils: clary sage, rosewood, bergamot, geranium, sandalwood, wintergreen Item no. 511302 236ml

Copaiba-Vanilla Moisturising Shampoo Plant-based, safe, and environmentally responsible, copaiba-vanilla shampoo is a rich, hydrating formulation suitable for dry or damaged hair.

Copaiba-Vanilla Moisturising Conditioner Plant-based, safe, and environmentally responsible, copaiba-vanilla conditioner is a rich, hydrating formulation suitable for dry or damaged hair. Essential oils: rosemary, lavender, copaiba, geranium, vanilla, lime Item no. 5195121 295ml

Essential oils: rosemary, lavender, peppermint, spearmint Item no. 5191121 295ml

Essential living

Essential oils: rosemary, lavender, copaiba, geranium, vanilla, lime Item no. 5194121 295ml

Lavender Mint Daily Shampoo Plant-based, safe, and environmentally responsible, lavender-mint shampoo is an invigorating blend suitable for all hair types.

Lavender Mint Daily Conditioner Plant-based, safe, and environmentally responsible, lavender-mint conditioner is an invigorating blend suitable for all hair types. Essential oils: rosemary, lavender, peppermint, spearmint Item no. 5192121 295ml


Jasmine is an absolute or essence rather than essential oil. Consult individual product labels for safety information.



Essential living

MASSAGE Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil Cel-Lite Magic™ massage oil tones and nourishes the skin with pure vegetable oils, vitamin E, and therapeutic-grade essential oils. Grapefruit oil improves skin texture, while juniper oil helps detoxify and cleanse.

Ortho Sport Massage Oil Ortho Sport® massage oil provides soothing relief for tired, overworked muscles after exercise and sports. This blend combines pure vegetable oils with therapeutic-grade essential oils such as wintergreen, peppermint, thyme, and oregano.

Essential oils: grapefruit, cedarwood, clary sage, cypress, juniper

Essential oils: wintergreen, Eucalyptus globulus, lemongrass, peppermint, elemi, thyme, oregano, vetiver

Item no. 303502 236ml

Item no. 303202 236ml

Dragon Time Massage Oil Dragon Time™ massage oil is recommended for both young and mature women, and combines specially blended vegetable oils with lavender, ylang ylang, and other essential oils that deliver natural phytoestrogens to balance and stabilise the body. †

Essential oils: lavender, sage, yarrow, fennel, ylang ylang, jasmine , clary sage

Essential oils: tangerine, peppermint, rosewood, lavender, spearmint, ylang ylang

Item no. 303402 236ml

Item no. 303702 236ml

Ortho Ease Massage Oil Designed to relax and soothe tired, stressed muscles, Ortho Ease® massage oil is a calming blend of vegetable oils and therapeuticgrade essential oils such as wintergreen, peppermint, juniper, and marjoram.

Sensation Massage Oil Sensation™ massage oil inspires the senses and encourages feelings of romance and youthfulness. This special blend of vegetable oils and essential oils leaves skin feeling smooth and soft.

Essential oils: wintergreen, Eucalyptus globulus, thyme, juniper, lemongrass, Eucalyptus radiata, peppermint, marjoram, vetiver

Item no. 303602 236ml

Item no. 303302 236ml



Relaxation Massage Oil Relaxation™ massage oil promotes tranquility and eases tension to restore vitality. This formula blends specially selected vegetable oils with soothing essential oils such as lavender, tangerine, rosewood, and spearmint for maximum stress relief.

Essential oils: rosewood, ylang ylang, jasmine

V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex V-6™ enhanced vegetable oil complex can be used to create custom massage oils or to dilute essential oils for sensitive skin.

Essential living

How to use: for direct application, blend 1 drop essential oil in 1 to 8 tsp. V-6. For topical applications, apply 15 to 30 drops of essential oils to 1/8 to 1/4 cup V-6. Stronger oils (e.g. cinnamon, clove, oregano etc) require more dilution than gentler oils. Item no. 303102 236ml

V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex Refill The new V-6™ enhanced vegetable oil complex 944ml economy size reduces waste and allows you to order less frequently. How to use: for direct application, blend 1 drop essential oil in 1 to 8 tsp. V-6. For topical applications, apply 15 to 30 drops of essential oils to 1/8 to 1/4 cup V-6. Stronger oils (e.g. cinnamon, clove, oregano etc) require more dilution than gentler oils. Item no. 303002 944ml


Jasmine is an absolute or essence rather than essential oil. Consult individual product labels for safety information.



Essential living

KIDSCENTS KidScents Bath Gel KidScents® bath gel is a safe, gentle soap that cleanses and protects sensitive skin. Formulated with MSM, aloe vera, antioxidants, and therapeutic-grade essential oils, this liquid soap is pH balanced for children's skin.

KidScents Tender Tush KidScents® Tender Tush™ is a safe, gentle ointment that moisturises and nourishes dry, chapped skin. Formulated with natural vegetable oils and essential oils, Tender Tush is soothing and protective for delicate skin.

Essential oils: cedarwood, geranium

Essential oils: blue tansy, cistus, frankincense, lavender, Roman chamomile, rosewood, sandalwood

Item no. 368402 240g

Item no. 368902 60g

KidScents Lotion KidScents® lotion contains gentle, safe ingredients to moisturise and soften sensitive skin. The premium blend of MSM, shea butter, aloe vera, and essential oils promotes healthy skin for children of all ages. Essential oils: cedarwood, geranium, rosewood, Western red cedar Item no. 368202 240g

KidScents Toothpaste KidScents® toothpaste is a safe, natural alternative to commercial brands of toothpaste. Formulated with essential oils, Young Living's toothpaste for kids gently cleans teeth and tastes great without synthetic dyes or flavours. Essential oils: cinnamon bark, clove, Eucalyptus radiata, lemon, orange, peppermint, rosemary, spearmint Item no. 368702 113.4g

KidScents Shampoo KidScents® shampoo contains no synthetic perfumes, colours, or toxic ingredients. The natural components in this shampoo effectively yet gently cleanse without causing irritation. Essential oils: blue tansy, lemon, tangerine Item no. 368602 240g



Thieves Essential Oil Blend The revolutionary Thieves速 blend contains powerful essential oils that defend and protect. Diffuse throughout the home to kill airborne bacteria or apply on the bottom of feet for an internal boost. of clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, and Eucalyptus radiata essential oils. Young Living's proprietary essential oil blend is based on a legend of thieves in fourteenth century France who used clove and other aromatics to protect themselves while robbing plague victims. Unlike many products that rely heavily on harsh chemicals, these natural plant solutions are powerful yet safe enough to be used daily. Proven 99.9 percent effective against airborne bacteria, Young Living's Thieves essential oil blend has inspired an entire line of solutions for home and body, including oral care, hand care, and household products.

Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata Item no. 342302 15ml

Thieves Cleansing Bar Soap Young Living's line of natural bar soaps offer ultra-cleansing benefits plus the power of pure essential oils. Containing the legendary Thieves速 oil blend, this bar soap is ideal for purifying skin. Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata Item no. 367902 99.25g

Thieves Foaming Hand Soap Cleanse, defend, and condition your skin with Thieves速 foaming hand soap. Blending Thieves, lemon, and orange essential oils with other natural ingredients, it's a gentle yet effective alternative to chemical soaps. Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata, orange Item no. 367402 1pk, 236.5ml Item no. 364302 3pk, 236.5ml ea




Cleanse and defend with Thieves速, a highly effective combination

Thieves |


Thieves Foaming Hand Soap Refill Be green and purchase Thieves® foaming hand soap in a refill pack! Simply top up your existing hand soap pump bottle when it is running low with the contents of your refill pack to be more ecologically friendly.

Thieves Dentarome Plus Toothpaste Usually preferred by adults, Thieves® Dentarome Plus toothpaste contains well-proven ingredients—thymol and eugenol—found in clove and thyme essential oils along with baking soda to minimise odour.

Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata, orange Item no. 359402 944ml

Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata, peppermint, wintergreen, thyme Item no. 373802 113.4g

Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier Convenient, portable, and long-lasting, Thieves® waterless hand purifier is enhanced with natural peppermint oil, aloe, and vegetable glycerine to cleanse, purify, and moisturise hands.

Thieves Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste Thieves® Dentarome Ultra toothpaste is an advanced formula of allnatural ingredients that gently cleanse your teeth while harnessing the power of Thieves essential oil blend for fresh breath.

Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata, peppermint Item no. 362102 1pk, 29.35g Item no. 362202 3pk, 29.35g ea

Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata, peppermint, wintergreen, Eucalyptus globulus, thyme Item no. 374402 118g

Thieves Dentarome Toothpaste Preferred by children and those with sensitive gums, Thieves® Dentarome toothpaste contains an exclusive formula of all-natural, plant-derived ingredients, such as odour-absorbing baking soda and Thieves essential oil blend.

Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash Thieves Fresh Essence® Plus mouthwash blends Thieves, peppermint, spearmint, and vetiver essential oils for an extra clean mouth and fresh breath. It contains only natural ingredients and uses a patented time-release technology for lasting freshness.

Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata, peppermint, wintergreen Item no. 373702 113.4g

Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata, peppermint, spearmint, vetiver Item no. 368302 236ml

Thieves Dental Floss Infused with Thieves and peppermint essential oils, Thieves® dental floss is a natural alternative to commercial floss.

Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata Item no. 374302 428ml

Thieves Wipes Thieves® wipes are infused with the renowned benefits of Thieves essential oil blend. Thieves wipes can be used to cleanse the skin or any surface that needs cleaning.

Thieves Autoship Pack Experience the benefits of Thieves and Young Living's Essential Rewards programme with the Thieves® Autoship Pack.

Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata Item no. 375602 30 wipes

Cleaner 428ml; 3x Thieves Spray 29.5ml; 2x Thieves Foaming Hand Soap 236ml; 1x Thieves Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste 118g; 1x Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash 236ml Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata, peppermint, wintergreen, Eucalyptus globulus, thyme Item no. 369702

Not for use on infants or sensitive areas of the body

Pack contains: 1x Thieves essential oil blend 15ml; 2x Thieves Household

Available only for wholesale members

Thieves Spray Thieves® spray is a portable cleansing spray ideal for purifying small surfaces. Thieves spray can be used on doorknobs, handles, toilet seats, and more. Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata Item no. 326502 1pk, 29.5ml Item no. 326602 3pk, 29.5ml ea Not for use on infants or sensitive areas of the body




Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata, peppermint Item no. 446302 1pk, 40m Item no. 446402 3pk, 40m ea

Thieves Household Cleaner Thieves® household cleaner is an all-purpose, concentrated cleanser formulated with 100 percent plant- and mineral-based ingredients. Ecologically friendly and biodegradable, try Thieves household cleaner today.


Essential education & sharing Essential education

One of the most exciting aspects of being involved with Young Living is the opportunity to share the benefits of therapeutic-grade essential oils with others. Share Young Living often with the latest product education and business materials. Young Living flyers, brochures, booklets, and DVDs are a great way to learn more about our products or share our home-based business opportunity with others.

Start Living Enrolment Kit Join Young Living as a wholesale member to receive wholesale pricing (a 24 percent discount) on all Young Living products. Gain exclusive access to our training materials and begin earning extra income as you share our products with others. Ready to begin the journey of a lifetime? To start living, visit our website at and click on the 'Abundance' tab or phone Customer Care on 07 3715 7333 and order your Start Living kit.

Contains: • Free diffuser voucher • Product guide • Policies and Procedures • Application & Agreement forms • Order forms • Direct Credit of Commissions form • Direct Debit form • Creating Abundance booklet • A.R.T booklet • Everyday Oils booklet • NingXia Red booklet • Thieves booklet • Omega Blue brochure • Restore Your Core brochure • Assorted DVDs • 3x NingXia Red Singles (29.5ml ea) • 1 lavender essential oil (5ml) • 1 peppermint essential oil (5ml) Item no. 369302 Contents are subject to change and may vary without notice



ESSENTIAL REWARDS Everyday Nutrition Autoship Pack SAVE $7.50 wholesale!

Contains: 2x NingXia Red, 1L; 1x Omega Blue, 90 softgels Essential oils: lemon, orange, clove, German chamomile, lemongrass, myrrh Item no. 302202

Get more from your Young Living membership! Enrol in our convenient Essential Rewards™ autoship programme. Essential Rewards members enjoy: • Free product by redeeming Essential Rewards points

A·R·T Autoship Pack

• Compensation and bonus reward opportunities

SAVE $68.50 wholesale! Contains: 1x A·R·T Gentle Foaming Cleanser, 100ml; 1x A·R·T Day Activator, 30ml; 1x A·R·T Night Reconstructor, 30ml; 1x A·R·T Purifying Toner, 118ml Essential oils: frankincense, German chamomile, sandalwood, lavender, lemon, melissa, peppermint Item no. 376502

• Reduced shipping rates • Hassle-free monthly shipments

Simply select your favourite Young Living products or our easy Essential Rewards autoship packs, then visit, phone Customer Care on 07 3715 7333, or fax your signed Essential Rewards Agreement to 07 3715 7933.

NingXia Red Autoship Pack

Thieves Autoship Pack

SAVE $19.92 wholesale!

SAVE $43.50 wholesale!

Contains: 4x NingXia Red, 1L; 10x NingXia Red Singles, 30ml

Experience the benefits of Thieves and Young Living's Essential Rewards programme with the Thieves® Autoship Pack.

Essential oils: lemon, orange Item no. 369902

Contains: 1x Thieves essential oil blend, 15ml; 2x Thieves Household Cleaner, 428ml; 3x Thieves Spray, 29.5ml; 2x Thieves Foaming Hand Soap, 236ml; 1x Thieves Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste, 118g; 1x Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash, 236ml Essential oils: clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, Eucalyptus radiata, peppermint, wintergreen, Eucalyptus globulus, thyme Item no. 369702



Essential education

In today's busy world, we need all the help we can get. That's where Essential Rewards comes in. Each month, have the products you use and need, like toothpaste, mouthwash, shampoo, conditioner, soap, and household cleaner shipped straight to your door. Essential Rewards eliminates the need to buy cheap and nasty supermarket goods as well as eliminating harsh chemicals from your life, all while saving you money. This is just one way that Essential Rewards can make your life that little bit simpler, so go ahead and reward yourself !

EDUCATION DVDs Item no. 379002 Item no. 410402

Essential education

Item no. 399802

Item no. 361902

BOOKLETS AND BROCHURES NingXia Red 1pk NingXia Red 10pk

Item no. 348502

Creating Abundance booklet 4pk

Item no. 318202

Essential Oil User's Guide booklet 10pk

Item no. 349302

Everyday Oils booklet 10pk

Item no. 111002

NingXia Red booklet 10pk

Item no. 102402

Omega Blue flyer 50pk

Item no. 390802

Restore Your Core flyer 25pk

Item no. 447802

Thieves booklet 10pk

Raindrop Technique (Beginners) 1pk Seed to Abundance 1pk

BUSINESS TOOLS Item no. 386402

Application & Agreement forms 4pk

Item no. 100702

Business Cards 500pk

Item no. 100902

Direct Debit Agreement forms 10pk

Item no. 386202

Order forms 10pk

Item no. 386302

Price Lists 4pk

Item no. 384902

Product Guide 1pk Product Guide 10pk

Item no. 385002



Chakra system WHAT ARE CHAKRAS? Chakras (pronounced shock – ruhs) are energy centres scattered right throughout the body, dictating the flow of energy. Each chakra corresponds to a number of different issues. When the mind is focussed on a particular concern, for example, issues relating to money, the energy generated from those thoughts will be directed to the related chakra. At the most basic level, each chakra is attuned to a particular colour, starting at red and continuing to violet or white. Healthy chakras should spin like a wheel in a clockwise direction, glowing brightly.

Blocked or dirty chakras slow down the flow of energy. A person with blocked chakras may often feel depressed, out of touch, lost, tired, unable to clearly think, or listless. They may get angry for no reason, be afraid, be unsure of themselves, lack self-confidence, be unhappy without a direct understood reason, or have a general negative outlook on life.1 Chakras can be brought back into balance through visualisation, meditation, and essential oils. Simply apply the corresponding oil of your choice to the related chakra location, and visualise that chakra glowing brightly and spinning clockwise.







Located between your bellybutton and the base of your spine, the sacral chakra is the centre of your creativity, desire, emotion, sexuality, and intuition. This is where you learn how to give and receive pleasure.

Located directly behind your belly-button, the solar plexus is the centre of personal power, ambition, intellect, astral force, desire, and emotions based on intellect and touch.

Located in the middle of your chest, the heart chakra is the centre of compassion, love, group consciousness, and spirituality associated with 'oneness' and 'all that is'.

Located around your Adam's apple in your throat, the throat chakra is the centre of communication, sound, and expression of creativity via thought, speech, and writing.

Located slightly above and between your eyebrows, the third eye is the centre of physic power, higher intuition, the energies of the spirit, magnetic forces, and light.

Located inside the top of your head, the crown chakra is the centre of spirituality, enlightenment, dynamic thought, and energy. The keyword is inspiration. This is the connecting link to your highest and finest self.

Corresponds to issues relating to:

Corresponds to issues relating to:

Corresponds to issues relating to:

Corresponds to issues relating to:

Corresponds to issues relating to:

Corresponds to issues relating to:

Corresponds to issues relating to:

• Finances • Physical safety • Career • Needs • Home • Possessions

• Cravings for physical pleasures

• Relationships

• Control

• Love

• Speaking your truth

• People attachments

• Communication projects

• Forgiveness or unforgiveness

• Asking for your needs to be met

• Addictions • Your body

A healthy root chakra should be bright sparkling red

A healthy sacral chakra should be brilliant orange

Corresponding oils: Abundance, frankincense, geranium, Release, Valor How: apply topically to the bottoms of the feet and sacrum

Corresponding oils: orange, Highest Potential, Harmony, patchouli, Peace & Calming How: apply topically below the navel


• Power

A healthy solar plexus should be bright sunshine yellow

A healthy heart chakra should be sparkling emerald green

A healthy throat chakra should be a beautiful sky blue

Corresponding oils: lemon, grapefruit, Forgiveness, Highest Potential, Harmony, En-R-Gee How: apply topically around your navel

Corresponding oils: peppermint, jasmine, Joy How: apply topically to the centre of the chest at heart level

Corresponding oils: Valor, EndoFlex, Inspiration, Believe How: apply topically to the posterior neck and the base of the occiput (the back part of the head or skull)

D Virtue, Chakra clearing: awakening your spiritual power to know and heal, Hay House Australia, Alexandria, 1998.

• The future

• God

• The past

• Religion or spirituality

• Beliefs about spirits

• Divine guidance • Trust

A healthy third eye should be deep indigo blue Corresponding oils: juniper, lavender, Awaken, frankincense, peppermint How: apply topically to the middle of the forehead and above the eyebrows

A healthy crown chakra should be rich purple sparkling with diamond white light Corresponding oils: White Angelica, helichrysum, rose, sacred frankincense, lavender How: apply to the crown of the head



Chakra system

ROOT CHAKRA Located at the base of your spine, the root (or base) chakra is the first and most important chakra for yoga or any kind of healing work. They key words here are courage, security, safety, grounding, and boundaries.

Index Abundance......................................20 Acceptance...................................... 20 AlkaLime..........................................36 Aria Diffuser..................................... 33 Aroma Complete collection.............. 32 Aroma Life....................................... 20 Aroma Siez...................................... 21 A路R路T...................................... 41,42,55 Australian Blue.................................21 Awaken........................................... 21

B Balance Complete............................ 36 Balsam Fir (Idaho)............................. 7 Basil................................................. 7 Bath & shower gels.......................... 45 Believe............................................. 21 Bergamot.......................................... 8 Black pepper...................................... 8 BLM.................................................36 Blue Agave...................................... 37 Boswellia wrinkle cream................... 43 Brain Power......................................21 Breathe Again Roll-On......................31 Brochures........................................ 56 Business cards..................................56

C Carry cases..................................34,35 CDs................................................. 56 Cedarwood........................................8 Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil.............. 48



Citrus Fresh......................................22 Christmas Spirit................................21 Cinnamint Lip Balm..........................43 Cinnamon Bark.................................. 8 Cistus................................................ 8 ClaraDerm....................................... 43 Clarity.............................................. 22 Clary Sage......................................... 8 Clove................................................. 9 Common Sense................................22 Conditioners............................... 46,47 Copaiba.............................................9 Copaiba-Vanilla Moisturising Conditioner................................... 47 Copaiba-Vanilla Moisturising Shampoo.......................................47 Core Essentials................................. 40 Coriander...........................................9 Cypress.............................................. 9

D Deep Relief Roll-On.......................... 31 Dental Floss..................................... 53 Deodorant....................................... 44 Diffusers.......................................... 33 Digest + Cleanse............................. 37 Dill.....................................................9 Di-Gize............................................ 22 Dorado Azul.................................... 10 Douglas Fir.......................................10 Dragon Time....................................22 Dragon Time Massage Oil................ 48

Dream Catcher................................. 22 DVDs............................................... 56



Harmony..........................................24 Helichrysum.....................................12 Highest Potential..............................24 Home Diffuser..................................33 Hope............................................... 24 Humility........................................... 24 Hyssop.............................................12

Elemi............................................... 10 EndoFlex..........................................23 En-R-Gee......................................... 23 Envision........................................... 23 Essential Beauty Serums................... 42 Essential Oil Diffuser.........................33 Eucalyptus Blue................................10 Eucalyptus radiata............................10 Everyday Oils collection.................... 32 Everyday Nutrition Autoship Pack..... 40



I Idaho Balsam Fir................................ 7 ImmuPower..................................... 25 Inner Child.......................................25 Inspiration....................................... 25

Feelings collection............................32 Fennel..............................................10 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse.................... 40 Flyers............................................... 56 Forgiveness...................................... 23 Forms.............................................. 56 Frankincense....................................11




Galbanum....................................... 11 Gathering........................................ 23 Genesis Hand & Body Lotion............ 44 Gentle Baby..................................... 23 Geranium........................................ 11 Ginger............................................. 11 Goldenrod....................................... 11 Grapefruit........................................11 Gratitude.........................................24


Jasmine........................................... 12 Joy...................................................25 Juniper.............................................12 Juva Cleanse.................................... 25 JuvaFlex........................................... 25 JuvaPower........................................37

L Laurus nobilis...................................12 LavaDerm Cooling Mist.................... 44 Lavender.......................................... 13 Lavender Volume Conditioner...........46 Lavender Volume Shampoo..............46 Lavender Mint Daily Conditioner.......47




M Magnify Your Purpose......................26 Marjoram........................................ 13 Massage oil..................................... 48 MegaCal.......................................... 37 Melaleuca alternifolia.......................13 Melissa............................................ 14 Melrose........................................... 26 M-Grain...........................................26 Mineral Essence............................... 37 Mister.............................................. 26 Morning Start Bath & Shower Gel.... 45 Motivation.......................................26 Mountain Savory..............................14 Mouthwash..................................... 52 Myrrh.............................................. 14 Myrtle..............................................14

N NingXia Red...........................39,40,55 NingXia Red Autoship Pack......... 40,55 NingXia wolfberries..........................40 Nutmeg...........................................14

O Ocotea............................................ 14 Oil bags......................................34,35 Omega Blue softgels........................ 38 Oral care................................50,52,53 Orange............................................ 15 Orange blossom facial wash.............42 Oregano.......................................... 15 Ortho Ease massage oil.................... 48 Ortho Sport massage oil.................. 48

P Palo Santo....................................... 15 PanAway..........................................27 Patchouli..........................................15 Peace & Calming..............................27 Peppermint...................................... 15 Petitgrain.........................................15 Pine................................................. 16 Present Time.................................... 27 Purification...................................... 27

R Raindrop Technique collection..........32 Raven.............................................. 27 Ravensara........................................ 16 R.C. ................................................ 27 Relaxation massage oil..................... 48 Release............................................ 28 Relieve It..........................................28 Roman Chamomile.......................... 16 Rose................................................ 16 Rosemary......................................... 16

Rosewood....................................... 17 Rosewood Moisturising Conditioner 46 Rosewood Moisturising Shampoo.... 46 RutaVaLa......................................... 28 RutaVaLa Roll-On............................. 31

S Sacred Frankincense.........................17 Sacred Mountain............................. 28 Sage................................................ 17 Sandalwood.................................... 17 Sandalwood Moisture Cream........... 43 SARA............................................... 28 Satin Facial Scrub Mint.....................42 SclarEssence.................................... 28 Sensation.........................................29 Sensation Massage Oil..................... 48 Shampoo.............................. 46,47,50 Shower gel...................................... 45 Soap................................................44 Spearmint........................................17 Spikenard........................................ 17 Spruce............................................. 18 Start Living kit..................................54 Stress Away Roll-On......................... 31 Sulfurzyme...................................... 38 Surrender.........................................29

T Tangerine.........................................18 Tarragon.......................................... 18 Thieves.................................. 29,52,53 Thieves Autoship Pack................. 53,55

3 Wise Men..................................... 29 Thyme............................................. 18 Toothpaste................................. 50,52 Tranquil Roll-On............................... 31 Transformation................................ 29 Trauma Life......................................29 Tsuga...............................................18 Twelve Oils of Ancient Scripture collection.......................................32

U Ultrasonic Diffuser............................33 V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex........................................ 49

V Valerian........................................... 18 Valor............................................... 30 Valor Roll-On................................... 31 Vetiver............................................. 19

W Waterless Hand Purifier.................... 52 Western Red Cedar...........................19 White Angelica................................ 30 White Fir.......................................... 19 Wintergreen.................................... 19 Wolfberries...................................... 40 Wolfberry Eye Cream....................... 43 Wolfberry Crisp Bars........................ 40

Y Ylang Ylang..................................... 19




Lavender Mint Daily Shampoo........... 7 Ledum............................................. 13 Lemon............................................. 13 LemonSage Clarifying Conditioner.... 46 LemonSage Clarifying Shampoo....... 46 Lemongrass..................................... 13 Lip balm.......................................... 43 Longevity......................................... 26 Longevity softgels............................ 37




Application chart Each single essential oil and essential oil blend sold by Young Living is categorised below into two areas: aromatic (inhalation) and topical application. Categorisation of each oil is based upon well-documented, scientific information, as well as literature from respected experts in essential oils. This information is intended to guide you in essential oil use, however qualified health professionals may offer additional guidance and should be contacted for disease or serious health conditions. See individual bottle labels for specific directions. SINGLE OILS Balsam Fir ( Idaho ) G



Dilution is not required. Suitable for topical use on all but the most sensitive skin. Generally safe for younger children. Diffuse up to one hour three times daily.

YELLOW Dilution recommended only for application. Diffuse up to 30 minutes three times daily.






Cassia Cedarwood

ORANGE Avoid using on areas of skin that are frequently exposed to prolonged sunlight or UV rays. Avoid direct sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying to skin.



Always dilute before use. Recommended for adult use only. Diffuse no more than 10 minutes three times daily in a wellventilated room.


Use oil only as indicated.



Citrus oils should not be applied to skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light within 48 hours.



Clary Sage












Onycha Oregano

















Roman Chamomile














Ginger Goldenrod Helichrysum






Spearmint Spikenard











Majoram Melaleuca alternifolia









Western Red Cedar


White Fir


Wintergreen Ylang Ylang



























Laurus nobilis G




Juniper Lavender





















Douglas Fir Eucalyptus radiata


Peppermint Y










Hyssop B




Mountain Savoury








Cinnamon Bark Cistus



Cypress O







For more information, please contact this wholesale member (Independent Distributor): 1/23 Perivale Street, Darra QLD 4076 Š 2011 Young Living Essential Oils All rights reserved.

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